Does Anyone Know Why A Mosque Is Still On The Temple Mount?

Does Anyone Know Why A Mosque Is Still On The Temple Mount?

Obviously god wants it to be there.

Or perhaps the jews are being punished for their sins yet again.
Read Judges.
Jewish religious law concerning entry to the site

During Temple times, entry to the Mount was limited by a complex set of purity laws. Maimonides wrote that it was only permitted to enter the site to fulfill a religious precept. After the destruction of the Temple there was discussion as to whether the site, bereft of the Temple, still maintained its holiness or not. Jewish codifiers accepted the opinion of Maimonides who ruled that the holiness of the Temple sanctified the site for eternity and consequently the restrictions on entry to the site are still currently in force.[17] While secular Jews ascend freely, the question of whether ascending is permitted is a matter some debate among religious authorities, with a majority holding that it is permitted to ascend to the Temple Mount, but not to step on the site of the inner courtyards of the ancient Temple.[17] The question then becomes whether the site can be ascertained accurately.[17] A second complex legal debate centers around the precise divine punishment for stepping onto these forbidden spots.
Temple Mount - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is the primary reason.

If Jesus came down or God said build it they would start like yesterday.

Bloodshed on the inner site is a serious problem so even though that mosque is to Jews an abomination they fear repercussions from God. The mosque is directly over "The Rock" of the temple and thus not just anyone can enter. Muslims in the Mosque know this.

But just recently Palistinans said there never was a temple there and wanted to turn it into a housing area once the Jews are all swept into the sea.

just for information.

the rock is in a shrine with a golden dome, not in a mosque.

the mosque is a different building on the mount.
"For example, in Afghanistan, the Taliban’s destruction of the giant Buddha statues at Bamiyan in 2001 CE was directed, perhaps, more as a protest against international sanctions and withholding of humanitarian aid, rather than as an attack against Buddhism and Buddhists per se. No Buddhists, after all, lived in Afghanistan, worshipping the statues"

Having been posted to Afghanistan twice, and having come into regular contact with those who do the bidding of the various tribal leaders, former Taliban leaders and war lords, factions, etc, my professional opinion is that they destroyed the Buddhist statues for no other reason than being bored and not having anything better to do. Even though that's just my opinion, I'd be willing to bet money on it being the case if I were in the position to do so.

Yep, they are an ignorant bunch of assholes who had no respect for history.
You can see the Golden dome of a Muslim place of worship from miles away, but I bet very few know why Israelis allow it to remain on the holiest place in Israel. It's like allowing a mosque to be built at Ground Zero, or even worse a Star of David at Mecca.

Why do they tolerate such a thing if the Jews are so evil?

Because the message of Christ is meant to be preached there in the end days.
To call everyone to peace repentance forgiveness and restoring just relations
among all humanity as one family.
They believe in religious freedom, and parlay that into a policy they would ask for themselves. They believe in the Golden rule.
The country of Afghanistan belongs to the Afghan people.

If they decided that they did not want idols defiling their nation.

Then it was their right to get rid of them. :cool:

So did the Afghan people vote to get rid of them? No. So you can't say with a straight face that the destruction of a major historical landmark represented their will.

"What the Afghan people want" wasn't taken into consideration until they started electing their own leaders.

This was just vandalism by a bunch of religious nutballs trying to exert their power. Modern barbarism with lame religious excuses..

It was Afghan people who blew it up.

So obviously it was the will of the Afghan people. :cool:

That's kinda retarded. Using your logic, because Saudis were among 9/11 terrorists, it was the will of the Saudi Arabian people to destroy the WTC.

The will of the people means more than a bunch of guys doing something out of boredom. It means having the assent of the masses to act. Who told them to do it? Some kind of vote? Did anyone actually make the decision beyond the guys with the TNT?

My guess is you either don't live in a democratic country or have no clue how they are meant to run. You really don't understand the concept of the will of a people.
But this time the Gulf States would also joining the fight against Israel.

Saudi Arabia for instant, has a modern air force of top American fighter jets and its pilots have been trained by the US Air Force and Navy.

Egypt also has a very large American equipped Air Force.

J And so does Kuwaite and the UAE

So this time Israel would not be fighting against inferior Mig's and poorly trained pilots as in the past

You mean people who have never actually engaged in a real conflict on the winning side since 1918. Arabs still can't fight for shit unless the targets are civilians.

Frankly what it comes down to is Israel is a westernized country with ties to the US and Europe. It won't do any such thing for the same reason why Gaza and the West Bank has not been napalmed to hell. Because it would piss off their valuable allies, cause economic isolation and do nothing for them. There is nothing in it for them.

The Gulf Arab states Militaries are useless, if it were for not the US, they would be part of Iraq right now, which is why the US Military stayed in Saudi Arabia until we overthrew Saddam, and why we are STILL in Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman and Qatar until this day. If the Gulf states had what it takes to take down the Israelis, it would already be done.
I once lived by a U.S. military base where Saudi Arabian and Kuwaiti pilots were trained.

They went through the exact same two year course as the Americans pilots.

In fact they trained together and flew together.
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The country of Afghanistan belongs to the Afghan people.

If they decided that they did not want idols defiling their nation.

Then it was their right to get rid of them. :cool:

You know, you're right. It reminds me of what I've said since immediately after 9/11. Bush should have rounded up every muslim in the US and deported them. Then he should have announced to the world that anyone of Arab descent or from nations X, Y and Z wh otries to enter the US for any reason, tourist, work, medical, education, etc. will be held and returned to their country of origin immediately. Until those nations police the terrorist elements existing in their nation and eradicate it, there will be no diplomatic or trade ties with those nations. When they feel they are ready to reenter civilized society, we can set down and talk. That would have been our right just like them getting rid of idols. Had we done that, we wouldn't be getting groped to get on airplanes.
What would you do with the American citizens who are Muslim?

I'm talking about people who were born in America or American's who converted to Islam?

Where would you deport them to?
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Does Anyone Know Why A Mosque Is Still On The Temple Mount?

Obviously god wants it to be there.

Or perhaps the jews are being punished for their sins yet again.
Read Judges.

I think that's highly possible.....but I don't think he's going to completely abandon them.

This is the primary reason.

If Jesus came down or God said build it they would start like yesterday.

Bloodshed on the inner site is a serious problem so even though that mosque is to Jews an abomination they fear repercussions from God. The mosque is directly over "The Rock" of the temple and thus not just anyone can enter. Muslims in the Mosque know this.

But just recently Palistinans said there never was a temple there and wanted to turn it into a housing area once the Jews are all swept into the sea.

just for information.

the rock is in a shrine with a golden dome, not in a mosque.

the mosque is a different building on the mount.

Good to know.
The country of Afghanistan belongs to the Afghan people.

If they decided that they did not want idols defiling their nation.

Then it was their right to get rid of them. :cool:

You know, you're right. It reminds me of what I've said since immediately after 9/11. Bush should have rounded up every muslim in the US and deported them. Then he should have announced to the world that anyone of Arab descent or from nations X, Y and Z wh otries to enter the US for any reason, tourist, work, medical, education, etc. will be held and returned to their country of origin immediately. Until those nations police the terrorist elements existing in their nation and eradicate it, there will be no diplomatic or trade ties with those nations. When they feel they are ready to reenter civilized society, we can set down and talk. That would have been our right just like them getting rid of idols. Had we done that, we wouldn't be getting groped to get on airplanes.

Sounds like China.
What would you do with the American citizens who are Muslim?

I'm talking about people who were born in America or American's who converted to Islam?

Where would you deport them to?

San Francisco.
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It gives them another reason to be pissed at each other and blame each other for all of their problems.
You can see the Golden dome of a Muslim place of worship from miles away, but I bet very few know why Israelis allow it to remain on the holiest place in Israel. It's like allowing a mosque to be built at Ground Zero, or even worse a Star of David at Mecca.

Why do they tolerate such a thing if the Jews are so evil?

The Dome of the Black Rock is even more sacred and is in Jeruselum, the Holy City of David. Jews have dug tunnels under it to try and retrieve artifacts.

The worm turns on Holy sites and who controls them.
You can see the Golden dome of a Muslim place of worship from miles away, but I bet very few know why Israelis allow it to remain on the holiest place in Israel. It's like allowing a mosque to be built at Ground Zero, or even worse a Star of David at Mecca.

Why do they tolerate such a thing if the Jews are so evil?

What does that mean "allows" to remain?
It stands there for centuries, try to sack it.

It is allowed to remain because the Israelis could have removed it long ago if they wanted, like how the Taliban blew up those statues of Buddha. If there was a Jewish holy site in Iraq or Pakistan, it would have been torched to the ground.

Not in Iraq before the war unless it was in Kurdish territory. Iraq was pretty tolerant and progressive before the gulf war and women had the most rights of almost any islamic country even until the recent war.
You can see the Golden dome of a Muslim place of worship from miles away, but I bet very few know why Israelis allow it to remain on the holiest place in Israel. It's like allowing a mosque to be built at Ground Zero, or even worse a Star of David at Mecca.

Why do they tolerate such a thing if the Jews are so evil?

Always good when post #1 of a thread involves the pulling of the victim card.

Jews aren't evil, and I've never seen anyone on this board say they are.

I have. Usually happens in the Flame zone and such
"For example, in Afghanistan, the Taliban’s destruction of the giant Buddha statues at Bamiyan in 2001 CE was directed, perhaps, more as a protest against international sanctions and withholding of humanitarian aid, rather than as an attack against Buddhism and Buddhists per se. No Buddhists, after all, lived in Afghanistan, worshipping the statues"

Having been posted to Afghanistan twice, and having come into regular contact with those who do the bidding of the various tribal leaders, former Taliban leaders and war lords, factions, etc, my professional opinion is that they destroyed the Buddhist statues for no other reason than being bored and not having anything better to do. Even though that's just my opinion, I'd be willing to bet money on it being the case if I were in the position to do so.

I agree with this. When the Taliban first took power most of its members were under 25 and a lot of them were addicted to heroine. It was like giving a juvenile delinquent the keys to the country.
The country of Afghanistan belongs to the Afghan people.

If they decided that they did not want idols defiling their nation.

Then it was their right to get rid of them. :cool:

We made sure that Afghanistan has not belonged to the Afghan people for decades and most likely will not at any time in the near future. Somehow we always manage to create our own enemies.

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