Does Anyone Know Why A Mosque Is Still On The Temple Mount?

That was 20 years ago.

Things have dramatically changed since then.

The Gulf States Air Force and Army has been trained by the United States military.

These are highly motivated and very intelligent people.

Not illiterate and uneducated farmers from Afghanistan.

I once met a guy from Kuwaite Army who had just graduated from U.S. Seal Team training.

Not unless Saudia Arabia has done some genetic weeding.

saudi arabia inbreeding - Google Search
So I take it that you do not believe in the US Constitution?

I'm a fairly strict constitutionalist. Show me where it says we should have open borders for terrorists bent on our destruction. Go ahead, I'll wait.
What would you do with the American citizens who are Muslim?

I'm talking about people who were born in America or American's who converted to Islam?

Where would you deport them to?

Hmmmm, I don't know. Perhaps we can take a cue from Saudi Arabia and how they might treat a Saudi woman who would dare to drive a car or wear a dress. You know, Saudi Arabia doesn't allow anyone into their country without sponsorship don't you. I can't just book a flight and go there. Why shouldn't the US treat others as they are treated? What's good for the goose is good for the gander. They don't want infidels on their sacred soil and we don't want terrorists on ours. Rather than go to the trouble of sorting them out, we could just take the same broad brush approach and let them do their own policing until we are satisfied with their efforts.
At our mosque there is an American Muslim woman who's ancestors came over on the Mayflower.

Her lineage goes back 14 generations.

She is also a member of D.A.R. ( Daughters of the American Revolution )

Because her ancestors fought during the American Revolution.

Would you also deport her.?

If so, where to ??

Depends on whether the mosque is successful in radicalizing her against her fellow countrymen or not. If so and she takes action on it, she can be tried and incarcirated. She'd get far better treatment in an American prison than being a female citizen of SA.
So I take it that you do not believe in the US Constitution?

I'm a fairly strict constitutionalist. Show me where it says we should have open borders for terrorists bent on our destruction. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Show me where the Constitution says you can deport American-born citizens based on their religious affiliation.

Go ahead, I'll wait. :doubt:
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So I take it that you do not believe in the US Constitution?

I'm a fairly strict constitutionalist. Show me where it says we should have open borders for terrorists bent on our destruction. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Show me where the Constitution says you can deport American-born citizens based on their religious affiliation.

Go ahead, I'll wait. :doubt:

Well first you'd have to show where I suggested deporting American citizens wouldn't you? I already posted on how to handle them. Do keep up.
You can see the Golden dome of a Muslim place of worship from miles away, but I bet very few know why Israelis allow it to remain on the holiest place in Israel. It's like allowing a mosque to be built at Ground Zero, or even worse a Star of David at Mecca.

Why do they tolerate such a thing if the Jews are so evil?

PCness and the Islamic ramification if it was touched. The 1st Temple was destroyed by the Assyrians. The 2nd temple was allowed to build in 586 B.C. in the semi-automous Jewish Kingdom, by Cyrus the Great. It was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD, during the Great Jewish Revolt! All that remained was the Western Wall (which still stands today).

During the Arabic/Islamic Crusades/Caliphates, the muslims took Jerusalem from a weak Byzantine Empire! The Islamic conquers didn't give a crap about the Jews, who where dhimmis (Second-Class citizens), so they built the Dome on the Rock in 691 AD!

It is over 1000s years old and has history! Any destruction of it would come with major backlash! Look Sharon, the PM of Israel, tried to enter the Temple Mount and the Palestinians started the Intifada! Not sure what the consequences would be, but bloodshed would definitely be one of them!

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You can see the Golden dome of a Muslim place of worship from miles away, but I bet very few know why Israelis allow it to remain on the holiest place in Israel. It's like allowing a mosque to be built at Ground Zero, or even worse a Star of David at Mecca.

Why do they tolerate such a thing if the Jews are so evil?

What does that mean "allows" to remain?
It stands there for centuries, try to sack it.

If the Jews wanted to destroy it they could! However, they know it would open up a hornet's nest!
Always good when post #1 of a thread involves the pulling of the victim card.

Jews aren't evil, and I've never seen anyone on this board say they are.
Not true. However this is not a forum many Muslims visit.

I have seen it insinuated a few times. I won't name names.

But do you know why it is allowed to remain?

Not sure, my best guess is that since 1/4 of Israeli's are muslim that the gov't doesn't want to make them angry.

18-20% are Arabs (which includes Druze and Christians)! They aren't worried about the Israeli Arabs, they are more worried about uniting the entire Muslim world!
I'm a fairly strict constitutionalist. Show me where it says we should have open borders for terrorists bent on our destruction. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Show me where the Constitution says you can deport American-born citizens based on their religious affiliation.

Go ahead, I'll wait. :doubt:

Well first you'd have to show where I suggested deporting American citizens wouldn't you? I already posted on how to handle them. Do keep up.
True, you never used the word "deport" them.

In your usual cowardly doublespeak you said to remove them and send them off.

Send them off to where?

And who would decide this?
Does Anyone Know Why A Mosque Is Still On The Temple Mount?

Obviously god wants it to be there.

Or perhaps the jews are being punished for their sins yet again.
Read Judges.

Maybe you can ask God himself (or the Devil)?
I agreed with the Taliban blowing up the statues of Buddha in Afghanistan.

There was not one single Buddhist person who lived in Afghanistan.

The statues were idols and deflied the Muslim country.

There are no Mayans anymore in Latin America, should the Latin American countries destroy all those Mayan Temples also?
Not true. However this is not a forum many Muslims visit.

I have seen it insinuated a few times. I won't name names.

But do you know why it is allowed to remain?

Not sure, my best guess is that since 1/4 of Israeli's are muslim that the gov't doesn't want to make them angry.

18-20% are Arabs (which includes Druze and Christians)! They aren't worried about the Israeli Arabs, they are more worried about uniting the entire Muslim world!

More importantly, what would it accomplish for them? Nothing really. It would be an act of vandalism and self-defeating. Forget the entire Muslim world. Israel is already used to those guys being against them. What it would do is drive away US and European support. Their economic and political existence is dependent on interaction with them.
• Show me where the Constitution says you can deport American-born citizens based on their religious affiliation.

Go ahead, I'll wait. :doubt:

Well first you'd have to show where I suggested deporting American citizens wouldn't you? I already posted on how to handle them. Do keep up.
True, you never used the word "deport" them.

In your usual cowardly doublespeak you said to remove them and send them off.

Send them off to where?

And who would decide this?

I meant round up and foreign nationals to deport and then deny entry to those trying to come to the US. I already said what should happen to any native born muslim who becomes radicalized.
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Jewish religious law concerning entry to the site

During Temple times, entry to the Mount was limited by a complex set of purity laws. Maimonides wrote that it was only permitted to enter the site to fulfill a religious precept. After the destruction of the Temple there was discussion as to whether the site, bereft of the Temple, still maintained its holiness or not. Jewish codifiers accepted the opinion of Maimonides who ruled that the holiness of the Temple sanctified the site for eternity and consequently the restrictions on entry to the site are still currently in force.[17] While secular Jews ascend freely, the question of whether ascending is permitted is a matter some debate among religious authorities, with a majority holding that it is permitted to ascend to the Temple Mount, but not to step on the site of the inner courtyards of the ancient Temple.[17] The question then becomes whether the site can be ascertained accurately.[17] A second complex legal debate centers around the precise divine punishment for stepping onto these forbidden spots.
Temple Mount - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So who would be the Levites that are the only ones allowed in the holiest part of the Temple?
Like I said before; Many nations expressed outrage.

But none of them offered money are relocation.

Which left the Taliban no choice but to destroy them.
• Show me where the Constitution says you can deport American-born citizens based on their religious affiliation.

Go ahead, I'll wait. :doubt:

Well first you'd have to show where I suggested deporting American citizens wouldn't you? I already posted on how to handle them. Do keep up.
True, you never used the word "deport" them.

In your usual cowardly doublespeak you said to remove them and send them off.

Send them off to where?

And who would decide this?

How about that island surrounded by gunboats you keep mentioning! :eusa_whistle:

I would decide! Islamic men, gone ASAP! Women: First I would exam them with their burquas off. If they fit my 5 points hotness evaluation, then they must convert to Evangelical Christianity and could stay! :lol:

That plan sound awesome!
Like I said before; Many nations expressed outrage.

But none of them offered money are relocation.

Which left the Taliban no choice but to destroy them.

Do you believe your own bullshit? The taliban wouldn't have "sold" the statues for any amount of money and you damn well know it. The statues were against their religion and offensive to them. Their intent was to destroy them, not remove them.

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