Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

You have finally hit on something Trump can do quite well. It's not likely to get him elected but it's entertaining and will certain create plenty of problems for GOP.

Well again, I don't know if Trump can win or not. I'm not going on record to proclaim he won't win because stranger things have happened. He indeed could win! I think that is what motivates the left to come out so vocally against him at this time... like I said before, the political strategy should be to undermine his opponents and help him win the nomination if you're sure he can be easily defeated. That's not what we're seeing.

I realize the Insane Clown Pinheads are bookmarking all my posts supporting Trump so they can throw it all back in my face when he eventually drops out of the race... I don't really care. My mind is not made up yet on who I will vote for. I like Walker and Cruz better than Trump. My dream ticket would be Walker/Cruz or Cruz/Walker. BUT... if things shake out to where Cruz and Walker are way back in the pack and it's going to come down to Trump or Jeb Bush, then I'm voting Trump. The only people I can tell you that I am NOT going to vote for are Jeb, Krispy Kreme, Graham, Kasich, Hillary or Bernie.

I appreciate your well-thought out analysis of Trump... but as I demonstrated, every complaint you have of Trump could have been made of Obama. Every pitfall you've presented for a Trump presidency has already been encountered with Obama. So you can't scare me with this.... it doesn't work anymore. Eight years ago, it might have.
I would love to see Trump call Poootin a loser KGB agent. Presidents need s filter on words. I don't think Trump is capable of filtering anything.

Putin doesn't filter, neither did Reagan, Thatcher, FDR, Truman, or Kennedy. Politicians who filter suck.

There is no comparison between Trump and any of those people. Can you imagine Kennedy or Reagan saying, "I am rich. I am very rich." to a televised audience. They had too much class. Something that Trump seems to lack.

So its better to lie? "if you like your plan you can keep it" "I never sent any classified email on my server".

Trump is rich. Thats why he would owe no favors to any special interest group, no one could buy him.

You need to listen to one of Trump's latest statements carefully. He said unless the GOP treats him fairly, he may seek an independent run. Then he walked that back by saying that he really wants to run as a Republican. The GOP is basically being blackmailed. Either you award Trump the nomination or he will run as a third party and then a repeat of GW Bush and Clinton. Take your choice. That is what Trump is saying.

Trump cannot win the general. He may be ahead in the GOP polls, but he cannot control himself enough to show he can be Presidential. As a number of attendees at one of his rallies said when interviewed, "He scares me." No one really wants a Bully for President....
I have to disagree. I think there're many people who want a bully as president, someone that will kick ass in Washington, tell Putin to go fuck himself, blackmail congressmen, use the powers of the president to punish the opposition.

In politics, a bully is just another name for a dictator.

Trump would be a very happy Dictator. Everyone Democracy needs one!
Oh, and for the record. I would love to see Trump carry the GOP banner in 2016. Trump and Palin.....the dream ticket.....for the Democrats.....or Trump and Cruz...
Oh, and for the record. I would love to see Trump carry the GOP banner in 2016. Trump and Palin.....the dream ticket.....for the Democrats.....or Trump and Cruz...

You got that right, Patriots against Socialists..... for the WIN!

The only thing that's kept republicans relevant is gerrymandering.

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You have finally hit on something Trump can do quite well. It's not likely to get him elected but it's entertaining and will certain create plenty of problems for GOP.

Well again, I don't know if Trump can win or not. I'm not going on record to proclaim he won't win because stranger things have happened. He indeed could win! I think that is what motivates the left to come out so vocally against him at this time...

I keep hearing over and over about this "the left coming out so vocally against him, they're scared" and shit.

When do we actually get to see it?
You have finally hit on something Trump can do quite well. It's not likely to get him elected but it's entertaining and will certain create plenty of problems for GOP.

Well again, I don't know if Trump can win or not. I'm not going on record to proclaim he won't win because stranger things have happened. He indeed could win! I think that is what motivates the left to come out so vocally against him at this time...

I keep hearing over and over about this "the left coming out so vocally against him, they're scared" and shit.

When do we actually get to see it?

When your candidates STOP HIDING and ROPING OFF the press!
Says the guy who voted for the president who held scripted press conferences and town halls.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
I keep hearing over and over about this "the left coming out so vocally against him, they're scared" and shit.

When do we actually get to see it?

You guys are almost MANIC about it! Read the threads!

One post, you are all... "oh please nominate Trump... dream candidate for Hillary!" Next post, you're posting what is obviously copy-n-paste bullet pointed and linked propaganda to destroy Trump! For people who are drooling for Trump to be Hillary's opponent, you sure are doing everything you can to make sure that doesn't happen. Retarded or something? :dunno:

I happen to think, all this "please oh please let it be Trump" is nervous whistling by the graveyard. I think it is an attempt to sway people by mocking their choice and trying to convince them not to support Trump. And... I think it's failing. ;)
I keep hearing over and over about this "the left coming out so vocally against him, they're scared" and shit.

When do we actually get to see it?

You guys are almost MANIC about it! Read the threads!

One post, you are all... "oh please nominate Trump... dream candidate for Hillary!" Next post, you're posting what is obviously copy-n-paste bullet pointed and linked propaganda to destroy Trump! For people who are drooling for Trump to be Hillary's opponent, you sure are doing everything you can to make sure that doesn't happen. Retarded or something? :dunno:

I happen to think, all this "please oh please let it be Trump" is nervous whistling by the graveyard. I think it is an attempt to sway people by mocking their choice and trying to convince them not to support Trump. And... I think it's failing. ;)

We are being very honest. We want Trump at the top pf the GOP ticket. Anyway, he has basically told the GOP, nominate me or I run as an Independent. Choose your Poison.....:banana:
You have finally hit on something Trump can do quite well. It's not likely to get him elected but it's entertaining and will certain create plenty of problems for GOP.

Well again, I don't know if Trump can win or not. I'm not going on record to proclaim he won't win because stranger things have happened. He indeed could win! I think that is what motivates the left to come out so vocally against him at this time... like I said before, the political strategy should be to undermine his opponents and help him win the nomination if you're sure he can be easily defeated. That's not what we're seeing.

I realize the Insane Clown Pinheads are bookmarking all my posts supporting Trump so they can throw it all back in my face when he eventually drops out of the race... I don't really care. My mind is not made up yet on who I will vote for. I like Walker and Cruz better than Trump. My dream ticket would be Walker/Cruz or Cruz/Walker. BUT... if things shake out to where Cruz and Walker are way back in the pack and it's going to come down to Trump or Jeb Bush, then I'm voting Trump. The only people I can tell you that I am NOT going to vote for are Jeb, Krispy Kreme, Graham, Kasich, Hillary or Bernie.

I appreciate your well-thought out analysis of Trump... but as I demonstrated, every complaint you have of Trump could have been made of Obama. Every pitfall you've presented for a Trump presidency has already been encountered with Obama. So you can't scare me with this.... it doesn't work anymore. Eight years ago, it might have.

I think Trump's campaign is a nightmare scenario for the GOP: a populist outsider with unlimited resources attacking their nominee from the right in the general election, raising hell -- and attracting votes. If Trump makes it through the debates with strong numbers and does not get nominated, I can't imagine him not making a 3rd party run.

It's really a disaster either way for Republicans.

If he wins the nomination he will get lukewarm support from power brokers in the party who hate his guts and don't trust him. Support from the Christian right will be a hell of problem with 3 divorces, off and on opposition to gay marriage, and his comment that he tries to attend church twice a year. With his comment about McCain and the draft dogging, he's not likely draw strong support from the military. For the Democrats, there is no candidate that would better unite the party Clinton polls against Trump 2 to 1.

If he goes for a 3rd party run, he steals most of the far right and it's a major win for the Democrats.

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