Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

I think that he would make a great president... He is better than most of republicans and definitely better than all democrats. I wish him luck... Trump is a hero, Hillary is zero!!!
Apparently many think so....

Reuters Poll: Trump Leads Republican Presidential Race with 25 Percent (Jeb 12%)

Newsmax ^ | Wednesday, 29 Jul 2015 06:38 PM
Billionaire Donald Trump has taken a commanding lead in the race for the 2016 U.S. Republican presidential nomination with the support of 25 percent in a Reuters/Ipsos poll, giving him a double-digit advantage over nearest rival Jeb Bush. The poll shows Bush, the former Florida governor, trailing at 12 percent. It is a huge jump for Trump, who announced his candidacy for the November 2016 election six weeks ago - and this despite the criticism political rivals leveled at him for remarks this month belittling the military service of Senator John McCain, the party's candidate in 2008. -snip- Trump, a...
Yes, Trump thrives on media attention and controversy as any good showman does.

Reagan had the same thing going for him. He would take a criticism, turn it into a funny anecdote and use it to drive home a talking point. Over and over, he did it and his opponents never seemed to learn. Someone else who had that going for them was Clinton... he'd bite that bottom lip and women's panties would get wet all over the country. How could you not believe he felt your pain?

But... You know who DOESN'T have that ability? (Hint: She will be the DNC nominee.)
Here are six more rich white people who get off on killing African wildlife


In 2011, Donald Trump's sons Eric and Donald Jr. went to Africa to kill wild animals.
Your post illustrates the major problem the Trump campaign will have. Trump has so much baggage to explain, too many divorces, too many girlfriends, too many bankruptcies, too many scandals, too many lawsuits, and way too many enemies.

What you (and liberals) don't seem to be comprehending is what Trump can do with each one of these things being thrown at him. First of all, we already know about most of Trump's personal escapades and it's not a big deal. But hey... that doesn't stop an exuberant liberal from thinking "gotchya!" and running out there with some sensational story to tell... and what does Trump do? ...Turns it into political gold and laughs all the way to the political bank! He did it with immigration and with McCain, and liberals never saw what hit them. He knows how to play the BS game better than they do. He thrives on controversy and the media attention that comes with it. Free advertising! Network air time! You can't defeat him by putting him in the spotlight, he will beat you senseless.
Whether Trumps escapades are a big deal or not depends on who you are. For devout Christian conservatives, divorces, scandals, joking about about lack of church attendance is a big deal. For a Vet who volunteered and fought in Vietnam, Trump's draft dodging, and personal attacks on the service of someone who actually served their country is a big deal. For Mexican Americans,, repeated attacks against them and the nation of their birth is a big deal. And finally, the thousands of people and their supporters he has attacked, smeared, and sued, consider his vicious attacks a big deal.

Yes, Trump thrives on media attention and controversy as any good showman does.

Hey... All I can go by are the poll numbers at this point....

He announced his candidacy and was instantly #2 behind Jeb.
Made the Mexico comment... media reacted... tied with Jeb.
--McCain calls his supporters "crazies"
Made the McCain comment... media reacted.. pulled ahead of Jeb.
Graham reacted, Trump gave his cell phone # out... takes a double-digit lead over Jeb!

Now we have had a week of lions being killed and more shootings... Trump back down to 4 pt. lead.

Trump has NOT attacked Mexican-Americans, he has a good relationship with Mexican-Americans. Trump did not attack McCain's service, he made a comment about the kind of hero he preferred. But in BOTH cases, you tried to pull this libtard razzle-dazzle bullshit and turn it into that... and Trump turned it into political points both times. He's making you look a fool and enjoying it.... basking in the glory of it! ;)
Trump has 20% of the Republican vote or put another way, 80% is somewhere else.

I see no evidence of good relations with Mexican-Americans. I do see comments from Trump about rapists and murders being sent into the US by Mexico with tremendous infectious disease. I see almost unanimous condemnation from Latino media outlets and the Mexican government. I see those good relations with Mexican-Americans are translating to only 7% that would vote for him and 79% that find his remarks offensive.

Seventy-nine percent of the 1,400 Hispanic voters said that Trump’s comments were offensive; 71% had an unfavorable opinion of the candidate. A healthy majority of 61% said that his derogatory remarks were Trump’s views alone and did not reflect his party’s. Only 7% said they would vote for him.

Your post illustrates the major problem the Trump campaign will have. Trump has so much baggage to explain, too many divorces, too many girlfriends, too many bankruptcies, too many scandals, too many lawsuits, and way too many enemies.

What you (and liberals) don't seem to be comprehending is what Trump can do with each one of these things being thrown at him. First of all, we already know about most of Trump's personal escapades and it's not a big deal. But hey... that doesn't stop an exuberant liberal from thinking "gotchya!" and running out there with some sensational story to tell... and what does Trump do? ...Turns it into political gold and laughs all the way to the political bank! He did it with immigration and with McCain, and liberals never saw what hit them. He knows how to play the BS game better than they do. He thrives on controversy and the media attention that comes with it. Free advertising! Network air time! You can't defeat him by putting him in the spotlight, he will beat you senseless.
Whether Trumps escapades are a big deal or not depends on who you are. For devout Christian conservatives, divorces, scandals, joking about about lack of church attendance is a big deal. For a Vet who volunteered and fought in Vietnam, Trump's draft dodging, and personal attacks on the service of someone who actually served their country is a big deal. For Mexican Americans,, repeated attacks against them and the nation of their birth is a big deal. And finally, the thousands of people and their supporters he has attacked, smeared, and sued, consider his vicious attacks a big deal.

Yes, Trump thrives on media attention and controversy as any good showman does.

Hey... All I can go by are the poll numbers at this point....

He announced his candidacy and was instantly #2 behind Jeb.
Made the Mexico comment... media reacted... tied with Jeb.
--McCain calls his supporters "crazies"
Made the McCain comment... media reacted.. pulled ahead of Jeb.
Graham reacted, Trump gave his cell phone # out... takes a double-digit lead over Jeb!

Now we have had a week of lions being killed and more shootings... Trump back down to 4 pt. lead.

Trump has NOT attacked Mexican-Americans, he has a good relationship with Mexican-Americans. Trump did not attack McCain's service, he made a comment about the kind of hero he preferred. But in BOTH cases, you tried to pull this libtard razzle-dazzle bullshit and turn it into that... and Trump turned it into political points both times. He's making you look a fool and enjoying it.... basking in the glory of it! ;)
Trump has 20% of the Republican vote or put another way, 80% is somewhere else.

I see no evidence of good relations with Mexican-Americans. I do see comments from Trump about rapists and murders being sent into the US by Mexico with tremendous infectious disease. I see almost unanimous condemnation from Latino media outlets and the Mexican government. I see those good relations with Mexican-Americans are translating to only 7% that would vote for him and 79% that find his remarks offensive.

Seventy-nine percent of the 1,400 Hispanic voters said that Trump’s comments were offensive; 71% had an unfavorable opinion of the candidate. A healthy majority of 61% said that his derogatory remarks were Trump’s views alone and did not reflect his party’s. Only 7% said they would vote for him.

And you see things through MSNBC-colored glasses.

It's up to about 25% now for Trump... not to shabby for a guy with NO political experience in a race with 17 experienced candidates. He leads both the Latino candidates including the Latino in Florida who he leads IN FLORIDA.... along with the brother and son of 2 former presidents and the former governor of the state. I think by all political estimations Trump is doing pretty fucking good.
I want a bully for president. No, really... I think that is exactly what we need. For FAR too long the GOP has been walking on egg shells, trying to play nice with liberals, not wanting to appear mean or rude... It has gotten them clobbered politically. Beaten black and blue by radical nutjobs who have no business running our country.

I like the way Trump deals with jerks, he's a jerk right back in their face and he is better at it. For those who think he is a "loose cannon" I kind of disagree.. I think he is brilliant. He knows exactly what he's doing. The controversy over his illegal immigration comments focused the nation on the issue of illegal immigration for several weeks. Then he made the comments about McCain... now you have had two weeks of Liberals falling all over themselves to "honor war heroes" ...when the hell has THAT ever happened?

He is effectively using their tactic, which has been working well for them, to bash them over their stupid heads with. He says something "controversial" and liberals leap to take the bait and run with it... next thing you know, he's gotten a bump in the polls!
You have finally hit on something Trump can do quite well. It's not likely to get him elected but it's entertaining and will certain create plenty of problems for GOP.

Yeah, you just cling to that mindless partisan hatred.

Trump is creating problems for ALL the candidates, on both sides of the aisle. Start with the fact that he has virtually killed excitement and media attention for every other candidate. They're all just sitting on their thumbs in the corner, desperately trying to think of a way to get their names in the headlines. He has the media bully pulpit right now, and he's brash and bombastic and smart enough to use it to control and define the debate, and make everyone else dance to his tune and respond to his narrative.

Furthermore, the other GOP candidates are slowly starting to get a clue what it is that people like about Trump and take a lesson from him about being real, blunt, honest, and not backing down and doing an immediate mea culpa the instant the left shits its frillies and starts screeching faux outrage about something. Even if Trump doesn't make it out of the primaries, the Democrat candidate is going to have a much harder contest with whoever the GOP does nominate, because that person is going to have to have more of a spine than recent candidates have had.
Sorry, I don't see it that away. Trump is nothing but good for Hillary. Everything that Trump says helps solidify the Democratic base. Has he taken anything even close to a liberal stand? What he is doing is stealing valuable media time from other Republican candidates and driving the party further to the right. Nothing could please Democrats more.

I'm sorry you don't see it that way, too, since you're wrong. The "Democrat base" is so accustomed to goosestepping and saluting whatever they're told to that any opponent at all has them "solidified". As far as "taking a liberal stand", who cares? Your base is so droolingly stupid, willfully uninformed, and melodramatically hysterical on cue, they wouldn't know a candidate's stand on an issue if you held a gun to their head and threatened to blow their peabrains out if they get it wrong. Hell, we've already seen the videos of your "fired-up" Morelocks failing to recognize Hillary's direct quotations on her positions, so we all know they'll believe Trump's stands are whatever the hell their talking-points memos tell them to believe, regardless of what he actually says or does.

Your last point articulates why Trump is a problem for Hillary, whether you know it or not: he's not "stealing valuable media time from" just Republicans; he's stealing it from EVERYBODY. And for an unpopular, unlikable, Hagsville virago like Hillary, who had to launch her campaign twice just to get more than two people in the nation to give a flying fuck, that's deadly.
I want a bully for president. No, really... I think that is exactly what we need. For FAR too long the GOP has been walking on egg shells, trying to play nice with liberals, not wanting to appear mean or rude... It has gotten them clobbered politically. Beaten black and blue by radical nutjobs who have no business running our country.

I like the way Trump deals with jerks, he's a jerk right back in their face and he is better at it. For those who think he is a "loose cannon" I kind of disagree.. I think he is brilliant. He knows exactly what he's doing. The controversy over his illegal immigration comments focused the nation on the issue of illegal immigration for several weeks. Then he made the comments about McCain... now you have had two weeks of Liberals falling all over themselves to "honor war heroes" ...when the hell has THAT ever happened?

He is effectively using their tactic, which has been working well for them, to bash them over their stupid heads with. He says something "controversial" and liberals leap to take the bait and run with it... next thing you know, he's gotten a bump in the polls!
You have finally hit on something Trump can do quite well. It's not likely to get him elected but it's entertaining and will certain create plenty of problems for GOP.

Yeah, you just cling to that mindless partisan hatred.

Trump is creating problems for ALL the candidates, on both sides of the aisle. Start with the fact that he has virtually killed excitement and media attention for every other candidate. They're all just sitting on their thumbs in the corner, desperately trying to think of a way to get their names in the headlines. He has the media bully pulpit right now, and he's brash and bombastic and smart enough to use it to control and define the debate, and make everyone else dance to his tune and respond to his narrative.

Furthermore, the other GOP candidates are slowly starting to get a clue what it is that people like about Trump and take a lesson from him about being real, blunt, honest, and not backing down and doing an immediate mea culpa the instant the left shits its frillies and starts screeching faux outrage about something. Even if Trump doesn't make it out of the primaries, the Democrat candidate is going to have a much harder contest with whoever the GOP does nominate, because that person is going to have to have more of a spine than recent candidates have had.
Sorry, I don't see it that away. Trump is nothing but good for Hillary. Everything that Trump says helps solidify the Democratic base. Has he taken anything even close to a liberal stand? What he is doing is stealing valuable media time from other Republican candidates and driving the party further to the right. Nothing could please Democrats more.

I'm sorry you don't see it that way, too, since you're wrong. The "Democrat base" is so accustomed to goosestepping and saluting whatever they're told to that any opponent at all has them "solidified". As far as "taking a liberal stand", who cares? Your base is so droolingly stupid, willfully uninformed, and melodramatically hysterical on cue, they wouldn't know a candidate's stand on an issue if you held a gun to their head and threatened to blow their peabrains out if they get it wrong. Hell, we've already seen the videos of your "fired-up" Morelocks failing to recognize Hillary's direct quotations on her positions, so we all know they'll believe Trump's stands are whatever the hell their talking-points memos tell them to believe, regardless of what he actually says or does.

Your last point articulates why Trump is a problem for Hillary, whether you know it or not: he's not "stealing valuable media time from" just Republicans; he's stealing it from EVERYBODY. And for an unpopular, unlikable, Hagsville virago like Hillary, who had to launch her campaign twice just to get more than two people in the nation to give a flying fuck, that's deadly.
Wait, Hillary is over two supporters now? so, Bill is finally backing her along with her horse face daughter?
So its better to lie? "if you like your plan you can keep it" "I never sent any classified email on my server".

Trump is rich. Thats why he would owe no favors to any special interest group, no one could buy him.

You need to listen to one of Trump's latest statements carefully. He said unless the GOP treats him fairly, he may seek an independent run. Then he walked that back by saying that he really wants to run as a Republican. The GOP is basically being blackmailed. Either you award Trump the nomination or he will run as a third party and then a repeat of GW Bush and Clinton. Take your choice. That is what Trump is saying.

Trump cannot win the general. He may be ahead in the GOP polls, but he cannot control himself enough to show he can be Presidential. As a number of attendees at one of his rallies said when interviewed, "He scares me." No one really wants a Bully for President....

We have elected a long line of sell-outs and scum heavily on the basis of being "presidential". Its a superficial
criteria, easily manipulated by advertising.

Trump as far as I can tell is only "bullying" those who insulted him, like Grahm who called him a Jackass.

Interestingly(from Wikipedia)
This term bully pulpit was coined by President Theodore Roosevelt who referred to the White House as a "bully pulpit", by which he meant a terrific platform from which to advocate an agenda. Roosevelt used the word bully as an adjective meaning "superb" or "wonderful", a more common usage in his time than it is today. Another expression which survives from this era is "bully for you", synonymous with "good for you".
I suspect Trump would change the meaning of bully pulpit from a platform to advocate an agenda to a platform to intimidate and harass the opposition.

If you think that's a "change" from what it is right now, you're not paying attention, or you're congenitally dishonest.
It's matter of degree. Obama uses the media to attack people's position on issues. Trump uses the media to launch personal attacks. There's a big a difference.

Yeah, Obama's so frigging high-minded and principled and never, EVER engages in ad hominem attacks.

Of course, to believe that, one must drink the KoolAid and believe that anything said about conservatives and/or Republicans (and especially when said by the Messiah) is automatically acceptable, righteous, and OBVIOUSLY about their position and not their person, inasmuch as they cannot be allowed to espouse the heinous position that they're citizens with the right to exist and participate in politics.

Otherwise, if one views Obama as the narcissistic schmuck and flim-flam artist he actually is, then his use of the media reveals him to be a petty, vicious little bastard who goes personal because he hates anyone who dares to dissent from his received "wisdom".

Go ahead, deny it. I dare you. Know that I have the quotes and video clips already queued up.
It's matter of degree. Obama uses the media to attack people's position on issues. Trump uses the media to launch personal attacks. There's a big a difference.

Nonsense. Trump hasn't launched any attacks... he has retaliated a few times.

Obama avoids issues and talks in platitudes.
A few times? Launching personal attacks is Trump's hobby. He's been doing it for years. A comment about his hair, a question about his wealth, or taking an opposing position on any issue he favors is enough to set him off.

Trump attacks anyone who makes him feel small, insufficiently wealthy, threatened or mocked. He attacks for sport, he attacks to regain a sense of control, and to make a point. He attacks as a means of saying “you’re fired” to those he does not employ.

I think's it's pretty clear how Trump would use the bully pulpit.

I have never seen the man attack anyone who hadn't attacked him first or who didn't richly deserve it. The reason he does it is because it's an effective way to deal with bullies.
I've searched the Net and have not found a single personal attack by John McCain on Trump before Trump attacked McCain's military record. If you have a link proving this, how about posting it.

My point is that presidential candidates shouldn't be initiating or retaliating with personal attacks on anybody. Attack the issues and the actions of opponents on those issues. People seem to think Trump is some great hero for speaking his mind. There is nothing brave or heroic in what Trump is doing. .

Oh, you don't think calling his own constituents "crazies" for daring to support Trump is a personal attack not only on the constituents, but on Trump himself? No wonder I have such derision for your English mastery, along with everything else.
It's matter of degree. Obama uses the media to attack people's position on issues. Trump uses the media to launch personal attacks. There's a big a difference.

Nonsense. Trump hasn't launched any attacks... he has retaliated a few times.

Obama avoids issues and talks in platitudes.
A few times? Launching personal attacks is Trump's hobby. He's been doing it for years. A comment about his hair, a question about his wealth, or taking an opposing position on any issue he favors is enough to set him off.

Trump attacks anyone who makes him feel small, insufficiently wealthy, threatened or mocked. He attacks for sport, he attacks to regain a sense of control, and to make a point. He attacks as a means of saying “you’re fired” to those he does not employ.

I think's it's pretty clear how Trump would use the bully pulpit.

I have never seen the man attack anyone who hadn't attacked him first or who didn't richly deserve it. The reason he does it is because it's an effective way to deal with bullies.
I've searched the Net and have not found a single personal attack by John McCain on Trump before Trump attacked McCain's military record. If you have a link proving this, how about posting it.

My point is that presidential candidates shouldn't be initiating or retaliating with personal attacks on anybody. Attack the issues and the actions of opponents on those issues. People seem to think Trump is some great hero for speaking his mind. There is nothing brave or heroic in what Trump is doing. .

Trump's direct comment was in response to a reporter asking him about McCain saying that Trump had “fired up the crazies” in the party. He has been very respectful toward people who respect him. Lindsay Graham popped off something about Trump being a "jackass" and Trump gave his cell phone number out. ...I loved it!

Brave and Heroic??? ....Is that what you believe HILLARY is being?

Well, she's running around, pretending she's qualified and desired as President, so that takes either bravery or a level of delusion for which they don't have medication yet.
Your post illustrates the major problem the Trump campaign will have. Trump has so much baggage to explain, too many divorces, too many girlfriends, too many bankruptcies, too many scandals, too many lawsuits, and way too many enemies.

What you (and liberals) don't seem to be comprehending is what Trump can do with each one of these things being thrown at him. First of all, we already know about most of Trump's personal escapades and it's not a big deal. But hey... that doesn't stop an exuberant liberal from thinking "gotchya!" and running out there with some sensational story to tell... and what does Trump do? ...Turns it into political gold and laughs all the way to the political bank! He did it with immigration and with McCain, and liberals never saw what hit them. He knows how to play the BS game better than they do. He thrives on controversy and the media attention that comes with it. Free advertising! Network air time! You can't defeat him by putting him in the spotlight, he will beat you senseless.
Whether Trumps escapades are a big deal or not depends on who you are. For devout Christian conservatives, divorces, scandals, joking about about lack of church attendance is a big deal. For a Vet who volunteered and fought in Vietnam, Trump's draft dodging, and personal attacks on the service of someone who actually served their country is a big deal. For Mexican Americans,, repeated attacks against them and the nation of their birth is a big deal. And finally, the thousands of people and their supporters he has attacked, smeared, and sued, consider his vicious attacks a big deal.

Yes, Trump thrives on media attention and controversy as any good showman does.

Hey... All I can go by are the poll numbers at this point....

He announced his candidacy and was instantly #2 behind Jeb.
Made the Mexico comment... media reacted... tied with Jeb.
--McCain calls his supporters "crazies"
Made the McCain comment... media reacted.. pulled ahead of Jeb.
Graham reacted, Trump gave his cell phone # out... takes a double-digit lead over Jeb!

Now we have had a week of lions being killed and more shootings... Trump back down to 4 pt. lead.

Trump has NOT attacked Mexican-Americans, he has a good relationship with Mexican-Americans. Trump did not attack McCain's service, he made a comment about the kind of hero he preferred. But in BOTH cases, you tried to pull this libtard razzle-dazzle bullshit and turn it into that... and Trump turned it into political points both times. He's making you look a fool and enjoying it.... basking in the glory of it! ;)
Trump has 20% of the Republican vote or put another way, 80% is somewhere else.

I see no evidence of good relations with Mexican-Americans. I do see comments from Trump about rapists and murders being sent into the US by Mexico with tremendous infectious disease. I see almost unanimous condemnation from Latino media outlets and the Mexican government. I see those good relations with Mexican-Americans are translating to only 7% that would vote for him and 79% that find his remarks offensive.

Seventy-nine percent of the 1,400 Hispanic voters said that Trump’s comments were offensive; 71% had an unfavorable opinion of the candidate. A healthy majority of 61% said that his derogatory remarks were Trump’s views alone and did not reflect his party’s. Only 7% said they would vote for him.

just what kind of 'evidence' does one need to have 'good relations' with Mexican-Americans.....?
I see where Huckleberry is comparing him to a drunken redneck. It's going to be a real dog fight. I think the candidate that takes the high ground is going to be the one that comes out on top and that's not going to be Trump.

Look, two things I will straight-up admit; Trump may hit a clinker before gets to the outro, that's highly possible with the free-style jazz he is playing at the moment. And two; Various demographics of the GOP will begin to settle in to their 'preferred' candidate and Trump will gain competition from a crowded field. As people have to actually go vote... they may second-guess their support for Trump and back out... no way of knowing that right now or where those voters would turn.

We are WAY early in the campaign season to be making final predictions.

I'm not saying I'm throwing my support to Trump yet by any means, but I won't deny that I'm enjoying knowing that, unlike other candidates who never utter a word that hasn't been highly-processed by sixteen different managers, consultants, and advisors first, every single word Trump says originates right under that dead cat on his head.
Your post illustrates the major problem the Trump campaign will have. Trump has so much baggage to explain, too many divorces, too many girlfriends, too many bankruptcies, too many scandals, too many lawsuits, and way too many enemies.

What you (and liberals) don't seem to be comprehending is what Trump can do with each one of these things being thrown at him. First of all, we already know about most of Trump's personal escapades and it's not a big deal. But hey... that doesn't stop an exuberant liberal from thinking "gotchya!" and running out there with some sensational story to tell... and what does Trump do? ...Turns it into political gold and laughs all the way to the political bank! He did it with immigration and with McCain, and liberals never saw what hit them. He knows how to play the BS game better than they do. He thrives on controversy and the media attention that comes with it. Free advertising! Network air time! You can't defeat him by putting him in the spotlight, he will beat you senseless.
Whether Trumps escapades are a big deal or not depends on who you are. For devout Christian conservatives, divorces, scandals, joking about about lack of church attendance is a big deal. For a Vet who volunteered and fought in Vietnam, Trump's draft dodging, and personal attacks on the service of someone who actually served their country is a big deal. For Mexican Americans,, repeated attacks against them and the nation of their birth is a big deal. And finally, the thousands of people and their supporters he has attacked, smeared, and sued, consider his vicious attacks a big deal.

Yes, Trump thrives on media attention and controversy as any good showman does.

Hey... All I can go by are the poll numbers at this point....

He announced his candidacy and was instantly #2 behind Jeb.
Made the Mexico comment... media reacted... tied with Jeb.
--McCain calls his supporters "crazies"
Made the McCain comment... media reacted.. pulled ahead of Jeb.
Graham reacted, Trump gave his cell phone # out... takes a double-digit lead over Jeb!

Now we have had a week of lions being killed and more shootings... Trump back down to 4 pt. lead.

Trump has NOT attacked Mexican-Americans, he has a good relationship with Mexican-Americans. Trump did not attack McCain's service, he made a comment about the kind of hero he preferred. But in BOTH cases, you tried to pull this libtard razzle-dazzle bullshit and turn it into that... and Trump turned it into political points both times. He's making you look a fool and enjoying it.... basking in the glory of it! ;)
Trump has 20% of the Republican vote or put another way, 80% is somewhere else.

I see no evidence of good relations with Mexican-Americans. I do see comments from Trump about rapists and murders being sent into the US by Mexico with tremendous infectious disease. I see almost unanimous condemnation from Latino media outlets and the Mexican government. I see those good relations with Mexican-Americans are translating to only 7% that would vote for him and 79% that find his remarks offensive.

Seventy-nine percent of the 1,400 Hispanic voters said that Trump’s comments were offensive; 71% had an unfavorable opinion of the candidate. A healthy majority of 61% said that his derogatory remarks were Trump’s views alone and did not reflect his party’s. Only 7% said they would vote for him.

And you see things through MSNBC-colored glasses.

It's up to about 25% now for Trump... not to shabby for a guy with NO political experience in a race with 17 experienced candidates. He leads both the Latino candidates including the Latino in Florida who he leads IN FLORIDA.... along with the brother and son of 2 former presidents and the former governor of the state. I think by all political estimations Trump is doing pretty fucking good.
I agree. Trump is doing amazingly well. However, in the general election he loses. Thirty percent of Republican said they would “definitely not support” him for the Republican nomination.The Democrats say they would pick anyone else over Trump.

Trump's lead in the polls is good news for Trump but it's also good news for Democrats.

Poll Trump Is Party Pick But Loses in General Election RealClearPolitics
What you (and liberals) don't seem to be comprehending is what Trump can do with each one of these things being thrown at him. First of all, we already know about most of Trump's personal escapades and it's not a big deal. But hey... that doesn't stop an exuberant liberal from thinking "gotchya!" and running out there with some sensational story to tell... and what does Trump do? ...Turns it into political gold and laughs all the way to the political bank! He did it with immigration and with McCain, and liberals never saw what hit them. He knows how to play the BS game better than they do. He thrives on controversy and the media attention that comes with it. Free advertising! Network air time! You can't defeat him by putting him in the spotlight, he will beat you senseless.
Whether Trumps escapades are a big deal or not depends on who you are. For devout Christian conservatives, divorces, scandals, joking about about lack of church attendance is a big deal. For a Vet who volunteered and fought in Vietnam, Trump's draft dodging, and personal attacks on the service of someone who actually served their country is a big deal. For Mexican Americans,, repeated attacks against them and the nation of their birth is a big deal. And finally, the thousands of people and their supporters he has attacked, smeared, and sued, consider his vicious attacks a big deal.

Yes, Trump thrives on media attention and controversy as any good showman does.

Hey... All I can go by are the poll numbers at this point....

He announced his candidacy and was instantly #2 behind Jeb.
Made the Mexico comment... media reacted... tied with Jeb.
--McCain calls his supporters "crazies"
Made the McCain comment... media reacted.. pulled ahead of Jeb.
Graham reacted, Trump gave his cell phone # out... takes a double-digit lead over Jeb!

Now we have had a week of lions being killed and more shootings... Trump back down to 4 pt. lead.

Trump has NOT attacked Mexican-Americans, he has a good relationship with Mexican-Americans. Trump did not attack McCain's service, he made a comment about the kind of hero he preferred. But in BOTH cases, you tried to pull this libtard razzle-dazzle bullshit and turn it into that... and Trump turned it into political points both times. He's making you look a fool and enjoying it.... basking in the glory of it! ;)
Trump has 20% of the Republican vote or put another way, 80% is somewhere else.

I see no evidence of good relations with Mexican-Americans. I do see comments from Trump about rapists and murders being sent into the US by Mexico with tremendous infectious disease. I see almost unanimous condemnation from Latino media outlets and the Mexican government. I see those good relations with Mexican-Americans are translating to only 7% that would vote for him and 79% that find his remarks offensive.

Seventy-nine percent of the 1,400 Hispanic voters said that Trump’s comments were offensive; 71% had an unfavorable opinion of the candidate. A healthy majority of 61% said that his derogatory remarks were Trump’s views alone and did not reflect his party’s. Only 7% said they would vote for him.

And you see things through MSNBC-colored glasses.

It's up to about 25% now for Trump... not to shabby for a guy with NO political experience in a race with 17 experienced candidates. He leads both the Latino candidates including the Latino in Florida who he leads IN FLORIDA.... along with the brother and son of 2 former presidents and the former governor of the state. I think by all political estimations Trump is doing pretty fucking good.
I agree. Trump is doing amazingly well. However, in the general election he loses. Thirty percent of Republican said they would “definitely not support” him for the Republican nomination.The Democrats say they would pick anyone else over Trump.

Trump's lead in the polls is good news for Trump but it's also good news for Democrats.

Poll Trump Is Party Pick But Loses in General Election RealClearPolitics

Then it's as if you are saying Democrats are the stupidest nincompoops ever to grace politics. Why would they be attacking Trump left and right IF he was the candidate ideal to defeat in the general? Seems to me they would all be waving Trump banners, lauding him with praise, encouraging him with support and doing everything they could to win him the nomination.

That's how I feel about Bernie Sanders... oh yeah... Boss is a BIG Bernie Sanders fan! I really hope the liberals will get behind him because he represents their viewpoint so much better than Billary. I sincerely want him to take out the Clinton machine for the general. I make no bones about it! You'd think the Liberals would want to sabotage Jeb Bush and take the Bush machine out of the general as well. But that isn't what we're seeing at all.

I'm not concerned with some poll that surveyed 1000 people with loaded and leading questions about Trump and then cobbled together a bunch of meaningless statistics. I don't vote based on what the polls say and I don't know of anyone who does. If the polling from 16-months before an election meant anything, we would have had a second term for Jimmy Carter and Bush Sr. In 2000, the GOP would have nominated Rudy Giuliani, in 2004 it would have been Herman Cain. Polls don't elect presidents.
What you (and liberals) don't seem to be comprehending is what Trump can do with each one of these things being thrown at him. First of all, we already know about most of Trump's personal escapades and it's not a big deal. But hey... that doesn't stop an exuberant liberal from thinking "gotchya!" and running out there with some sensational story to tell... and what does Trump do? ...Turns it into political gold and laughs all the way to the political bank! He did it with immigration and with McCain, and liberals never saw what hit them. He knows how to play the BS game better than they do. He thrives on controversy and the media attention that comes with it. Free advertising! Network air time! You can't defeat him by putting him in the spotlight, he will beat you senseless.
Whether Trumps escapades are a big deal or not depends on who you are. For devout Christian conservatives, divorces, scandals, joking about about lack of church attendance is a big deal. For a Vet who volunteered and fought in Vietnam, Trump's draft dodging, and personal attacks on the service of someone who actually served their country is a big deal. For Mexican Americans,, repeated attacks against them and the nation of their birth is a big deal. And finally, the thousands of people and their supporters he has attacked, smeared, and sued, consider his vicious attacks a big deal.

Yes, Trump thrives on media attention and controversy as any good showman does.

Hey... All I can go by are the poll numbers at this point....

He announced his candidacy and was instantly #2 behind Jeb.
Made the Mexico comment... media reacted... tied with Jeb.
--McCain calls his supporters "crazies"
Made the McCain comment... media reacted.. pulled ahead of Jeb.
Graham reacted, Trump gave his cell phone # out... takes a double-digit lead over Jeb!

Now we have had a week of lions being killed and more shootings... Trump back down to 4 pt. lead.

Trump has NOT attacked Mexican-Americans, he has a good relationship with Mexican-Americans. Trump did not attack McCain's service, he made a comment about the kind of hero he preferred. But in BOTH cases, you tried to pull this libtard razzle-dazzle bullshit and turn it into that... and Trump turned it into political points both times. He's making you look a fool and enjoying it.... basking in the glory of it! ;)
Trump has 20% of the Republican vote or put another way, 80% is somewhere else.

I see no evidence of good relations with Mexican-Americans. I do see comments from Trump about rapists and murders being sent into the US by Mexico with tremendous infectious disease. I see almost unanimous condemnation from Latino media outlets and the Mexican government. I see those good relations with Mexican-Americans are translating to only 7% that would vote for him and 79% that find his remarks offensive.

Seventy-nine percent of the 1,400 Hispanic voters said that Trump’s comments were offensive; 71% had an unfavorable opinion of the candidate. A healthy majority of 61% said that his derogatory remarks were Trump’s views alone and did not reflect his party’s. Only 7% said they would vote for him.

And you see things through MSNBC-colored glasses.

It's up to about 25% now for Trump... not to shabby for a guy with NO political experience in a race with 17 experienced candidates. He leads both the Latino candidates including the Latino in Florida who he leads IN FLORIDA.... along with the brother and son of 2 former presidents and the former governor of the state. I think by all political estimations Trump is doing pretty fucking good.
I agree. Trump is doing amazingly well. However, in the general election he loses. Thirty percent of Republican said they would “definitely not support” him for the Republican nomination.The Democrats say they would pick anyone else over Trump.

Trump's lead in the polls is good news for Trump but it's also good news for Democrats.

Poll Trump Is Party Pick But Loses in General Election RealClearPolitics
So you think a real American would vote for Hillary before Trump?
dream on.
So you think a real American would vote for Hillary before Trump?
dream on.

Oh, he KNOWS they wouldn't... they ALL do! It's why they continue talking out of both sides of their mouth on Trump... he's the "dream pick" for Hillary... oh, but here are my prepared bullet-point and linked smears and jeers on Trump, courtesy of Liberal Blogosphere United!

The Liberal doth protest too much!

There are some sheep out there who just buy into the rhetoric and have honestly convinced themselves Hillary would obliterate Trump in a general election... Our board is chock-full of these pea-brains! But the people who are in the know, the movers and shakers, the ones pulling the strings and calling the political shots for the left are VERY VERY worried about Trump. In fact, Trump could be their worst possible nightmare.

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