Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Take 5-10 minutes out of the Trump hype to listen to a real candidate.

This is Carly Fiorina on Hillary's emails, Donald Trump, abortion, planned parenthood, immigration.

A recent ABC interview with Carly Fiorina
Election 2016 Carly Fiorina No excuse for Hillary Clinton s private email server - CBS News

Hey, I like Carly. I think she would make a fantastic VP pick.

I also like Ted Cruz... I've been a supporter of Cruz from before he was a Senator. He is who will get my vote more than likely, if he is still in the race. I also like Ben Carson. Those are my top choices at this point.

I've dismissed several... most recently, Scott Walker. I like a lot of what he says but I don't think he has much charisma or excitement. I like a lot of what Rubio says but I don't like his position on illegal immigration policy and I think he would be a spender... I think the same about Huck... he'd be like Dubya.

Several, I don't think I could vote for over Hillary under any circumstance. Jeb, Christie, Graham, Kasich, Pataki... I might could stomach Rand Paul or Rick Santorum.
It all goes back to cut, slash and burn...While the rest of the country outside of a few percent at the top get fucked.
Ted Cruz's problem is the fact that he is still just another career politician and is far more like the others than different.

Look Trump is not the outsider I would have preferred, but if he is the only alternative to the same liberal drift toward socialism, then I'd be willing to give him a shot at it. What the hell? Again, at this point he cannot possibly suck worse than the thought miser sitting in the Oval Office these days.

See, the difference between us is that I don't give a rip for "outsider" or "career politician" or any label other than "conservative" and "liberal". I don't care if the candidate has made a career out of politics. I want a candidate who understands how angry, fed up and frustrated conservatives are; who understands where the country needs to go and how to get there; who is willing to articulate that, no matter how loudly the left screeches and squawks; and who doesn't back down and wring his hands ineffectually in the corner the first time some leftist looks at him cross-eyed.
I would submit that anyone who has made a career of politics is by definition an out of touch individual who is far less qualified to lead than a citizen who has successfully made his/her way in the real world.

I think it depends on the candidate. At the end of the day, I'm all about the individual.

I further suggest that labels such as "liberal" and "conservative" have not served us well in that the two ideologies have become blurred. I think it's much more important to determine who is and who is not a part riot or a traitor. These designations are recognizable by a person's words and actions.

No, conservative and liberal aren't the least bit blurred. Republican and Democrat are. Conservatives are still very much what they always have been, and a big part of the anger that Donald Trump is tapping into is that conservatives don't feel like they're being respected and represented by the party that wants their votes.

Traitor, again, is something that needs to be determined on an individual basis. I think most Democrats are, but I think a few of them are just monumentally stupid. (I'm talking officeholders now. The vast majority of rank-and-file Democrats are dumber than the contents of my catbox.)

This is why candidates must be judged by what stands before us, not what they claim s ands before us.

That's why people are so excited by Donald Trump right now. They're tired of being bullshitted. As I've said before, Donald Trump is bellicose and obnoxious, but I'm pretty sure that everything he says originates right underneath that dead cat on his head, probably about a half-second before it travels out of his mouth. At no time do I think we're being handed a slick political line.

Down the road, I think that may become a problem, but right now, it's a breath of fresh air.
I respectfully disagree with you regarding conservatives and liberals. First of all, "liberal" is hardly the proper designation for this brand of autocratic Marxists and their ignorant and/or brainwashed minions.

I'm not really about splitting semantic hairs on this. If you pay attention to my posts, you'll notice that I personally rarely ever use the term "liberal", and use the term "leftist" instead. Nevertheless, digressing into "No, MY term is much more correct because THIS!" is time-wasting. We both know what's being referred to: the left and the right of the American political spectrum. Where people fall on that spectrum is much more relevant to me that this party, that party, the other party. My word choice is my own preference, and I don't feel it requires me to pretend I don't know what and who is being referred to when other terms, such as "liberal" or "progressive" are used.

All the rest of this post is just saying that while trying to impose your own personal nomenclature system on others. Not interested.
These two do!

But seriously, how many conservatives do you know that would have donated to Hillary Clinton's senate campaign fund, and then received a phone call from Bill Clinton just prior to announcing his candidacy?

Carly Fiorina called Trump out on this.

If they're business people who need to do business in and around New York, they would. Knowing how to work with leftists in a place that's overrun by them is an essential business skill.
Carly Fiorina called Trump out on this.

I am well aware. Trump makes no bones about it... he has been 'friends' with the Clintons, donated to Hillary's campaign... she attended his wedding. Do you somehow think his supporters aren't aware of this? It's one of the first mud balls you people threw at Trump... didn't work.

For the record, Fiorina says that if Trump wins the GOP nomination, she will "enthusiastically support him." (....I would LOVE to see him make her his VP pick!)

Carly Fiornia should know better, frankly. She was the CEO of a major corporation, and almost certainly had to make nice and be friends with people she didn't agree with, and maybe didn't even personally like. It goes with the territory.
He's the only GOP candidate not taking special interest and he frequently acknowledges how much the other candidates take to which they have NO response, just kind of look at their shoes. He would be a pretty funny president to have and he's openly making a mockery of the other GOP candidates, at least with Trump you know he is gonna do what he wants and not what people who pay him want. And I kind of want to see the huge Trump wall with his name in 50 million font surrounded by red, white and blue eagles.
He's the only GOP candidate not taking special interest and he frequently acknowledges how much the other candidates take to which they have NO response, just kind of look at their shoes. He would be a pretty funny president to have and he's openly making a mockery of the other GOP candidates, at least with Trump you know he is gonna do what he wants and not what people who pay him want. And I kind of want to see the huge Trump wall with his name in 50 million font surrounded by red, white and blue eagles.

And he says he has no problems with putting a nice pretty door in the wall for immigrants to come here legally.
Ted Cruz's problem is the fact that he is still just another career politician and is far more like the others than different.

Look Trump is not the outsider I would have preferred, but if he is the only alternative to the same liberal drift toward socialism, then I'd be willing to give him a shot at it. What the hell? Again, at this point he cannot possibly suck worse than the thought miser sitting in the Oval Office these days.

See, the difference between us is that I don't give a rip for "outsider" or "career politician" or any label other than "conservative" and "liberal". I don't care if the candidate has made a career out of politics. I want a candidate who understands how angry, fed up and frustrated conservatives are; who understands where the country needs to go and how to get there; who is willing to articulate that, no matter how loudly the left screeches and squawks; and who doesn't back down and wring his hands ineffectually in the corner the first time some leftist looks at him cross-eyed.
I would submit that anyone who has made a career of politics is by definition an out of touch individual who is far less qualified to lead than a citizen who has successfully made his/her way in the real world.

I think it depends on the candidate. At the end of the day, I'm all about the individual.

I further suggest that labels such as "liberal" and "conservative" have not served us well in that the two ideologies have become blurred. I think it's much more important to determine who is and who is not a part riot or a traitor. These designations are recognizable by a person's words and actions.

No, conservative and liberal aren't the least bit blurred. Republican and Democrat are. Conservatives are still very much what they always have been, and a big part of the anger that Donald Trump is tapping into is that conservatives don't feel like they're being respected and represented by the party that wants their votes.

Traitor, again, is something that needs to be determined on an individual basis. I think most Democrats are, but I think a few of them are just monumentally stupid. (I'm talking officeholders now. The vast majority of rank-and-file Democrats are dumber than the contents of my catbox.)

This is why candidates must be judged by what stands before us, not what they claim s ands before us.

That's why people are so excited by Donald Trump right now. They're tired of being bullshitted. As I've said before, Donald Trump is bellicose and obnoxious, but I'm pretty sure that everything he says originates right underneath that dead cat on his head, probably about a half-second before it travels out of his mouth. At no time do I think we're being handed a slick political line.

Down the road, I think that may become a problem, but right now, it's a breath of fresh air.
I respectfully disagree with you regarding conservatives and liberals. First of all, "liberal" is hardly the proper designation for this brand of autocratic Marxists and their ignorant and/or brainwashed minions.

I'm not really about splitting semantic hairs on this. If you pay attention to my posts, you'll notice that I personally rarely ever use the term "liberal", and use the term "leftist" instead. Nevertheless, digressing into "No, MY term is much more correct because THIS!" is time-wasting. We both know what's being referred to: the left and the right of the American political spectrum. Where people fall on that spectrum is much more relevant to me that this party, that party, the other party. My word choice is my own preference, and I don't feel it requires me to pretend I don't know what and who is being referred to when other terms, such as "liberal" or "progressive" are used.

All the rest of this post is just saying that while trying to impose your own personal nomenclature system on others. Not interested.
Wow. You really like to hear yourself talk, don't you? Hey, whatever floats your boat. Carry on.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?
It's not possible to really evaluate Trump as a president unless we take the good with the bad:

Positive traits:
He hits the mark with many people with his remarks about our society.
He is anti illegals, deport them, especially if they committed a crime.
Build that darn wall! It's talked about for decades with nothing done. I think he would do it!
Stop with the irrational Political Correctness!
Be truthful!
Says what he means!
Cannot be bought. Executive Lobbyist will be out of a job.
Redo the tax system and tax the rich with a one time 14.25 % increase
Could actually negotiate good treaties for the country.
Knows how to run a big organization.

His negatives have to be considered, especially in a society like ours.
He doesn't think before he speaks.
He has an ego as big as a building.
Will he be a diplomat?
He's been asked to tone it down and hasn't. Ignores good counsel.
Stop burning bridges behind him
His negatives have to be considered, especially in a society like ours.
He doesn't think before he speaks.
He has an ego as big as a building.
Will he be a diplomat?
He's been asked to tone it down and hasn't. Ignores good counsel.
Stop burning bridges behind him

I don't think all of those are negatives, we're just not used to them. I think he does think before speaking, most of these things he has thought about for years. He does have a big ego but I think a lot of that is self-confidence coming across as ego.

I think he would make an exceptional diplomat. Now... that's if you mean someone who would be good for US as a diplomat and not the other party. You see, a good diplomat gets us what we want without giving up very much. If by "diplomat" you mean a patsy who is going to run around slobbering all over everyone trying to get them to like us... no... he'd be awful at that.

I agree that he should back off a little on the inflammatory rhetoric and focus more on his message. I think we'll see him do this more and more, but I also think that he had to establish some respect from the media and other republicans early on. When these people come after you like they did with him, you have to be able to handle it in a way that discourages others from trying it. People often call Trump a "bully" but he's actually demonstrating how you deal with bullies. You don't ignore them and you don't play along.
His negatives have to be considered, especially in a society like ours.
He doesn't think before he speaks.
He has an ego as big as a building.
Will he be a diplomat?
He's been asked to tone it down and hasn't. Ignores good counsel.
Stop burning bridges behind him

I don't think all of those are negatives, we're just not used to them. I think he does think before speaking, most of these things he has thought about for years. He does have a big ego but I think a lot of that is self-confidence coming across as ego.

I think he would make an exceptional diplomat. Now... that's if you mean someone who would be good for US as a diplomat and not the other party. You see, a good diplomat gets us what we want without giving up very much. If by "diplomat" you mean a patsy who is going to run around slobbering all over everyone trying to get them to like us... no... he'd be awful at that.

I agree that he should back off a little on the inflammatory rhetoric and focus more on his message. I think we'll see him do this more and more, but I also think that he had to establish some respect from the media and other republicans early on. When these people come after you like they did with him, you have to be able to handle it in a way that discourages others from trying it. People often call Trump a "bully" but he's actually demonstrating how you deal with bullies. You don't ignore them and you don't play along.
He has said some stupid things, The one I dislike the most, is: "I whine until I get what I want!" A whiner? Swell.
Most politicians have big egos. Just look at Obama. Trump certainly has confidence, but his ego cannot be denied. Another facet of his personality is how he can change on a dime when he's flattered. He was mad at Fox and Kelly. But that anger subsided after he got a call from Ailes. He was flattered and all was well. He's been on the network since then, but he never got an apology from Fox, Baier, Krauthammer Wallace and most of all, Kelly. Some negotiation.
His negatives have to be considered, especially in a society like ours.
He doesn't think before he speaks.
He has an ego as big as a building.
Will he be a diplomat?
He's been asked to tone it down and hasn't. Ignores good counsel.
Stop burning bridges behind him

I don't think all of those are negatives, we're just not used to them. I think he does think before speaking, most of these things he has thought about for years. He does have a big ego but I think a lot of that is self-confidence coming across as ego.

I think he would make an exceptional diplomat. Now... that's if you mean someone who would be good for US as a diplomat and not the other party. You see, a good diplomat gets us what we want without giving up very much. If by "diplomat" you mean a patsy who is going to run around slobbering all over everyone trying to get them to like us... no... he'd be awful at that.

I agree that he should back off a little on the inflammatory rhetoric and focus more on his message. I think we'll see him do this more and more, but I also think that he had to establish some respect from the media and other republicans early on. When these people come after you like they did with him, you have to be able to handle it in a way that discourages others from trying it. People often call Trump a "bully" but he's actually demonstrating how you deal with bullies. You don't ignore them and you don't play along.
He has said some stupid things, The one I dislike the most, is: "I whine until I get what I want!" A whiner? Swell.
Most politicians have big egos. Just look at Obama. Trump certainly has confidence, but his ego cannot be denied. Another facet of his personality is how he can change on a dime when he's flattered. He was mad at Fox and Kelly. But that anger subsided after he got a call from Ailes. He was flattered and all was well. He's been on the network since then, but he never got an apology from Fox, Baier, Krauthammer Wallace and most of all, Kelly. Some negotiation.
Trump doesn't need or want an apology from Fox News or Kelly or anyone. He made his point loud and clear to the media as a whole. The point? If you fuck with the Donald you fuck with rank and file Americans, aka their audiences.

The reaction to Kelly was an example of the shit storm media figures, or anyone who takes a biased view toward Trump in their reporting, is going be hit with in terms of viewership. I am pretty sure that's exactly how Team Trump planned to redirect the focus from the actual meat of the debate to spotlight Megyn Kelly and Fox News.

Trump played Fox News like a tin flute by making them break journalism's number one rule: Never become the story. Megyn Kelly, and with her Fox News, became the story that eclipsed the debate itself.

Donald Trump, meanwhile, comes out the winner. This man that so many claim is unfit to be POTUS. I find this all very amusing.
He has said some stupid things, The one I dislike the most, is: "I whine until I get what I want!" A whiner? Swell.
Most politicians have big egos. Just look at Obama. Trump certainly has confidence, but his ego cannot be denied. Another facet of his personality is how he can change on a dime when he's flattered. He was mad at Fox and Kelly. But that anger subsided after he got a call from Ailes. He was flattered and all was well. He's been on the network since then, but he never got an apology from Fox, Baier, Krauthammer Wallace and most of all, Kelly. Some negotiation.

You don't get the "tongue in cheek" of his whine comment? I get it! I love it! He is simply turning the 'rhetoric' back around and exploiting it to make a very good point. How much SHIT has the liberal left gotten accomplished in the past 100 years by simply 'whining' until they got it?

On the deal with Fox... uhm... it's Fox News Network... comprehende? You think it's a "stupid" political move for a Republican to alienate himself from them over some silly comments from a silly "journalist" that effectively killed her own ratings? I'm really glad you aren't advising his campaign.

Hey... Trump isn't a mean guy... he's fair. Treat him with respect and he will reciprocate. That's all he asks. I've heard him interviewed and questioned thoroughly by numerous people and when they treat him with respect he returns the favor. He is not going to take shit off anybody and he shouldn't. I am sick and tired of republicans getting hammered into a corner while they tip-toe around smiling and explaining themselves while trying to not offend... Good for Trump! Give 'em Hell! ...Silly-ass bunch of idiots all need to be popped in the kisser... that's what's wrong with them now... nobody stands up and fights back!
He's been on the network since then, but he never got an apology from Fox, Baier, Krauthammer Wallace and most of all, Kelly. Some negotiation.

Also... FYI... He never demanded an apology from Megyn Kelly. She was the one demanding an apology for the 'blood' comment and he said she should be apologizing to HIM!
He has said some stupid things, The one I dislike the most, is: "I whine until I get what I want!" A whiner? Swell.
Most politicians have big egos. Just look at Obama. Trump certainly has confidence, but his ego cannot be denied. Another facet of his personality is how he can change on a dime when he's flattered. He was mad at Fox and Kelly. But that anger subsided after he got a call from Ailes. He was flattered and all was well. He's been on the network since then, but he never got an apology from Fox, Baier, Krauthammer Wallace and most of all, Kelly. Some negotiation.

You don't get the "tongue in cheek" of his whine comment? I get it! I love it! He is simply turning the 'rhetoric' back around and exploiting it to make a very good point. How much SHIT has the liberal left gotten accomplished in the past 100 years by simply 'whining' until they got it?

On the deal with Fox... uhm... it's Fox News Network... comprehende? You think it's a "stupid" political move for a Republican to alienate himself from them over some silly comments from a silly "journalist" that effectively killed her own ratings? I'm really glad you aren't advising his campaign.

Hey... Trump isn't a mean guy... he's fair. Treat him with respect and he will reciprocate. That's all he asks. I've heard him interviewed and questioned thoroughly by numerous people and when they treat him with respect he returns the favor. He is not going to take shit off anybody and he shouldn't. I am sick and tired of republicans getting hammered into a corner while they tip-toe around smiling and explaining themselves while trying to not offend... Good for Trump! Give 'em Hell! ...Silly-ass bunch of idiots all need to be popped in the kisser... that's what's wrong with them now... nobody stands up and fights back!
I hear what your saying and I love his message. I have been pummeled by some for defending Trump. However, I do worry if he has the temperment.
He's been on the network since then, but he never got an apology from Fox, Baier, Krauthammer Wallace and most of all, Kelly. Some negotiation.

Also... FYI... He never demanded an apology from Megyn Kelly. She was the one demanding an apology for the 'blood' comment and he said she should be apologizing to HIM!
Ok... Tell me...was Kelly's vacation planned or spur of the moment?
He's been on the network since then, but he never got an apology from Fox, Baier, Krauthammer Wallace and most of all, Kelly. Some negotiation.

Also... FYI... He never demanded an apology from Megyn Kelly. She was the one demanding an apology for the 'blood' comment and he said she should be apologizing to HIM!
Ok... Tell me...was Kelly's vacation planned or spur of the moment?

I suspect it may have been planned....... by Roger Ailes. ;)
He's been on the network since then, but he never got an apology from Fox, Baier, Krauthammer Wallace and most of all, Kelly. Some negotiation.

Also... FYI... He never demanded an apology from Megyn Kelly. She was the one demanding an apology for the 'blood' comment and he said she should be apologizing to HIM!
Ok... Tell me...was Kelly's vacation planned or spur of the moment?

I suspect it may have been planned....... by Roger Ailes. ;)
I think she suddenly became ill. Sick of her email and twitter account.

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