Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

I said don't quote my posts. I don't talk to psychos online any more than I would in real life. Get lost.

Donald Trump did not talk bad about any war hero other than McCain.

What a little fucking child, in a little fantasy world.

You have no power over me other than an ignore, then when I make you look just fucking stupid you will be clueless but not the rest of the forum.

Enjoy your little temper tantrum child ......................
I'm not sure Trump would make a good president but that doesn't underestimate what he has done for this field of candidates.

Are they watching the people and listening to what they are saying? They are saying they want a candidate who tells the truth, screw Political Correctness and America has needs that need to be yesterday.

Both parties have the traditional candidates that just say what will get them elected. We need someone who can look at a problem. admit it is a problem and what we can do about it. Like immigration. Like Planned Parenthood selling fetal tissues (is that really a problem?) The the border we need. Like Mental Health Issues. Like Trade. Like someone who can deal effectively with other countries.

Trump definitely has qualities that our next president needs. And he has qualities that would be detrimental to our image around that globe...

But someone will come forward with the qualities we least I hope so.
Trump would be awesome, the rest are all bad actors and duffuses.
He once was quoted as saying "I am God..." I can;t remember in what aspect or issues he was talking about bu he reminded me of Obama. "I am better than all of you working for me."

When a candidate reminds me of Obama, he's off my short list.
Trump would be awesome, the rest are all bad actors and duffuses.
He once was quoted as saying "I am God..." I can;t remember in what aspect or issues he was talking about bu he reminded me of Obama. "I am better than all of you working for me."

When a candidate reminds me of Obama, he's off my short list.

But then again... (and Lord please don't zap me with a lightning bolt for what I am about to say) One thing Obama has had loads of is hubris and confidence in his convictions. I would rather have that quality in a good leader than just about anything other than maybe honesty.
Trump would be awesome, the rest are all bad actors and duffuses.
He once was quoted as saying "I am God..." I can;t remember in what aspect or issues he was talking about bu he reminded me of Obama. "I am better than all of you working for me."

When a candidate reminds me of Obama, he's off my short list.

But then again... (and Lord please don't zap me with a lightning bolt for what I am about to say) One thing Obama has had loads of is hubris and confidence in his convictions. I would rather have that quality in a good leader than just about anything other than maybe honesty.

Here comes the lightning bolt: Don't confuse confidence and hubris with a narcissistic personality.
He's got absolutely no diplomacy at all. As the POTUS, you need to have diplomacy. When I think of Donald Trump, I kind of lump him in the category of the Kardashians, like he has entertainment value, but not much else, IMO.

You can SAY that he has no diplomacy skills but you cannot argue the fact that he MUST have some diplomacy skills to work the deals he has worked with different people all over the world. Yes, he does have an entertainment career but that has little to do with who he is. I would encourage anyone who is interested in learning about Trump to read Art of the Deal and learn. He's a very smart man.
He has negotiation skills but as far as diplomacy goes, he really sucks. You can't just speak your mind and expect to negotiate with the people you've been insulting. Just how far would Trump get with the Chinese government with his view of China. Depending on the day of the week Trump says China is either raping or screwing America and flooding our markets with lousy products. Mexico is sending rapist and murders into the US. OPEC is dominated by Muslims who support terrorist attacks on the United States and given a chance will suck the blood out of Americans. Africa should be ignored, the French are idiots and we should be taking away the Arab oil to fight ISIS. That might play well with right wing crazies but not other nations.

The big difference in business negotiations and international negotiations is that the issues are often not about money. In negotiations between businesses, insult are of little consequence but an insult are snub in international negotiations between countries, is a signal to to end talks. No head of state can sit at the table being insulted because it is insult against his nation.
That might play well with right wing crazies but not other nations.
In negotiations between businesses, insult are of little consequence but an insult are snub in international negotiations between countries, is a signal to to end talks. No head of state can sit at the table being insulted because it is insult against his nation.

Okay, so you admit Trump is good at negotiations but bad at diplomacy... or bad at negotiations because he is bad at diplomacy? He can work miracles in business but not with politicians and dignitaries from other countries because of his bad diplomacy?

Now first of all Flopper... what is your evidence Trump's diplomacy sucks? Tell me about international negotiations... or any kind of negotiations Trump sucked at?

No head of state can sit at the table being insulted...

When have you seen Trump sit at the table and insult someone he was negotiating with or working on a deal with? Better yet, when have you seen him sit at the table and just blatantly insult anyone across from him? (other than maybe his TV show)

You see... You're already biased against him, you think he is an out-of-control hot head who just flies off the handle and says offensive things to be bombastic or whatever. And a whole LOT of the time, you are missing the nuance... the brilliance of Trump being Trump.

You don't seem to realize what he has done the past 4-5 weeks. The Liberal Left and Establishment GOP came at him with both barrels over two separate comments that would have sunk most candidates and he pulled to a double-digit lead over the GOP field.... granted, that lead has tapered back down to around 4 points, but still... we've not seen anything like this before. Teflon Trump!
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?
Here's what Trump does well. He takes these immensely complicated subjects, and whittles them down to simplistic opinion quips similar to what you would hear from your three beers deep uncle at a backyard barbecue. Does that make him good presidential material? No. But it does mean that he can relate to people in a way that the other opinion poll tested candidates can't.

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Trump would be awesome, the rest are all bad actors and duffuses.
He once was quoted as saying "I am God..." I can;t remember in what aspect or issues he was talking about bu he reminded me of Obama. "I am better than all of you working for me."

When a candidate reminds me of Obama, he's off my short list.

Perhaps you should take E online's quiz "

Who Said It: Donald Trump or 30 Rock's Jack Donaghy?

I believe the quote is #9 and the answer key farther down the page actually attributes it to Jack.

Who Said It Donald Trump or 30 Rock s Jack Donaghy E Online

Now if you don't have the facts by all means say the most ignorant thing you can about the candidate you don't like.

You are also welcome to run it through a search engine, if you can find that quote attributed to Donald anywhere please post the URL.
That might play well with right wing crazies but not other nations.
In negotiations between businesses, insult are of little consequence but an insult are snub in international negotiations between countries, is a signal to to end talks. No head of state can sit at the table being insulted because it is insult against his nation.

Okay, so you admit Trump is good at negotiations but bad at diplomacy... or bad at negotiations because he is bad at diplomacy? He can work miracles in business but not with politicians and dignitaries from other countries because of his bad diplomacy?

Now first of all Flopper... what is your evidence Trump's diplomacy sucks? Tell me about international negotiations... or any kind of negotiations Trump sucked at?

No head of state can sit at the table being insulted...

When have you seen Trump sit at the table and insult someone he was negotiating with or working on a deal with? Better yet, when have you seen him sit at the table and just blatantly insult anyone across from him? (other than maybe his TV show)

You see... You're already biased against him, you think he is an out-of-control hot head who just flies off the handle and says offensive things to be bombastic or whatever. And a whole LOT of the time, you are missing the nuance... the brilliance of Trump being Trump.

You don't seem to realize what he has done the past 4-5 weeks. The Liberal Left and Establishment GOP came at him with both barrels over two separate comments that would have sunk most candidates and he pulled to a double-digit lead over the GOP field.... granted, that lead has tapered back down to around 4 points, but still... we've not seen anything like this before. Teflon Trump!
In dealing with other nations, diplomacy comes first, long before you sit down to hammer out a deal and this is where I think Trump as president will fail. Trump simply lacks the most basic diplomatic skills. Tact and the ability to avoid offending others is just not Trump. These skills are far more important to a president than they are to a CEO making financial deals.

Despite being well-educated on finance, Trump often is prone to embrace positions that turn into major embarrassments for him -- his promotion of the "Obama isn't a U.S. citizen" myth, his promotion of the anti-vaccination myths, and repeated comments that give the appearance (correct or not) that he doesn't check facts or stay informed about serious issues. A person's politics is of little important in financial deals but in the world of international politics, it very important.
That might play well with right wing crazies but not other nations.
In negotiations between businesses, insult are of little consequence but an insult are snub in international negotiations between countries, is a signal to to end talks. No head of state can sit at the table being insulted because it is insult against his nation.

Okay, so you admit Trump is good at negotiations but bad at diplomacy... or bad at negotiations because he is bad at diplomacy? He can work miracles in business but not with politicians and dignitaries from other countries because of his bad diplomacy?

Now first of all Flopper... what is your evidence Trump's diplomacy sucks? Tell me about international negotiations... or any kind of negotiations Trump sucked at?

No head of state can sit at the table being insulted...

When have you seen Trump sit at the table and insult someone he was negotiating with or working on a deal with? Better yet, when have you seen him sit at the table and just blatantly insult anyone across from him? (other than maybe his TV show)

You see... You're already biased against him, you think he is an out-of-control hot head who just flies off the handle and says offensive things to be bombastic or whatever. And a whole LOT of the time, you are missing the nuance... the brilliance of Trump being Trump.

You don't seem to realize what he has done the past 4-5 weeks. The Liberal Left and Establishment GOP came at him with both barrels over two separate comments that would have sunk most candidates and he pulled to a double-digit lead over the GOP field.... granted, that lead has tapered back down to around 4 points, but still... we've not seen anything like this before. Teflon Trump!
In dealing with other nations, diplomacy comes first, long before you sit down to hammer out a deal and this is where I think Trump as president will fail. Trump simply lacks the most basic diplomatic skills. Tact and the ability to avoid offending others is just not Trump. These skills are far more important to a president than they are to a CEO making financial deals.

Despite being well-educated on finance, Trump often is prone to embrace positions that turn into major embarrassments for him -- his promotion of the "Obama isn't a U.S. citizen" myth, his promotion of the anti-vaccination myths, and repeated comments that give the appearance (correct or not) that he doesn't check facts or stay informed about serious issues. A person's politics is of little important in financial deals but in the world of international politics, it very important.

I disagree. "Deals" come when there are two parties who have mutual goals they can help each other fulfill. It has little to do with personalities and decorum. Trump does not lack basic diplomatic skills and you've offered no evidence for that charge, even though I've requested you to do so. You keep saying it, but what are you basing it on? Show me the diplomatic efforts or deals he's botched!

I don't know about anti-vac myths or latest issues... but did someone prove to Trump that Obama was born in the US, and did they collect the $5 million reward?
That might play well with right wing crazies but not other nations.
In negotiations between businesses, insult are of little consequence but an insult are snub in international negotiations between countries, is a signal to to end talks. No head of state can sit at the table being insulted because it is insult against his nation.

Okay, so you admit Trump is good at negotiations but bad at diplomacy... or bad at negotiations because he is bad at diplomacy? He can work miracles in business but not with politicians and dignitaries from other countries because of his bad diplomacy?

Now first of all Flopper... what is your evidence Trump's diplomacy sucks? Tell me about international negotiations... or any kind of negotiations Trump sucked at?

No head of state can sit at the table being insulted...

When have you seen Trump sit at the table and insult someone he was negotiating with or working on a deal with? Better yet, when have you seen him sit at the table and just blatantly insult anyone across from him? (other than maybe his TV show)

You see... You're already biased against him, you think he is an out-of-control hot head who just flies off the handle and says offensive things to be bombastic or whatever. And a whole LOT of the time, you are missing the nuance... the brilliance of Trump being Trump.

You don't seem to realize what he has done the past 4-5 weeks. The Liberal Left and Establishment GOP came at him with both barrels over two separate comments that would have sunk most candidates and he pulled to a double-digit lead over the GOP field.... granted, that lead has tapered back down to around 4 points, but still... we've not seen anything like this before. Teflon Trump!
In dealing with other nations, diplomacy comes first, long before you sit down to hammer out a deal and this is where I think Trump as president will fail. Trump simply lacks the most basic diplomatic skills. Tact and the ability to avoid offending others is just not Trump. These skills are far more important to a president than they are to a CEO making financial deals.

Despite being well-educated on finance, Trump often is prone to embrace positions that turn into major embarrassments for him -- his promotion of the "Obama isn't a U.S. citizen" myth, his promotion of the anti-vaccination myths, and repeated comments that give the appearance (correct or not) that he doesn't check facts or stay informed about serious issues. A person's politics is of little important in financial deals but in the world of international politics, it very important.

I disagree. "Deals" come when there are two parties who have mutual goals they can help each other fulfill. It has little to do with personalities and decorum. Trump does not lack basic diplomatic skills and you've offered no evidence for that charge, even though I've requested you to do so. You keep saying it, but what are you basing it on? Show me the diplomatic efforts or deals he's botched!

I don't know about anti-vac myths or latest issues... but did someone prove to Trump that Obama was born in the US, and did they collect the $5 million reward?
You need only Google Trump. You think telling the Chinese they are selling lousy products in the US, comments about taking over the Arab oil, and accusing Mexico of sending murders and rapist into the US is tactful.

Yes, you are correct about financial deals. Personalities and tactfulness of those involved are not likely to effect the outcome. However, that absolutely is not the case when nations are negotiating because the parties involve are sensitive to the politics of the other parties and how their critics back home perceive them. Unlike financial negotiations, a tactless comment or insult by a head state is perceived as an insult against the nation and can derail talks. I don't think Trump can resist the urge to make tactless and crude comments about others. He's been doing so long, it comes natural to him.
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That might play well with right wing crazies but not other nations.
In negotiations between businesses, insult are of little consequence but an insult are snub in international negotiations between countries, is a signal to to end talks. No head of state can sit at the table being insulted because it is insult against his nation.

Okay, so you admit Trump is good at negotiations but bad at diplomacy... or bad at negotiations because he is bad at diplomacy? He can work miracles in business but not with politicians and dignitaries from other countries because of his bad diplomacy?

Now first of all Flopper... what is your evidence Trump's diplomacy sucks? Tell me about international negotiations... or any kind of negotiations Trump sucked at?

No head of state can sit at the table being insulted...

When have you seen Trump sit at the table and insult someone he was negotiating with or working on a deal with? Better yet, when have you seen him sit at the table and just blatantly insult anyone across from him? (other than maybe his TV show)

You see... You're already biased against him, you think he is an out-of-control hot head who just flies off the handle and says offensive things to be bombastic or whatever. And a whole LOT of the time, you are missing the nuance... the brilliance of Trump being Trump.

You don't seem to realize what he has done the past 4-5 weeks. The Liberal Left and Establishment GOP came at him with both barrels over two separate comments that would have sunk most candidates and he pulled to a double-digit lead over the GOP field.... granted, that lead has tapered back down to around 4 points, but still... we've not seen anything like this before. Teflon Trump!
In dealing with other nations, diplomacy comes first, long before you sit down to hammer out a deal and this is where I think Trump as president will fail. Trump simply lacks the most basic diplomatic skills. Tact and the ability to avoid offending others is just not Trump. These skills are far more important to a president than they are to a CEO making financial deals.

Despite being well-educated on finance, Trump often is prone to embrace positions that turn into major embarrassments for him -- his promotion of the "Obama isn't a U.S. citizen" myth, his promotion of the anti-vaccination myths, and repeated comments that give the appearance (correct or not) that he doesn't check facts or stay informed about serious issues. A person's politics is of little important in financial deals but in the world of international politics, it very important.

I disagree. "Deals" come when there are two parties who have mutual goals they can help each other fulfill. It has little to do with personalities and decorum. Trump does not lack basic diplomatic skills and you've offered no evidence for that charge, even though I've requested you to do so. You keep saying it, but what are you basing it on? Show me the diplomatic efforts or deals he's botched!

I don't know about anti-vac myths or latest issues... but did someone prove to Trump that Obama was born in the US, and did they collect the $5 million reward?
You need only Google Trump. You think telling the Chinese they are selling lousy products in the US, comments about taking over the Arab oil, and accusing Mexico of sending murders and rapist into the US is tactful.

Yes, you are correct about financial deals. Personalities and tactfulness of those involved are not likely to effect the outcome. However, that absolutely is not the case when nations are negotiating because the parties involve are sensitive to the politics of the other parties and how their critics back home perceive them. Unlike financial negotiations, a tactless comment or insult by a head state is perceived as an insult against the nation and can derail talks. I don't think Trump can resist the urge to make tactless and crude comments about others. He's been doing so long, it comes natural to him.

Well first of all, you are applying the left-wing-establishment-gop SPIN on what Trump said. The quality of Chinese products is a joke I am sure China is familiar with and has probably heard before.... don't you think? Maybe it's even something they are a little self-conscious about and want to project a different image because of... and just maybe a snub from a leader would transform into motivation? You're just knee-jerk reacting like the idiots who negotiated the lousy trade deal we currently have with them. Fuck them and their cheap shit... I'd rather pay $100 for a keyboard that lasts than $9.96 for one that doesn't.

Arab Oil: Trump NEVER said a goddamn thing about taking over ARAB oil. He was asked specifically, how he would deal with ISIS and he said he would take their oil away... meaning, the oil wells controlled by and funding ISIS in Iraq. He's not talking about taking over Arab oil... he is talking about a strategy to defeat and crush ISIS. Actually, a pretty fucking GOOD strategy.

Mexico: The Mexican government is printing and distributing brochures and leaflets explaining to people how and where to cross the border. Trump said "they're not giving these to their Donald Trumps... that's not who they are sending to us..." He went on to explain that what we largely get from Mexico in the way of illegals are criminals, the dregs of society, the worst of the lot... the ones who aren't welcome there anymore. Factually speaking, they are responsible for a lot of rapes and murders across the Southwest.
That might play well with right wing crazies but not other nations.
In negotiations between businesses, insult are of little consequence but an insult are snub in international negotiations between countries, is a signal to to end talks. No head of state can sit at the table being insulted because it is insult against his nation.

Okay, so you admit Trump is good at negotiations but bad at diplomacy... or bad at negotiations because he is bad at diplomacy? He can work miracles in business but not with politicians and dignitaries from other countries because of his bad diplomacy?

Now first of all Flopper... what is your evidence Trump's diplomacy sucks? Tell me about international negotiations... or any kind of negotiations Trump sucked at?

No head of state can sit at the table being insulted...

When have you seen Trump sit at the table and insult someone he was negotiating with or working on a deal with? Better yet, when have you seen him sit at the table and just blatantly insult anyone across from him? (other than maybe his TV show)

You see... You're already biased against him, you think he is an out-of-control hot head who just flies off the handle and says offensive things to be bombastic or whatever. And a whole LOT of the time, you are missing the nuance... the brilliance of Trump being Trump.

You don't seem to realize what he has done the past 4-5 weeks. The Liberal Left and Establishment GOP came at him with both barrels over two separate comments that would have sunk most candidates and he pulled to a double-digit lead over the GOP field.... granted, that lead has tapered back down to around 4 points, but still... we've not seen anything like this before. Teflon Trump!
In dealing with other nations, diplomacy comes first, long before you sit down to hammer out a deal and this is where I think Trump as president will fail. Trump simply lacks the most basic diplomatic skills. Tact and the ability to avoid offending others is just not Trump. These skills are far more important to a president than they are to a CEO making financial deals.

Despite being well-educated on finance, Trump often is prone to embrace positions that turn into major embarrassments for him -- his promotion of the "Obama isn't a U.S. citizen" myth, his promotion of the anti-vaccination myths, and repeated comments that give the appearance (correct or not) that he doesn't check facts or stay informed about serious issues. A person's politics is of little important in financial deals but in the world of international politics, it very important.

I disagree. "Deals" come when there are two parties who have mutual goals they can help each other fulfill. It has little to do with personalities and decorum. Trump does not lack basic diplomatic skills and you've offered no evidence for that charge, even though I've requested you to do so. You keep saying it, but what are you basing it on? Show me the diplomatic efforts or deals he's botched!

I don't know about anti-vac myths or latest issues... but did someone prove to Trump that Obama was born in the US, and did they collect the $5 million reward?
You need only Google Trump. You think telling the Chinese they are selling lousy products in the US, comments about taking over the Arab oil, and accusing Mexico of sending murders and rapist into the US is tactful.

Yes, you are correct about financial deals. Personalities and tactfulness of those involved are not likely to effect the outcome. However, that absolutely is not the case when nations are negotiating because the parties involve are sensitive to the politics of the other parties and how their critics back home perceive them. Unlike financial negotiations, a tactless comment or insult by a head state is perceived as an insult against the nation and can derail talks. I don't think Trump can resist the urge to make tactless and crude comments about others. He's been doing so long, it comes natural to him.

Well first of all, you are applying the left-wing-establishment-gop SPIN on what Trump said. The quality of Chinese products is a joke I am sure China is familiar with and has probably heard before.... don't you think? Maybe it's even something they are a little self-conscious about and want to project a different image because of... and just maybe a snub from a leader would transform into motivation? You're just knee-jerk reacting like the idiots who negotiated the lousy trade deal we currently have with them. Fuck them and their cheap shit... I'd rather pay $100 for a keyboard that lasts than $9.96 for one that doesn't.

Arab Oil: Trump NEVER said a goddamn thing about taking over ARAB oil. He was asked specifically, how he would deal with ISIS and he said he would take their oil away... meaning, the oil wells controlled by and funding ISIS in Iraq. He's not talking about taking over Arab oil... he is talking about a strategy to defeat and crush ISIS. Actually, a pretty fucking GOOD strategy.

Mexico: The Mexican government is printing and distributing brochures and leaflets explaining to people how and where to cross the border. Trump said "they're not giving these to their Donald Trumps... that's not who they are sending to us..." He went on to explain that what we largely get from Mexico in the way of illegals are criminals, the dregs of society, the worst of the lot... the ones who aren't welcome there anymore. Factually speaking, they are responsible for a lot of rapes and murders across the Southwest.
Your post illustrates the major problem the Trump campaign will have. Trump has so much baggage to explain, too many divorces, too many girlfriends, too many bankruptcies, too many scandals, too many lawsuits, and way too many enemies.
Your post illustrates the major problem the Trump campaign will have. Trump has so much baggage to explain, too many divorces, too many girlfriends, too many bankruptcies, too many scandals, too many lawsuits, and way too many enemies.

What you (and liberals) don't seem to be comprehending is what Trump can do with each one of these things being thrown at him. First of all, we already know about most of Trump's personal escapades and it's not a big deal. But hey... that doesn't stop an exuberant liberal from thinking "gotchya!" and running out there with some sensational story to tell... and what does Trump do? ...Turns it into political gold and laughs all the way to the political bank! He did it with immigration and with McCain, and liberals never saw what hit them. He knows how to play the BS game better than they do. He thrives on controversy and the media attention that comes with it. Free advertising! Network air time! You can't defeat him by putting him in the spotlight, he will beat you senseless.
Your post illustrates the major problem the Trump campaign will have. Trump has so much baggage to explain, too many divorces, too many girlfriends, too many bankruptcies, too many scandals, too many lawsuits, and way too many enemies.

What you (and liberals) don't seem to be comprehending is what Trump can do with each one of these things being thrown at him. First of all, we already know about most of Trump's personal escapades and it's not a big deal. But hey... that doesn't stop an exuberant liberal from thinking "gotchya!" and running out there with some sensational story to tell... and what does Trump do? ...Turns it into political gold and laughs all the way to the political bank! He did it with immigration and with McCain, and liberals never saw what hit them. He knows how to play the BS game better than they do. He thrives on controversy and the media attention that comes with it. Free advertising! Network air time! You can't defeat him by putting him in the spotlight, he will beat you senseless.
Whether Trumps escapades are a big deal or not depends on who you are. For devout Christian conservatives, divorces, scandals, joking about about lack of church attendance is a big deal. For a Vet who volunteered and fought in Vietnam, Trump's draft dodging, and personal attacks on the service of someone who actually served their country is a big deal. For Mexican Americans,, repeated attacks against them and the nation of their birth is a big deal. And finally, the thousands of people and their supporters he has attacked, smeared, and sued, consider his vicious attacks a big deal.

Yes, Trump thrives on media attention and controversy as any good showman does.
Your post illustrates the major problem the Trump campaign will have. Trump has so much baggage to explain, too many divorces, too many girlfriends, too many bankruptcies, too many scandals, too many lawsuits, and way too many enemies.

What you (and liberals) don't seem to be comprehending is what Trump can do with each one of these things being thrown at him. First of all, we already know about most of Trump's personal escapades and it's not a big deal. But hey... that doesn't stop an exuberant liberal from thinking "gotchya!" and running out there with some sensational story to tell... and what does Trump do? ...Turns it into political gold and laughs all the way to the political bank! He did it with immigration and with McCain, and liberals never saw what hit them. He knows how to play the BS game better than they do. He thrives on controversy and the media attention that comes with it. Free advertising! Network air time! You can't defeat him by putting him in the spotlight, he will beat you senseless.
Whether Trumps escapades are a big deal or not depends on who you are. For devout Christian conservatives, divorces, scandals, joking about about lack of church attendance is a big deal. For a Vet who volunteered and fought in Vietnam, Trump's draft dodging, and personal attacks on the service of someone who actually served their country is a big deal. For Mexican Americans,, repeated attacks against them and the nation of their birth is a big deal. And finally, the thousands of people and their supporters he has attacked, smeared, and sued, consider his vicious attacks a big deal.

Yes, Trump thrives on media attention and controversy as any good showman does.

Hey... All I can go by are the poll numbers at this point....

He announced his candidacy and was instantly #2 behind Jeb.
Made the Mexico comment... media reacted... tied with Jeb.
--McCain calls his supporters "crazies"
Made the McCain comment... media reacted.. pulled ahead of Jeb.
Graham reacted, Trump gave his cell phone # out... takes a double-digit lead over Jeb!

Now we have had a week of lions being killed and more shootings... Trump back down to 4 pt. lead.

Trump has NOT attacked Mexican-Americans, he has a good relationship with Mexican-Americans. Trump did not attack McCain's service, he made a comment about the kind of hero he preferred. But in BOTH cases, you tried to pull this libtard razzle-dazzle bullshit and turn it into that... and Trump turned it into political points both times. He's making you look a fool and enjoying it.... basking in the glory of it! ;)

Trump leads Jeb AND Rubio... IN FLORIDA!

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