Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

How long and big of a wall would this have to be? Don't you think that cracking down on the employers that hire illegals for cheap labor is the way to go? If they can't get jobs, then they won't come here. For those who are caught committing crime, does it make more sense to deport them and maybe they will or maybe they won't serve a "fair" sentence for their crimes and perhaps just end up coming back? The issue is complicated one when you look below the surface.

Well, as long as the border is and as big as it needs to be to keep people from coming over it. Might not need to be a "wall" in some places... might be better to do a fence in those parts...

We already have laws on the books about hiring illegals... yes, we need to be enforcing those. Passing more new redundant laws isn't going to change enforcement policy.

If you deport them and there is a wall preventing them from coming back, what is the problem again?

How will a wall prevent them from piling into boats and landing anywhere along the Gulf Coast?
How long and big of a wall would this have to be? Don't you think that cracking down on the employers that hire illegals for cheap labor is the way to go? If they can't get jobs, then they won't come here. For those who are caught committing crime, does it make more sense to deport them and maybe they will or maybe they won't serve a "fair" sentence for their crimes and perhaps just end up coming back? The issue is complicated one when you look below the surface.

Well, as long as the border is and as big as it needs to be to keep people from coming over it. Might not need to be a "wall" in some places... might be better to do a fence in those parts...

We already have laws on the books about hiring illegals... yes, we need to be enforcing those. Passing more new redundant laws isn't going to change enforcement policy.

If you deport them and there is a wall preventing them from coming back, what is the problem again?

How will a wall prevent them from piling into boats and landing anywhere along the Gulf Coast?

It's called the Coast Guard and Drones ..............

What part of we can stop these illegals is not sinking in??
How long and big of a wall would this have to be? Don't you think that cracking down on the employers that hire illegals for cheap labor is the way to go? If they can't get jobs, then they won't come here. For those who are caught committing crime, does it make more sense to deport them and maybe they will or maybe they won't serve a "fair" sentence for their crimes and perhaps just end up coming back? The issue is complicated one when you look below the surface.

Well, as long as the border is and as big as it needs to be to keep people from coming over it. Might not need to be a "wall" in some places... might be better to do a fence in those parts...

We already have laws on the books about hiring illegals... yes, we need to be enforcing those. Passing more new redundant laws isn't going to change enforcement policy.

If you deport them and there is a wall preventing them from coming back, what is the problem again?

How will a wall prevent them from piling into boats and landing anywhere along the Gulf Coast?

Well obviously it won't. However, we already have mechanisms in place to monitor vessels at sea... they could also pile into an airplane and fly over the wall. Or... dig a tunnel under it.

But hey.... why should we bother enforcing ANY laws? People are just going to find ways to get around them, right? I mean... as you've proven here, there's always a way, right?
Greatest deterrent is returning those who come here illegally.

As long as you can enter and no one ever sees you coming back cause you got booted out it sends a message to others the coast is clear.

When you start dumping them back across the border bus loads at a time and all their sweat equity and turmoil is negated for the last incursion, then those sore muscles, empty bellies and horrors encountered on the trip make it look so much less inviting to try again.
The issue is complicated one when you look below the surface.

It's really NOT complicated at all. Secure the border. Enforce the laws on the books. Punish employers who hire illegals. Deport the criminals who break our laws once they are here. None of that is complicated.

Once that is done, we can start to address what to do about those who are here illegally but have managed to not be caught and deported and aren't really causing any problem other than the drain on social services. That's a bit more complicated and will take some kind of comprehensive plan to sort out. Permanent work visas, paths to citizenship... we can talk about all that when the time comes. We have to deal with the easier tasks first because it's pointless unless we do.
From illegal immigration to gun violence, Trump's positions are gloriously vague and poorly thought through.

Didn't sound that way to me. Sounded like he has a pretty good grasp on reality.

Really? You think this is a well thought out policy to illegal immigration?

"“The bad ones are going to get out. Then from that point on, we’re going to look very, very strongly at what we do. And I’m going to formulate a plan that I think people are going to be happy with. But we’re going to look very, very strongly at what we do.”"

So his to formulate a plan after 'the bad ones are going to get out'.

Brilliant. And I'm sure his solution is to come up with a solution.

Talk is cheap. I can't wait for the debate see what he knows about immigration and other issues. I saw the interview, he is worst than my middle eastern neighbor talking about chastity belt.
The issue is complicated one when you look below the surface.

Are you saying this is above your paygrade / intelligence level??

Sounds that way, just too complicated, fuck it lets not deal with it at all ............

Too bad you are not the one who was in Kate Steinle's place, it would be much easier for you to act stupid if you had a bullet from an illegal immigrant in you to contend with.

Perhaps you could turn to your father and ask "Dad, please help me" in your dying breath.

Meanwhile go get some brains, we have solutions, we also have fucking piece of shit bleeding heart liberals / leftards that have that "FUCK THE PREVIOUS LAWS, WE GOT HNIC AND WE GONNA CREATE MAYHEM AND MALICE BY NOT ENFORCING CURRENT LAWS ON THE BOOKS!!

Now you can go back to your fucking, brainless, callous little life and keep spouting more fucking fantasizes ............
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It's matter of degree. Obama uses the media to attack people's position on issues. Trump uses the media to launch personal attacks. There's a big a difference.

Nonsense. Trump hasn't launched any attacks... he has retaliated a few times.

Obama avoids issues and talks in platitudes.
A few times? Launching personal attacks is Trump's hobby. He's been doing it for years. A comment about his hair, a question about his wealth, or taking an opposing position on any issue he favors is enough to set him off.

Trump attacks anyone who makes him feel small, insufficiently wealthy, threatened or mocked. He attacks for sport, he attacks to regain a sense of control, and to make a point. He attacks as a means of saying “you’re fired” to those he does not employ.

I think's it's pretty clear how Trump would use the bully pulpit.

I have never seen the man attack anyone who hadn't attacked him first or who didn't richly deserve it. The reason he does it is because it's an effective way to deal with bullies.
I've searched the Net and have not found a single personal attack by John McCain on Trump before Trump attacked McCain's military record. If you have a link proving this, how about posting it.

My point is that presidential candidates shouldn't be initiating or retaliating with personal attacks on anybody. Attack the issues and the actions of opponents on those issues. People seem to think Trump is some great hero for speaking his mind. There is nothing brave or heroic in what Trump is doing. .

Trump's direct comment was in response to a reporter asking him about McCain saying that Trump had “fired up the crazies” in the party. He has been very respectful toward people who respect him. Lindsay Graham popped off something about Trump being a "jackass" and Trump gave his cell phone number out. ...I loved it!

Brave and Heroic??? ....Is that what you believe HILLARY is being?
McCain's comment was not a personal attack on Trump. He was commenting on the crowd Trump was drawing. Trump jumped on the opportunity to launch a personal attack on John McCain. More to point, why is Trump even bothering attacking McCain. McCain's not running or campaigning for any candidate.

This seems to be typical Trump paranoid behavior. He forms friendships, partnerships and alliances only to be betrayed over and over.
Really? You think this is a well thought out policy to illegal immigration?

Yep... LOVE it!
Great policy!
...Get the bad ones out!
...Build a fucking wall!
...Go from there!

I also like his plan for dealing with ISIS...
"Take their oil away!"

Take their oil away. I'm in love with that. If you bomb oil refineries. How are you going to feed those people IF or whenever the ISIS are gone? Then another generations will add angers to Americans. That's just wonderful.
What made you think that taking the oil away will make the ISIS disappear?
What a brilliant idea.
Really? You think this is a well thought out policy to illegal immigration?

Yep... LOVE it!
Great policy!
...Get the bad ones out!
...Build a fucking wall!
...Go from there!

I also like his plan for dealing with ISIS...
"Take their oil away!"

Take their oil away. I'm in love with that. If you bomb oil refineries. How are you going to feed those people IF or whenever the ISIS are gone? Then another generations will add angers to Americans. That's just wonderful.
What made you think that taking the oil away will make the ISIS disappear?
What a brilliant idea.

Trump is kinda a big picture guy. Consequences and practical details are beneath him.

My favorite is his immigration plan: to come up with an immigration plan!

Well shit. Why has no one ever though of that before?
Really? You think this is a well thought out policy to illegal immigration?

Yep... LOVE it!
Great policy!
...Get the bad ones out!
...Build a fucking wall!
...Go from there!

I also like his plan for dealing with ISIS...
"Take their oil away!"

So his to come up with a plan. And you consider that great policy.

Um, wow.

But that wasn't what he said. He gave you the plan... Get the bad ones out.. build a wall.. then you make a plan of what to do about the rest. I realize it's rather simple and there are only three points, but you should be able to follow that.

BTW... where is the Democrat's plan I asked you for? It's okay if you don't know, I'm finding it hard to discover myself... just give me your thoughts on what you'd like to see happen?

That is not a plan. That's the same as your mother telling you, I'll get rid of your feet.
Republican both control the congress and the senate. Why are they holding the bill to reform the immigration? Obama has been pushing for that. He even mentioned in his last State of the Union. It's not perfect but he will sign it.
Why don't you start with that?
The issue is complicated one when you look below the surface.

Are you saying this is above your paygrade / intelligence level??

Sounds that way, just too complicated, fuck it lets not deal with it at all ............

Too bad you are not the one who was in Kate Steinle's place, it would be much easier for you to act stupid if you had a bullet from an illegal immigrant in you to contend with.

Perhaps you could turn to your father and ask "Dad, please help me" in your dying breath.

Meanwhile go get some brains, we have solutions, we also have fucking piece of shit bleeding heart liberals / leftards that have that "FUCK THE PREVIOUS LAWS, WE GOT HNIC AND WE GONNA CREATE MAYHEM AND MALICE BY NOT ENFORCING CURRENT LAWS ON THE BOOKS!!

Now you can go back to your fucking, brainless, callous little life and keep spouting more fucking fantasizes ............

You've got some serious issues, psychopath. Don't address any of my posts again. Got that?
Really? You think this is a well thought out policy to illegal immigration?

Yep... LOVE it!
Great policy!
...Get the bad ones out!
...Build a fucking wall!
...Go from there!

I also like his plan for dealing with ISIS...
"Take their oil away!"

Take their oil away. I'm in love with that. If you bomb oil refineries. How are you going to feed those people IF or whenever the ISIS are gone? Then another generations will add angers to Americans. That's just wonderful.
What made you think that taking the oil away will make the ISIS disappear?
What a brilliant idea.

its why the right courts this base

they are really really stupid
The issue is complicated one when you look below the surface.

It's really NOT complicated at all. Secure the border. Enforce the laws on the books. Punish employers who hire illegals. Deport the criminals who break our laws once they are here. None of that is complicated.

Once that is done, we can start to address what to do about those who are here illegally but have managed to not be caught and deported and aren't really causing any problem other than the drain on social services. That's a bit more complicated and will take some kind of comprehensive plan to sort out. Permanent work visas, paths to citizenship... we can talk about all that when the time comes. We have to deal with the easier tasks first because it's pointless unless we do.

It is complicated. You say, "do this and do that" but you don't get into HOW to do these things. How do you find the illegals to begin with? I keep mentioning a national ID card. Do you agree or disagree with that. You cannot just "do things" without a plan and without the funds to do it.
Really? You think this is a well thought out policy to illegal immigration?

Yep... LOVE it!
Great policy!
...Get the bad ones out!
...Build a fucking wall!
...Go from there!

I also like his plan for dealing with ISIS...
"Take their oil away!"

Take their oil away. I'm in love with that. If you bomb oil refineries. How are you going to feed those people IF or whenever the ISIS are gone? Then another generations will add angers to Americans. That's just wonderful.
What made you think that taking the oil away will make the ISIS disappear?
What a brilliant idea.

Trump is kinda a big picture guy. Consequences and practical details are beneath him.

My favorite is his immigration plan: to come up with an immigration plan!

Well shit. Why has no one ever though of that before?

That's what I'm saying too.
Nonsense. Trump hasn't launched any attacks... he has retaliated a few times.

Obama avoids issues and talks in platitudes.
A few times? Launching personal attacks is Trump's hobby. He's been doing it for years. A comment about his hair, a question about his wealth, or taking an opposing position on any issue he favors is enough to set him off.

Trump attacks anyone who makes him feel small, insufficiently wealthy, threatened or mocked. He attacks for sport, he attacks to regain a sense of control, and to make a point. He attacks as a means of saying “you’re fired” to those he does not employ.

I think's it's pretty clear how Trump would use the bully pulpit.

I have never seen the man attack anyone who hadn't attacked him first or who didn't richly deserve it. The reason he does it is because it's an effective way to deal with bullies.
I've searched the Net and have not found a single personal attack by John McCain on Trump before Trump attacked McCain's military record. If you have a link proving this, how about posting it.

My point is that presidential candidates shouldn't be initiating or retaliating with personal attacks on anybody. Attack the issues and the actions of opponents on those issues. People seem to think Trump is some great hero for speaking his mind. There is nothing brave or heroic in what Trump is doing. .

Trump's direct comment was in response to a reporter asking him about McCain saying that Trump had “fired up the crazies” in the party. He has been very respectful toward people who respect him. Lindsay Graham popped off something about Trump being a "jackass" and Trump gave his cell phone number out. ...I loved it!

Brave and Heroic??? ....Is that what you believe HILLARY is being?
McCain's comment was not a personal attack on Trump. He was commenting on the crowd Trump was drawing. Trump jumped on the opportunity to launch a personal attack on John McCain. More to point, why is Trump even bothering attacking McCain. McCain's not running or campaigning for any candidate.

This seems to be typical Trump paranoid behavior. He forms friendships, partnerships and alliances only to be betrayed over and over.

I think Trump took it personally... so I would suggest Mr. McCain keep that in mind in the future. Why did Trump do it? Because he's not a pussy-whipped GOP politician afraid of the mighty War Hero John McCain. And he didn't launch a personal attack... he just said he preferred heroes who didn't get captured. Is Trump not entitled to that opinion?
The issue is complicated one when you look below the surface.

It's really NOT complicated at all. Secure the border. Enforce the laws on the books. Punish employers who hire illegals. Deport the criminals who break our laws once they are here. None of that is complicated.

Once that is done, we can start to address what to do about those who are here illegally but have managed to not be caught and deported and aren't really causing any problem other than the drain on social services. That's a bit more complicated and will take some kind of comprehensive plan to sort out. Permanent work visas, paths to citizenship... we can talk about all that when the time comes. We have to deal with the easier tasks first because it's pointless unless we do.

It is complicated. You say, "do this and do that" but you don't get into HOW to do these things. How do you find the illegals to begin with? I keep mentioning a national ID card. Do you agree or disagree with that. You cannot just "do things" without a plan and without the funds to do it.

Well, we find the bad ones when they rob a store or mug somebody... or rape them or shoot them, etc. That doesn't seem to hard to understand. If one of them is arrested for something else, we can run a background check on their finger prints and determine if they are criminals from Mexico. Again.... not appearing too complicated.

No I don't support a National ID card... why should the government be allowed to violate my right to privacy in order to secure the borders?

No one has said anything about "just do things without a plan or funds." Trump already said, THEY are going to pay for the wall. We do a shit-ton of trade with Mexico and their economy depends on it... they'll pay. They're also going to pay for deportation and the drain on social services for the remaining illegals until we figure out what to do about them.
You've got some serious issues, psychopath. Don't address any of my posts again. Got that?

ROFLMMFAAO ..........................

YOU got those marching orders there buddy roe ..................

Do I look like someone who give a shit, who the fuck do you think you are??

I see that you can not discuss what I posted, just ad hominem attacks.

Very fucking adult.

Your line of slander against Trump again that I was defending in this thread???
Really? You think this is a well thought out policy to illegal immigration?

Yep... LOVE it!
Great policy!
...Get the bad ones out!
...Build a fucking wall!
...Go from there!

I also like his plan for dealing with ISIS...
"Take their oil away!"

So his to come up with a plan. And you consider that great policy.

Um, wow.

But that wasn't what he said. He gave you the plan... Get the bad ones out.. build a wall.. then you make a plan of what to do about the rest. I realize it's rather simple and there are only three points, but you should be able to follow that.

BTW... where is the Democrat's plan I asked you for? It's okay if you don't know, I'm finding it hard to discover myself... just give me your thoughts on what you'd like to see happen?

That is not a plan. That's the same as your mother telling you, I'll get rid of your feet.
Republican both control the congress and the senate. Why are they holding the bill to reform the immigration? Obama has been pushing for that. He even mentioned in his last State of the Union. It's not perfect but he will sign it.
Why don't you start with that?

Because it doesn't reform anything, it's an AMNESTY bill.

Immigration is not the issue here. No one is opposed to legal immigration. We're talking about millions of illegal aliens coming across our Southern border from god knows where.
You've got some serious issues, psychopath. Don't address any of my posts again. Got that?

ROFLMMFAAO ..........................

YOU got those marching orders there buddy roe ..................

Do I look like someone who give a shit, who the fuck do you think you are??

I see that you can not discuss what I posted, just ad hominem attacks.

Very fucking adult.

Your line of slander against Trump again that I was defending in this thread???

I said don't quote my posts. I don't talk to psychos online any more than I would in real life. Get lost.

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