Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Where are all the trump fans? Do you agree about McCain?

I told you he never wanted to win. Trump is just in it to rally the nuts. He's the Ron Paul or Ross Perot 2016

Here's what I think... It's amazing to see liberals who attacked McCain viciously in 2000 and 2004, now whining and emoting over his "war hero" status. McCain continues to be the Left's personal POW. Abused and neglected until he is exploitable in making some point. Oh, you're all slapping him on the back and praising him when he is voting against his party and supporting your loony ideas but when he opposed your candidate he became the worst person on the planet. Now, he is suddenly a hero again.
Funny because I agree with trump.

It is you cons who don't seem to like McCain. In fact I've heard your side call him a rino. So its you trying to give McCain to us. We don't want him.

So who's side are you guys on boss? Don't worry about what us liberals think or say.

Either you agree with trump and fuck McCain or not. Do you agree McCain's no hero? Then you agree with me 2007 and today.

Never liked McCain, I'm glad he made it out of Vietnam but I don't care for his politics. I did not vote for him in 08, nor did I vote for Obama.
Where are all the trump fans? Do you agree about McCain?

I told you he never wanted to win. Trump is just in it to rally the nuts. He's the Ron Paul or Ross Perot 2016

Here's what I think... It's amazing to see liberals who attacked McCain viciously in 2000 and 2004, now whining and emoting over his "war hero" status. McCain continues to be the Left's personal POW. Abused and neglected until he is exploitable in making some point. Oh, you're all slapping him on the back and praising him when he is voting against his party and supporting your loony ideas but when he opposed your candidate he became the worst person on the planet. Now, he is suddenly a hero again.
Funny because I agree with trump.

It is you cons who don't seem to like McCain. In fact I've heard your side call him a rino. So its you trying to give McCain to us. We don't want him.

So who's side are you guys on boss? Don't worry about what us liberals think or say.

Either you agree with trump and fuck McCain or not. Do you agree McCain's no hero? Then you agree with me 2007 and today.

Never liked McCain, I'm glad he made it out of Vietnam but I don't care for his politics. I did not vote for him in 08, nor did I vote for Obama.
I'm just looking to see the very same right wing phuktards that called me anti American to come forward and call trump out.
Where are all the trump fans? Do you agree about McCain?

I told you he never wanted to win. Trump is just in it to rally the nuts. He's the Ron Paul or Ross Perot 2016

Here's what I think... It's amazing to see liberals who attacked McCain viciously in 2000 and 2004, now whining and emoting over his "war hero" status. McCain continues to be the Left's personal POW. Abused and neglected until he is exploitable in making some point. Oh, you're all slapping him on the back and praising him when he is voting against his party and supporting your loony ideas but when he opposed your candidate he became the worst person on the planet. Now, he is suddenly a hero again.
Funny because I agree with trump.

It is you cons who don't seem to like McCain. In fact I've heard your side call him a rino. So its you trying to give McCain to us. We don't want him.

So who's side are you guys on boss? Don't worry about what us liberals think or say.

Either you agree with trump and fuck McCain or not. Do you agree McCain's no hero? Then you agree with me 2007 and today.
I'll take a stab at this comment.

I consider McCain a RINO.............and yes I want his head mounted on a wall..............He has sold himself out to the highest bidders and no longer represents Conservative values in my book.

That being said............after listening several times to Trumps statements.................he's just being Trump............He never really ditched's being blown out of proportion to attack Trump from both sides...................He has a habit of making snappy comebacks to questions and sometimes he'd be better off slowing down the come backs.......................

Being a POW doesn't make you a Hero................being locked up in the Hanoi Hilton in the service of your country deserves the respect earned....................McCain could have went Stateside back then, but chose to stay in the fight when he could have went home. He didn't want to abandon the other pilots who were in combat as well.................and he got shot down and went thru HELL as a result............

I have nothing but respect for that aspect of his life and service.............................

But that doesn't matter when it comes to his job as a politician, where I do not agree with him in a lot of areas................

Trump shouldn't have said it..............but Trump makes head lines as he's a Loose Cannon in the way he speaks..............I like him because he says the hell with the PC NONSENSE....................which is needed in the lame assed elections we have now...........The only question is will he go off the reservation with more comments in the future.............Anyway, it should be interesting.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

1) I know you'd like to believe it's all about you - ie. "anti-liberal" - but it's really just that people like hearing someone in politics say something with no varnish or snake oil on it. So there's a positive: Trump may piss people off, but at least he's not blowing so much smoke up our asses that our sphincters want to sue Philip Morris.

Now personally, I have to wonder if that means he doesn't have the diplomacy necessary to be President, but it's still refreshing.

2) He's also clearly a master, in his own way, of grabbing the bully pulpit and speaking directly to the people, instead of being censored and ignored by the media to the point that he becomes ineffectual, which is a chronic problem for Republican and Independent politicians. Reagan used this very trait to great effect during his Presidency, although he certainly did it in a different way and tended to be more tactful.

3) Trump definitely understands the old cliche, "If you want a friend in DC, get a dog". To that end, I think one can expect him to work with whatever opposition he might have in Congress, without defeating himself by trying to kiss their asses to make them like him.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

You're overthinking it. This isn't about quality or even policy. Its about feeling. He's the emotional choice. You'll only fuck it up if you start injecting useless criteria like qualification or whether or not he'd actually be good at the job.

Don't ruin this for me!

Considering that we got two terms of Obama for no other reason than "emotional choice", I think we can live with it.
He's a mover and shaker and business savvy. He's obviously succeeded in business more often than he's failed.

Once more. As he's seen bankruptcy 4 times. But hey, why would anyone bother to learn from their mistakes when they can just repeat them 4 times and counting.

Trump is clearly the candidate the GOP deserves.

Well, since YOU'VE never been a billionaire even once, I don't see this as something you're qualified to denigrate Mr. Trump for.
Trump has name recognition...he's characsmatic. And he doesn't mince words, saying exactly what he means. The voters are going to find that honesty refreshing, and won't even bother to listen to what he's actually saying. Blacks love Trump, right? There's a great chance that Trump could bring black folks under the GOP Big Tent. And Latinos are anti-immigrant too, right? So he may carry their vote too.

Plus, don't count out the female vote. Women *love* a toupee. If he's also sporting a merkin, you've got a bare minimum of 60% of the women's vote right there.

He definitely sounds like the candidate the GOP deserves.

About that "toupee" or "combover." Trump was on Megyn Kelly's show the other night and he let her pull his hair, mussed it up and ran her fingers through it and it was a camera close-up. You can go to foxnews .com/megynkelly and find the clip.

Well if Fox News says its real, that has to be the truth.

You've already got 50% of the women's vote right there. If he's also sporting a prepared for a lady landslide!

I do so love it when the party of "tolerance and women's rights" inadvertently reveals how misogynistic and disdainful they really are toward females.
Look at all the nervous liberals. Quite telling, isn't it? :lol:

Laughing....I dare you nominate him.

No, I double dog dare you to nominate him. That's how much I want Trump as the GOP nominee.

The panty shitting fear you from your own party. As the GOP knows what a gift to the Democrats Trump would actually be.

And the Democrats definitely know it.

Five words for you, Chuckles: Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

'Nuff said.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

He doesn't have any.

The man has taken his business and himself into bankruptcy 4 times.

I don't want a man like that in our white house. America can't take another economic collapse.
He used the bankruptcy laws to make his portfolio profit. Smart businessmen and women do this all the time. It's the art of the game and he's mastered it.

He used bankruptcy laws to make his portfolio a profit - at the expense of his creditors and investors, costing them millions of dollars.

At this point, I would consider any Presidential candidate who actually worked with the written laws on the books to be an improvement. :eusa_whistle:
Do you agree McCain's no hero?

It has often puzzled me why we call released POW's "heroes" ...even before McCain. I understand they made a great sacrifice and withstood tremendous adversity, but they didn't have a choice, they were captured... are they heroes because they refused to die? Is a "hero" simply someone who survives?

I love our soldiers, I am the one who defends them against liberals who hate them. I constantly argue against sweeping defense cuts and in favor of more spending for veterans. I have great respect for the men and women who serve, including John McCain. But this is a CLASSIC example of what the left does best and what they've been doing the past 20 years. They spin a purely open-minded and reasonable philosophical point around and pervert it into a litany of abhorrent things that were never said and apply that to their adversary. Suddenly, if you agree with Trump, you're disrespecting the military!

And of ALL the people to have the unmitigated gall to complain about disrespect for the military? It's astonishing that you asswipes continue to get away with this shit. The media follows you around like a little puppy and promotes what you're doing! For days and weeks now, we're going to hear about Trump's irrelevant comment instead of focusing on the problems and issues facing our country. And I think that suits most of you libtards fine, you damn sure don't want to discuss the issues.
Do you agree McCain's no hero?

It has often puzzled me why we call released POW's "heroes" ...even before McCain. I understand they made a great sacrifice and withstood tremendous adversity, but they didn't have a choice, they were captured... are they heroes because they refused to die? Is a "hero" simply someone who survives?

I love our soldiers, I am the one who defends them against liberals who hate them. I constantly argue against sweeping defense cuts and in favor of more spending for veterans. I have great respect for the men and women who serve, including John McCain. But this is a CLASSIC example of what the left does best and what they've been doing the past 20 years. They spin a purely open-minded and reasonable philosophical point around and pervert it into a litany of abhorrent things that were never said and apply that to their adversary. Suddenly, if you agree with Trump, you're disrespecting the military!

And of ALL the people to have the unmitigated gall to complain about disrespect for the military? It's astonishing that you asswipes continue to get away with this shit. The media follows you around like a little puppy and promotes what you're doing! For days and weeks now, we're going to hear about Trump's irrelevant comment instead of focusing on the problems and issues facing our country. And I think that suits most of you libtards fine, you damn sure don't want to discuss the issues.
Trump will take advantage of it and get Free exposure.....................
Liberals and their media are always looking for dirt..................even if it's bs.................take word's out of context and spin...............It's simply in their character and ethics..................WHICH THEY HAVE NONE OF................

And then call you a Bigot, Racist, womanizer...............for daring to say anything against...........Personally............those tactics are pretty pathetic............and don't know whether to smack them down or PITY THEM FOR IT.
Do you agree McCain's no hero?

It has often puzzled me why we call released POW's "heroes" ...even before McCain. I understand they made a great sacrifice and withstood tremendous adversity, but they didn't have a choice, they were captured... are they heroes because they refused to die? Is a "hero" simply someone who survives?

I love our soldiers, I am the one who defends them against liberals who hate them. I constantly argue against sweeping defense cuts and in favor of more spending for veterans. I have great respect for the men and women who serve, including John McCain. But this is a CLASSIC example of what the left does best and what they've been doing the past 20 years. They spin a purely open-minded and reasonable philosophical point around and pervert it into a litany of abhorrent things that were never said and apply that to their adversary. Suddenly, if you agree with Trump, you're disrespecting the military!

And of ALL the people to have the unmitigated gall to complain about disrespect for the military? It's astonishing that you asswipes continue to get away with this shit. The media follows you around like a little puppy and promotes what you're doing! For days and weeks now, we're going to hear about Trump's irrelevant comment instead of focusing on the problems and issues facing our country. And I think that suits most of you libtards fine, you damn sure don't want to discuss the issues.
Bullshit boss. We made that point about McCain YOU guys tried to use it like a political volleyball.

Vets analysed Obama v McCain and GOP v dem on the troops and dems vote for the troops 80% of the time.

GOP vote for defense contracts and war, not the troops.
That's a lousy choice, but I'd prefer Hillary in that instance.

Then you're a moron.

Scenario: You have to send a negotiator to... say, Indonesia... to work out a trade agreement. Your choices are Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump... YOU are going to send Hillary? Really?

It's the equivalent of having to select a starting pitcher for the World Series and you are going to pick Hillary Clinton over Felix Hernandez. :cuckoo:

I've gotta say, as much reservation as I currently have about Donald Trump's diplomatic skills, at least he understands something that all other politicians seem to have forgotten: We are the United States of America.

Like it or not, that means we don't have to go, hat in hand, and kiss anyone's ass. They, on the other hand, DO have to deal with us. It's the rare nation that can prosper while totally ignoring us.

I also find it refreshing that Mr. Trump wants to increase our power and standing in that regard, rather than being ashamed of it and diminishing it.
Do you agree McCain's no hero?

It has often puzzled me why we call released POW's "heroes" ...even before McCain. I understand they made a great sacrifice and withstood tremendous adversity, but they didn't have a choice, they were captured... are they heroes because they refused to die? Is a "hero" simply someone who survives?

I love our soldiers, I am the one who defends them against liberals who hate them. I constantly argue against sweeping defense cuts and in favor of more spending for veterans. I have great respect for the men and women who serve, including John McCain. But this is a CLASSIC example of what the left does best and what they've been doing the past 20 years. They spin a purely open-minded and reasonable philosophical point around and pervert it into a litany of abhorrent things that were never said and apply that to their adversary. Suddenly, if you agree with Trump, you're disrespecting the military!

And of ALL the people to have the unmitigated gall to complain about disrespect for the military? It's astonishing that you asswipes continue to get away with this shit. The media follows you around like a little puppy and promotes what you're doing! For days and weeks now, we're going to hear about Trump's irrelevant comment instead of focusing on the problems and issues facing our country. And I think that suits most of you libtards fine, you damn sure don't want to discuss the issues.
Trump will take advantage of it and get Free exposure.....................
Liberals and their media are always looking for dirt..................even if it's bs.................take word's out of context and spin...............It's simply in their character and ethics..................WHICH THEY HAVE NONE OF................

And then call you a Bigot, Racist, womanizer...............for daring to say anything against...........Personally............those tactics are pretty pathetic............and don't know whether to smack them down or PITY THEM FOR IT.
If you guys are so dumb the liberal media can manipulate GOP primary voters you are admitting Republican voters are dumb.

I agree
Do you agree McCain's no hero?

It has often puzzled me why we call released POW's "heroes" ...even before McCain. I understand they made a great sacrifice and withstood tremendous adversity, but they didn't have a choice, they were captured... are they heroes because they refused to die? Is a "hero" simply someone who survives?

I love our soldiers, I am the one who defends them against liberals who hate them. I constantly argue against sweeping defense cuts and in favor of more spending for veterans. I have great respect for the men and women who serve, including John McCain. But this is a CLASSIC example of what the left does best and what they've been doing the past 20 years. They spin a purely open-minded and reasonable philosophical point around and pervert it into a litany of abhorrent things that were never said and apply that to their adversary. Suddenly, if you agree with Trump, you're disrespecting the military!

And of ALL the people to have the unmitigated gall to complain about disrespect for the military? It's astonishing that you asswipes continue to get away with this shit. The media follows you around like a little puppy and promotes what you're doing! For days and weeks now, we're going to hear about Trump's irrelevant comment instead of focusing on the problems and issues facing our country. And I think that suits most of you libtards fine, you damn sure don't want to discuss the issues.
Bullshit boss. We made that point about McCain YOU guys tried to use it like a political volleyball.

Vets analysed Obama v McCain and GOP v dem on the troops and dems vote for the troops 80% of the time.

GOP vote for defense contracts and war, not the troops.
BS..............they just cut another 40000 army in cutbacks................
Sequester was about CUTS TO MILITARY...............
Under Clinton we had the biggest cuts in military for a very long time........

Your side have wet dreams over cutting the hell out of the defense budget.............
So spare me the BS.
Honestly, no one knows what they would get if Trump was elected. One minute he seems progressive and next he is conservative. I guess it depends on whoever pays him the most. He could be elected as a Republican and, after getting into office, turn completely to the left.
Do you agree McCain's no hero?

It has often puzzled me why we call released POW's "heroes" ...even before McCain. I understand they made a great sacrifice and withstood tremendous adversity, but they didn't have a choice, they were captured... are they heroes because they refused to die? Is a "hero" simply someone who survives?

I love our soldiers, I am the one who defends them against liberals who hate them. I constantly argue against sweeping defense cuts and in favor of more spending for veterans. I have great respect for the men and women who serve, including John McCain. But this is a CLASSIC example of what the left does best and what they've been doing the past 20 years. They spin a purely open-minded and reasonable philosophical point around and pervert it into a litany of abhorrent things that were never said and apply that to their adversary. Suddenly, if you agree with Trump, you're disrespecting the military!

And of ALL the people to have the unmitigated gall to complain about disrespect for the military? It's astonishing that you asswipes continue to get away with this shit. The media follows you around like a little puppy and promotes what you're doing! For days and weeks now, we're going to hear about Trump's irrelevant comment instead of focusing on the problems and issues facing our country. And I think that suits most of you libtards fine, you damn sure don't want to discuss the issues.
Trump will take advantage of it and get Free exposure.....................
Liberals and their media are always looking for dirt..................even if it's bs.................take word's out of context and spin...............It's simply in their character and ethics..................WHICH THEY HAVE NONE OF................

And then call you a Bigot, Racist, womanizer...............for daring to say anything against...........Personally............those tactics are pretty pathetic............and don't know whether to smack them down or PITY THEM FOR IT.
If you guys are so dumb the liberal media can manipulate GOP primary voters you are admitting Republican voters are dumb.

I agree
You are a spin top..............spinning spinning spinning spinning...................getting dizzy yet..................
Honestly, no one knows what they would get if Trump was elected. One minute he seems progressive and next he is conservative. I guess it depends on whoever pays him the most. He could be elected as a Republican and, after getting into office, turn completely to the left.
He's across party lines on his doubt on that.

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