Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Putin doesn't filter, neither did Reagan, Thatcher, FDR, Truman, or Kennedy. Politicians who filter suck.

There is no comparison between Trump and any of those people. Can you imagine Kennedy or Reagan saying, "I am rich. I am very rich." to a televised audience. They had too much class. Something that Trump seems to lack.

So its better to lie? "if you like your plan you can keep it" "I never sent any classified email on my server".

Trump is rich. Thats why he would owe no favors to any special interest group, no one could buy him.

You need to listen to one of Trump's latest statements carefully. He said unless the GOP treats him fairly, he may seek an independent run. Then he walked that back by saying that he really wants to run as a Republican. The GOP is basically being blackmailed. Either you award Trump the nomination or he will run as a third party and then a repeat of GW Bush and Clinton. Take your choice. That is what Trump is saying.

Trump cannot win the general. He may be ahead in the GOP polls, but he cannot control himself enough to show he can be Presidential. As a number of attendees at one of his rallies said when interviewed, "He scares me." No one really wants a Bully for President....

We have elected a long line of sell-outs and scum heavily on the basis of being "presidential". Its a superficial
criteria, easily manipulated by advertising.

Trump as far as I can tell is only "bullying" those who insulted him, like Grahm who called him a Jackass.

Interestingly(from Wikipedia)
This term bully pulpit was coined by President Theodore Roosevelt who referred to the White House as a "bully pulpit", by which he meant a terrific platform from which to advocate an agenda. Roosevelt used the word bully as an adjective meaning "superb" or "wonderful", a more common usage in his time than it is today. Another expression which survives from this era is "bully for you", synonymous with "good for you".
I suspect Trump would change the meaning of bully pulpit from a platform to advocate an agenda to a platform to intimidate and harass the opposition.

If you think that's a "change" from what it is right now, you're not paying attention, or you're congenitally dishonest.
If he wins the nomination he will get lukewarm support from power brokers in the party who hate his guts and don't trust him.

I completely disagree. IF he wins the GOP nomination, the game changes. These "power brokers" have no power to broker and no one to broker it to. You think the GOP elites are going to sit silently in the corner with their lip run out? Most of these shit-for-brains are already well on record saying "elections have consequences" while delivering Obama's agenda... so now they're going to suddenly abandon that philosophy when their own party wins the presidency? I don't see that happening.

90% of the "Establishment Elite" who Conservatives are totally pissed off with at the moment, are completely feckless because they don't have a leader with a vision. Every one of them want to be politically relevant and the best way for them to do that will be to get on board with their new president and do his bidding. There will be no shortage of political whores in the GOP who are more than willing to do just that.

As much as they hate him now, they will fall right in line IF he wins. Watch and see!
I not saying, he want get support from his party. I'm saying it will be lukewarm in many quarters where it should be wholehearted support, endorsements with out campaigning. Remember, these guys all have their own agenda and answer to different masters.

Oh, he's definitely a nightmare candidate for the GOP establishment. For the rank-and-file? Not so much.
If he goes for a 3rd party run, he steals most of the far right and it's a major win for the Democrats.

I agree but that's also why I don't think he would run 3rd party. That said, I think he could run 3rd party and win under the right circumstances. Keep in mind, he is a New Yorker, he could pull a lot of the Hillary base very easily. I'm not sure he won't take NY as a Republican.... that spells some real trouble for Democrats electorally. He has the potential of running a free-wheeling campaign that truly IS a "big tent" appeal, and win a lot of votes. Everyone else is too politically tainted to pull it off, but Trump could.

Still... I think if he sees he is clearly not going to win the GOP nomination and it's not very close... he pulls out and throws his support to one of the front-runners.
Trump is a deal maker and with a good enough deal from the apparent nominee, he might well stick with the party. However, Trump has been ridiculed over and over for not being a serious candidate. He's obviously going to make it to the debates and I think he will keep going as long as he thinks he can command center stage.

If Trump runs as a third party candidate, it will be to stay in the headlines and to get a line in the history books. There's been about a hundred third party presidential candidates and exactly none have been successful. A third party candidate with no organization faces two huge political machines with an organization in every nook an cranny in America.

I find it difficult to believe that Trump would actually want to serve as president. I think he certainly would want to win the election but to become the object ridicule with constant attacks, most of which he would have to ignore, to have to play the Washington game to get legislation passed, and step away from all his business interest for the most difficult and demanding job in the world. I'm not sure that's what he wants. The sacrifices one makes to serve as president are huge and Trump just does not appear self sacrificing in anyway or even a person who has any real interest in public service.
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If he goes for a 3rd party run, he steals most of the far right and it's a major win for the Democrats.

I agree but that's also why I don't think he would run 3rd party. That said, I think he could run 3rd party and win under the right circumstances. Keep in mind, he is a New Yorker, he could pull a lot of the Hillary base very easily. I'm not sure he won't take NY as a Republican.... that spells some real trouble for Democrats electorally. He has the potential of running a free-wheeling campaign that truly IS a "big tent" appeal, and win a lot of votes. Everyone else is too politically tainted to pull it off, but Trump could.

Still... I think if he sees he is clearly not going to win the GOP nomination and it's not very close... he pulls out and throws his support to one of the front-runners.
Trump is a deal maker and with a good enough deal from the apparent nominee, he might well stick with the party. However, Trump has been ridiculed over and over for not being a serious candidate. He's obviously going to make it to the debates and I think he will keep going as long as he thinks he can command center stage.

If Trump runs as a third party candidate, it will be to stay in the headlines and to get a line in the history books. There's been about a hundred third presidential candidates and exact none have been successful. A third party candidate with no organization faces two huge political machines with an organization in every nook an cranny in America.

I find it difficult to believe that Trump would actually want to serve as president. I think he certainly would want to win the election but to be become the object ridicule with constant attacks, most of which he would have to ignore, to have to play the Washington game to get legislation passed, and step away from all his business interest for the most difficult and demanding job in world. I'm not sure that's what it wants. The sacrifices one makes to serve as president are huge and Trump just does not appear self sacrificing or even a person who has any real interest in serving others.

obama is a pussy who is able to bully people from behind his position of power using the bully pulpit

i dont know why that is so hard to understand

kind of like a mafia accountant talking smack in a bar

Most bullies ARE wusses and cowards at heart. That's WHY they bully. People with real courage and strength don't have to engage in "measure-the-dick" contests and power plays.

Yes, that's why we have such a fucking pussy in the WH now. Putin steps on his RED LINE, He try's to overthrow Israel's government, and gets bitch slapped, he GIVES IRAN a nuclear bomb, and they KEPT 4 AMERICAN prisoners to boot.... need more brain dead woman?....Yes we need MORE DemocRATS, NeoCommies, and subversives to control our government!
Your comments indicate that you have no idea of what the job of the president involves. Although, it's often said the president is the most power man in the world, which may well be true, that does not mean the president can wield that power without consequences.

Being president is much more like a game of chess than it is a pissing match. There are always times when we think the president should strike back but you can bet that there are usually good reason why the president doesn't.

Almost everything a president says and does is planned for effect either at home or abroad. A snub or an outright insult by the president can mean the end of a proposed arms deal, trade treaty, an agreement on terrorism, prisoner release, or other negotiations.
If he wins the nomination he will get lukewarm support from power brokers in the party who hate his guts and don't trust him.

I completely disagree. IF he wins the GOP nomination, the game changes. These "power brokers" have no power to broker and no one to broker it to. You think the GOP elites are going to sit silently in the corner with their lip run out? Most of these shit-for-brains are already well on record saying "elections have consequences" while delivering Obama's agenda... so now they're going to suddenly abandon that philosophy when their own party wins the presidency? I don't see that happening.

90% of the "Establishment Elite" who Conservatives are totally pissed off with at the moment, are completely feckless because they don't have a leader with a vision. Every one of them want to be politically relevant and the best way for them to do that will be to get on board with their new president and do his bidding. There will be no shortage of political whores in the GOP who are more than willing to do just that.

As much as they hate him now, they will fall right in line IF he wins. Watch and see!
I not saying, he want get support from his party. I'm saying it will be lukewarm in many quarters where it should be wholehearted support, endorsements with out campaigning. Remember, these guys all have their own agenda and answer to different masters.

And you think Trump doesn't know their agendas or who their 'masters' are? Lukewarm or wholehearted? I don't think Trump really cares as long as they vote how he wants. They can do it begrudgingly or with enthusiasm, it doesn't really matter does it?

Something tells me Trump would be exceptional at corralling votes from his phone in the Oval Office. I think he would have much better luck swaying Democrats than anyone the GOP could nominate.

Not saying he won't have any enemies in his own party but I think they will quickly find they are politically isolated and irrelevant. Winning changes the game... Bush Sr. spent 8 years helping implement those "voodoo economic policies" he despised so much in the primaries.
Being president is much more like a game of chess than it is a pissing match. There are always times when we think the president should strike back but you can bet that there are usually good reason why the president doesn't.

Almost everything a president says and does is planned for effect either at home or abroad. A snub or an outright insult by the president can mean the end of a proposed arms deal, trade treaty, an agreement on terrorism, prisoner release, or other negotiations.

Let me explain some LIFE to you... People who get the best deals are not the ones who don't upset the apple cart and just do and say whatever they need in order to get any deal. The BEST deals go to those who are bold enough and confident enough to fight for the best deal possible. That may involve intimidation, manipulation, public comments or gestures, etc. I think Trump is a master at this and much more clever than you give him credit for.

Of all the possible things I would worry about in a Trump presidency, making deals wouldn't be one of them... wouldn't even be on my list. I think that is one of his best assets.
I want a bully for president. No, really... I think that is exactly what we need. For FAR too long the GOP has been walking on egg shells, trying to play nice with liberals, not wanting to appear mean or rude... It has gotten them clobbered politically. Beaten black and blue by radical nutjobs who have no business running our country.

I like the way Trump deals with jerks, he's a jerk right back in their face and he is better at it. For those who think he is a "loose cannon" I kind of disagree.. I think he is brilliant. He knows exactly what he's doing. The controversy over his illegal immigration comments focused the nation on the issue of illegal immigration for several weeks. Then he made the comments about McCain... now you have had two weeks of Liberals falling all over themselves to "honor war heroes" ...when the hell has THAT ever happened?

He is effectively using their tactic, which has been working well for them, to bash them over their stupid heads with. He says something "controversial" and liberals leap to take the bait and run with it... next thing you know, he's gotten a bump in the polls!
You have finally hit on something Trump can do quite well. It's not likely to get him elected but it's entertaining and will certain create plenty of problems for GOP.

Yeah, you just cling to that mindless partisan hatred.

Trump is creating problems for ALL the candidates, on both sides of the aisle. Start with the fact that he has virtually killed excitement and media attention for every other candidate. They're all just sitting on their thumbs in the corner, desperately trying to think of a way to get their names in the headlines. He has the media bully pulpit right now, and he's brash and bombastic and smart enough to use it to control and define the debate, and make everyone else dance to his tune and respond to his narrative.

Furthermore, the other GOP candidates are slowly starting to get a clue what it is that people like about Trump and take a lesson from him about being real, blunt, honest, and not backing down and doing an immediate mea culpa the instant the left shits its frillies and starts screeching faux outrage about something. Even if Trump doesn't make it out of the primaries, the Democrat candidate is going to have a much harder contest with whoever the GOP does nominate, because that person is going to have to have more of a spine than recent candidates have had.
Sorry, I don't see it that away. Trump is nothing but good for Hillary. Everything that Trump says helps solidify the Democratic base. Has he taken anything even close to a liberal stand? What he is doing is stealing valuable media time from other Republican candidates and driving the party further to the right. Nothing could please Democrats more.
Being president is much more like a game of chess than it is a pissing match. There are always times when we think the president should strike back but you can bet that there are usually good reason why the president doesn't.

Almost everything a president says and does is planned for effect either at home or abroad. A snub or an outright insult by the president can mean the end of a proposed arms deal, trade treaty, an agreement on terrorism, prisoner release, or other negotiations.

Let me explain some LIFE to you... People who get the best deals are not the ones who don't upset the apple cart and just do and say whatever they need in order to get any deal. The BEST deals go to those who are bold enough and confident enough to fight for the best deal possible. That may involve intimidation, manipulation, public comments or gestures, etc. I think Trump is a master at this and much more clever than you give him credit for.

Of all the possible things I would worry about in a Trump presidency, making deals wouldn't be one of them... wouldn't even be on my list. I think that is one of his best assets.
It depends on what you mean by upsetting the apple cart. I think what you are neglecting is that the people a president deals with directly are people of power and influence that can not maintain their position if they don't retaliate against snubs and insults.

I too am not concerned about Trump's deal making ability. I would be concerned that he wouldn't have the opportunity to make the deal because of his big mouth. If Trump had insulted Mexico and it's government as president, it would have caused an international incident in which Nieto would have had to take some action to save face. This is not how you get things done as president.
There is no comparison between Trump and any of those people. Can you imagine Kennedy or Reagan saying, "I am rich. I am very rich." to a televised audience. They had too much class. Something that Trump seems to lack.

So its better to lie? "if you like your plan you can keep it" "I never sent any classified email on my server".

Trump is rich. Thats why he would owe no favors to any special interest group, no one could buy him.

You need to listen to one of Trump's latest statements carefully. He said unless the GOP treats him fairly, he may seek an independent run. Then he walked that back by saying that he really wants to run as a Republican. The GOP is basically being blackmailed. Either you award Trump the nomination or he will run as a third party and then a repeat of GW Bush and Clinton. Take your choice. That is what Trump is saying.

Trump cannot win the general. He may be ahead in the GOP polls, but he cannot control himself enough to show he can be Presidential. As a number of attendees at one of his rallies said when interviewed, "He scares me." No one really wants a Bully for President....

We have elected a long line of sell-outs and scum heavily on the basis of being "presidential". Its a superficial
criteria, easily manipulated by advertising.

Trump as far as I can tell is only "bullying" those who insulted him, like Grahm who called him a Jackass.

Interestingly(from Wikipedia)
This term bully pulpit was coined by President Theodore Roosevelt who referred to the White House as a "bully pulpit", by which he meant a terrific platform from which to advocate an agenda. Roosevelt used the word bully as an adjective meaning "superb" or "wonderful", a more common usage in his time than it is today. Another expression which survives from this era is "bully for you", synonymous with "good for you".
I suspect Trump would change the meaning of bully pulpit from a platform to advocate an agenda to a platform to intimidate and harass the opposition.

If you think that's a "change" from what it is right now, you're not paying attention, or you're congenitally dishonest.
It's matter of degree. Obama uses the media to attack people's position on issues. Trump uses the media to launch personal attacks. There's a big a difference.
Being president is much more like a game of chess than it is a pissing match. There are always times when we think the president should strike back but you can bet that there are usually good reason why the president doesn't.

Almost everything a president says and does is planned for effect either at home or abroad. A snub or an outright insult by the president can mean the end of a proposed arms deal, trade treaty, an agreement on terrorism, prisoner release, or other negotiations.

Let me explain some LIFE to you... People who get the best deals are not the ones who don't upset the apple cart and just do and say whatever they need in order to get any deal. The BEST deals go to those who are bold enough and confident enough to fight for the best deal possible. That may involve intimidation, manipulation, public comments or gestures, etc. I think Trump is a master at this and much more clever than you give him credit for.

Of all the possible things I would worry about in a Trump presidency, making deals wouldn't be one of them... wouldn't even be on my list. I think that is one of his best assets.
It depends on what you mean by upsetting the apple cart. I think what you are neglecting is that the people a president deals with directly are people of power and influence that can not maintain their position if they don't retaliate against snubs and insults.

I too am not concerned about Trump's deal making ability. I would be concerned that he wouldn't have the opportunity to make the deal because of his big mouth. If Trump had insulted Mexico and it's government as president, it would have caused an international incident in which Nieto would have had to take some action to save face. This is not how you get things done as president.

LMAO... An international incident? Over some words? ...wait 'til they get a load of President Trump's invoice for services rendered and the construction of the border wall!

I would say that after 30 years of feckless idiots making deals where we get screwed, there might be some animosity over Trump's approach to deal making. We may have an international incident or two... so what?
It's matter of degree. Obama uses the media to attack people's position on issues. Trump uses the media to launch personal attacks. There's a big a difference.

Nonsense. Trump hasn't launched any attacks... he has retaliated a few times.

Obama avoids issues and talks in platitudes.
It's matter of degree. Obama uses the media to attack people's position on issues. Trump uses the media to launch personal attacks. There's a big a difference.

Nonsense. Trump hasn't launched any attacks... he has retaliated a few times.

Obama avoids issues and talks in platitudes.
A few times? Launching personal attacks is Trump's hobby. He's been doing it for years. A comment about his hair, a question about his wealth, or taking an opposing position on any issue he favors is enough to set him off.

Trump attacks anyone who makes him feel small, insufficiently wealthy, threatened or mocked. He attacks for sport, he attacks to regain a sense of control, and to make a point. He attacks as a means of saying “you’re fired” to those he does not employ.

I think's it's pretty clear how Trump would use the bully pulpit.
It's matter of degree. Obama uses the media to attack people's position on issues. Trump uses the media to launch personal attacks. There's a big a difference.

Nonsense. Trump hasn't launched any attacks... he has retaliated a few times.

Obama avoids issues and talks in platitudes.
A few times? Launching personal attacks is Trump's hobby. He's been doing it for years. A comment about his hair, a question about his wealth, or taking an opposing position on any issue he favors is enough to set him off.

Trump attacks anyone who makes him feel small, insufficiently wealthy, threatened or mocked. He attacks for sport, he attacks to regain a sense of control, and to make a point. He attacks as a means of saying “you’re fired” to those he does not employ.

I think's it's pretty clear how Trump would use the bully pulpit.

I have never seen the man attack anyone who hadn't attacked him first or who didn't richly deserve it. The reason he does it is because it's an effective way to deal with bullies.
It's matter of degree. Obama uses the media to attack people's position on issues. Trump uses the media to launch personal attacks. There's a big a difference.

Nonsense. Trump hasn't launched any attacks... he has retaliated a few times.

Obama avoids issues and talks in platitudes.
A few times? Launching personal attacks is Trump's hobby. He's been doing it for years. A comment about his hair, a question about his wealth, or taking an opposing position on any issue he favors is enough to set him off.

Trump attacks anyone who makes him feel small, insufficiently wealthy, threatened or mocked. He attacks for sport, he attacks to regain a sense of control, and to make a point. He attacks as a means of saying “you’re fired” to those he does not employ.

I think's it's pretty clear how Trump would use the bully pulpit.

I have never seen the man attack anyone who hadn't attacked him first or who didn't richly deserve it. The reason he does it is because it's an effective way to deal with bullies.
I've searched the Net and have not found a single personal attack by John McCain on Trump before Trump attacked McCain's military record. If you have a link proving this, how about posting it.

My point is that presidential candidates shouldn't be initiating or retaliating with personal attacks on anybody. Attack the issues and the actions of opponents on those issues. People seem to think Trump is some great hero for speaking his mind. There is nothing brave or heroic in what Trump is doing. .
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It's matter of degree. Obama uses the media to attack people's position on issues. Trump uses the media to launch personal attacks. There's a big a difference.

Nonsense. Trump hasn't launched any attacks... he has retaliated a few times.

Obama avoids issues and talks in platitudes.
A few times? Launching personal attacks is Trump's hobby. He's been doing it for years. A comment about his hair, a question about his wealth, or taking an opposing position on any issue he favors is enough to set him off.

Trump attacks anyone who makes him feel small, insufficiently wealthy, threatened or mocked. He attacks for sport, he attacks to regain a sense of control, and to make a point. He attacks as a means of saying “you’re fired” to those he does not employ.

I think's it's pretty clear how Trump would use the bully pulpit.

I have never seen the man attack anyone who hadn't attacked him first or who didn't richly deserve it. The reason he does it is because it's an effective way to deal with bullies.

I see where Huckleberry is comparing him to a drunken redneck. It's going to be a real dog fight. I think the candidate that takes the high ground is going to be the one that comes out on top and that's not going to be Trump.
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It's matter of degree. Obama uses the media to attack people's position on issues. Trump uses the media to launch personal attacks. There's a big a difference.

Nonsense. Trump hasn't launched any attacks... he has retaliated a few times.

Obama avoids issues and talks in platitudes.
A few times? Launching personal attacks is Trump's hobby. He's been doing it for years. A comment about his hair, a question about his wealth, or taking an opposing position on any issue he favors is enough to set him off.

Trump attacks anyone who makes him feel small, insufficiently wealthy, threatened or mocked. He attacks for sport, he attacks to regain a sense of control, and to make a point. He attacks as a means of saying “you’re fired” to those he does not employ.

I think's it's pretty clear how Trump would use the bully pulpit.

I have never seen the man attack anyone who hadn't attacked him first or who didn't richly deserve it. The reason he does it is because it's an effective way to deal with bullies.
I've searched the Net and have not found a single personal attack by John McCain on Trump before Trump attacked McCain's military record. If you have a link proving this, how about posting it.

My point is that presidential candidates shouldn't be initiating or retaliating with personal attacks on anybody. Attack the issues and the actions of opponents on those issues. People seem to think Trump is some great hero for speaking his mind. There is nothing brave or heroic in what Trump is doing. .

Trump's direct comment was in response to a reporter asking him about McCain saying that Trump had “fired up the crazies” in the party. He has been very respectful toward people who respect him. Lindsay Graham popped off something about Trump being a "jackass" and Trump gave his cell phone number out. ...I loved it!

Brave and Heroic??? ....Is that what you believe HILLARY is being?
I see where Huckleberry is comparing him to a drunken redneck. It's going to be a real dog fight. I think the candidate that takes the high ground is going to be the one that comes out on top and that's not going to be Trump.

Look, two things I will straight-up admit; Trump may hit a clinker before gets to the outro, that's highly possible with the free-style jazz he is playing at the moment. And two; Various demographics of the GOP will begin to settle in to their 'preferred' candidate and Trump will gain competition from a crowded field. As people have to actually go vote... they may second-guess their support for Trump and back out... no way of knowing that right now or where those voters would turn.

We are WAY early in the campaign season to be making final predictions.
Apparently the muslim, NeoCommie believes he can win!

Ellison says Trump can win GOP nod, points to Minn. electing Ventura governor! ^ | 7/26/15
Don’t underestimate the likelihood of billionaire and reality TV personality Donald Trump winning the Republican nomination for president, a Minnesota member of Congress cautioned the nation Sunday, pointing to his own state putting a onetime feather boa-flaunting pro wrestler in charge. Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., during an appearance on ABC-TV’s “This Week,” said voters “better be ready for the fact that [Trump] might be leading the Republican ticket.” Challenged by host George Stephanopoulos that “I know you don’t believe” Trump can actually be the challenger to the Democratic nominee in November 2016, Ellison reminded viewers that Minnesota voted in Jesse...

Oh, and the White House after a Trump win....


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