Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

A better question might be why do you think Trump would make a good president? He has absolutely no elective, appointive, or military public experience … zero. He has no track record at all.

Why is it important to have "elective" experience? I understand it may help get you elected, but once you're elected, what purpose does it serve? On "appointive" experience, he probably has more than most politicians. He has to pick the right people for the job all the time and his success depends on it. On "military" experience, which Obama and Hillary also have NONE of... that's why presidents have Secretaries of Defense. We can list all the past presidents who had no military experience, some of them were considered "exceptional" presidents.

No track record as a lying-ass politician who blows smoke up our ass and tells us what he thinks we want to hear? GOOD! Sounds like exactly what this country needs!
So your argument is he has to be better because he has no applicable experience coupled with almost zero knowledge of how government works. Based on Trump's knowledge of government and experience, he wouldn't even hire himself for the job.

Presidents don't need to be politicians who know how government works. They need to be good executives and strong leaders. Most of the time, a good executive and strong leader is not going to be a great politician. They have to lead and make bold decisions, sometimes tough decisions, made on principles greater than knee-jerk emotionalism. That's not always popular but it has always been what defines a great leader.

I'll take Trump over Hillary any time! Hillary is going to waddle her fat ass up there and lie to everyone she comes in contact with. She is going to pander and fawn to every demographic and it won't matter that she is contradicting herself all over the place, she'll just say whatever the crowd before her needs to hear. She'll do interviews with people who are her friends and she will avoid any controversial issue. Her answers will be circular, contrived, platitude-laden, rhetoric-filled bullshit that means absolutely nothing.
They're scared shitless of him.

As is everyone who are part of the political machine in Washington. NONE of them want Trump!

Ironically, that's what I like the most about him.
And it is that political machine that Trump would be dependent on if elected, people like Lindsey Graham, Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee who refers to Trump as a Jackass, and John McCain who chairs the Senate Armed Forces committee. Then there's Paul Ryan, Chairmen of the House Ways and Means, who Trump routinely trashes. One thing about Trump, when he makes enemies, he makes big ones.

Well I have a really good theory about that too. I think what people like Lindsey Graham and John McCain need is a Republican President Trump. I think that would straighten out their problems. I think people like Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and others, would suddenly appear heavier in the groin area of their trousers because of President Trump. I think the added testosterone might yield a very different result in these men.

Some of Reagan's biggest adversarial voices in the Republican party were his most devoted allies during his presidency... take for example, the man who coined the phrase "voodoo economics" to describe Reagan's economic policies. That would be his right hand man, the VP... George H.W. Bush. You see, my friend... once a man is elected to that office he becomes more than the sum of himself. Trump, as President of the United States is quite a different person to the politicians of his party than candidate Trump. Priorities change.
They're scared shitless of him.

As is everyone who are part of the political machine in Washington. NONE of them want Trump!

Ironically, that's what I like the most about him.
And it is that political machine that Trump would be dependent on if elected, people like Lindsey Graham, Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee who refers to Trump as a Jackass, and John McCain who chairs the Senate Armed Forces committee. Then there's Paul Ryan, Chairmen of the House Ways and Means, who Trump routinely trashes. One thing about Trump, when he makes enemies, he makes big ones.
But you have to admit that Trump is making the other candidates get off their namby pamby wishy washy political correctness schtick and say what they think about issues instead of those buttery phrases. He's keeping them on their toes.
I think people like Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and others, would suddenly appear heavier in the groin area of their trousers because of President Trump. I think the added testosterone might yield a very different result in these men.

Weird post.

Just what this government of this country needs --- more testosterone. :cuckoo:
A better question might be why do you think Trump would make a good president? He has absolutely no elective, appointive, or military public experience … zero. He has no track record at all.

Why is it important to have "elective" experience? I understand it may help get you elected, but once you're elected, what purpose does it serve? On "appointive" experience, he probably has more than most politicians. He has to pick the right people for the job all the time and his success depends on it. On "military" experience, which Obama and Hillary also have NONE of... that's why presidents have Secretaries of Defense. We can list all the past presidents who had no military experience, some of them were considered "exceptional" presidents.

No track record as a lying-ass politician who blows smoke up our ass and tells us what he thinks we want to hear? GOOD! Sounds like exactly what this country needs!
So your argument is he has to be better because he has no applicable experience coupled with almost zero knowledge of how government works. Based on Trump's knowledge of government and experience, he wouldn't even hire himself for the job.
Are you talking about Trump or Obama?
A better question might be why do you think Trump would make a good president? He has absolutely no elective, appointive, or military public experience … zero. He has no track record at all.

Why is it important to have "elective" experience? I understand it may help get you elected, but once you're elected, what purpose does it serve? On "appointive" experience, he probably has more than most politicians. He has to pick the right people for the job all the time and his success depends on it. On "military" experience, which Obama and Hillary also have NONE of... that's why presidents have Secretaries of Defense. We can list all the past presidents who had no military experience, some of them were considered "exceptional" presidents.

No track record as a lying-ass politician who blows smoke up our ass and tells us what he thinks we want to hear? GOOD! Sounds like exactly what this country needs!
So your argument is he has to be better because he has no applicable experience coupled with almost zero knowledge of how government works. Based on Trump's knowledge of government and experience, he wouldn't even hire himself for the job.
Did you ignore the post I posted talking about his leadership skills and how that makes him the most qualified candidate ever?
Trumps leaderships skill are that of a CEO in the private sector which has almost nothing in common with the skills needed by the President of the United States.

A CEO has almost unlimited control of the organization and his success is measured in financial terms. A president has limited control of the executive branch and no control of either the legislative or judicial branch and his success is judged in political not financial terms.

Where a CEOs behavior in his private life is of little importance to his success, a president's private live is a major factor in his success.

What a CEO might do in order to close a business deal could get him impeached as president.

A CEO's planning, organization and management skills are of course of value however the president's job goes far beyond that. Like most CEO's including Trump, the lack of knowledge and experience in dealing with legislation, operation of government, foreign policy, the military, economic policy, governmental financing and budgeting, constitutional and legal issues, and media relations are show stoppers. Granted no president has all these skills but for a president to have none would be a disaster.

I suspect that Trump's knowledge of the operation of government is limited to a high school civics class and regulatory agencies he has dealt with in his business.
A better question might be why do you think Trump would make a good president? He has absolutely no elective, appointive, or military public experience … zero. He has no track record at all.

Why is it important to have "elective" experience? I understand it may help get you elected, but once you're elected, what purpose does it serve? On "appointive" experience, he probably has more than most politicians. He has to pick the right people for the job all the time and his success depends on it. On "military" experience, which Obama and Hillary also have NONE of... that's why presidents have Secretaries of Defense. We can list all the past presidents who had no military experience, some of them were considered "exceptional" presidents.

No track record as a lying-ass politician who blows smoke up our ass and tells us what he thinks we want to hear? GOOD! Sounds like exactly what this country needs!
So your argument is he has to be better because he has no applicable experience coupled with almost zero knowledge of how government works. Based on Trump's knowledge of government and experience, he wouldn't even hire himself for the job.
Did you ignore the post I posted talking about his leadership skills and how that makes him the most qualified candidate ever?
Trumps leaderships skill are that of a CEO in the private sector which has almost nothing in common with the skills needed by the President of the United States.

A CEO has almost unlimited control of the organization and his success is measured in financial terms. A president has limited control of the executive branch and no control of either the legislative or judicial branch and his success is judged in political not financial terms.

Where a CEOs behavior in his private life is of little importance to his success, a president's private live is a major factor in his success.

What a CEO might do in order to close a business deal could get him impeached as president.

A CEO's planning, organization and management skills are of course of value however the president's job goes far beyond that. Like most CEO's including Trump, the lack of knowledge and experience in dealing with legislation, operation of government, foreign policy, the military, economic policy, governmental financing and budgeting, constitutional and legal issues, and media relations are show stoppers. Granted no president has all these skills but for a president to have none would be a disaster.

I suspect that Trump's knowledge of the operation of government is limited to a high school civics class and regulatory agencies he has dealt with in his business.
Trump has to deal with stockholders.
They are harder to deal with than Congress.
I suspect that Trump's knowledge of the operation of government is limited to a high school civics class and regulatory agencies he has dealt with in his business.

And I think you're full of shit. Trump has been dealing with government and politicians for years. He knows exactly how government works. One of the first "criticisms" thrown at Trump was that he contributed a lot of money to Hillary and Democrats. To which he admitted, yeah.. sure did... that's how you play the game. He donated money to both sides. But you see... that's part of the problem.
Not only NO but HELL NO! His abrasiveness only continues to give the Republican Party another black eye. His rhetoric only provides a distraction form those Republican candidates with legitimate message.

Sorry Dude. But the polls tell a different story.

Trump is ahead in those polls because he's obviously saying things that those polled liked.

Trump is a billionaire. He doesn't owe any of those mouth breathers in DC anything. He can't be threatened and he can't be bought.

Would I vote for him? You bet you're ass I would if Hillary "What difference does it make." Clinton is the Dems choice.

Oh and BTW. I like his big mouth and what that big mouth has to say.
Turns out the McCain fiasco had the opposite effect, actually intensifying support for Trump in part of the GOP.

Wow. This is just gonna get even more nutty. Strap in, kids.


LOL. Don't worry. I'm strapped in for one roller coaster hell of a ride.
I think people like Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and others, would suddenly appear heavier in the groin area of their trousers because of President Trump. I think the added testosterone might yield a very different result in these men.

Weird post.

Just what this government of this country needs --- more testosterone. :cuckoo:

Sorry my metaphoric speaking went completely over your dumb little head, Poges. Let me try and explain it another way...

I think with Trump as the president, these pantywaist GOP elites who are afraid to stand for anything and constantly run scared of the democrats, would be embolden as power brokers for their new firebrand president. What the McConnells and Boehners need is a leader with a vision... that's Trump.
I think people like Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and others, would suddenly appear heavier in the groin area of their trousers because of President Trump. I think the added testosterone might yield a very different result in these men.

Weird post.

Just what this government of this country needs --- more testosterone. :cuckoo:

Sorry my metaphoric speaking went completely over your dumb little head, Poges. Let me try and explain it another way...

I think with Trump as the president, these pantywaist GOP elites who are afraid to stand for anything and constantly run scared of the democrats, would be embolden as power brokers for their new firebrand president. What the McConnells and Boehners need is a leader with a vision... that's Trump.

Thanks. Not to worry, I suck at analogies too, although I never put one out this bad.

Now it makes a lot more sense, except for the vision thing. Can't see much of a vision in bankrupting everything you touch and then threatening "I'll sue" on anybody who notices.
Turns out the McCain fiasco had the opposite effect, actually intensifying support for Trump in part of the GOP.

Wow. This is just gonna get even more nutty. Strap in, kids.

It's all meaningless politically and has no value but for the entertainment. Nobody seriously considers candidates in the summer of not-even-an-election-year. Polls at this point amount to naught more than a parlor game. At most they'll measure who's getting more attention this week than they were last tweak.
Not only NO but HELL NO! His abrasiveness only continues to give the Republican Party another black eye. His rhetoric only provides a distraction form those Republican candidates with legitimate message.

Sorry Dude. But the polls tell a different story.

Trump is ahead in those polls because he's obviously saying things that those polled liked.

Trump is a billionaire. He doesn't owe any of those mouth breathers in DC anything. He can't be threatened and he can't be bought.

Would I vote for him? You bet you're ass I would if Hillary "What difference does it make." Clinton is the Dems choice.

Oh and BTW. I like his big mouth and what that big mouth has to say.

Thank you for your response. While I agree with some of your points I feel that his presence in the Oval Office would eliminate any hope for bi-partisan compromises in an age where political end-fighting is accepted and gridlock is preferred. We need a candidate that can work both side of the aisle, while keeping his own vision and principles. Mr. Trump is not that man. However, given a choice between "the Donald" and Hilary I would definitely choose Mr. Trump.
A better question might be why do you think Trump would make a good president? He has absolutely no elective, appointive, or military public experience … zero. He has no track record at all.

Why is it important to have "elective" experience? I understand it may help get you elected, but once you're elected, what purpose does it serve? On "appointive" experience, he probably has more than most politicians. He has to pick the right people for the job all the time and his success depends on it. On "military" experience, which Obama and Hillary also have NONE of... that's why presidents have Secretaries of Defense. We can list all the past presidents who had no military experience, some of them were considered "exceptional" presidents.

No track record as a lying-ass politician who blows smoke up our ass and tells us what he thinks we want to hear? GOOD! Sounds like exactly what this country needs!
So your argument is he has to be better because he has no applicable experience coupled with almost zero knowledge of how government works. Based on Trump's knowledge of government and experience, he wouldn't even hire himself for the job.
Did you ignore the post I posted talking about his leadership skills and how that makes him the most qualified candidate ever?
Trumps leaderships skill are that of a CEO in the private sector which has almost nothing in common with the skills needed by the President of the United States.

A CEO has almost unlimited control of the organization and his success is measured in financial terms. A president has limited control of the executive branch and no control of either the legislative or judicial branch and his success is judged in political not financial terms.

Where a CEOs behavior in his private life is of little importance to his success, a president's private live is a major factor in his success.

What a CEO might do in order to close a business deal could get him impeached as president.

A CEO's planning, organization and management skills are of course of value however the president's job goes far beyond that. Like most CEO's including Trump, the lack of knowledge and experience in dealing with legislation, operation of government, foreign policy, the military, economic policy, governmental financing and budgeting, constitutional and legal issues, and media relations are show stoppers. Granted no president has all these skills but for a president to have none would be a disaster.

I suspect that Trump's knowledge of the operation of government is limited to a high school civics class and regulatory agencies he has dealt with in his business.
Trump has to deal with stockholders.
They are harder to deal with than Congress.
Deal with shareholders? Trump has held controlling interest in almost all of his ventures. Three times over he has screwed his investors and creditors.

Dealing with Congress would be almost impossible for Trump. Trump has been at odds with the Republican power brokers in congress for years. To say they can't stand him, is putting it mildly. For example, there's John McCain, chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services and a member of half dozen subcommittees, Lindsey Graham, who sits or chairs key Senate committees such as appropriations and budget. In the House there's Paul Ryan one of the most powerful men in the House who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee. You don't ridicule and piss people like this off and expect their support.

Dealing with Congressmen is not like dealing with shareholders who have only one goal, profits. Every congressmen has a different agenda. To gain the support of one congressman means losing the support of another. This requires finesse and diplomacy, attributes that no one would dare accuse Trump of possessing.
Not only NO but HELL NO! His abrasiveness only continues to give the Republican Party another black eye. His rhetoric only provides a distraction form those Republican candidates with legitimate message.

Sorry Dude. But the polls tell a different story.

Trump is ahead in those polls because he's obviously saying things that those polled liked.

Trump is a billionaire. He doesn't owe any of those mouth breathers in DC anything. He can't be threatened and he can't be bought.

Would I vote for him? You bet you're ass I would if Hillary "What difference does it make." Clinton is the Dems choice.

Oh and BTW. I like his big mouth and what that big mouth has to say.
Thank you for your response. While I agree with some of your points I feel that his presence in the Oval Office would eliminate any hope for bi-partisan compromises in an age where political end-fighting is accepted and gridlock is preferred. We need a candidate that can work both side of the aisle, while keeping his own vision and principles. Mr. Trump is not that man. However, given a choice between "the Donald" and Hilary I would definitely choose Mr. Trump.
Looking at his record, I doubt Trump's ability to work effectively with his own party much less the democrats.

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