Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

I hear what your saying and I love his message. I have been pummeled by some for defending Trump. However, I do worry if he has the temperment.

Hey I get pounded all the time... the vast majority of my closest friends are liberals. I come here and speak my mind and get all kinds of nasty remarks made about me... got called a liberal today for goodness sake! That's hitting me really low, ya know? ;) But I stopped caring about 20 years ago... doesn't bother me anymore.

I'm not the least bit worried about a President Trump. I like his feisty temperament. I think that's what we need right now... someone who, by god, isn't afraid to LEAD!
I hear what your saying and I love his message. I have been pummeled by some for defending Trump. However, I do worry if he has the temperment.

Hey I get pounded all the time... the vast majority of my closest friends are liberals. I come here and speak my mind and get all kinds of nasty remarks made about me... got called a liberal today for goodness sake! That's hitting me really low, ya know? ;) But I stopped caring about 20 years ago... doesn't bother me anymore.

I'm not the least bit worried about a President Trump. I like his feisty temperament. I think that's what we need right now... someone who, by god, isn't afraid to LEAD!

As I said, there's multiple positives for him. But I was outraged with the debate and the manipulation of time given to Trump which was all negative and the small amount of time given to the other candidates. What did we learn about them? Very little.

I don't like networks or the party bosses to determine who the candidate will or will not be. The voters should do that.
Trump certainly has confidence, but his ego cannot be denied.

Let me touch on this once again... I don't deny that Trump does seem to have a big ego... BUT...

Maybe this is something I relate to better than most because I've worked around musicians and talented people for a long time... but most people who are extremely good at something and confident in what they are good at, tend to come across as egotistical. It's the self-confidence that seems to be taken as cocky sometimes... but my dad used to say, it ain't 'cocky' if you can back it up.

Yes... he likes to talk about himself and blow his own horn.. so what? I'm not electing a person I want to be roomies with. We're all hung up on this silly notion that a great leader has to be "a nice guy" and it needs to be noted... Bush was a nice guy... his daddy was a nice guy... Romney, very nice guy.... Jimmy Carter... nice guy... even Obama... seems like a nice guy... You see what I am getting at? Being a "nice guy" is great... but that has nothing to do with leadership qualities.

On the flip side.. Truman and Teddy Roosevelt were specifically put on the ticket as VPs to get them out of the way... they were causing too much of a stink. They weren't being nice. LBJ, by every account, was a mean-ass son of a bitch. He would literally physically intimidate Senators and Congressmen into supporting him, if that's what it took. Tricky Dick... another not-so-nice guy. So we've elected many presidents with flaws in their demeanor.... it's not as important as their integrity. Or... it hasn't been until recently. Seems the last several elections it's been like a beauty pageant almost.
As I said, there's multiple positives for him. But I was outraged with the debate and the manipulation of time given to Trump which was all negative and the small amount of time given to the other candidates. What did we learn about them? Very little.

I don't like networks or the party bosses to determine who the candidate will or will not be. The voters should do that.

It is now a known fact that Fox moderators and pundits were instructed to go after Donald Trump. The entire debate, if you paid attention, was choreographed to do maximum damage to Trump. They were asking Trump Q#1, then going to candidate B and asking him about Trumps answer to Q#1! ...It was BEYOND obvious.

Fox completely lost me... I will never believe a thing they say again. They proved that they are NO different than CNN or MSNBC... they just shill for the Establishment GOP.
I find it risible that anyone could question Trump's suitability for the Presidency after two terms of Obama, who is arguably the worst POTUS in our history. Barack Hussein Obama is going to be a very easy act to follow.
Trump might not even need a wall.... with mandatory E-verify and outlawing of remittances by illegals......there would be little reason for illegal immigrants to come here.
Trump might not even need a wall.... with mandatory E-verify and outlawing of remittances by illegals......there would be little reason for illegal immigrants to come here.
The wall is for those who come here to do criminal acts, not look for work.
Trump might not even need a wall.... with mandatory E-verify and outlawing of remittances by illegals......there would be little reason for illegal immigrants to come here.

Are you under the assumption that all illegal immigrants come here to work? :cuckoo:

The Wall Shall Be Built.
They're scared shitless of him.

As is everyone who are part of the political machine in Washington. NONE of them want Trump!

Ironically, that's what I like the most about him.
And it is that political machine that Trump would be dependent on if elected, people like Lindsey Graham, Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee who refers to Trump as a Jackass, and John McCain who chairs the Senate Armed Forces committee. Then there's Paul Ryan, Chairmen of the House Ways and Means, who Trump routinely trashes. One thing about Trump, when he makes enemies, he makes big ones.

Well I have a really good theory about that too. I think what people like Lindsey Graham and John McCain need is a Republican President Trump. I think that would straighten out their problems. I think people like Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and others, would suddenly appear heavier in the groin area of their trousers because of President Trump. I think the added testosterone might yield a very different result in these men.

Some of Reagan's biggest adversarial voices in the Republican party were his most devoted allies during his presidency... take for example, the man who coined the phrase "voodoo economics" to describe Reagan's economic policies. That would be his right hand man, the VP... George H.W. Bush. You see, my friend... once a man is elected to that office he becomes more than the sum of himself. Trump, as President of the United States is quite a different person to the politicians of his party than candidate Trump. Priorities change.

In other words, a President Trump would make them even bigger pricks than they are at present. Based on Trump being the biggest prick of all?
In other words, a President Trump would make them even bigger pricks than they are at present. Based on Trump being the biggest prick of all?

Not at all. They will still be the same nice guys as always, they'll just have a purpose again. You see, what is wrong with the establishment GOP is lack of leadership vision. They don't know what they stand for because there isn't anyone to tell them. So they run around trying to be liked by Democrats, but the Democrats loathe them.
He's a mover and shaker and business savvy. He's obviously succeeded in business more often than he's failed.

Once more. As he's seen bankruptcy 4 times. But hey, why would anyone bother to learn from their mistakes when they can just repeat them 4 times and counting.

Trump is clearly the candidate the GOP deserves.
And the criminals on the other side deserve hillary
He's a mover and shaker and business savvy. He's obviously succeeded in business more often than he's failed.

Once more. As he's seen bankruptcy 4 times. But hey, why would anyone bother to learn from their mistakes when they can just repeat them 4 times and counting.

Trump is clearly the candidate the GOP deserves.
And the criminals on the other side deserve hillary
Are you a real doctor or are you a Sears doctor? :dunno:
He's a mover and shaker and business savvy. He's obviously succeeded in business more often than he's failed.

Once more. As he's seen bankruptcy 4 times. But hey, why would anyone bother to learn from their mistakes when they can just repeat them 4 times and counting.

Trump is clearly the candidate the GOP deserves.
And the criminals on the other side deserve hillary
Are you a real doctor or are you a Sears doctor? :dunno:

Neither. Not a dog either
He's a mover and shaker and business savvy. He's obviously succeeded in business more often than he's failed.

Once more. As he's seen bankruptcy 4 times. But hey, why would anyone bother to learn from their mistakes when they can just repeat them 4 times and counting.

Trump is clearly the candidate the GOP deserves.
And the criminals on the other side deserve hillary
Are you a real doctor or are you a Sears doctor? :dunno:

Dr. Pepper?
He's a mover and shaker and business savvy. He's obviously succeeded in business more often than he's failed.

Once more. As he's seen bankruptcy 4 times. But hey, why would anyone bother to learn from their mistakes when they can just repeat them 4 times and counting.

Trump is clearly the candidate the GOP deserves.
And the criminals on the other side deserve hillary
Are you a real doctor or are you a Sears doctor? :dunno:
He's the doctor of denial.
He's a mover and shaker and business savvy. He's obviously succeeded in business more often than he's failed.

Once more. As he's seen bankruptcy 4 times. But hey, why would anyone bother to learn from their mistakes when they can just repeat them 4 times and counting.

Trump is clearly the candidate the GOP deserves.
And the criminals on the other side deserve hillary
Are you a real doctor or are you a Sears doctor? :dunno:
He's the doctor of denial.
Was I addressing you? :slap:
He's a mover and shaker and business savvy. He's obviously succeeded in business more often than he's failed.

Once more. As he's seen bankruptcy 4 times. But hey, why would anyone bother to learn from their mistakes when they can just repeat them 4 times and counting.

Trump is clearly the candidate the GOP deserves.
And the criminals on the other side deserve hillary
Are you a real doctor or are you a Sears doctor? :dunno:

Dr. Pepper?
Allow me to repair your affliction... :slap:
He's a mover and shaker and business savvy. He's obviously succeeded in business more often than he's failed.

Once more. As he's seen bankruptcy 4 times. But hey, why would anyone bother to learn from their mistakes when they can just repeat them 4 times and counting.

Trump is clearly the candidate the GOP deserves.
And the criminals on the other side deserve hillary
Are you a real doctor or are you a Sears doctor? :dunno:
He's the doctor of denial.
Was I addressing you? :slap:
I dress myself.

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