Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

I think people like Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and others, would suddenly appear heavier in the groin area of their trousers because of President Trump. I think the added testosterone might yield a very different result in these men.

Weird post.

Just what this government of this country needs --- more testosterone. :cuckoo:

Yes, we haven't forgotten how much masculinity makes you lefties shit your frillies. Especially the putative males on the left.
A better question might be why do you think Trump would make a good president? He has absolutely no elective, appointive, or military public experience … zero. He has no track record at all.

Why is it important to have "elective" experience? I understand it may help get you elected, but once you're elected, what purpose does it serve? On "appointive" experience, he probably has more than most politicians. He has to pick the right people for the job all the time and his success depends on it. On "military" experience, which Obama and Hillary also have NONE of... that's why presidents have Secretaries of Defense. We can list all the past presidents who had no military experience, some of them were considered "exceptional" presidents.

No track record as a lying-ass politician who blows smoke up our ass and tells us what he thinks we want to hear? GOOD! Sounds like exactly what this country needs!
So your argument is he has to be better because he has no applicable experience coupled with almost zero knowledge of how government works. Based on Trump's knowledge of government and experience, he wouldn't even hire himself for the job.
Did you ignore the post I posted talking about his leadership skills and how that makes him the most qualified candidate ever?
Trumps leaderships skill are that of a CEO in the private sector which has almost nothing in common with the skills needed by the President of the United States.

A CEO has almost unlimited control of the organization and his success is measured in financial terms. A president has limited control of the executive branch and no control of either the legislative or judicial branch and his success is judged in political not financial terms.

Where a CEOs behavior in his private life is of little importance to his success, a president's private live is a major factor in his success.

What a CEO might do in order to close a business deal could get him impeached as president.

A CEO's planning, organization and management skills are of course of value however the president's job goes far beyond that. Like most CEO's including Trump, the lack of knowledge and experience in dealing with legislation, operation of government, foreign policy, the military, economic policy, governmental financing and budgeting, constitutional and legal issues, and media relations are show stoppers. Granted no president has all these skills but for a president to have none would be a disaster.

I suspect that Trump's knowledge of the operation of government is limited to a high school civics class and regulatory agencies he has dealt with in his business.

. . . And what did Obama know about the inner workings of federal government and the Executive Branch prior to you and your fellow lefties anointing him?
Not only NO but HELL NO! His abrasiveness only continues to give the Republican Party another black eye. His rhetoric only provides a distraction form those Republican candidates with legitimate message.

What's illegitimate about his message, aside from the fact that he's not watering it down with so much "PLEASE like me!" that it has all the philosophical flavor cardboard?
A better question might be why do you think Trump would make a good president? He has absolutely no elective, appointive, or military public experience … zero. He has no track record at all.

Why is it important to have "elective" experience? I understand it may help get you elected, but once you're elected, what purpose does it serve? On "appointive" experience, he probably has more than most politicians. He has to pick the right people for the job all the time and his success depends on it. On "military" experience, which Obama and Hillary also have NONE of... that's why presidents have Secretaries of Defense. We can list all the past presidents who had no military experience, some of them were considered "exceptional" presidents.

No track record as a lying-ass politician who blows smoke up our ass and tells us what he thinks we want to hear? GOOD! Sounds like exactly what this country needs!
So your argument is he has to be better because he has no applicable experience coupled with almost zero knowledge of how government works. Based on Trump's knowledge of government and experience, he wouldn't even hire himself for the job.
Did you ignore the post I posted talking about his leadership skills and how that makes him the most qualified candidate ever?
Trumps leaderships skill are that of a CEO in the private sector which has almost nothing in common with the skills needed by the President of the United States.

A CEO has almost unlimited control of the organization and his success is measured in financial terms. A president has limited control of the executive branch and no control of either the legislative or judicial branch and his success is judged in political not financial terms.

Where a CEOs behavior in his private life is of little importance to his success, a president's private live is a major factor in his success.

What a CEO might do in order to close a business deal could get him impeached as president.

A CEO's planning, organization and management skills are of course of value however the president's job goes far beyond that. Like most CEO's including Trump, the lack of knowledge and experience in dealing with legislation, operation of government, foreign policy, the military, economic policy, governmental financing and budgeting, constitutional and legal issues, and media relations are show stoppers. Granted no president has all these skills but for a president to have none would be a disaster.

I suspect that Trump's knowledge of the operation of government is limited to a high school civics class and regulatory agencies he has dealt with in his business.

. . . And what did Obama know about the inner workings of federal government and the Executive Branch prior to you and your fellow lefties anointing him?

and after almost 7 years, he still doesn't know anything about it.
Dealing with Congress would be almost impossible for Trump. Trump has been at odds with the Republican power brokers in congress for years. To say they can't stand him, is putting it mildly. For example, there's John McCain, chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services and a member of half dozen subcommittees, Lindsey Graham, who sits or chairs key Senate committees such as appropriations and budget. In the House there's Paul Ryan one of the most powerful men in the House who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee. You don't ridicule and piss people like this off and expect their support.

And I call BULLSHIT!

Trump would have these chumps jumping through hoops his first week in office. Republican power brokers generally broker power for their Republican presidents... just generally what happens when a Republican is elected president... doesn't matter who. Trump would set the agenda and the power brokers in the GOP could either get on the Trump Bus or get run over politically BY the bus. What the hell else do you think they could do, turn Democrat? ....I think you'd see a BIG change in attitude.

As for who you can ridicule and piss off, yet still garner their support... it happens all the time in the cut-throat world of business. In capitalistic transaction and negotiation it is often a very useful tactic. Trump is exceptionally good at it. Tear someone down, diminish their sense of self worth, ridicule the value of what they have, then exploit their ego and pride to get what you want out of them.

You really need to read Art of the Deal.

You don't understand that what works in the private sector often doesn't work in the public sector. Government is not a business. It's not about profits and loss. It's about people not products and services. Management and organization skills are certainly applicable to government but that's it.

Well yes it pretty much works the same way in politics. He who controls the power, controls the power. Government IS a business. It's about power and money.

One of the best replies Trump has made on the questioning of his ability to deal with politicians and government is from his recent interview with O'Reily. He said (paraphrasing): This studio we're doing our interview in wouldn't exist right now if I didn't know how to deal with politicians... it wasn't supposed to be built. Then, it was supposed to be only 16 stories... it's 68.... I had to deal with politicians and government to get that done. I know how these guys operate, I understand how to get them to do what I want.

I will admit, I wasn't very keen on Trump to begin with, but the more he has to say, the more I am impressed and the more I am thinking that might just be what we need in America. ...A good ol' dose of President Trump! Why the fuck not??? :dunno:
No it doesn't work the same in government. Trump has nearly complete control of his businesses where the president shares that power with congress and the judiciary. Trump is limited only by his shareholders which are mostly a rubber stamp and contracts he agrees to.

Presidential appointments and salaries are approved by congress. He has limited control of expenses and revenues. He's required by law to provide services that he personally opposes. Almost everything he does is controlled by rules and laws that he can not change. He has essential no personal life. His gross exaggerations, wild statements, and scandals, would have terrible results as president and would probably get him impeached.

Trump sees the government as his advisory now but once elected he becomes a part of what he hates. He becomes a professional politician because that is the only way you accomplish anything in government.
Not only NO but HELL NO! His abrasiveness only continues to give the Republican Party another black eye. His rhetoric only provides a distraction form those Republican candidates with legitimate message.

What's illegitimate about his message, aside from the fact that he's not watering it down with so much "PLEASE like me!" that it has all the philosophical flavor cardboard?
His messages are gross exaggeration. He just spoke of the tremendous rally of 15,000 people in a building that holds 4,200. He's worth 5 billion one day and 9 the next. McCain is a hero today, yesterday he wasn't. Unemployment is 21% one week and 41% the next. In fact he has spent most his life exaggerating his income, net worth, and profit potential of his business ventures, Obama's birth certificate, Ebola, and on and on.. The man lies and contradicts himself over and over and his fans love it.
No it doesn't work the same in government. Trump has nearly complete control of his businesses where the president shares that power with congress and the judiciary. Trump is limited only by his shareholders which are mostly a rubber stamp and contracts he agrees to.

Presidential appointments and salaries are approved by congress. He has limited control of expenses and revenues. He's required by law to provide services that he personally opposes. Almost everything he does is controlled by rules and laws that he can not change. He has essential no personal life. His gross exaggerations, wild statements, and scandals, would have terrible results as president and would probably get him impeached.

Trump sees the government as his advisory now but once elected he becomes a part of what he hates. He becomes a professional politician because that is the only way you accomplish anything in government.

The President doesn't share Executive Branch power with anyone. Trump would be in charge of the Executive Branch just as he is in charge of his businesses. He would pick his own cabinet, he would fire them if he wanted, just as he would do with his own business. Now... because Trump's business is real estate does not mean Trump owns all the real estate. His control of his business is limited to what his business is involved with. The same is true with a job as president.

Trump runs his business under laws he cannot change. He can't make his own rules in business, he has to follow the same regulations and laws as everyone else in business. Trump's businesses have to deal with other business entities and governments. His businesses couldn't succeed by alienating everyone they deal with. It should be clear by his financial statements that he is fairly good at business dealings with others.
A better question might be why do you think Trump would make a good president? He has absolutely no elective, appointive, or military public experience … zero. He has no track record at all.

Why is it important to have "elective" experience? I understand it may help get you elected, but once you're elected, what purpose does it serve? On "appointive" experience, he probably has more than most politicians. He has to pick the right people for the job all the time and his success depends on it. On "military" experience, which Obama and Hillary also have NONE of... that's why presidents have Secretaries of Defense. We can list all the past presidents who had no military experience, some of them were considered "exceptional" presidents.

No track record as a lying-ass politician who blows smoke up our ass and tells us what he thinks we want to hear? GOOD! Sounds like exactly what this country needs!
So your argument is he has to be better because he has no applicable experience coupled with almost zero knowledge of how government works. Based on Trump's knowledge of government and experience, he wouldn't even hire himself for the job.
Did you ignore the post I posted talking about his leadership skills and how that makes him the most qualified candidate ever?
Trumps leaderships skill are that of a CEO in the private sector which has almost nothing in common with the skills needed by the President of the United States.

A CEO has almost unlimited control of the organization and his success is measured in financial terms. A president has limited control of the executive branch and no control of either the legislative or judicial branch and his success is judged in political not financial terms.

Where a CEOs behavior in his private life is of little importance to his success, a president's private live is a major factor in his success.

What a CEO might do in order to close a business deal could get him impeached as president.

A CEO's planning, organization and management skills are of course of value however the president's job goes far beyond that. Like most CEO's including Trump, the lack of knowledge and experience in dealing with legislation, operation of government, foreign policy, the military, economic policy, governmental financing and budgeting, constitutional and legal issues, and media relations are show stoppers. Granted no president has all these skills but for a president to have none would be a disaster.

I suspect that Trump's knowledge of the operation of government is limited to a high school civics class and regulatory agencies he has dealt with in his business.

. . . And what did Obama know about the inner workings of federal government and the Executive Branch prior to you and your fellow lefties anointing him?
And more to point, what has Donald Trump ever said to indicate that he knows anything about the working of the Federal Reserve. The only thing I have heard him say about it is his stupid comments about rampart inflation when the fed lowers interest rates. For your information, the Federal Reserve operates independently from both the administration and Congress but is responsible to Congress not the president.
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Not only NO but HELL NO! His abrasiveness only continues to give the Republican Party another black eye. His rhetoric only provides a distraction form those Republican candidates with legitimate message.

What's illegitimate about his message, aside from the fact that he's not watering it down with so much "PLEASE like me!" that it has all the philosophical flavor cardboard?
His messages are gross exaggeration. He just spoke of the tremendous rally of 15,000 people in a building that holds 4,200. He's worth 5 billion one day and 9 the next. McCain is a hero today, yesterday he wasn't. Unemployment is 21% one week and 41% the next. In fact he has spent most his life exaggerating his income, net worth, and profit potential of his business ventures, Obama's birth certificate, Ebola, and on and on.. The man lies and contradicts himself over and over and his fans love it.

Each of the things you mentioned has two sides. The biased side you are presenting and the reasonable explanation you are intentionally overlooking. You bunch all this up in a big ball and hurl it at Trump to say that he is a man who exaggerates, lies and contradicts himself. But can't the same be said for Obama? What about Hillary?

I mean, I am not agreeing with any of your points but even IF... isn't that pretty much the case with ALL politicians?

Keep in mind, I have said all along... Trump's biggest asset is that he's Donald Trump... his biggest drawback... he's Donald Trump. I don't know if he can win the GOP nomination. I tend to agree with his conservative prognostication on that in a recent interview... he says it's about a 10~20% chance. But the thing I like about Trump is, he is confident, has a vision, doesn't march to anyone else's drum. And he doesn't really give two shits about the PC Liberal Left.
And more to point what, what has Donald Trump ever said to indicate that he knows anything about the working of the Federal Reserve. For your information, the Federal Reserve operates independently from both the administration and Congress but is responsible to Congress not the president.

Why are you yammering about the Federal Reserve now? She asked you what Obama knew or what experience he had with the inner-workings of government... (your direct complaint of Trump.) Now you're introducing the Federal Reserve? Well... what profound wisdom did Obama have of the Federal Reserve? What does Hillary know about it?

You just admitted the Federal Reserve operates independently and is responsible to Congress... so what fucking difference does it make? It's out of the control of the President whether it's Trump or not.
And more to point what, what has Donald Trump ever said to indicate that he knows anything about the working of the Federal Reserve. For your information, the Federal Reserve operates independently from both the administration and Congress but is responsible to Congress not the president.

Why are you yammering about the Federal Reserve now? She asked you what Obama knew or what experience he had with the inner-workings of government... (your direct complaint of Trump.) Now you're introducing the Federal Reserve? Well... what profound wisdom did Obama have of the Federal Reserve? What does Hillary know about it?

You just admitted the Federal Reserve operates independently and is responsible to Congress... so what fucking difference does it make? It's out of the control of the President whether it's Trump or not.

Good posts from both you and Cecile and I agree.

Barry knew absolutely nothing about being POTUS yet to hear these lefty loons tell it he was and is magnificent as POTUS.

They question Trump's abilities totally overlooking Barrys lack thereof when he was elected.

Barry sucks as POTUS and anyone with half a brain can see it. Of course those supporting him appear to have the intelligence of a box of rocks.

The box of rocks is smarter.
Barry sucks as POTUS and anyone with half a brain can see it. Of course those supporting him appear to have the intelligence of a box of rocks.

Hey, I can say Barry is solely responsible for me being as big of a Trump supporter as I am. Before Obummer, I would have said Trump is too risky... too inexperienced... there's too much at stake that he could really mess up... NOW, I'm not worried... if we made it through 8 years of THIS clown, we can make it through anything! Trump literally can't fuck things up any more than they already are, so why the hell not? Let's give him a shot! :D
Barry sucks as POTUS and anyone with half a brain can see it. Of course those supporting him appear to have the intelligence of a box of rocks.

Hey, I can say Barry is solely responsible for me being as big of a Trump supporter as I am. Before Obummer, I would have said Trump is too risky... too inexperienced... there's too much at stake that he could really mess up... NOW, I'm not worried... if we made it through 8 years of THIS clown, we can make it through anything! Trump literally can't fuck things up any more than they already are, so why the hell not? Let's give him a shot! :D
I could live with a Trump presidency but if he doesn't win the nomination, will he run as an Independent? THAT bothers me a lot. If the other GOP candidates keep trying to run him out of the race, he's liable to do it just to teach them a lesson. They (especially Rick Perry, who can't win) need to shut up and let him rise or fall on his own so he can't blame them if he loses. It would be one thing if he didn't have the financial resources to fund his own campaign but he does have the money and he could easily split the Republican vote (which is what the Democrats are counting on since all they have to offer is an offensive proven liar). Republicans need to keep him on their side, not piss him off.
Barry sucks as POTUS and anyone with half a brain can see it. Of course those supporting him appear to have the intelligence of a box of rocks.

Hey, I can say Barry is solely responsible for me being as big of a Trump supporter as I am. Before Obummer, I would have said Trump is too risky... too inexperienced... there's too much at stake that he could really mess up... NOW, I'm not worried... if we made it through 8 years of THIS clown, we can make it through anything! Trump literally can't fuck things up any more than they already are, so why the hell not? Let's give him a shot! :D
I could live with a Trump presidency but if he doesn't win the nomination, will he run as an Independent? THAT bothers me a lot. If the other GOP candidates keep trying to run him out of the race, he's liable to do it just to teach them a lesson. They (especially Rick Perry, who can't win) need to shut up and let him rise or fall on his own so he can't blame them if he loses. It would be one thing if he didn't have the financial resources to fund his own campaign but he does have the money and he could easily split the Republican vote (which is what the Democrats are counting on since all they have to offer is an offensive proven liar). Republicans need to keep him on their side, not piss him off.

I don't think will run if he sees he can't win. He's not in this to "teach a lesson" to anyone. I think he genuinely wants to aspire to this monumental task and help make America great again. I don't think it's about money or publicity, or even power. I think the man is genuinely speaking from his heart and that is resonating with people across America.

I wonder how his poll numbers will trend as the race goes on. So far, it's as if everything that he has said, which the libtards have jumped on with both feet... ends up boosting his numbers. It's really fun to watch! ;)

As we get closer to "game time" will voters start doubting themselves and moving away from pulling the trigger on Trump? Who the hell knows? At this point, I think that anyone who has any aspiration to be the nominee better get on the stick and start formulating a vision to present. Trump is about to lap the field who are still in their "exploratory" phase. Jebby seems to be doing a good Mitt Romney impersonation... apologizing all over the place for his stupid brother. Most have already cooked their gooses on the issue of illegal immigration.
Why wouldn't he be a good president??

He's not a professional politician. He's a businessman who's worth billions.

Is he qualified to be POTUS??

He might be when you consider that the American People voted Barry in twice. Barry was never qualified to be POTUS yet here he is as POTUS.

He's lousy at the job but he got elected twice.

Trump just might be great at the job. Should be fun to find out.
A better question might be why do you think Trump would make a good president? He has absolutely no elective, appointive, or military public experience … zero. He has no track record at all.
He's an expert at running multi-million dollar corporations.
He's an expert at using managers to make money, produce a product, and provide a service.
He's proven he knows how to lead.

Let's make him the CEO of the Corporate States of America.
He's an expert at going Bankrupt also!
When a board is looking to hire a CEO do you think a person who has never done it before is better than one who has bankrupted a corporation before? Albert Einstein failed 87 times trying to make a light bulb. You learn by failing.

Umm, Albert Einstein was the Theory of Relativity. Thomas Edison was the light bulb.

Edison s Failed Inventions

Edison's Failed Inventions
The greatest failure of Edison's career was his inability to create a practical way to mine iron ore. He worked on mining methods through the late 1880s and early 1890s to supply the Pennsylvania steel mills' demand for iron ore. In order to finance this work, he sold all his stock in General Electric, but was never able to create a separator that could extract iron from unusable, low-grade ores. Eventually, Edison gave up on the idea, but by then he had lost all the money he'd invested.

All great men fail. We only remember their successes.
I love trump. Like a Child with Asperger syndrome. As president? We would be hot water and god knows what trouble if Donald Trump was our president. Definitely NO for President Trump.
I love trump. Like a Child with Asperger syndrome. As president? We would be hot water and god knows what trouble if Donald Trump was our president. Definitely NO for President Trump.

Aww.. you're thinking about this the wrong way hun... think about how cool it will be in 2020 to run on the campaign slogan of "Fire The Trump!" ;)
Bitch slapping the FAGERALS and their LAP DOG media, one scumbag at a time...GO DONALD!!!!

Donald Trump Shouts Down MSNBC’s Jose Diaz-Balart During Border Presser.... using the lefts method of debate, ONLY being the loudest!

The Daily Caller ^ | July 23,2015 | AL WEAVER
“No, no, no. We’re talking about illegal immigration and everybody understands that,” Trump said. “And you know what: that’s a typical case — wait, that’s a typical case of the press with misinterpretation. They take a half a sentence — they take a half a sentence, then they take quarter of a sentence and put it all together. It’s a typical thing.” “And you’re with Telemundo, and Telemundo should be ashamed,” Trump said before touting his $500 million lawsuit against Univision. Trump began launching into his thank you’s of those who hosted him when Diaz-Balart tried pressing the real estate...
I love trump. Like a Child with Asperger syndrome. As president? We would be hot water and god knows what trouble if Donald Trump was our president. Definitely NO for President Trump.

Aww.. you're thinking about this the wrong way hun... think about how cool it will be in 2020 to run on the campaign slogan of "Fire The Trump!" ;)
Hun? Don't call me that. When we are sitting here in ashes years from now wondering how President Trump declared war on France because they mock his hair, that might put a whole NEW meaning on FIRE the Trump.
He's a mover and shaker and business savvy. He's obviously succeeded in business more often than he's failed.

BTW- some undocumented immigrants ARE rapists and criminals.

Just sayin'...
Trump failed way more than he succeeded in the beginning and if it wasn't for daddy's money bolstering him up so he could keep trying he would've had to quit as a failure

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