Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

My favorite part of the whole Trump dump is how light the man is on policy. And how little his sychophantic supplicants care.

Tapper asked Trump to expand on his policy beyond building a wall on the border. The host may have been hoping for a considered reply revealing Trump’s detailed thinking on immigration.

What he got was a sort of immigration-related word salad.

“We’re going to get the bad ones out,” Trump vowed. “We have some really bad dudes who are here in this country and we’re getting them out. We’re sending them back where they came from.”

Tapper tried again. What about the 11 million already here?

“The bad ones are going to get out. Then from that point on, we’re going to look very, very strongly at what we do. And I’m going to formulate a plan that I think people are going to be happy with. But we’re going to look very, very strongly at what we do.”

No really, what about the 11 million?

“I’m gonna get rid of the bad ones fast, and I’m gonna send them back. We’re not going to be putting them in prisons here and pay for them for the next 40 years.”

One more try. There will be millions left. What’s your plan?

“We’re going to see what we’re going to see,” Trump finally said. “It’s a very hard thing from a moral standpoint, from a physical standpoint, you don’t get them out. At least 11 million people – I’ve heard the number’s much higher…

“We’re going to take the high ground. We’re going to do what’s right. Some are going to have to go and some – Hey, we’re just going to see what happens. It’s a very, very big subject and a very complicated subject.”

He added, “The wall’s going to be built. We’re going to have a great border. People can come into the country legally, but not illegally, and the people that come in are going to be good people are going to be great people and I want that. That’s very important to me.”

Tapper asked Trump for his thoughts on the mass shooting last week in a Louisiana move theater, with a follow up asking him whether he approves of policies that would make it more difficult for the mentally ill to obtain firearms.

After declaring, “These are sick people. These are very, very sick people,” Trump told Tapper that the problem wasn’t easy access to guns, but the “mentality” of the people wielding them.

“I’m a big second amendment person,” Trump said. “I believe in it so strongly.”

“You need protection from the bad ones that have the guns. You take the guns away from the good people and the bad ones are going to have target practice.”

Pressed by Tapper to take a position on whether the mentally ill should be denied access to firearms, Trump declined to come out in favor of a ban.

“I think that if a person is mentally ill and it’s proven and documented you have to be extremely careful not to let them kill people,” was as far as he would go.

From illegal immigration to gun violence, Trump's positions are gloriously vague and poorly thought through.


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From illegal immigration to gun violence, Trump's positions are gloriously vague and poorly thought through.

Didn't sound that way to me. Sounded like he has a pretty good grasp on reality.

What is the Democrat position on immigration? I've been asking libtards for days now... can't get a response. It almost seems as if you don't have a position or plan to deal with illegal immigration on any level. Like you're okay with it or oblivious to it... whatever... I can't figure it out.

Should we just forget about illegal immigration? Have an open border with Mexico? Open immigration for all? What exactly do Democrats have in mind?
From illegal immigration to gun violence, Trump's positions are gloriously vague and poorly thought through.

Didn't sound that way to me. Sounded like he has a pretty good grasp on reality.

Really? You think this is a well thought out policy to illegal immigration?

"“The bad ones are going to get out. Then from that point on, we’re going to look very, very strongly at what we do. And I’m going to formulate a plan that I think people are going to be happy with. But we’re going to look very, very strongly at what we do.”"

So his to formulate a plan after 'the bad ones are going to get out'.

Brilliant. And I'm sure his solution is to come up with a solution.
Really? You think this is a well thought out policy to illegal immigration?

Yep... LOVE it!
Great policy!
...Get the bad ones out!
...Build a fucking wall!
...Go from there!

I also like his plan for dealing with ISIS...
"Take their oil away!"
Really? You think this is a well thought out policy to illegal immigration?

Yep... LOVE it!
Great policy!
...Get the bad ones out!
...Build a fucking wall!
...Go from there!

I also like his plan for dealing with ISIS...
"Take their oil away!"

So his to come up with a plan. And you consider that great policy.

Um, wow.
Really? You think this is a well thought out policy to illegal immigration?

Yep... LOVE it!
Great policy!
...Get the bad ones out!
...Build a fucking wall!
...Go from there!

I also like his plan for dealing with ISIS...
"Take their oil away!"

So his to come up with a plan. And you consider that great policy.

Um, wow.

But that wasn't what he said. He gave you the plan... Get the bad ones out.. build a wall.. then you make a plan of what to do about the rest. I realize it's rather simple and there are only three points, but you should be able to follow that.

BTW... where is the Democrat's plan I asked you for? It's okay if you don't know, I'm finding it hard to discover myself... just give me your thoughts on what you'd like to see happen?
Really? You think this is a well thought out policy to illegal immigration?

Yep... LOVE it!
Great policy!
...Get the bad ones out!
...Build a fucking wall!
...Go from there!

I also like his plan for dealing with ISIS...
"Take their oil away!"

So his to come up with a plan. And you consider that great policy.

Um, wow.

But that wasn't what he said. He gave you the plan... Get the bad ones out.. build a wall.. then you make a plan of what to do about the rest. I realize it's rather simple and there are only three points, but you should be able to follow that.

BTW... where is the Democrat's plan I asked you for? It's okay if you don't know, I'm finding it hard to discover myself... just give me your thoughts on what you'd like to see happen?

And how do you 'get the bad one's out'? Who are the 'bad ones'? And the 'rest' is apparently the overwhelming majority of illegal immigration.

For which Trump's to come up with a plan. Which makes as much sense as insisting that your solution is to come up with a solution.

One would think these are obvious questions. Why aren't you asking them? If Hillary had told you that her plan to deal with illegal immigration was to 'come up with a plan', you'd definitely have a few follow up questions.

But your Trump your brain just shuts down. Why?
For an unelectable mofo he sure is puttin on a class show, that's the Trump we all love and admire ...................................

What, just what if that mofo could actually win???

He CAN actually win... We elected a peanut farmer who everyone said "could never win" in 1976... then a "way too old" former actor who everyone said "could never win" in 1980. No one thought Truman could beat Dewey... they were so sure Dewey would win they printed the papers up!

Trump says he is actually polling better than he thought he would at this point. He's polling better than I would have thought as well. Of course, there is a lot of campaigning left to go, debates... we've not even had a caucus or primary yet. And of course, all the left wing loons will undoubtedly be ridiculing me and others if Trump doesn't win as if my heart is set on it... but like I say, I don't know if he can win or not. He's not my first or second choice, but I'll vote for him if my guys are not in the hunt come primary time. I'd take Trump any day over Hillary and I think most people would.
I'm starting to hear a lot of people who don't like that he went bankrupt so many times.
Just tell those low information bozos that "he went bankrupt so many times" isn't true. Then sit back and watch them make fools of themselves.
That's true he never declared bankruptcy. His corporations have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy four times.

Bankruptcy is fairly common among real estate developers. When a developer faces a really bad law suit from property owners or creditors they declare bankruptcy, bailout, and reorganized leaving owners and creditors holding the bag. The condo I am living in right now was built by such a developer. He's developed at least four properties with severe defects and each time escaped law suits by declaring bankruptcy. I understand he's now in business again trying to develop commercial property. I'm not familiar with Trump's corporation, but I would run not walk away from any developer with a string of bankruptcies.

Bankruptcies are a red flag. Someone with a number of bankruptcies punctuated by success is usually a smart operator living on the edge, legal but not honest.


Trump didn't go bankrupt developing properties. He went bankrupt running a casino. Owning a casino is like having a license to print money.

He sold his interest in the casino and it's now back in the black.
Trump didn't go bankrupt developing properties. He went bankrupt running a casino. Owning a casino is like having a license to print money.

He sold his interest in the casino and it's now back in the black.

Your ad hominem attacks against Trump are priceless.

For a hater that knows nothing of finance, your motives and jargon are crystal clear, so is the lack of your intelligence.

Once again what casino is that you have personally built and operated??

Your net worth is over at least $1 billion correct??

Yet you come before this forum speaking as if you have first hand knowledge or are an authoritarian on it!!

Do you have these delusional spells much??

Donald Trump began purchasing properties along the Atlantic City boardwalk in the early 1980s and received a gaming license from New Jersey's Casino Control Commission (CCC) on March 15, 1982.[3] He had planned to build his own casino on the boardwalk, but was stalled on the project when Mike Rose, then CEO of Holiday Inn and Harrah's approached him to manage construction of a Holiday Inn Casino-Hotel. It opened in May 1984 and two years later Trump bought out Holiday Inn's shares in the property and renamed it the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino.[4]

In 1985, Trump purchased the nearly-complete Atlantic City Hilton hotel and casino property at the Atlantic marina from Hilton Hotels for $325 million. The hotel chain sold the property after its application for a gaming license was turned down by the CCC.[5] Trump originally opened the property as Trump's Castle Hotel Casino, and later renamed it the Trump Marina.

In 1988, Trump purchased the unfinished Taj Mahal property from Resorts International for $230 million after negotiations with Merv Griffin in which the two men divided the assets of the failing company.[6] The casino, at the time the largest in Atlantic City, would eventually cost almost $1 billion by the time it opened in 1990. Trump completed the project using junk bonds, a decision that hurt the company afterward as the gaming industry struggled in a recession and interest rates became unmanageable.[7]

In 1995, Trump established Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts (THCR) as a publicly traded company, granting it ownership of the Trump Plaza and the under-development Trump Casino in Gary, Indiana.[8] The following year, THCR bought the Trump Taj Mahal at a valuation of $890 million,[9][10] and bought the Trump Castle from Trump for $486 million (including $355 million in assumed debt).[11]

In 1996, the company opened Trump World's Fair, a casino adjunct to the Trump Plaza.[12] The World's Fair was closed in 1999, with plans to replace it with a larger resort.[13]

THCR entered a management agreement in 2000 to operate the Spotlight 29 Casino, an Indian casino in Coachella, California.[14]

Financial troubles
Trump Entertainment Resorts has filed for corporate bankruptcy four times, in 1991, following construction of the $1 billion Trump Taj Mahal and in 2004, 2009 and 2014.

In 2004, Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts explored various options for restructuring its debt, amid speculation that it might file for bankruptcy. A possible arrangement with Credit Suisse First Boston was not completed because the bondholders rejected it.[15]

On October 21, 2004, the company announced a preliminary agreement with its investors. Trump, who has been the majority owner, would reduce his stock ownership from 56 percent to 27 percent. Bondholders would surrender some of their debt in exchange for stock. On October 27, the company announced that Morgan Stanley would be the joint lead arranger for a financing of $500 million financing as part of the restructuring plan. On November 21, the company filed for bankruptcy. Trump said the filing was "really just a technical thing" as the best way to implement the restructuring plan.[16] The plan was submitted to the Bankruptcy Court on December 16, 2004.

After the 2004 bankruptcy filing, Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts changed its name to Trump Entertainment Resorts (TER).

In 2005, the company's involvement in the Spotlight 29 Casino ended, as the tribe bought out the casino management agreement for $6 million.[17] Later that year, TER sold its Indiana casino to The Majestic Star Casino, LLC for $253 million.[18][19] The company had also been awarded a license to build a second casino in Orange County, Indiana, but dropped this plan, due in part to the state's concerns about the company's viability.[20]

On May 18, 2007, the company announced that it was in the preliminary stages of negotiating a buyout with several public and private firms. On July 2, 2007 Trump Entertainment Resorts announced that they could not make a deal with any company that they were in talks with and decided to take itself off the market. The company planned to lay off employees in order to cut costs.[21]

2009 bankruptcy and restructuring
The casino group filed for bankruptcy for the third time in February 2009 [22] owing $1.2 billion. Two sets of debt holders eventually proposed reorganization plans for the group in U.S. bankruptcy court.

Trump initially made an agreement with banker/high-stakes poker player Andrew Beal, owner of Beal Bank, which held $500 million in the group's debt, to take over the resorts. However, citing concerns about the bank's experience with gaming, he dropped them in favor of the hedge fund Avenue Capital Management, a plan favored by other bond-holders. Beal then partnered with investor, Carl Icahn, who had worked on restructuring another Atlantic City casino, the Tropicana.[23] In court, Trump argued that he would fight the Icahn/Beal team if they sought to use his name and likeness on the group's properties.[24] Instead he signed an agreement with Avenue Capital in which he would receive 5% stock in the reorganized company and another 5% in exchange for the use of his name and likeness in perpetuity.

Judith H. Wizmur, Chief Judge of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Jersey, eventually sided with the Trump/Avenue partnership, favored by bond holders who believed that Trump's brand would result in a stronger company after reorganization.[25]

In 2011, TER sold the Trump Marina to Landry's Restaurants, which also operates the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas.[26]

In February 2013, the company agreed to sell the Trump Plaza for $20 million to the Meruelo Group, a California-based company whose holdings include the Grand Sierra Resort in Reno. The proceeds would be used to pay down the company's debt to a level of $270 million. CEO Robert Griffin said TER would consider also selling the Trump Taj Mahal for the right price.[27] However, in 2013, Carl Ichan, who held the mortgage on the Trump Casinos, would reject the sale of the Trump Plaza. [28] In early August 2014 Donald Trump filed a lawsuit requesting his name be removed from the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino and the Taj Mahal facilities since he no longer runs or controls Trump Entertainment Resorts.[29]
Trump Entertainment Resorts - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Before you post a stupid reply, at least read and understand Trump had a declining interest in this venture, therefore it's financial health and the course it was headed was more and more OTHER PEOPLE and not TRUMP!!

Really? You think this is a well thought out policy to illegal immigration?

Yep... LOVE it!
Great policy!
...Get the bad ones out!
...Build a fucking wall!
...Go from there!

I also like his plan for dealing with ISIS...
"Take their oil away!"

So his to come up with a plan. And you consider that great policy.

Um, wow.

But that wasn't what he said. He gave you the plan... Get the bad ones out.. build a wall.. then you make a plan of what to do about the rest. I realize it's rather simple and there are only three points, but you should be able to follow that.

BTW... where is the Democrat's plan I asked you for? It's okay if you don't know, I'm finding it hard to discover myself... just give me your thoughts on what you'd like to see happen?

And how do you 'get the bad one's out'? Who are the 'bad ones'? And the 'rest' is apparently the overwhelming majority of illegal immigration.

For which Trump's to come up with a plan. Which makes as much sense as insisting that your solution is to come up with a solution.

One would think these are obvious questions. Why aren't you asking them? If Hillary had told you that her plan to deal with illegal immigration was to 'come up with a plan', you'd definitely have a few follow up questions.

But your Trump your brain just shuts down. Why?

Again... IF all Trump said was "I plan to come up with a plan" then you'd have some kind of rational point... but that's not what he said. I know that you comprehend part of what he said because you asked me how he's going to "get the bad ones out?" So it's weird... you admit in one breath that he has a plan but then claim he said he planned to come up with a plan. :dunno: Maybe your retardation is kicking up?

How do you get the bad ones out? Pretty simple, really... when you arrest someone who is here illegally, you check their background and see if they are criminals. If you caught them committing a crime this question is already answered... then you deport them.
Really? You think this is a well thought out policy to illegal immigration?

Yep... LOVE it!
Great policy!
...Get the bad ones out!
...Build a fucking wall!
...Go from there!

I also like his plan for dealing with ISIS...
"Take their oil away!"

So his to come up with a plan. And you consider that great policy.

Um, wow.

But that wasn't what he said. He gave you the plan... Get the bad ones out.. build a wall.. then you make a plan of what to do about the rest. I realize it's rather simple and there are only three points, but you should be able to follow that.

BTW... where is the Democrat's plan I asked you for? It's okay if you don't know, I'm finding it hard to discover myself... just give me your thoughts on what you'd like to see happen?

And how do you 'get the bad one's out'? Who are the 'bad ones'? And the 'rest' is apparently the overwhelming majority of illegal immigration.

For which Trump's to come up with a plan. Which makes as much sense as insisting that your solution is to come up with a solution.

One would think these are obvious questions. Why aren't you asking them? If Hillary had told you that her plan to deal with illegal immigration was to 'come up with a plan', you'd definitely have a few follow up questions.

But your Trump your brain just shuts down. Why?

Again... IF all Trump said was "I plan to come up with a plan" then you'd have some kind of rational point... but that's not what he said. I know that you comprehend part of what he said because you asked me how he's going to "get the bad ones out?" So it's weird... you admit in one breath that he has a plan but then claim he said he planned to come up with a plan. :dunno: Maybe your retardation is kicking up?

How do you get the bad ones out? Pretty simple, really... when you arrest someone who is here illegally, you check their background and see if they are criminals. If you caught them committing a crime this question is already answered... then you deport them.

That's exactly what Trump did. Again, I refer to the man's own words:

"“The bad ones are going to get out. Then from that point on, we’re going to look very, very strongly at what we do. And I’m going to formulate a plan that I think people are going to be happy with. But we’re going to look very, very strongly at what we do.”"

Formulating a plan is his immigration plan.

And since its Trump, your brain just shuts down. You won't ask any questions, you won't ask for any specifics, you won't even ask who the 'bad ones' are.

Someone motivated by a candidates policy positions would.
Yep... LOVE it!
Great policy!
...Get the bad ones out!
...Build a fucking wall!
...Go from there!

I also like his plan for dealing with ISIS...
"Take their oil away!"

So his to come up with a plan. And you consider that great policy.

Um, wow.

But that wasn't what he said. He gave you the plan... Get the bad ones out.. build a wall.. then you make a plan of what to do about the rest. I realize it's rather simple and there are only three points, but you should be able to follow that.

BTW... where is the Democrat's plan I asked you for? It's okay if you don't know, I'm finding it hard to discover myself... just give me your thoughts on what you'd like to see happen?

And how do you 'get the bad one's out'? Who are the 'bad ones'? And the 'rest' is apparently the overwhelming majority of illegal immigration.

For which Trump's to come up with a plan. Which makes as much sense as insisting that your solution is to come up with a solution.

One would think these are obvious questions. Why aren't you asking them? If Hillary had told you that her plan to deal with illegal immigration was to 'come up with a plan', you'd definitely have a few follow up questions.

But your Trump your brain just shuts down. Why?

Again... IF all Trump said was "I plan to come up with a plan" then you'd have some kind of rational point... but that's not what he said. I know that you comprehend part of what he said because you asked me how he's going to "get the bad ones out?" So it's weird... you admit in one breath that he has a plan but then claim he said he planned to come up with a plan. :dunno: Maybe your retardation is kicking up?

How do you get the bad ones out? Pretty simple, really... when you arrest someone who is here illegally, you check their background and see if they are criminals. If you caught them committing a crime this question is already answered... then you deport them.

That's exactly what Trump did. Again, I refer to the man's own words:

"“The bad ones are going to get out. Then from that point on, we’re going to look very, very strongly at what we do. And I’m going to formulate a plan that I think people are going to be happy with. But we’re going to look very, very strongly at what we do.”"

Formulating a plan is his immigration plan.

And since its Trump, your brain just shuts down. You won't ask any questions, you won't ask for any specifics, you won't even ask who the 'bad ones' are.

Someone motivated by a candidates policy positions would.

Well, to acknowledge an issue and be willing to work towards a solution is a first step, but you are right. I would be interested in hearing some specifics. Is it economically viable to deport these illegals who have committed crimes and are doing time in American prisons? We know it is not very viable to say you are going to round them all up and deport them back to their countries. That would be pretty much impossible, I think. I always thought the best plan was the national ID card and cracking down on the employers who routinely hire illegal workers because we know that they are drawn to some industries more than others. I've read that the biggest minority community affected by illegal immigrants are black Americans when it comes to jobs. That is one reason why unemployment statistics are so high amongst the black population in America.
Yep... LOVE it!
Great policy!
...Get the bad ones out!
...Build a fucking wall!
...Go from there!

I also like his plan for dealing with ISIS...
"Take their oil away!"

So his to come up with a plan. And you consider that great policy.

Um, wow.

But that wasn't what he said. He gave you the plan... Get the bad ones out.. build a wall.. then you make a plan of what to do about the rest. I realize it's rather simple and there are only three points, but you should be able to follow that.

BTW... where is the Democrat's plan I asked you for? It's okay if you don't know, I'm finding it hard to discover myself... just give me your thoughts on what you'd like to see happen?

And how do you 'get the bad one's out'? Who are the 'bad ones'? And the 'rest' is apparently the overwhelming majority of illegal immigration.

For which Trump's to come up with a plan. Which makes as much sense as insisting that your solution is to come up with a solution.

One would think these are obvious questions. Why aren't you asking them? If Hillary had told you that her plan to deal with illegal immigration was to 'come up with a plan', you'd definitely have a few follow up questions.

But your Trump your brain just shuts down. Why?

Again... IF all Trump said was "I plan to come up with a plan" then you'd have some kind of rational point... but that's not what he said. I know that you comprehend part of what he said because you asked me how he's going to "get the bad ones out?" So it's weird... you admit in one breath that he has a plan but then claim he said he planned to come up with a plan. :dunno: Maybe your retardation is kicking up?

How do you get the bad ones out? Pretty simple, really... when you arrest someone who is here illegally, you check their background and see if they are criminals. If you caught them committing a crime this question is already answered... then you deport them.

That's exactly what Trump did. Again, I refer to the man's own words:

"“The bad ones are going to get out. Then from that point on, we’re going to look very, very strongly at what we do. And I’m going to formulate a plan that I think people are going to be happy with. But we’re going to look very, very strongly at what we do.”"

Formulating a plan is his immigration plan.

And since its Trump, your brain just shuts down. You won't ask any questions, you won't ask for any specifics, you won't even ask who the 'bad ones' are.

Someone motivated by a candidates policy positions would.

Again... You can post it as many times as you need to... he still says the same thing. You are still asking me about his plan to "get bad ones out" while insisting he doesn't have a plan. Getting the bad ones out and building a wall are steps one and two of his plan. The third step is more ambiguous because you have to take steps one and two first and see what's left to be done. But your brain is wanting to jump past steps one and two and pretend step three is all he mentioned... while asking specifically about step one. :cuckoo:
So his to come up with a plan. And you consider that great policy.

Um, wow.

But that wasn't what he said. He gave you the plan... Get the bad ones out.. build a wall.. then you make a plan of what to do about the rest. I realize it's rather simple and there are only three points, but you should be able to follow that.

BTW... where is the Democrat's plan I asked you for? It's okay if you don't know, I'm finding it hard to discover myself... just give me your thoughts on what you'd like to see happen?

And how do you 'get the bad one's out'? Who are the 'bad ones'? And the 'rest' is apparently the overwhelming majority of illegal immigration.

For which Trump's to come up with a plan. Which makes as much sense as insisting that your solution is to come up with a solution.

One would think these are obvious questions. Why aren't you asking them? If Hillary had told you that her plan to deal with illegal immigration was to 'come up with a plan', you'd definitely have a few follow up questions.

But your Trump your brain just shuts down. Why?

Again... IF all Trump said was "I plan to come up with a plan" then you'd have some kind of rational point... but that's not what he said. I know that you comprehend part of what he said because you asked me how he's going to "get the bad ones out?" So it's weird... you admit in one breath that he has a plan but then claim he said he planned to come up with a plan. :dunno: Maybe your retardation is kicking up?

How do you get the bad ones out? Pretty simple, really... when you arrest someone who is here illegally, you check their background and see if they are criminals. If you caught them committing a crime this question is already answered... then you deport them.

That's exactly what Trump did. Again, I refer to the man's own words:

"“The bad ones are going to get out. Then from that point on, we’re going to look very, very strongly at what we do. And I’m going to formulate a plan that I think people are going to be happy with. But we’re going to look very, very strongly at what we do.”"

Formulating a plan is his immigration plan.

And since its Trump, your brain just shuts down. You won't ask any questions, you won't ask for any specifics, you won't even ask who the 'bad ones' are.

Someone motivated by a candidates policy positions would.

Again... You can post it as many times as you need to... he still says the same thing. You are still asking me about his plan to "get bad ones out" while insisting he doesn't have a plan. Getting the bad ones out and building a wall are steps one and two of his plan. The third step is more ambiguous because you have to take steps one and two first and see what's left to be done. But your brain is wanting to jump past steps one and two and pretend step three is all he mentioned... while asking specifically about step one. :cuckoo:

How long and big of a wall would this have to be? Don't you think that cracking down on the employers that hire illegals for cheap labor is the way to go? If they can't get jobs, then they won't come here. For those who are caught committing crime, does it make more sense to deport them and maybe they will or maybe they won't serve a "fair" sentence for their crimes and perhaps just end up coming back? The issue is complicated one when you look below the surface.
Have to LOVE this.....

Women are giving Trump the lead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^ | July 27, 2015 | Gene Veith
Donald Trump’s habit of shooting off his mouth and provoking outrage isn’t slowing him down at all. The public must find his lack of politically-correct inhibition refreshing. The new Zogby poll shows him leading the Republican pack among likely primary voters. Overall, he leads 20%, with Jeb Bush coming in at 16%. He leads among conservatives (18%), moderates (28%), and independents (31%). But his big support comes from women, 26% of whom support him.
How long and big of a wall would this have to be? Don't you think that cracking down on the employers that hire illegals for cheap labor is the way to go? If they can't get jobs, then they won't come here. For those who are caught committing crime, does it make more sense to deport them and maybe they will or maybe they won't serve a "fair" sentence for their crimes and perhaps just end up coming back? The issue is complicated one when you look below the surface.

Well, as long as the border is and as big as it needs to be to keep people from coming over it. Might not need to be a "wall" in some places... might be better to do a fence in those parts...

We already have laws on the books about hiring illegals... yes, we need to be enforcing those. Passing more new redundant laws isn't going to change enforcement policy.

If you deport them and there is a wall preventing them from coming back, what is the problem again?
I see where Huckleberry is comparing him to a drunken redneck. It's going to be a real dog fight. I think the candidate that takes the high ground is going to be the one that comes out on top and that's not going to be Trump.

Look, two things I will straight-up admit; Trump may hit a clinker before gets to the outro, that's highly possible with the free-style jazz he is playing at the moment. And two; Various demographics of the GOP will begin to settle in to their 'preferred' candidate and Trump will gain competition from a crowded field. As people have to actually go vote... they may second-guess their support for Trump and back out... no way of knowing that right now or where those voters would turn.

We are WAY early in the campaign season to be making final predictions.
I noticed Trump is heading off any expectation of a stunning performance in the debates with his repeated claims about never being in a debate and his statements about not how well he would do.
I see where Huckleberry is comparing him to a drunken redneck. It's going to be a real dog fight. I think the candidate that takes the high ground is going to be the one that comes out on top and that's not going to be Trump.

Look, two things I will straight-up admit; Trump may hit a clinker before gets to the outro, that's highly possible with the free-style jazz he is playing at the moment. And two; Various demographics of the GOP will begin to settle in to their 'preferred' candidate and Trump will gain competition from a crowded field. As people have to actually go vote... they may second-guess their support for Trump and back out... no way of knowing that right now or where those voters would turn.

We are WAY early in the campaign season to be making final predictions.
I noticed Trump is heading off any expectation of a stunning performance in the debates with his repeated claims about never being in a debate and his statements about not how well he would do.

Debates are always interesting because some people excel in that environment and others turn into Rick Perry. I think Ted Cruz will do well in the debates and Trump might not do so well... this may be where the field catches him or passes him. I've not seen Scott Walker in a debate, he seems like he would be good as well. But the debates, while very important, are not going to elect the next nominee.

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