Does Anyone (Left or Right) Still Like Obama?

Depends on what you mean by like and support!

I didn't like most of President Bush's policies, but I supported his efforts to go after the 9-11 terrorist.

I don't particularly like a lot of President Obama's policies either, but......knowing what I know now and given the same choices in 08 and 12, I'd still vote for him.
Not according to recent history.

After Eisenhower, every Republican President has blown up the debt, deficit and had multiple financial calamities requiring Government bailouts.

Yet O has outdone all of the R's combined now.

no he hasnt....Last chart i saw had Obama around 7 trillion and all the other Republican Presidents averaging 4+ trillion. So no he hasnt, but thats if you take it at face value and not context of what Obama walked into.

And let me remind you, who ever wins in 2012 walks into what Obama left them.

Under O its 7 trillion added. W2 added 5.4 trillion, W1 added 1.5 trillion, Reagan added 1.8 trillion and Clinton added 1.4 trillion. If you averaged their debt then yes it would be about a 4 trillion dollar average. We're talking added debt to the previous admin. All three Rs added approx 8.5 trillion.
Yet O has outdone all of the R's combined now.

no he hasnt....Last chart i saw had Obama around 7 trillion and all the other Republican Presidents averaging 4+ trillion. So no he hasnt, but thats if you take it at face value and not context of what Obama walked into.

And let me remind you, who ever wins in 2012 walks into what Obama left them.

Under O its 7 trillion added. W2 added 5.4 trillion, W1 added 1.5 trillion, Reagan added 1.8 trillion and Clinton added 1.4 trillion. If you averaged their debt then yes it would be about a 4 trillion dollar average. We're talking added debt to the previous admin. All three Rs added approx 8.5 trillion.
Your lying....but whatever...think what you will....
I think he's doing a pretty good job.

Although I wish he would get the heck out of Afghanistan.

Cool - that's why I started this thread, but why do think he's doing a good job (what specifically)?

I like the legislation he got passed before 2010 and the direction the economy is taking.

Jobs are slowly coming back to US shores and we are moving, albeit slowly, to some pretty robust growth.

Personally, I am not surprised at all at the opposition, we saw this during the Clinton administration. I am more surprised by the Media who either have been blindsided by it, or thinks "both" sides are to blame.

But I am glad most people are talking about the need for pragmatists in the Congress.

That's pretty refreshing.

I've got to say young man, you MUST be the most optimistic person to have ever lived on this planet. Good for you, I guess, you are easily misled.

this "economy" is doing absolutely nothing. There are NO jobs, well, I guess there are if you are happy working from November to January for minimum wage, 25 hours a week and no benefits (but most DO offer a 10% employee discount).

This country is currently the laughing stock of the world. we are subjects of a government who can't operate a simple website and spends 600 million tax dollars screwing it up.

The idiot that you voted for makes no more sense being president than I do. We have scandals with the IRS, the NSA, Benghazi and now our healthcare.

Yeah, he's doing a bang up job sonny......:cuckoo:

If he had an (R) behind his name, you would be calling for his head on a platter. Admit it.
I don't like or dislike Obama. I don't know him personally.

But I, as an American, take strong exception to a President who can look me in the eye through the camera lens and lie so glibly and effortlessly and apparently without conscience.

I take strong exception to a President who considers me as unworthy of any consideration because I share neither his party or his fuzzy vision of what should be and accuses me of bad motives because I hold a different vision.

I take strong exception to a President who uses his powers in inappropriate ways to accomplish his purposes and then denies any responsibility for that and/or blames everybody or anybody else.

I take strong exception to a President who seems unconcerned and oblivious and uncaring about the damage his policies are doing and also the ineffectiveness of his policies to correct unsustainable and unacceptable conditions when he could make a difference.

I did not vote for him in 2008, but was not terribly disappointed when he was elected as I hoped he would be as good as his campaign rhetoric. After five years experience, we now know that almost ALL was a lie and he had no intention of following through on much of anything. And the country has suffered mightily because of his incompetence and/or flawed policies.

By 2012 I was ready to vote for pretty much anybody else no matter who they were.

You forgot to mention it's because he's black! ;)

LOL. I would have voted--and still would vote--for an Alan Keyes, Shelby Steele, J C Watts, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Herman Cain, Starr Parker, Ben Carson, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Bill Cosby, and several others if you give me time to think about it before I would have voted for Barack Obama in 2012. Not because I think all of them would make a great President, but every single one of those named would have done their damndest to do no harm and would have done far less damage than Barack Obama has done.

Ben Carson or Thomas Sowell, either would make a wonderful president.
You forgot to mention it's because he's black! ;)

LOL. I would have voted--and still would vote--for an Alan Keyes, Shelby Steele, J C Watts, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Herman Cain, Starr Parker, Ben Carson, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Bill Cosby, and several others if you give me time to think about it before I would have voted for Barack Obama in 2012. Not because I think all of them would make a great President, but every single one of those named would have done their damndest to do no harm and would have done far less damage than Barack Obama has done.

Ben Carson or Thomas Sowell, either would make a wonderful president.

I dunno. Neither have ever managed anything on that scale so I don't know what their management skill sets are. But if the choice was between them and Barack Obama or anybody like them, I could vote for either with a light heart and clear conscience. At least we know what their values are and, again, both would do no harm.
Not much to dislike about him.

but, just because I love watching rw heads exploding, I'm posting a couple of photos I know you'll hate.


Oh darn. I'm not sure I can find the other one. You might have to just make do with this one.
Not much to dislike about him.

but, just because I love watching rw heads exploding, I'm posting a couple of photos I know you'll hate.


Oh darn. I'm not sure I can find the other one. You might have to just make do with this one.

you would never question the guy anyway ......
You forgot to mention it's because he's black! ;)

LOL. I would have voted--and still would vote--for an Alan Keyes, Shelby Steele, J C Watts, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Herman Cain, Starr Parker, Ben Carson, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Bill Cosby, and several others if you give me time to think about it before I would have voted for Barack Obama in 2012. Not because I think all of them would make a great President, but every single one of those named would have done their damndest to do no harm and would have done far less damage than Barack Obama has done.

Ben Carson or Thomas Sowell, either would make a wonderful president.

of a prison, maybe.

Carson is a sicko. Not to mention that he lies. Or maybe he's just wrong a lot.
Goldman Sachs LUUURRRRVESSS Obama!
Not much to dislike about him.

but, just because I love watching rw heads exploding, I'm posting a couple of photos I know you'll hate.


Oh darn. I'm not sure I can find the other one. You might have to just make do with this one.

you would never question the guy anyway ......

Actually, I've been critical of him on some issues.

And, Harry, what happened to your declaration of a truce between us?
Ame®icano;8143370 said:
What's there not to like?

Barack Husein Obama... making fascism adorable since 2008.

WHY won't the nutters LOOK UP DEFINITIONS?????????????????

Does anyone still support the guy in light of all the creepy NSA stuff, the dishonest pledge of "you can keep your insurance", the backdoor Monsanto deals, the bullying of the "FREE PRESS", the passing of the propaganda bill allowing a partnership between gov't/media, the signing of NDAA and appealing a judge's decision that sections of it was unconstitutional, the selling of US weapons to Al-qaeda rebels in Syria, the war mongering, the drone strikes, the failure to jail Wall Street fraudsters, the failure to end the bailout, the prosecuting of more whistleblowers than any admin in history, the failure to unite Congress and get us on a path to success, etc.

Never did like him and dislike even more for the Division and Hate he's brought on this country

and his growing of more government, OfailCare..... at a time we could LEAST AFFORD IT as taxpayers...I wouldn't vote for him as a dog catcher

I would say more but I better not...:eusa_angel:

LOL. I would have voted--and still would vote--for an Alan Keyes, Shelby Steele, J C Watts, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Herman Cain, Starr Parker, Ben Carson, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Bill Cosby, and several others if you give me time to think about it before I would have voted for Barack Obama in 2012. Not because I think all of them would make a great President, but every single one of those named would have done their damndest to do no harm and would have done far less damage than Barack Obama has done.

Ben Carson or Thomas Sowell, either would make a wonderful president.

I dunno. Neither have ever managed anything on that scale so I don't know what their management skill sets are. But if the choice was between them and Barack Obama or anybody like them, I could vote for either with a light heart and clear conscience. At least we know what their values are and, again, both would do no harm.

And therein lies the rub. "Do no harm". Barry was elected to destroy and he HAS accomplished that. he has made the United States completely irrelevant. fundamental transformation from the top to the bottom. He believes (like the good communist he is) that government is the answer.

Ben Carson and Thomas Sowell believe government IS THE PROBLEM.

Do no harm. That's the definition of a president getting the hell out of the way and allowing America to operate the way it was supposed to. Not stifling it at every turn the way Barry does.

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