Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

I would love to see Trump call Poootin a loser KGB agent. Presidents need s filter on words. I don't think Trump is capable of filtering anything.

Putin doesn't filter, neither did Reagan, Thatcher, FDR, Truman, or Kennedy. Politicians who filter suck.
I would love to see Trump call Poootin a loser KGB agent. Presidents need s filter on words. I don't think Trump is capable of filtering anything.

Putin doesn't filter, neither did Reagan, Thatcher, FDR, Truman, or Kennedy. Politicians who filter suck.

There is no comparison between Trump and any of those people. Can you imagine Kennedy or Reagan saying, "I am rich. I am very rich." to a televised audience. They had too much class. Something that Trump seems to lack.
I would love to see Trump call Poootin a loser KGB agent. Presidents need s filter on words. I don't think Trump is capable of filtering anything.

Putin doesn't filter, neither did Reagan, Thatcher, FDR, Truman, or Kennedy. Politicians who filter suck.

There is no comparison between Trump and any of those people. Can you imagine Kennedy or Reagan saying, "I am rich. I am very rich." to a televised audience. They had too much class. Something that Trump seems to lack.

how about a President who says "I won", or "elections have conseqences", or "HAVE A SEAT IN THE BACK OF THE BUS"?????????????????????????????

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I would love to see Trump call Poootin a loser KGB agent. Presidents need s filter on words. I don't think Trump is capable of filtering anything.

Putin doesn't filter, neither did Reagan, Thatcher, FDR, Truman, or Kennedy. Politicians who filter suck.

There is no comparison between Trump and any of those people. Can you imagine Kennedy or Reagan saying, "I am rich. I am very rich." to a televised audience. They had too much class. Something that Trump seems to lack.

So its better to lie? "if you like your plan you can keep it" "I never sent any classified email on my server".

Trump is rich. Thats why he would owe no favors to any special interest group, no one could buy him.
That's one way to look at it...if you're an idiot. Thank God for the Affordable Care act.

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I would love to see Trump call Poootin a loser KGB agent. Presidents need s filter on words. I don't think Trump is capable of filtering anything.

Putin doesn't filter, neither did Reagan, Thatcher, FDR, Truman, or Kennedy. Politicians who filter suck.

There is no comparison between Trump and any of those people. Can you imagine Kennedy or Reagan saying, "I am rich. I am very rich." to a televised audience. They had too much class. Something that Trump seems to lack.

So its better to lie? "if you like your plan you can keep it" "I never sent any classified email on my server".

Trump is rich. Thats why he would owe no favors to any special interest group, no one could buy him.

You need to listen to one of Trump's latest statements carefully. He said unless the GOP treats him fairly, he may seek an independent run. Then he walked that back by saying that he really wants to run as a Republican. The GOP is basically being blackmailed. Either you award Trump the nomination or he will run as a third party and then a repeat of GW Bush and Clinton. Take your choice. That is what Trump is saying.

Trump cannot win the general. He may be ahead in the GOP polls, but he cannot control himself enough to show he can be Presidential. As a number of attendees at one of his rallies said when interviewed, "He scares me." No one really wants a Bully for President....
I would love to see Trump call Poootin a loser KGB agent. Presidents need s filter on words. I don't think Trump is capable of filtering anything.

Putin doesn't filter, neither did Reagan, Thatcher, FDR, Truman, or Kennedy. Politicians who filter suck.

There is no comparison between Trump and any of those people. Can you imagine Kennedy or Reagan saying, "I am rich. I am very rich." to a televised audience. They had too much class. Something that Trump seems to lack.

So its better to lie? "if you like your plan you can keep it" "I never sent any classified email on my server".

Trump is rich. Thats why he would owe no favors to any special interest group, no one could buy him.

You need to listen to one of Trump's latest statements carefully. He said unless the GOP treats him fairly, he may seek an independent run. Then he walked that back by saying that he really wants to run as a Republican. The GOP is basically being blackmailed. Either you award Trump the nomination or he will run as a third party and then a repeat of GW Bush and Clinton. Take your choice. That is what Trump is saying.

Trump cannot win the general. He may be ahead in the GOP polls, but he cannot control himself enough to show he can be Presidential. As a number of attendees at one of his rallies said when interviewed, "He scares me." No one really wants a Bully for President....

well thats all your opinion, and opinions are like assholes----------------everyone has one. In this case yours stinks.
I would love to see Trump call Poootin a loser KGB agent. Presidents need s filter on words. I don't think Trump is capable of filtering anything.

Putin doesn't filter, neither did Reagan, Thatcher, FDR, Truman, or Kennedy. Politicians who filter suck.

There is no comparison between Trump and any of those people. Can you imagine Kennedy or Reagan saying, "I am rich. I am very rich." to a televised audience. They had too much class. Something that Trump seems to lack.

So its better to lie? "if you like your plan you can keep it" "I never sent any classified email on my server".

Trump is rich. Thats why he would owe no favors to any special interest group, no one could buy him.

You need to listen to one of Trump's latest statements carefully. He said unless the GOP treats him fairly, he may seek an independent run. Then he walked that back by saying that he really wants to run as a Republican. The GOP is basically being blackmailed. Either you award Trump the nomination or he will run as a third party and then a repeat of GW Bush and Clinton. Take your choice. That is what Trump is saying.

Trump cannot win the general. He may be ahead in the GOP polls, but he cannot control himself enough to show he can be Presidential. As a number of attendees at one of his rallies said when interviewed, "He scares me." No one really wants a Bully for President....

nobody wants a bully for president???


tell that to the people that wanted to give obama a 3rd term

that cheered obama's dictatorial ways
I would love to see Trump call Poootin a loser KGB agent. Presidents need s filter on words. I don't think Trump is capable of filtering anything.

Putin doesn't filter, neither did Reagan, Thatcher, FDR, Truman, or Kennedy. Politicians who filter suck.

There is no comparison between Trump and any of those people. Can you imagine Kennedy or Reagan saying, "I am rich. I am very rich." to a televised audience. They had too much class. Something that Trump seems to lack.

So its better to lie? "if you like your plan you can keep it" "I never sent any classified email on my server".

Trump is rich. Thats why he would owe no favors to any special interest group, no one could buy him.

You need to listen to one of Trump's latest statements carefully. He said unless the GOP treats him fairly, he may seek an independent run. Then he walked that back by saying that he really wants to run as a Republican. The GOP is basically being blackmailed. Either you award Trump the nomination or he will run as a third party and then a repeat of GW Bush and Clinton. Take your choice. That is what Trump is saying.

Trump cannot win the general. He may be ahead in the GOP polls, but he cannot control himself enough to show he can be Presidential. As a number of attendees at one of his rallies said when interviewed, "He scares me." No one really wants a Bully for President....

nobody wants a bully for president???


tell that to the people that wanted to give obama a 3rd term

that cheered obama's dictatorial ways

Yes, he bullies people
I would love to see Trump call Poootin a loser KGB agent. Presidents need s filter on words. I don't think Trump is capable of filtering anything.

Putin doesn't filter, neither did Reagan, Thatcher, FDR, Truman, or Kennedy. Politicians who filter suck.

There is no comparison between Trump and any of those people. Can you imagine Kennedy or Reagan saying, "I am rich. I am very rich." to a televised audience. They had too much class. Something that Trump seems to lack.

So its better to lie? "if you like your plan you can keep it" "I never sent any classified email on my server".

Trump is rich. Thats why he would owe no favors to any special interest group, no one could buy him.

You need to listen to one of Trump's latest statements carefully. He said unless the GOP treats him fairly, he may seek an independent run. Then he walked that back by saying that he really wants to run as a Republican. The GOP is basically being blackmailed. Either you award Trump the nomination or he will run as a third party and then a repeat of GW Bush and Clinton. Take your choice. That is what Trump is saying.

Trump cannot win the general. He may be ahead in the GOP polls, but he cannot control himself enough to show he can be Presidential. As a number of attendees at one of his rallies said when interviewed, "He scares me." No one really wants a Bully for President....

nobody wants a bully for president???


tell that to the people that wanted to give obama a 3rd term

that cheered obama's dictatorial ways

Make up your mind. Is he a wuss or a bully?
obama is a pussy who is able to bully people from behind his position of power using the bully pulpit

i dont know why that is so hard to understand

kind of like a mafia accountant talking smack in a bar
I want a bully for president. No, really... I think that is exactly what we need. For FAR too long the GOP has been walking on egg shells, trying to play nice with liberals, not wanting to appear mean or rude... It has gotten them clobbered politically. Beaten black and blue by radical nutjobs who have no business running our country.

I like the way Trump deals with jerks, he's a jerk right back in their face and he is better at it. For those who think he is a "loose cannon" I kind of disagree.. I think he is brilliant. He knows exactly what he's doing. The controversy over his illegal immigration comments focused the nation on the issue of illegal immigration for several weeks. Then he made the comments about McCain... now you have had two weeks of Liberals falling all over themselves to "honor war heroes" ...when the hell has THAT ever happened?

He is effectively using their tactic, which has been working well for them, to bash them over their stupid heads with. He says something "controversial" and liberals leap to take the bait and run with it... next thing you know, he's gotten a bump in the polls!
No it doesn't work the same in government. Trump has nearly complete control of his businesses where the president shares that power with congress and the judiciary. Trump is limited only by his shareholders which are mostly a rubber stamp and contracts he agrees to.

Presidential appointments and salaries are approved by congress. He has limited control of expenses and revenues. He's required by law to provide services that he personally opposes. Almost everything he does is controlled by rules and laws that he can not change. He has essential no personal life. His gross exaggerations, wild statements, and scandals, would have terrible results as president and would probably get him impeached.

Trump sees the government as his advisory now but once elected he becomes a part of what he hates. He becomes a professional politician because that is the only way you accomplish anything in government.

The President doesn't share Executive Branch power with anyone. Trump would be in charge of the Executive Branch just as he is in charge of his businesses. He would pick his own cabinet, he would fire them if he wanted, just as he would do with his own business. Now... because Trump's business is real estate does not mean Trump owns all the real estate. His control of his business is limited to what his business is involved with. The same is true with a job as president.

Trump runs his business under laws he cannot change. He can't make his own rules in business, he has to follow the same regulations and laws as everyone else in business. Trump's businesses have to deal with other business entities and governments. His businesses couldn't succeed by alienating everyone they deal with. It should be clear by his financial statements that he is fairly good at business dealings with others.
The job of President of the United States has a few similarities with that of a CEO but very little experience of CEO is applicable because the organizations are radically different both in structure and purpose.

Where business is an autocracy, governance relies on the consent of the people. Where a corporate chief executive runs an enterprise at his personal whim (more or less, depending upon his Board), the president in our democratic system has two coequal branches of government with which to contend. A business exists to sell something to people; a government exists to provide essential services to people.

In a private sector business, most of government would not exist, defense would be contracted out, IRS and call centers would be in third world countries. Unlike business, a government must measure efficiency against equity; cost-cutting against accountability; productivity against justice.

Businesses deal with consumers because they have money to spend, but they do not care about those who do not. Why would they? However, governments cannot ignore the helpless, the indigent, the sick, the needy.

And I am going to disprove every bit of your bunk with ONE president.
Where business is an autocracy, governance relies on the consent of the people.
Name something Obama has done where he relied on the consent of the people?
Where a corporate chief executive runs an enterprise at his personal whim.
Like Obama has run the country for 8 years?
A business exists to sell something to people...
How long has Obama spent selling Obamacare?
However, governments cannot ignore the helpless, the indigent, the sick, the needy.
How much time has Obama spent caring for the needy as opposed to say... playing golf?
If you haven't heard Obama is not running for president.

What one president did or did not do not alter the fact, that government does rely heavily on the consent of the people from election to construction of agendas, setting priorities, and passage of legislation.
I want a bully for president. No, really... I think that is exactly what we need. For FAR too long the GOP has been walking on egg shells, trying to play nice with liberals, not wanting to appear mean or rude... It has gotten them clobbered politically. Beaten black and blue by radical nutjobs who have no business running our country.

I like the way Trump deals with jerks, he's a jerk right back in their face and he is better at it. For those who think he is a "loose cannon" I kind of disagree.. I think he is brilliant. He knows exactly what he's doing. The controversy over his illegal immigration comments focused the nation on the issue of illegal immigration for several weeks. Then he made the comments about McCain... now you have had two weeks of Liberals falling all over themselves to "honor war heroes" ...when the hell has THAT ever happened?

He is effectively using their tactic, which has been working well for them, to bash them over their stupid heads with. He says something "controversial" and liberals leap to take the bait and run with it... next thing you know, he's gotten a bump in the polls!
You have finally hit on something Trump can do quite well. It's not likely to get him elected but it's entertaining and will certain create plenty of problems for GOP.
Trump wouldn't do this.....

obama is a pussy who is able to bully people from behind his position of power using the bully pulpit

i dont know why that is so hard to understand

kind of like a mafia accountant talking smack in a bar

I knew you were going to say both. Still butt hurting over a two term black President, huh?

I hope the GOP nominates Trump. If elected he will turn progessive almost as fast as.......John Roberts....:biggrin:
obama is a pussy who is able to bully people from behind his position of power using the bully pulpit

i dont know why that is so hard to understand

kind of like a mafia accountant talking smack in a bar

I knew you were going to say both. Still butt hurting over a two term black President, huh?

I hope the GOP nominates Trump. If elected he will turn progessive almost as fast as.......John Roberts....:biggrin:

Why? Does Trump have 2 illegally adopted sons from Ireland as Roberts has?
I would love to see Trump call Poootin a loser KGB agent. Presidents need s filter on words. I don't think Trump is capable of filtering anything.

Putin doesn't filter, neither did Reagan, Thatcher, FDR, Truman, or Kennedy. Politicians who filter suck.

There is no comparison between Trump and any of those people. Can you imagine Kennedy or Reagan saying, "I am rich. I am very rich." to a televised audience. They had too much class. Something that Trump seems to lack.

So its better to lie? "if you like your plan you can keep it" "I never sent any classified email on my server".

Trump is rich. Thats why he would owe no favors to any special interest group, no one could buy him.

You need to listen to one of Trump's latest statements carefully. He said unless the GOP treats him fairly, he may seek an independent run. Then he walked that back by saying that he really wants to run as a Republican. The GOP is basically being blackmailed. Either you award Trump the nomination or he will run as a third party and then a repeat of GW Bush and Clinton. Take your choice. That is what Trump is saying.

Trump cannot win the general. He may be ahead in the GOP polls, but he cannot control himself enough to show he can be Presidential. As a number of attendees at one of his rallies said when interviewed, "He scares me." No one really wants a Bully for President....
I have to disagree. I think there're many people who want a bully as president, someone that will kick ass in Washington, tell Putin to go fuck himself, blackmail congressmen, use the powers of the president to punish the opposition.

In politics, a bully is just another name for a dictator.

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