Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Reagan had the same thing going for him. He would take a criticism, turn it into a funny anecdote and use it to drive home a talking point. Over and over, he did it and his opponents never seemed to learn. Someone else who had that going for them was Clinton... he'd bite that bottom lip and women's panties would get wet all over the country. How could you not believe he felt your pain?

But... You know who DOESN'T have that ability? (Hint: She will be the DNC nominee.)
Where they differ is Reagan 11th Commandment, "Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican."

Yes, I know his 11th, but several things... It's a different time and era. Reagan wasn't dealing with radical Socialists on both sides. His 'establishment' counterpart was much closer to conservative than the current RINOs in DC. They didn't particularly like Reagan's economic policies but they were okay with him otherwise, especially when he trounced them to win the nomination.

Another thing was, the media behaved differently then. It was a slower pace and cycle and not nearly as 'hypersensitive' to every little thing. Had Reagan endured something like that, he may have been as bombastic and controversial as Trump... we don't know. Like I said, he had a way of spinning the pie right back around and dumping it in your stupid liberal face.

No... he didn't name names, he often just said "our leaders in Washington" and people knew who he meant. As for his commandment... do you recall his famous words at the Republican primary debates? "I PAID FOR THIS MIKE!" ...Reagan took no shit, even from his own party.
So that's the excuse for making personal attack on people instead of attacking issues and philosophies they support.

In debating issues, personal attacks are just an admission that you have nothing else to offer. It appears Trump is dragging down many of his opponents and even ones that aren't in the race to his level of naming calling and insults.

If you will notice, Trump's so-called attacks have all be in reply to an attack issued against him. And in every case Trump has won the exchange.
Of course. When it comes to trading insults and naming calling Trump is a master at it. He has been doing it for at least 20 years. It will be interesting to see how that works for him in the debates.
Considering the history of strange deaths of those that threaten the clintons for the last 25 years, It will be more interesting to see if Trump makes it to those debates.
You don't seem to get the point. McCain's comments about Trump supporters should not have prompted Trump's personal attack. There is no reason why Trump should have attacked.him. He's not in the race. Yes, Trump can't stand McCain but that's irrelevant. The race for president is not a game to see who can launch the most vile personal attack.

I have to wonder if the only reason Trump is in the race is to capture the Bully Pulpit where world would will listen to him.


I'm sorry... Some reporter asked McCain about what he thought of Donald Trump and McCain replied... I think he has all the crazies stirred up! Now... How do you figure that isn't a personal attack on Trump?

There was no "vile personal attack" of John McCain on behalf of Trump... Remember, THAT was the spin you libtards attempted to put on it and it backfired? Trump bitch slapped McCain for taking a cheap shot at him and his supporters and his supporters LOVED it!
It doesn't matter whether Trump was attacked by McCain, Rosie O'donnell or whoever, he should not be engaged in personal attacks in a political campaign. However, this is what Trump does, attack the person which diverts attention from the issues. It get's more media coverage which is his goal.

Trump has compared himself to P.T. Barnum and I have to agree like Barnum, he is a masterful showman. He will say or do anything to maintain center stage.

are you really so stupid that you will sit there and claim that the dems did not use personal attacks on Romney, McCain, Palin, and every other GOP candidate. Do you think that the clintons have not tried to destroy everyone who ever dared oppose them?

you are either very naive or very stupid.
Of course, the Democrats launch personal attacks. All politicians do. However, Trump has made a career of it. He attacks anyone who he believes is disparaging his good name. He keeps his lawyers busy filing law suits and threats of suits. It doesn't matter who they are. That's fine for a TV personality who thrives on his constant battles with the famous and not so famous but not for a President.
You don't seem to get the point. McCain's comments about Trump supporters should not have prompted Trump's personal attack. There is no reason why Trump should have attacked.him. He's not in the race. Yes, Trump can't stand McCain but that's irrelevant. The race for president is not a game to see who can launch the most vile personal attack.

I have to wonder if the only reason Trump is in the race is to capture the Bully Pulpit where world would will listen to him.


I'm sorry... Some reporter asked McCain about what he thought of Donald Trump and McCain replied... I think he has all the crazies stirred up! Now... How do you figure that isn't a personal attack on Trump?

There was no "vile personal attack" of John McCain on behalf of Trump... Remember, THAT was the spin you libtards attempted to put on it and it backfired? Trump bitch slapped McCain for taking a cheap shot at him and his supporters and his supporters LOVED it!
It doesn't matter whether Trump was attacked by McCain, Rosie O'donnell or whoever, he should not be engaged in personal attacks in a political campaign. However, this is what Trump does, attack the person which diverts attention from the issues. It get's more media coverage which is his goal.

Trump has compared himself to P.T. Barnum and I have to agree like Barnum, he is a masterful showman. He will say or do anything to maintain center stage.

...he should not be engaged in personal attacks in a political campaign.
:rofl: So I guess ONLY *Democrats can engage in personal attacks during a campaign? :dunno:

(* and John McCain if he's attacking a Conservative)

What planet have you been living on that we didn't have candidates making personal attacks... oh wait, it was "beneath" McCain and Romney to do so... maybe THAT is where you got that idea? Well guess what? There's a new sheriff in town and he has a different strategy... one that is working.

Trump is not "saying or doing anything to maintain center stage." He gave a speech where he honestly conveyed the problem of illegal immigration and the left tried to manipulate his comments into something that wasn't said. The controversy put Trump in the spotlight and he relished every second. Trump didn't create that situation, the left did. The same with McCain... he didn't have to pop off about Trump having the crazies stirred up... that created a controversy and put the spotlight on Trump... where he relished every second. Trump isn't making people take these cheap pot shots at him, he is simply exploiting the media attention they create to his advantage. And you know what... There's not a damn thing in the world wrong with that.
Trump is the crack-cocaine of the low information voter. He is the culmination of the Sarah Palin phenomena, which is a process whereby the wealthy elite fund a message machine which uses terrorism and the culture war to scare people into the voting booth, where they unwittingly pull the lever for tax breaks to the 1%.
Of course, the Democrats launch personal attacks. All politicians do. However, Trump has made a career of it. He attacks anyone who he believes is disparaging his good name. He keeps his lawyers busy filing law suits and threats of suits. It doesn't matter who they are. That's fine for a TV personality who thrives on his constant battles with the famous and not so famous but not for a President.

What you are seeing is someone who knows how to deal with bullies. As president, he won't need to file law suits.... the president is a powerful man.

I would say, if you are going to take a swing at Trump you better make it count... and be prepared for the wicked counter-punch he will certainly deliver in return.
Trump is the crack-cocaine of the low information voter. He is the culmination of the Sarah Palin phenomena, which is a process whereby the wealthy elite fund a message machine which uses terrorism and the culture war to scare people into the voting booth, where they unwittingly pull the lever for tax breaks to the 1%.

You are doing the same thing McCain tried to do... disparaging Trump by denigrating his supporters. Fortunately, you have no political relevance and garner no media attention... so Trump isn't concerned with bitch slapping you.
a process whereby the wealthy elite fund a message machine

too stupid!!! whatever the message is its far far better than the liberal message that got 120 million people killed. Do you understand why the liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin and why the socialist Sanders is a liberal??
What you (and liberals) don't seem to be comprehending is what Trump can do with each one of these things being thrown at him. First of all, we already know about most of Trump's personal escapades and it's not a big deal. But hey... that doesn't stop an exuberant liberal from thinking "gotchya!" and running out there with some sensational story to tell... and what does Trump do? ...Turns it into political gold and laughs all the way to the political bank! He did it with immigration and with McCain, and liberals never saw what hit them. He knows how to play the BS game better than they do. He thrives on controversy and the media attention that comes with it. Free advertising! Network air time! You can't defeat him by putting him in the spotlight, he will beat you senseless.
Whether Trumps escapades are a big deal or not depends on who you are. For devout Christian conservatives, divorces, scandals, joking about about lack of church attendance is a big deal. For a Vet who volunteered and fought in Vietnam, Trump's draft dodging, and personal attacks on the service of someone who actually served their country is a big deal. For Mexican Americans,, repeated attacks against them and the nation of their birth is a big deal. And finally, the thousands of people and their supporters he has attacked, smeared, and sued, consider his vicious attacks a big deal.

Yes, Trump thrives on media attention and controversy as any good showman does.

Hey... All I can go by are the poll numbers at this point....

He announced his candidacy and was instantly #2 behind Jeb.
Made the Mexico comment... media reacted... tied with Jeb.
--McCain calls his supporters "crazies"
Made the McCain comment... media reacted.. pulled ahead of Jeb.
Graham reacted, Trump gave his cell phone # out... takes a double-digit lead over Jeb!

Now we have had a week of lions being killed and more shootings... Trump back down to 4 pt. lead.

Trump has NOT attacked Mexican-Americans, he has a good relationship with Mexican-Americans. Trump did not attack McCain's service, he made a comment about the kind of hero he preferred. But in BOTH cases, you tried to pull this libtard razzle-dazzle bullshit and turn it into that... and Trump turned it into political points both times. He's making you look a fool and enjoying it.... basking in the glory of it! ;)
Trump has 20% of the Republican vote or put another way, 80% is somewhere else.

I see no evidence of good relations with Mexican-Americans. I do see comments from Trump about rapists and murders being sent into the US by Mexico with tremendous infectious disease. I see almost unanimous condemnation from Latino media outlets and the Mexican government. I see those good relations with Mexican-Americans are translating to only 7% that would vote for him and 79% that find his remarks offensive.

Seventy-nine percent of the 1,400 Hispanic voters said that Trump’s comments were offensive; 71% had an unfavorable opinion of the candidate. A healthy majority of 61% said that his derogatory remarks were Trump’s views alone and did not reflect his party’s. Only 7% said they would vote for him.

And you see things through MSNBC-colored glasses.

It's up to about 25% now for Trump... not to shabby for a guy with NO political experience in a race with 17 experienced candidates. He leads both the Latino candidates including the Latino in Florida who he leads IN FLORIDA.... along with the brother and son of 2 former presidents and the former governor of the state. I think by all political estimations Trump is doing pretty fucking good.
I agree. Trump is doing amazingly well. However, in the general election he loses. Thirty percent of Republican said they would “definitely not support” him for the Republican nomination.The Democrats say they would pick anyone else over Trump.

Trump's lead in the polls is good news for Trump but it's also good news for Democrats.

Poll Trump Is Party Pick But Loses in General Election RealClearPolitics

We haven't even had the first primary yet, and already you're telling us the foregone conclusion about the general election.

Yeah, you chimps aren't scared at all. Pffft.

What-the hell-ever.
Trump is the crack-cocaine of the low information voter. He is the culmination of the Sarah Palin phenomena, which is a process whereby the wealthy elite fund a message machine which uses terrorism and the culture war to scare people into the voting booth, where they unwittingly pull the lever for tax breaks to the 1%.

You are doing the same thing McCain tried to do... disparaging Trump by denigrating his supporters. Fortunately, you have no political relevance and garner no media attention... so Trump isn't concerned with bitch slapping you.

Besides, we have that shit handled already.
Reagan had the same thing going for him. He would take a criticism, turn it into a funny anecdote and use it to drive home a talking point. Over and over, he did it and his opponents never seemed to learn. Someone else who had that going for them was Clinton... he'd bite that bottom lip and women's panties would get wet all over the country. How could you not believe he felt your pain?

But... You know who DOESN'T have that ability? (Hint: She will be the DNC nominee.)
Where they differ is Reagan 11th Commandment, "Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican."

Yes, I know his 11th, but several things... It's a different time and era. Reagan wasn't dealing with radical Socialists on both sides. His 'establishment' counterpart was much closer to conservative than the current RINOs in DC. They didn't particularly like Reagan's economic policies but they were okay with him otherwise, especially when he trounced them to win the nomination.

Another thing was, the media behaved differently then. It was a slower pace and cycle and not nearly as 'hypersensitive' to every little thing. Had Reagan endured something like that, he may have been as bombastic and controversial as Trump... we don't know. Like I said, he had a way of spinning the pie right back around and dumping it in your stupid liberal face.

No... he didn't name names, he often just said "our leaders in Washington" and people knew who he meant. As for his commandment... do you recall his famous words at the Republican primary debates? "I PAID FOR THIS MIKE!" ...Reagan took no shit, even from his own party.
So that's the excuse for making personal attack on people instead of attacking issues and philosophies they support.

In debating issues, personal attacks are just an admission that you have nothing else to offer. It appears Trump is dragging down many of his opponents and even ones that aren't in the race to his level of naming calling and insults.

Well see... I don't think Trump "personally attacked" anyone... that's YOUR take, not mine. Trump did nothing at all to Sen. McCain to cause him to call his supporters "crazies" ...that was all McCain's doing. Trump retaliated... that's not a personal attack to me. Lindsay Graham calling Trump a "jackass" is a personal attack... and he had his cell phone number disclosed for it. Anyone else got some bullshit you want to hurl at The Donald? lol
You don't seem to get the point. McCain's comments about Trump supporters should not have prompted Trump's personal attack. There is no reason why Trump should have attacked.him. He's not in the race. Yes, Trump can't stand McCain but that's irrelevant. The race for president is not a game to see who can launch the most vile personal attack.

I have to wonder if the only reason Trump is in the race is to capture the Bully Pulpit where world would will listen to him.


As one of the constituents so graciously attacked by my own fucking senior Senator, I respectfully disagree. McCain can go cry to someone who cares about how mean Trump was to him, and next time, he can shut his flapping gob.
I think one thing is certain, if Trump were nominated, it would certainly fire up Democratic support for Hillary. Democrats are not as fired up about Hillary as they were Obama but the possibility of a President Trump would be reason enough for Democrats to really get behind Hillary.

Several points:

If Trump wins the nomination, he will be riding a tidal wave of grass-roots support unlike anything seen in American politics for a long time. Juggernauts are not easy to stop.

Hillary is looking 'rachet' lately. I don't know if the hag can make it through the campaign season. She is going to need one hell of a running mate.

Hillary has only really won a single election in NY, where she has friends and supporters who paved the way for her ascension to the Senatorial seat... she has never been elected anywhere else. I am not sure she can win outside the bluest of the blue states.

Trump has a tremendous amount of appeal to people who may not ever vote but would vote for Trump. He has the potential to awaken a "silent majority" unlike any politician out there. He knows people all over the country. He could realistically WIN the State of New York.

And finally... I don't know that we can stand to elect Hillary... You know how men age so much and look so much more haggard at the end... we wouldn't be able to look at Hillary! When she gave speeches, we'd need a shield or something to protect our eyes.

I'd rather look at the dead cat on Trump's head than Hillary's crazed homicidal chipmunk face.
You don't seem to get the point. McCain's comments about Trump supporters should not have prompted Trump's personal attack. There is no reason why Trump should have attacked.him. He's not in the race. Yes, Trump can't stand McCain but that's irrelevant. The race for president is not a game to see who can launch the most vile personal attack.

I have to wonder if the only reason Trump is in the race is to capture the Bully Pulpit where world would will listen to him.


I'm sorry... Some reporter asked McCain about what he thought of Donald Trump and McCain replied... I think he has all the crazies stirred up! Now... How do you figure that isn't a personal attack on Trump?

There was no "vile personal attack" of John McCain on behalf of Trump... Remember, THAT was the spin you libtards attempted to put on it and it backfired? Trump bitch slapped McCain for taking a cheap shot at him and his supporters and his supporters LOVED it!
It doesn't matter whether Trump was attacked by McCain, Rosie O'donnell or whoever, he should not be engaged in personal attacks in a political campaign. However, this is what Trump does, attack the person which diverts attention from the issues. It get's more media coverage which is his goal.

Trump has compared himself to P.T. Barnum and I have to agree like Barnum, he is a masterful showman. He will say or do anything to maintain center stage.

are you really so stupid that you will sit there and claim that the dems did not use personal attacks on Romney, McCain, Palin, and every other GOP candidate. Do you think that the clintons have not tried to destroy everyone who ever dared oppose them?

you are either very naive or very stupid.
exactly, do you remember the liberals attacking McCain due to his age and the fact he wouldnt live through the end of his first term? and lets not even start on the things said about Palin.
I personally do not like McCain.

I actually remember quite a few potshots at McCain's war record. Funny how he's only an untouchable "hero" when it suits their purposes.
Reagan had the same thing going for him. He would take a criticism, turn it into a funny anecdote and use it to drive home a talking point. Over and over, he did it and his opponents never seemed to learn. Someone else who had that going for them was Clinton... he'd bite that bottom lip and women's panties would get wet all over the country. How could you not believe he felt your pain?

But... You know who DOESN'T have that ability? (Hint: She will be the DNC nominee.)
Where they differ is Reagan 11th Commandment, "Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican."

Yes, I know his 11th, but several things... It's a different time and era. Reagan wasn't dealing with radical Socialists on both sides. His 'establishment' counterpart was much closer to conservative than the current RINOs in DC. They didn't particularly like Reagan's economic policies but they were okay with him otherwise, especially when he trounced them to win the nomination.

Another thing was, the media behaved differently then. It was a slower pace and cycle and not nearly as 'hypersensitive' to every little thing. Had Reagan endured something like that, he may have been as bombastic and controversial as Trump... we don't know. Like I said, he had a way of spinning the pie right back around and dumping it in your stupid liberal face.

No... he didn't name names, he often just said "our leaders in Washington" and people knew who he meant. As for his commandment... do you recall his famous words at the Republican primary debates? "I PAID FOR THIS MIKE!" ...Reagan took no shit, even from his own party.
So that's the excuse for making personal attack on people instead of attacking issues and philosophies they support.

In debating issues, personal attacks are just an admission that you have nothing else to offer. It appears Trump is dragging down many of his opponents and even ones that aren't in the race to his level of naming calling and insults.

If you will notice, Trump's so-called attacks have all be in reply to an attack issued against him. And in every case Trump has won the exchange.
Of course. When it comes to trading insults and naming calling Trump is a master at it. He has been doing it for at least 20 years. It will be interesting to see how that works for him in the debates.

Well, it'll be a shit-ton more entertaining than the overprocessed politician-speak we're usually treated to.
Trump is the crack-cocaine of the low information voter. He is the culmination of the Sarah Palin phenomena, which is a process whereby the wealthy elite fund a message machine which uses terrorism and the culture war to scare people into the voting booth, where they unwittingly pull the lever for tax breaks to the 1%.

Look at your fucking President, and then tell me you really have the bald-faced effrontery to utter this load of steaming shit.
a process whereby the wealthy elite fund a message machine

too stupid!!! whatever the message is its far far better than the liberal message that got 120 million people killed. Do you understand why the liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin and why the socialist Sanders is a liberal??

Hey let's not knock Sanders! I think EVERY Liberal on this board needs to explain to us why they aren't supporting Bernie Sanders. His message is everything they stand for and represent. The Clinton's and Bush's practically take vacations together. Hillary is a career politician who has been angling for president since she left her lesbian girlfriend for Bill back in college.
He's also an egotistical, bloviating, pig....them's three more quals to his benefit....

Sent from my electronic, digital, gadget thingy no. 2
Of course, the Democrats launch personal attacks. All politicians do. However, Trump has made a career of it. He attacks anyone who he believes is disparaging his good name. He keeps his lawyers busy filing law suits and threats of suits. It doesn't matter who they are. That's fine for a TV personality who thrives on his constant battles with the famous and not so famous but not for a President.

What you are seeing is someone who knows how to deal with bullies. As president, he won't need to file law suits.... the president is a powerful man.

I would say, if you are going to take a swing at Trump you better make it count... and be prepared for the wicked counter-punch he will certainly deliver in return.
Yes, as president Trump would be very powerful and he won't need to threaten lawsuits against those that have attack him. He will have the bully pulpit to wage his verbal battles against all that offend him such John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, about half the senators, and I haven't even mention any Democrats. Then there are all the non-politician personalities he will have to deal with such as
Wooppe Goldberg, David Lettermen, Jerry Sinfeldt, Cher, Bob Schieffer, Bobby De Nero, Glen Beck, Timothy O’Brien, Karl Rowe, Rosie O’Donnell, Martha Stewart, NBC, Univision, all the bankruptcy judges, Neil Young, J Balvin, Roselyn Sánchez, Ricky Martin, Jorge Ramos, Becky G, Eva Longoria, Cheryl Burke, Flo Rida, Emmitt Smith, George Takei, America Ferrera, etc, etc.....
Of course, the Democrats launch personal attacks. All politicians do. However, Trump has made a career of it. He attacks anyone who he believes is disparaging his good name. He keeps his lawyers busy filing law suits and threats of suits. It doesn't matter who they are. That's fine for a TV personality who thrives on his constant battles with the famous and not so famous but not for a President.

What you are seeing is someone who knows how to deal with bullies. As president, he won't need to file law suits.... the president is a powerful man.

I would say, if you are going to take a swing at Trump you better make it count... and be prepared for the wicked counter-punch he will certainly deliver in return.
Yes, as president Trump would be very powerful and he won't need to threaten lawsuits against those that have attack him. He will have the bully pulpit to wage his verbal battles against all that offend him such John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, about half the senators, and I haven't even mention any Democrats. Then there are all the non-politician personalities he will have to deal with such as
Wooppe Goldberg, David Lettermen, Jerry Sinfeldt, Cher, Bob Schieffer, Bobby De Nero, Glen Beck, Timothy O’Brien, Karl Rowe, Rosie O’Donnell, Martha Stewart, NBC, Univision, all the bankruptcy judges, Neil Young, J Balvin, Roselyn Sánchez, Ricky Martin, Jorge Ramos, Becky G, Eva Longoria, Cheryl Burke, Flo Rida, Emmitt Smith, George Takei, America Ferrera, etc, etc.....

Lord have mercy... I've made two liberals stop talking to me today and now I've made one lose his marbles while posting... I must be on a roll!

As I said before... PRESIDENT Trump is a completely different animal than candidate Trump. The GOP in House and Senate will have come to terms with reality by the time he is inaugurated and there will be no shortage of politicians willing to hitch their wagon to Trump's agenda... including MOST of the political WHORES who are opposed to him now. So all this animosity and divisiveness you see, isn't going to happen. Yes... he will have enemies... all presidents do. But by and large, his party will support his agenda because that's what politicians do.

As for celebrities.. Not that the President of the US answers to them.... Trump has absolutely NO problem with most of them, even those who he disagrees with politically. He's closer to a pop-culture icon than anyone in politics. So again... not a problem as I see it.

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