Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

What did they say that wasn't true and if you're dumb enough to swallow left lies maybe now you're just swallowing lies from the right.

Ah, the innocence of the pre-teen, believing anything any politician says!

It's so cute.....up to a point.
Notice I asked a question and no Republican will give me an answer. So I win thank you goodnight
Do you agree McCain's no hero?

It has often puzzled me why we call released POW's "heroes" ...even before McCain. I understand they made a great sacrifice and withstood tremendous adversity, but they didn't have a choice, they were captured... are they heroes because they refused to die? Is a "hero" simply someone who survives?

I love our soldiers, I am the one who defends them against liberals who hate them. I constantly argue against sweeping defense cuts and in favor of more spending for veterans. I have great respect for the men and women who serve, including John McCain. But this is a CLASSIC example of what the left does best and what they've been doing the past 20 years. They spin a purely open-minded and reasonable philosophical point around and pervert it into a litany of abhorrent things that were never said and apply that to their adversary. Suddenly, if you agree with Trump, you're disrespecting the military!

And of ALL the people to have the unmitigated gall to complain about disrespect for the military? It's astonishing that you asswipes continue to get away with this shit. The media follows you around like a little puppy and promotes what you're doing! For days and weeks now, we're going to hear about Trump's irrelevant comment instead of focusing on the problems and issues facing our country. And I think that suits most of you libtards fine, you damn sure don't want to discuss the issues.

I think what makes McCain heroic vis a vis Vietnam is the fact that he was offered preferential treatment due to his father's status, and he refused to be treated any differently.
Code of Conduct
Members of the United States Armed Forces

I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.

I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist.

If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.

If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.

When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause.

I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America.

Authority and Amendment Notes

Do you want a medal now?
Got plenty. I put the code of conduct up to see if anyone would catch anything that McCain failed to do. His fellow prisoners from the Hanoi Hilton have had a lot to say.
He used the bankruptcy laws to make his portfolio profit. Smart businessmen and women do this all the time. It's the art of the game and he's mastered it.

He used bankruptcy laws to make his portfolio a profit - at the expense of his creditors and investors, costing them millions of dollars.

At this point, I would consider any Presidential candidate who actually worked with the written laws on the books to be an improvement. :eusa_whistle:

They are talking about using the laws and the Democrats front runner uses charity donations to fund her lifestyle, which isn't legal.

How has Hilary Clinton used "charity donations" to "fund her lifestyle"?

The Clinton Foundation is a cash cow for the Clintons. What % goes to charity and what goes into the Clinton coffers?

None of it goes into the "Clinton coffers".

In your rush to believe anything negative you read about the Clintons, you've neglected to actually look at it critically.

Bill and Hillary Clinton both get paid 6 figures for each speech they give. They're two of the most sought after speakers in the world.

They don't need to commit the felonies that you're suggesting in order to "fund their lifstyles".
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He used bankruptcy laws to make his portfolio a profit - at the expense of his creditors and investors, costing them millions of dollars.

At this point, I would consider any Presidential candidate who actually worked with the written laws on the books to be an improvement. :eusa_whistle:

They are talking about using the laws and the Democrats front runner uses charity donations to fund her lifestyle, which isn't legal.

How has Hilary Clinton used "charity donations" to "fund her lifestyle"?

The Clinton Foundation is a cash cow for the Clintons. What % goes to charity and what goes into the Clinton coffers?

None of it goes into the "Clinton coffers".

In your rush to believe anything negative yoy read about the Clintons, you've neglected to actually look at it critically.

Bill and Hillary Clinton both get paid 6 figures for each speech they give. They're two of the most sought - after speakers in the world.

They don't need to commit the felonies that you're suggesting in order to "fund their lifstyles".
Just like the mob. They're honest businessmen now.
He used bankruptcy laws to make his portfolio a profit - at the expense of his creditors and investors, costing them millions of dollars.

At this point, I would consider any Presidential candidate who actually worked with the written laws on the books to be an improvement. :eusa_whistle:

They are talking about using the laws and the Democrats front runner uses charity donations to fund her lifestyle, which isn't legal.

How has Hilary Clinton used "charity donations" to "fund her lifestyle"?

The Clinton Foundation is a cash cow for the Clintons. What % goes to charity and what goes into the Clinton coffers?

None of it goes into the "Clinton coffers".

In your rush to believe anything negative yoy read about the Clintons, you've neglected to actually look at it critically.

Bill and Hillary Clinton both get paid 6 figures for each speech they give. They're two of the most sought - after speakers in the world.

They don't need to commit the felonies that you're suggesting in order to "fund their lifstyles".

That is why such a low percent of donations go to actual causes.
At this point, I would consider any Presidential candidate who actually worked with the written laws on the books to be an improvement. :eusa_whistle:

They are talking about using the laws and the Democrats front runner uses charity donations to fund her lifestyle, which isn't legal.

How has Hilary Clinton used "charity donations" to "fund her lifestyle"?

The Clinton Foundation is a cash cow for the Clintons. What % goes to charity and what goes into the Clinton coffers?

None of it goes into the "Clinton coffers".

In your rush to believe anything negative yoy read about the Clintons, you've neglected to actually look at it critically.

Bill and Hillary Clinton both get paid 6 figures for each speech they give. They're two of the most sought - after speakers in the world.

They don't need to commit the felonies that you're suggesting in order to "fund their lifstyles".

That is why such a low percent of donations go to actual causes.

The claims of how little the Clinton Foundation donates to "actual causes" is based on a misleading and disingenuous reading of their financials.

The Clinton Foundation is not a grant making foundation.
And yet with zero executive experience, zero military experience, and no relevant qualifications or experience....Trump is the front runner in the GOP.

Either qualifications matter to you, Trump fails the qualification standard and your critique of Obama and to a lesser extent Hillary are consistent. Or qualifications don't matter to you, Trump's qualifications are irrelevant, and your criticism of Obama and Hillary are gloriously hypocritical.

As you genuinely don't give a shit.

Pick one, recognizing it will apply to everyone.

I don't understand your logic. All three people are "qualified" to be president, (if you don't consider Obama's lack of a birth certificate). The Constitution lays out the qualifications very clearly. All three people have "experience" at something. Most of Obama's is in community organizing and being a politician.... and golf! Hillary has built a resume of experience dodging subpoenas and obstructing justice. Trump's experience is making winners out of losers.

I find it quite ironic that you are chastising Trump for not having military experience... would you like to disclose your glorious Messiah-in-Chief's military record for us? That's right... Zippola! Oh okay, well let's look at Billary's military records? What? Nothing there either? Wow... and you have the audacity to raise this issue with Trump or ANYONE?
Trump said, “He (McCain) was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.” Trump of course, was never captured because he hid out in grad school, choosing to leave the fighting to someone else by applying for a deferment.

While Trump was cooling his heals in graduate school. John McCain volunteered for combat duty in Vietnam. He was shot down, captured and a POW suffering from a crushed shoulder and a bayonet wounds. Meanwhile, Trump graduated with his degree in business and joined his father in the real state business. John McCain returned home a decorated wounded soldier.

Trump made a big mistake attacking McCain, one that will come back to haunt him in months to come.

except McCain called anyone supporting Trump, or even just those going out to hear him speak, crazies.

How come the media isnt highlighting that part?.......

After his bomb bomb Iran ditty, and calling Cruz a wacko-bird on the Senate floor....perhaps the media should be questioning McCain's sanity.
McCain didn't call anyone supporting Trump crazies. McCain said, "“Because what he (Trump) did was he fired up the crazies.” Obviously, Trump's rhetoric is designed to fire up the far right which it's doing rather successfully.

There is plenty of coverage of McCain's remarks, particular questioning whether his motive was to prod Trump into a personal attack. I suspect others are going to follow suit hoping to get other remarks from Trump that can be used to paint him as a vindictive hot head.

The commentator who interviewed Trump said this morning, he believed Trump was not going to back out of the race which raised the real possibility of a 3rd party run. This of course is scaring the shit out of the GOP and delighting the Democrats.

well I dont see how you can make your first Statement.....saying he was firing up the crazies is calling them crazy.

McCain is an ass

Yes I hope, especially if they kick him off the stage, that Trump goes 3rd party.....but democrats shouldn't be happy, I'm one democrat who will consider voting for him.
I didn't say Trump was firing up the crazies, McCain did.

There have been 97 third party candidates for president and how many have been elected? Exactly Zero. If Trump runs as a third party candidate he will pull far more Republican votes than Democrats against Clinton. Of all the Republican candidates, Trump polls the worst against Clinton, lagging by 17 points. Bush lags Clinton by 4 points. The Republicans need all the help they can get against Clinton and Trump sure isn't helping.

Poll Trump leads the GOP field but falters against Clinton
Honestly, no one knows what they would get if Trump was elected. One minute he seems progressive and next he is conservative. I guess it depends on whoever pays him the most. He could be elected as a Republican and, after getting into office, turn completely to the left.
Is that why you're scared shitless of him?
Honestly, no one knows what they would get if Trump was elected. One minute he seems progressive and next he is conservative. I guess it depends on whoever pays him the most. He could be elected as a Republican and, after getting into office, turn completely to the left.
Is that why you're scared shitless of him?

Do you do anything more than accusing every other poster of being 'scared' of Trump?
Honestly, no one knows what they would get if Trump was elected. One minute he seems progressive and next he is conservative. I guess it depends on whoever pays him the most. He could be elected as a Republican and, after getting into office, turn completely to the left.
Is that why you're scared shitless of him?

Do you do anything more than accusing every other poster of being 'scared' of Trump?
Just stating the obvious.
The fact is Trump will not be the Republican nominee for several really good reason.

  • The RCP average of the 5 largest polls puts Trump ahead 16.8% to Bush's 14.8%. Another way of looking at this statistic is that 59% prefer another candidate and 24% have no preference. For Trump to capitalize on this lead, he will need to garner the support and endorsements of other candidates that drop out the race which at this point seems very unlikely.
  • The number of presidents who took office, as Trump would, with absolutely no elective, appointive, or military public experience is … zero. Precedents and barriers change: We now have a non-white president, and sooner or later we’ll have a Madam rather than a Mister President. But not the precedent of putting people with some relevant experience in the job. Everyone knows this, probably including Trump himself. Being Leader of the Free World might look easy: “Ifthat guy can do it, how hard could it be?” In fact dealing with legislators, budgets, foreign leaders, the press, a fickle citizenry, and an endless flow of life-and-death decisions is nearly an impossible job, all the more so for someone who would come to it as a 70-year-old rookie.
  • Although Trump polls well against fellow Republican candidates, he polls the worst of all candidates against Clinton. In the heat of a primary battle, some people lose sight of the purpose the primary. It's not to make political statements, win popularity constants, or register a protest but rather to select a candidate that can win the general election and that clearly is not Trump.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination

How the Press Should Handle a Candidate With No Chance of Winning - The Atlantic
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Honestly, no one knows what they would get if Trump was elected. One minute he seems progressive and next he is conservative. I guess it depends on whoever pays him the most. He could be elected as a Republican and, after getting into office, turn completely to the left.
Is that why you're scared shitless of him?

Do you do anything more than accusing every other poster of being 'scared' of Trump?
Just stating the obvious.

Or trying to convince yourself of something that neither of us are buying.
Honestly, no one knows what they would get if Trump was elected. One minute he seems progressive and next he is conservative. I guess it depends on whoever pays him the most. He could be elected as a Republican and, after getting into office, turn completely to the left.
Is that why you're scared shitless of him?

Do you do anything more than accusing every other poster of being 'scared' of Trump?
Just stating the obvious.

Or trying to convince yourself of something that neither of us are buying.
If you weren't afraid of him, you would be encouraging people to support him instead of trying to convince them not to.
Honestly, no one knows what they would get if Trump was elected. One minute he seems progressive and next he is conservative. I guess it depends on whoever pays him the most. He could be elected as a Republican and, after getting into office, turn completely to the left.
Is that why you're scared shitless of him?

Do you do anything more than accusing every other poster of being 'scared' of Trump?
Just stating the obvious.

Or trying to convince yourself of something that neither of us are buying.
If you weren't afraid of him, you would be encouraging people to support him instead of trying to convince them not to.

Two problems with your assessment. First, do you honestly believe that anything you disagree're afraid of? That anything you critique, you fear? If so, you just told me far more about you than you did about me.

Second, I've actively advocated that the GOP nominate Trump. I've called him both the best the GOP can produce and the candidate the GOP deserves.

You were saying?
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

He doesn't have any.

The man has taken his business and himself into bankruptcy 4 times.

I don't want a man like that in our white house. America can't take another economic collapse.
He used the bankruptcy laws to make his portfolio profit. Smart businessmen and women do this all the time. It's the art of the game and he's mastered it.

He used bankruptcy laws to make his portfolio a profit - at the expense of his creditors and investors, costing them millions of dollars.

At this point, I would consider any Presidential candidate who actually worked with the written laws on the books to be an improvement. :eusa_whistle:

They are talking about using the laws and the Democrats front runner uses charity donations to fund her lifestyle, which isn't legal.

You make an accusation, provide a link.
Do you agree McCain's no hero?

It has often puzzled me why we call released POW's "heroes" ...even before McCain. I understand they made a great sacrifice and withstood tremendous adversity, but they didn't have a choice, they were captured... are they heroes because they refused to die? Is a "hero" simply someone who survives?

I love our soldiers, I am the one who defends them against liberals who hate them. I constantly argue against sweeping defense cuts and in favor of more spending for veterans. I have great respect for the men and women who serve, including John McCain. But this is a CLASSIC example of what the left does best and what they've been doing the past 20 years. They spin a purely open-minded and reasonable philosophical point around and pervert it into a litany of abhorrent things that were never said and apply that to their adversary. Suddenly, if you agree with Trump, you're disrespecting the military!

And of ALL the people to have the unmitigated gall to complain about disrespect for the military? It's astonishing that you asswipes continue to get away with this shit. The media follows you around like a little puppy and promotes what you're doing! For days and weeks now, we're going to hear about Trump's irrelevant comment instead of focusing on the problems and issues facing our country. And I think that suits most of you libtards fine, you damn sure don't want to discuss the issues.

I think what makes McCain heroic vis a vis Vietnam is the fact that he was offered preferential treatment due to his father's status, and he refused to be treated any differently.
Code of Conduct
Members of the United States Armed Forces

I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.

I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist.

If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.

If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.

When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause.

I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America.

Authority and Amendment Notes

Do you want a medal now?
Got plenty. I put the code of conduct up to see if anyone would catch anything that McCain failed to do. His fellow prisoners from the Hanoi Hilton have had a lot to say.

OH! Great Swiftboat II. You are classless....
Honestly, no one knows what they would get if Trump was elected. One minute he seems progressive and next he is conservative. I guess it depends on whoever pays him the most. He could be elected as a Republican and, after getting into office, turn completely to the left.
Is that why you're scared shitless of him?

Great comeback and Trump takes the GOP apart, brick by brick. I LOVE DONALD! I hope he gets the GOP nod. It would make my day.

Cause any party that will nominate a clown like him deserves what they get, which will be slammed. It doesn't matter who his opponent is, the American voter will never accept an arrogant, narcissistic, egomaniac such as he.
Why wouldn't he be a good president??

He's not a professional politician. He's a businessman who's worth billions.

Is he qualified to be POTUS??

He might be when you consider that the American People voted Barry in twice. Barry was never qualified to be POTUS yet here he is as POTUS.

He's lousy at the job but he got elected twice.

Trump just might be great at the job. Should be fun to find out.

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