Does anyone here have a verified motive for the Cali shooting?

Lot of threads claiming they know what the motive was.

FBI takes over San Bernardino investigation as Obama says it is ‘possible’ it was terrorism
“We still don’t have a motive,” San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said at a news conference Thursday.
Suspects dead, motive sought after 14 killed in California

A motive? Yes. Islam. Kill as many Americans as possible in the name of Allah.
That help?
^ idiot boi is back. You got a source for that "accusation"? (try reading the thread title before responding next time :eusa_shhh: )

n00bs that know jack squat about debating joining a debating board. Bejeezus :eusa_doh:

he got it right, terrorist sympathizer...
^ shitstain arriving at conclusions prior to law enforcement. I thought cons/lolibertarians were not supposed to be Emos :dunno:
Leftist scumbags will never acknowledge the obvious- they are RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS.
Lot of threads claiming they know what the motive was.

FBI takes over San Bernardino investigation as Obama says it is ‘possible’ it was terrorism
“We still don’t have a motive,” San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said at a news conference Thursday.
Suspects dead, motive sought after 14 killed in California


Their "motive" is hatred. Wake the fuck up!!!
Why so much love for Muslims.
You probably loved the Japs and the German SS too, right?

Bed wetters and Nazi's both had an affinity for cults of personality, a massive centralized government that controlled industrial production, wages and profits as well as the banking system, not to mention a hatred for Israelis,

So yeah, I can imagine Dip Cum would sympathize with if not go overseas and join the nazi party.

Lot of threads claiming they know what the motive was.

FBI takes over San Bernardino investigation as Obama says it is ‘possible’ it was terrorism
“We still don’t have a motive,” San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said at a news conference Thursday.
Suspects dead, motive sought after 14 killed in California
It's possible? WTF? IDK two people gear up with body armor,semi automatic weapons, back up bags, pipe bombs, go pro's, and ski masks but it's only a "possible" terror attack? You watch the feds are going to declare this work place violence and sweep it under the carpet.
the guy used to work there shit-for-brains. It looks personal to me BUT I'M NOT THE ONE ARRIVING AT HASTY CONCLUSIONS LIKE THE RIGHTARDS ON THIS THREAD AND OTHERS.

Why so much love for Muslims.
You probably loved the Japs and the German SS too, right?
you remind me of this idiot who used to post the same inane-type posts you now do. Everyone here used to call him Wahrrior102
Oh yes, the guy who bragged on the open board about throwing gays off the fantail....I reported his posts to NCIS, don't know if they followed up or not...that was on them.
Verified? No. My personal theory though is they didn't wanna have a Muslim Christmas type party and the last straw. They were gonna attack somewhere, and whatever happened at the party made it become there.
I have three possible scenario's

1. He got bent at last years party and planned to take revenge this year.

2. He was planning to attack some other target but got angry at his job and decided to take out his office Christmas party instead.

3.This was the target all along with no provocation, it was just a easy target for him because he knew about the party from previous years.

It was clearly terrorism, but that won't fit Obuttheads agenda on gun control so it will be declared work place violence and there will be an attempt at an executive order for gun control. Mind you he had pipe bombs but the left will gloss over this rather than call for a ban on all pipes.
So much for "wait for all the facts".

That luxury is only for cops, I guess
Just can be Mr. Superior NLT...wait a day...then declare victory for not speculating the day of the shooting.
or rotagilla or the n00b senior chief clown
Lot of threads claiming they know what the motive was.

FBI takes over San Bernardino investigation as Obama says it is ‘possible’ it was terrorism
“We still don’t have a motive,” San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said at a news conference Thursday.
Suspects dead, motive sought after 14 killed in California

A motive? Yes. Islam. Kill as many Americans as possible in the name of Allah.
That help?
^ idiot boi is back. You got a source for that "accusation"? (try reading the thread title before responding next time :eusa_shhh: )

n00bs that know jack squat about debating joining a debating board. Bejeezus :eusa_doh:
Here's your source --> Quran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They just announced that they found 12 pipe bombs in their home. They were terrorists, all right.
Odd that they didn't use them, isn't it? This is only a hunch but I suspect they were planning something bigger but something at work set this guy off early. That's not the hallmark of a cool, collected killer....but of someone with anger issues.
Lot of threads claiming they know what the motive was.

FBI takes over San Bernardino investigation as Obama says it is ‘possible’ it was terrorism
“We still don’t have a motive,” San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said at a news conference Thursday.
Suspects dead, motive sought after 14 killed in California

You REALLY want to believe this was something other than a terror attack, don't you Dottie? Two people, bombs, assault rifles, body armor...but you still are holding out hope that this was just an incidence of "work place violence"? Good thing Barry has ISIS "contained".
attacked his former place of work :eusa_think:

I'm not drawing any conclusions. I'll let the professional law enforcement do their jobs
We have all the facts. Two RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS planned and executed a TERRORIST ATTACK against innocent civilians. The only questions that remain are how many others are involved and where are they located.
Lot of threads claiming they know what the motive was.

FBI takes over San Bernardino investigation as Obama says it is ‘possible’ it was terrorism
“We still don’t have a motive,” San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said at a news conference Thursday.
Suspects dead, motive sought after 14 killed in California

You REALLY want to believe this was something other than a terror attack, don't you Dottie? Two people, bombs, assault rifles, body armor...but you still are holding out hope that this was just an incidence of "work place violence"? Good thing Barry has ISIS "contained".
ummm..... I can walk down the street and buy an assault rifle in < hour. Your point?

Guilty of murder yes, but I'm asking for the motive Scooter. Remember he attacked his former place of employ.
LOTS of "hunches" here, 96% from rw'ers, but no verifiable facts presented yet

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