Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Not only NO but HELL NO! His abrasiveness only continues to give the Republican Party another black eye. His rhetoric only provides a distraction form those Republican candidates with legitimate message.

What's illegitimate about his message, aside from the fact that he's not watering it down with so much "PLEASE like me!" that it has all the philosophical flavor cardboard?
His messages are gross exaggeration. He just spoke of the tremendous rally of 15,000 people in a building that holds 4,200. He's worth 5 billion one day and 9 the next. McCain is a hero today, yesterday he wasn't. Unemployment is 21% one week and 41% the next. In fact he has spent most his life exaggerating his income, net worth, and profit potential of his business ventures, Obama's birth certificate, Ebola, and on and on.. The man lies and contradicts himself over and over and his fans love it.

Each of the things you mentioned has two sides. The biased side you are presenting and the reasonable explanation you are intentionally overlooking. You bunch all this up in a big ball and hurl it at Trump to say that he is a man who exaggerates, lies and contradicts himself. But can't the same be said for Obama? What about Hillary?

I mean, I am not agreeing with any of your points but even IF... isn't that pretty much the case with ALL politicians?

Keep in mind, I have said all along... Trump's biggest asset is that he's Donald Trump... his biggest drawback... he's Donald Trump. I don't know if he can win the GOP nomination. I tend to agree with his conservative prognostication on that in a recent interview... he says it's about a 10~20% chance. But the thing I like about Trump is, he is confident, has a vision, doesn't march to anyone else's drum. And he doesn't really give two shits about the PC Liberal Left.

Yes, all politicians lie. In fact all people lie. It's really a matter of degree that's important. However, Trump lies and exaggerates both truths and lies. Does anyone believe the man doesn't know within several billion dollars what his net worth is; that he believes a crowd of less 4,000 is 15,000, that Mexico (the government) is sending rapists and drug dealers to US, that the unemployment rate is or has been 41%, etc..

I certainly agree that Trump is confident, which is a good trait for a president. However where we different apparently is his capabilities that go beyond just confidence such as honesty, tolerance, creditably, and experience
He's a mover and shaker and business savvy. He's obviously succeeded in business more often than he's failed.

BTW- some undocumented immigrants ARE rapists and criminals.

Just sayin'...
Trump failed way more than he succeeded in the beginning and if it wasn't for daddy's money bolstering him up so he could keep trying he would've had to quit as a failure

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His inheritance from his Dad was somewhere between 40 and 200 million. However, Trump's success in the real estate business is not just due to his inheritance. He's a great salesman. As many of his creditor and investors who lost their shirt in his ventures and schemes will agree. If there is a man that can sell ice cream to Eskimos, it's Trump. However the tactics he uses have often been criticized sometimes leading to investigations and law suits.
My point is that if he hadn't had daddy's money we would've never heard of him, his initial failures would have been the end of him. Dad's money kept him afloat so he could keep trying until he was eventually successful.

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No it doesn't work the same in government. Trump has nearly complete control of his businesses where the president shares that power with congress and the judiciary. Trump is limited only by his shareholders which are mostly a rubber stamp and contracts he agrees to.

Presidential appointments and salaries are approved by congress. He has limited control of expenses and revenues. He's required by law to provide services that he personally opposes. Almost everything he does is controlled by rules and laws that he can not change. He has essential no personal life. His gross exaggerations, wild statements, and scandals, would have terrible results as president and would probably get him impeached.

Trump sees the government as his advisory now but once elected he becomes a part of what he hates. He becomes a professional politician because that is the only way you accomplish anything in government.

The President doesn't share Executive Branch power with anyone. Trump would be in charge of the Executive Branch just as he is in charge of his businesses. He would pick his own cabinet, he would fire them if he wanted, just as he would do with his own business. Now... because Trump's business is real estate does not mean Trump owns all the real estate. His control of his business is limited to what his business is involved with. The same is true with a job as president.

Trump runs his business under laws he cannot change. He can't make his own rules in business, he has to follow the same regulations and laws as everyone else in business. Trump's businesses have to deal with other business entities and governments. His businesses couldn't succeed by alienating everyone they deal with. It should be clear by his financial statements that he is fairly good at business dealings with others.
The job of President of the United States has a few similarities with that of a CEO but very little experience of CEO is applicable because the organizations are radically different both in structure and purpose.

Where business is an autocracy, governance relies on the consent of the people. Where a corporate chief executive runs an enterprise at his personal whim (more or less, depending upon his Board), the president in our democratic system has two coequal branches of government with which to contend. A business exists to sell something to people; a government exists to provide essential services to people.

In a private sector business, most of government would not exist, defense would be contracted out, IRS and call centers would be in third world countries. Unlike business, a government must measure efficiency against equity; cost-cutting against accountability; productivity against justice.

Businesses deal with consumers because they have money to spend, but they do not care about those who do not. Why would they? However, governments cannot ignore the helpless, the indigent, the sick, the needy.
My point is that if he hadn't had daddy's money we would've never heard of him, his initial failures would have been the end of him. Dad's money kept him afloat so he could keep trying until he was eventually successful.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
If it hadn't been for her husband, we never would have heard of Hillary either. What's your point?
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

You're overthinking it. This isn't about quality or even policy. Its about feeling. He's the emotional choice. You'll only fuck it up if you start injecting useless criteria like qualification or whether or not he'd actually be good at the job.

Don't ruin this for me!

and Obama wasn't? :deal::eusa_naughty::eusa_think::gay:
No it doesn't work the same in government. Trump has nearly complete control of his businesses where the president shares that power with congress and the judiciary. Trump is limited only by his shareholders which are mostly a rubber stamp and contracts he agrees to.

Presidential appointments and salaries are approved by congress. He has limited control of expenses and revenues. He's required by law to provide services that he personally opposes. Almost everything he does is controlled by rules and laws that he can not change. He has essential no personal life. His gross exaggerations, wild statements, and scandals, would have terrible results as president and would probably get him impeached.

Trump sees the government as his advisory now but once elected he becomes a part of what he hates. He becomes a professional politician because that is the only way you accomplish anything in government.

The President doesn't share Executive Branch power with anyone. Trump would be in charge of the Executive Branch just as he is in charge of his businesses. He would pick his own cabinet, he would fire them if he wanted, just as he would do with his own business. Now... because Trump's business is real estate does not mean Trump owns all the real estate. His control of his business is limited to what his business is involved with. The same is true with a job as president.

Trump runs his business under laws he cannot change. He can't make his own rules in business, he has to follow the same regulations and laws as everyone else in business. Trump's businesses have to deal with other business entities and governments. His businesses couldn't succeed by alienating everyone they deal with. It should be clear by his financial statements that he is fairly good at business dealings with others.
The job of President of the United States has a few similarities with that of a CEO but very little experience of CEO is applicable because the organizations are radically different both in structure and purpose.

Where business is an autocracy, governance relies on the consent of the people. Where a corporate chief executive runs an enterprise at his personal whim (more or less, depending upon his Board), the president in our democratic system has two coequal branches of government with which to contend. A business exists to sell something to people; a government exists to provide essential services to people.

In a private sector business, most of government would not exist, defense would be contracted out, IRS and call centers would be in third world countries. Unlike business, a government must measure efficiency against equity; cost-cutting against accountability; productivity against justice.

Businesses deal with consumers because they have money to spend, but they do not care about those who do not. Why would they? However, governments cannot ignore the helpless, the indigent, the sick, the needy.

And I am going to disprove every bit of your bunk with ONE president.
Where business is an autocracy, governance relies on the consent of the people.
Name something Obama has done where he relied on the consent of the people?
Where a corporate chief executive runs an enterprise at his personal whim.
Like Obama has run the country for 8 years?
A business exists to sell something to people...
How long has Obama spent selling Obamacare?
However, governments cannot ignore the helpless, the indigent, the sick, the needy.
How much time has Obama spent caring for the needy as opposed to say... playing golf?
My point is that if he hadn't had daddy's money we would've never heard of him, his initial failures would have been the end of him. Dad's money kept him afloat so he could keep trying until he was eventually successful.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
If it hadn't been for her husband, we never would have heard of Hillary either. What's your point?
Don't bet on your Hillary comment. My point is Trump is not the sensei of deal making he's made out to be. He's wrong or makes a bad deal often he just came from a place where he could absorb his mistakes
That says nothing about any special business savvy. And anyways you don't run a government like a business

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
all i ever see here is irrelevant stupidity from self-impressed liberals that seem to just like to hear themseves talk.
i see a long-winded screed about how the expierence of a business executive isnt transferable to the leader of the free world.
to that i can only say; i mean since we dont live in a vacuum; neither is the even more limited expierence of somebody that was a community organizer for a group called ACORN that was so corrupt the government considered using RICO statutes usually used to prosecute Mafia types, to go after ACORN. this man came from a place; not only i college, but after that in his whole adult life, where only version of what is "right" is ever even considered and NOBODY even questions left-wing orthodoxy, all basically preaching to each other's choir
Yet he was marketed as some kind of moderate who by virtue of being descended from, or growing up in a variety of cultures, somehow magically made him able to find a consensus among different views. as we have seen that is far from the truth., in fact he's an insulated kind of dictator-wannabe unable to "change"
Get therapy. But seriously, the purpose or goal of a business is not at all what a government's "bottom line" should be. Think it over and if you can't get the right answer ask a 6th grade civics student.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Get therapy. But seriously, the purpose or goal of a business is not at all what a government's "bottom line" should be. Think it over and if you can't get the right answer ask a 6th grade civics student.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk


the usual pettiness and self-impressed stupidity
you must have not made it beyond 6th grade; because if you took a business 101 class you learned of the corporate social responsibilities.
now if you're going to cry like the bitch many libs are that some dont take those responsibilities seriously; then i'll just ask you in the history of mankind who's killed more; governments or corporations?

Get therapy. But seriously, the purpose or goal of a business is not at all what a government's "bottom line" should be. Think it over and if you can't get the right answer ask a 6th grade civics student.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk


the usual pettiness and self-impressed stupidity
Read: " I have no coherent argument."

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
you must have not made it beyond 6th grade; because if you took a business 101 class you learned of the corporate social responsibilities.
now if you're going to cry like the bitch many libs are that some dont take those responsibilities seriously; then i'll just ask you in the history of mankind who's killed more; governments or corporations?

From simple minds...your comment isn't even relevant to what I posted. Typical conservative strategy, can't win an intelligent, informed argument so, bait and switch, build a strawman, etc.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
you must have not made it beyond 6th grade; because if you took a business 101 class you learned of the corporate social responsibilities.
now if you're going to cry like the bitch many libs are that some dont take those responsibilities seriously; then i'll just ask you in the history of mankind who's killed more; governments or corporations?

From simple minds...your comment isn't even relevant to what I posted. Typical conservative strategy, can't win an intelligent, informed argument so, bait and switch, build a strawman, etc.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

your comment doesnt make sense idiot. why do you want anything but ridicule as a response to it?
you losers need to go back to your ivory towers and cry in your soy-milk latte

in fact since you idiots started "caring" for the "little people" and thinking government is god the very richest got richer and the very poorest got poorer

so AGAIN i say unless you live in a vacuum whining about the the difference in "bottom line" between governemnt and business is irrelevant
A little advice " it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt ".

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
A little advice " it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt ".

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

always amusing seeing an idiot too stupid and busy pointing fingers to take his own advice

I would love to see Trump call Poootin a loser KGB agent. Presidents need s filter on words. I don't think Trump is capable of filtering anything.
Not only NO but HELL NO! His abrasiveness only continues to give the Republican Party another black eye. His rhetoric only provides a distraction form those Republican candidates with legitimate message.

What's illegitimate about his message, aside from the fact that he's not watering it down with so much "PLEASE like me!" that it has all the philosophical flavor cardboard?
His messages are gross exaggeration. He just spoke of the tremendous rally of 15,000 people in a building that holds 4,200. He's worth 5 billion one day and 9 the next. McCain is a hero today, yesterday he wasn't. Unemployment is 21% one week and 41% the next. In fact he has spent most his life exaggerating his income, net worth, and profit potential of his business ventures, Obama's birth certificate, Ebola, and on and on.. The man lies and contradicts himself over and over and his fans love it.

except for the net worth, the exact same things can be said about both clintons, obama, biden, pelosi, reid, and virtually every politician.

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