Does Anyone (Left or Right) Still Like Obama?

Ame®icano;8143370 said:
What's there not to like?

Barack Husein Obama... making fascism adorable since 2008.

WHY won't the nutters LOOK UP DEFINITIONS?????????????????

So why don't you?

Let me help you here.

fascism by merriam-webster:
*a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government
*a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
*a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

Spot on! :cool:
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LOL. I would have voted--and still would vote--for an Alan Keyes, Shelby Steele, J C Watts, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Herman Cain, Starr Parker, Ben Carson, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Bill Cosby, and several others if you give me time to think about it before I would have voted for Barack Obama in 2012. Not because I think all of them would make a great President, but every single one of those named would have done their damndest to do no harm and would have done far less damage than Barack Obama has done.

Ben Carson or Thomas Sowell, either would make a wonderful president.

of a prison, maybe.

Carson is a sicko. Not to mention that he lies. Or maybe he's just wrong a lot.

Prez Cracka/Nigga lies very time he opens his your point would be?
LOL. I would have voted--and still would vote--for an Alan Keyes, Shelby Steele, J C Watts, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Herman Cain, Starr Parker, Ben Carson, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Bill Cosby, and several others if you give me time to think about it before I would have voted for Barack Obama in 2012. Not because I think all of them would make a great President, but every single one of those named would have done their damndest to do no harm and would have done far less damage than Barack Obama has done.

Ben Carson or Thomas Sowell, either would make a wonderful president.

of a prison, maybe.

Carson is a sicko. Not to mention that he lies. Or maybe he's just wrong a lot.

Link? didn't think so.....You defend that lying communist to your dying breath, though. you're as worthless as he is.
Because the opposition is worse.

as it turned out, the opposition would have been much better. Romney would have been a very good president and he would have used his experience to fix some of our fiscal problems.

Not according to recent history.

After Eisenhower, every Republican President has blown up the debt, deficit and had multiple financial calamities requiring Government bailouts.

I guess you haven't heard of OblammerCare...

This will be Bush's fault too...
no he hasnt....Last chart i saw had Obama around 7 trillion and all the other Republican Presidents averaging 4+ trillion. So no he hasnt, but thats if you take it at face value and not context of what Obama walked into.

And let me remind you, who ever wins in 2012 walks into what Obama left them.

Under O its 7 trillion added. W2 added 5.4 trillion, W1 added 1.5 trillion, Reagan added 1.8 trillion and Clinton added 1.4 trillion. If you averaged their debt then yes it would be about a 4 trillion dollar average. We're talking added debt to the previous admin. All three Rs added approx 8.5 trillion.
Your lying....but whatever...think what you will....

I wouldn't just throw out bs. Those are real but keep on with the delusions. I'm sure you find comfort. Anyway....enjoy these lies. The article is dated. O is up to 7 trillion now.

Amount Each President Added to the Debt per Fiscal Year Since 1960:

President Barack Obama: Added $5.081 trillion, a 44% increase to the $11.657 trillion debt level attributable to Bush's at the end of his last budget, FY 2009.

FY 2013 - $672 billion.
FY 2012 - $1.276 trillion.
FY 2011 - $1.229 trillion.
FY 2010 - $1.652 trillion.
FY 2009 - $253 billion. (Congress passed the Economic Stimulus Act, which spent $253 billion in FY 2009. This rare occurrence should be added to President Obama's contribution to the debt.)
President George W. Bush: Added $5.849 trillion, a 101% increase to the $5.8 trillion debt level at the end of Clinton's last budget, FY 2001.
FY 2009 - $1.632 trillion.(Bush's deficit without the impact of the Economic Stimulus Act).
FY 2008 - $1.017 billion.
FY 2007 - $501 billion.
FY 2006 - $574 billion.
FY 2005 - $554 billion.
FY 2004 - $596 billion.
FY 2003 - $555 billion.
FY 2002 - $421 billion.
President Bill Clinton: Added $1.396 trillion, a 32% increase to the $4.4 trillion debt level at the end of Bush's last budget, FY 1993.
FY 2001 - $133 billion.
FY 2000 - $18 billion.
FY 1999 - $130 billion.
FY 1998 - $113 billion.
FY 1997 - $188 billion.
FY 1996 - $251 billion.
FY 1995 - $281 billion.
FY 1994 - $281 billion.
President George H.W. Bush: Added $1.554 trillion, a 54% increase to the $2.8 trillion debt level at the end of Reagan's last budget, FY 1989.
FY 1993 - $347 billion.
FY 1992 - $399 billion.
FY 1991 - $432 billion.
FY 1990 - $376 billion.
President Ronald Reagan: Added $1.86 trillion, 186% increase to the $998 billion debt level at the end of Carter's last budget, FY 1981.
FY 1989 - $255 billion.
FY 1988 - $252 billion.
FY 1987 - $225 billion.
FY 1986 - $297 billion.
FY 1985 - $256 billion.
FY 1984 - $195 billion.
FY 1983 - $235 billion.
FY 1982 - $144 billion.
President Jimmy Carter: Added $299 billion, a 43% increase to the $699 billion debt level at the end of Ford's last budget, FY 1977.
FY 1981 - $90 billion.
FY 1980 - $81 billion.
FY 1979 - $55 billion.
FY 1978 - $73 billion.
President Gerald Ford: Added $224 billion, a 47% increase to the $475 billion debt level at the end of Nixon's last budget, FY 1974.
FY 1977 - $78 billion.
FY 1976 - $87 billion.
FY 1975 - $58 billion.
President Richard Nixon: Added $121 billion, a 34% increase to the $354 billion debt level at the end of LBJ's last budget, FY 1969.
FY 1974 - $17 billion.
FY 1973 - $31 billion.
FY 1972 - $29 billion.
FY 1971 - $27 billion.
FY 1970 - $17 billion.
President Lyndon B. Johnson: Added $42 billion, a 13% increase to the $312 billion debt level at the end of JFK's last budget, FY 1964.
FY 1969 - $6 billion.
FY 1968 - $21 billion.
FY 1967 - $6 billion.
FY 1966 - $3 billion.
FY 1965 - $6 billion.
President John F. Kennedy: Added $23 billion, a 8% increase to the $289 billion debt level at the end of Eisenhower's last budget, FY1961.
FY 1964 - $6 billion.
FY 1963 - $7 billion.
FY 1962 - $10 billion.
President Dwight Eisenhower: Added $23 billion, a 9% increase to the $266 billion debt level at the end of Truman's last budget, FY 1953.
FY 1961 - $3 billion.
FY 1960 - $2 billion.
FY 1959 - $8 billion.
FY 1958 - $6 billion.
FY 1957 - $2 billion surplus.
FY 1956 - $2 billion surplus.
FY 1955 - $3 billion.
FY 1954 - $5 billion.
President Harry Truman: Added $7 billion, a 3% increase over FDR's debt level of $259 billion at the end of FY 1945.
FY 1953 - $7 billion.
FY 1952 - $4 billion.
FY 1951 - $2 billion surplus.
FY 1950 - $5 billion.
FY 1949 - slight surplus.
FY 1948 - $6 billion surplus.
FY 1947 - $11 billion surplus.
FY 1946 - $11 billion.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt: Added $236 billion, a 1,048% increase over $23 billion, the debt at the end of Hoover's last budget, FY 1933.
FY 1945 - $58 billion.
FY 1944 - $64 billion.
FY 1943 - $64 billion.
FY 1942 - $23 billion.
FY 1941 - $6 billion.
FY 1940 - $3 billion.
FY 1939 - $3 billion.
FY 1938 - $1 billion.
FY 1937 - $3 billion.
FY 1936 - $5 billion.
FY 1935 - $2 billion.
FY 1934 - $5 billion.
President Herbert Hoover: Added $6 billion, a 33% increase over $17 billion, the debt at the end of Coolidge's last budget, FY 1929.
FY 1933 - $3 billion.
FY 1932 - $3 billion.
FY 1931 - $1 billion.
FY 1930 - $1 billion surplus.
President Calvin Coolidge: Subtracted $5 billion from the debt, a 26% decline from $21 billion the debt level at the end of Harding's last budget, FY 1923.

FY 1929 - $1 billion surplus.
FY 1928 - $1 billion surplus.
FY 1927 - $1 billion surplus.
FY 1926 - $1 billion surplus.
FY 1925 - $1 billion surplus.
FY 1924 - $1 billion surplus.
President Warren G. Harding: Subtracted $2 billion from the debt, a 7% decline from the $24 billion debt at the end of Wilson's last budget, FY 1921.

FY 1923 - $1 billion surplus.
FY 1922 - $1 billion surplus.
President Woodrow Wilson: Added $21 billion to the debt, a 727% increase over the $3 billion debt at the end of Taft's last budget, FY 1913.
FY 1921 - $2 billion surplus.
FY 1920 - $1 billion surplus.
FY 1919 - $13 billion.
FY 1918 - $9 billion.
FY 1917 - $2 billion.
FY 1916 - $1 billion.
FY 1915 - $0 billion (slight surplus).
FY 1914 - $0 billion.
FY 1789 - FY 1913 - $3 billion debt created. (Source: OMB, Table 1.1—Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and Surpluses or Deficits: 1789–2017)
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Not much to dislike about him.

but, just because I love watching rw heads exploding, I'm posting a couple of photos I know you'll hate.


Oh darn. I'm not sure I can find the other one. You might have to just make do with this one.

Are you a supporter of intimidating journalists who dissent? Because that's one characteristic of this admin I don't like personally...

Also remember when he said he'd have "one of the most transparent admins" in history, then went to prosecute more whistleblowers than any other President?
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Under O its 7 trillion added. W2 added 5.4 trillion, W1 added 1.5 trillion, Reagan added 1.8 trillion and Clinton added 1.4 trillion. If you averaged their debt then yes it would be about a 4 trillion dollar average. We're talking added debt to the previous admin. All three Rs added approx 8.5 trillion.
Your lying....but whatever...think what you will....

I wouldn't just throw out bs. Those are real but keep on with the delusions. I'm sure you find comfort. Anyway....enjoy these lies. The article is dated. O is up to 7 trillion now.

US Debt by President

Amount Each President Added to the Debt per Fiscal Year Since 1960:

President Barack Obama: Added $5.081 trillion, a 44% increase to the $11.657 trillion debt level attributable to Bush's at the end of his last budget, FY 2009.

FY 2013 - $672 billion.
FY 2012 - $1.276 trillion.
FY 2011 - $1.229 trillion.
FY 2010 - $1.652 trillion.
FY 2009 - $253 billion. (Congress passed the Economic Stimulus Act, which spent $253 billion in FY 2009. This rare occurrence should be added to President Obama's contribution to the debt.)
President George W. Bush: Added $5.849 trillion, a 101% increase to the $5.8 trillion debt level at the end of Clinton's last budget, FY 2001.
FY 2009 - $1.632 trillion.(Bush's deficit without the impact of the Economic Stimulus Act).
FY 2008 - $1.017 billion.
FY 2007 - $501 billion.
FY 2006 - $574 billion.
FY 2005 - $554 billion.
FY 2004 - $596 billion.
FY 2003 - $555 billion.
FY 2002 - $421 billion.
President Bill Clinton: Added $1.396 trillion, a 32% increase to the $4.4 trillion debt level at the end of Bush's last budget, FY 1993.
FY 2001 - $133 billion.
FY 2000 - $18 billion.
FY 1999 - $130 billion.
FY 1998 - $113 billion.
FY 1997 - $188 billion.
FY 1996 - $251 billion.
FY 1995 - $281 billion.
FY 1994 - $281 billion.
President George H.W. Bush: Added $1.554 trillion, a 54% increase to the $2.8 trillion debt level at the end of Reagan's last budget, FY 1989.
FY 1993 - $347 billion.
FY 1992 - $399 billion.
FY 1991 - $432 billion.
FY 1990 - $376 billion.
President Ronald Reagan: Added $1.86 trillion, 186% increase to the $998 billion debt level at the end of Carter's last budget, FY 1981.
FY 1989 - $255 billion.
FY 1988 - $252 billion.
FY 1987 - $225 billion.
FY 1986 - $297 billion.
FY 1985 - $256 billion.
FY 1984 - $195 billion.
FY 1983 - $235 billion.
FY 1982 - $144 billion.
President Jimmy Carter: Added $299 billion, a 43% increase to the $699 billion debt level at the end of Ford's last budget, FY 1977.
FY 1981 - $90 billion.
FY 1980 - $81 billion.
FY 1979 - $55 billion.
FY 1978 - $73 billion.
President Gerald Ford: Added $224 billion, a 47% increase to the $475 billion debt level at the end of Nixon's last budget, FY 1974.
FY 1977 - $78 billion.
FY 1976 - $87 billion.
FY 1975 - $58 billion.
President Richard Nixon: Added $121 billion, a 34% increase to the $354 billion debt level at the end of LBJ's last budget, FY 1969.
FY 1974 - $17 billion.
FY 1973 - $31 billion.
FY 1972 - $29 billion.
FY 1971 - $27 billion.
FY 1970 - $17 billion.
President Lyndon B. Johnson: Added $42 billion, a 13% increase to the $312 billion debt level at the end of JFK's last budget, FY 1964.
FY 1969 - $6 billion.
FY 1968 - $21 billion.
FY 1967 - $6 billion.
FY 1966 - $3 billion.
FY 1965 - $6 billion.
President John F. Kennedy: Added $23 billion, a 8% increase to the $289 billion debt level at the end of Eisenhower's last budget, FY1961.
FY 1964 - $6 billion.
FY 1963 - $7 billion.
FY 1962 - $10 billion.
President Dwight Eisenhower: Added $23 billion, a 9% increase to the $266 billion debt level at the end of Truman's last budget, FY 1953.
FY 1961 - $3 billion.
FY 1960 - $2 billion.
FY 1959 - $8 billion.
FY 1958 - $6 billion.
FY 1957 - $2 billion surplus.
FY 1956 - $2 billion surplus.
FY 1955 - $3 billion.
FY 1954 - $5 billion.
President Harry Truman: Added $7 billion, a 3% increase over FDR's debt level of $259 billion at the end of FY 1945.
FY 1953 - $7 billion.
FY 1952 - $4 billion.
FY 1951 - $2 billion surplus.
FY 1950 - $5 billion.
FY 1949 - slight surplus.
FY 1948 - $6 billion surplus.
FY 1947 - $11 billion surplus.
FY 1946 - $11 billion.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt: Added $236 billion, a 1,048% increase over $23 billion, the debt at the end of Hoover's last budget, FY 1933.
FY 1945 - $58 billion.
FY 1944 - $64 billion.
FY 1943 - $64 billion.
FY 1942 - $23 billion.
FY 1941 - $6 billion.
FY 1940 - $3 billion.
FY 1939 - $3 billion.
FY 1938 - $1 billion.
FY 1937 - $3 billion.
FY 1936 - $5 billion.
FY 1935 - $2 billion.
FY 1934 - $5 billion.
President Herbert Hoover: Added $6 billion, a 33% increase over $17 billion, the debt at the end of Coolidge's last budget, FY 1929.
FY 1933 - $3 billion.
FY 1932 - $3 billion.
FY 1931 - $1 billion.
FY 1930 - $1 billion surplus.
President Calvin Coolidge: Subtracted $5 billion from the debt, a 26% decline from $21 billion the debt level at the end of Harding's last budget, FY 1923.

FY 1929 - $1 billion surplus.
FY 1928 - $1 billion surplus.
FY 1927 - $1 billion surplus.
FY 1926 - $1 billion surplus.
FY 1925 - $1 billion surplus.
FY 1924 - $1 billion surplus.
President Warren G. Harding: Subtracted $2 billion from the debt, a 7% decline from the $24 billion debt at the end of Wilson's last budget, FY 1921.

FY 1923 - $1 billion surplus.
FY 1922 - $1 billion surplus.
President Woodrow Wilson: Added $21 billion to the debt, a 727% increase over the $3 billion debt at the end of Taft's last budget, FY 1913.
FY 1921 - $2 billion surplus.
FY 1920 - $1 billion surplus.
FY 1919 - $13 billion.
FY 1918 - $9 billion.
FY 1917 - $2 billion.
FY 1916 - $1 billion.
FY 1915 - $0 billion (slight surplus).
FY 1914 - $0 billion.
FY 1789 - FY 1913 - $3 billion debt created. (Source: OMB, Table 1.1—Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and Surpluses or Deficits: 1789–2017)

The one that sticks out the most to me is FDR, to this day I have never understood how he is so worshipped, the New Deal was a total failure...
zzzzzzzzzzzz- hater dupes....Everyone ELSE likes him lol...For one thing, half the dupes are racists...Fact.

Hater dupes...

If you don't lock step with Oblammer you're a RACIST...FACT!

Hater dupes...

zzzzzzzzzzzz- hater dupes....Everyone ELSE likes him lol...For one thing, half the dupes are racists...Fact.

Hater dupes...

If you don't lock step with Oblammer you're a RACIST...FACT!

Hater dupes...


Liberals always blame someone who isn't to blame.

Btw, don't blame shift key for "caps lock" doing.
Ame®icano;8144493 said:
Hater dupes...

If you don't lock step with Oblammer you're a RACIST...FACT!

Hater dupes...


Liberals always blame someone who isn't to blame.

Btw, don't blame shift key for "caps lock" doing.

"Backspace" is not on the Playskool laptop version either...
If Obama weren't such a dishonest *uck and if the left hadn't called me a racist for such things as disapproving of comprehensive health insurance reform, I would be rooting for Obama.

Too bad so sad on both fronts.

Now I am just rooting for history not to bury the lessons we need to learn from elevating a narcissistic, inexperienced community agitator to the highest office in the land and especially from a media which abdicated its responsibility to investigate and report on what citizens needed to know to make informed choices.
If Obama weren't such a dishonest *uck and if the left hadn't called me a racist for such things as disapproving of comprehensive health insurance reform, I would be rooting for Obama.

Too bad so sad on both fronts.

Now I am just rooting for history not to bury the lessons we need to learn from elevating a narcissistic, inexperienced community agitator to the highest office in the land and especially from a media which abdicated its responsibility to investigate and report on what citizens needed to know to make informed choices.

One need only remember where Barry comes from - the "hallowed halls of academia" where communist, America-hating rich guys have been planning their destruction of this greedy, evil country since the 60s.

They deal in theory, never absolutes. When Barry got himself elected, he was the culmination of years and years of planning from the campus radicals of the 60s and 70s - many of whom come from wealthy families and most of whom have never held an honest job in their miserable lives. He would be the instrument of "change" that the Trotsky loving commies had waited so long for.

Funny thing about these clowns (Barry included) is that they have never learned how to deal with adversity. Barry figured "Hell, I'm adored! I can do whatever I want!" And, for the most part, with these pseudo-intellectuals that inhabit boards just like this, he was "The Man Who Would Be King" and whatever this "college genius" stated - it was GOSPEL!!

Then, along came Nancy "The Idiot" Pelosi and Harry "Howdy Doody" Reid and they rammed this catastrophe called "Obamacare" down America's collective throat without so much as ONE republican vote. I told myself when it passed - They have screwed the pooch with this one. And, as it turned out, they had. Now, they can cast blame all they want - anywhere they want and the republicans will merely respond with "YOU voted for it - WE didn't" before the 2014 elections and they will sweep every seat that is open. Watch. I will bet you a silver dollar that that is what the outcome will be.

Now the coward democrats are running for the hills and backtracking as fast as they can….thanks to one "academic" who doesn't know how to deal with the "REAL" world and problems when they arise. Thank you genius Barry!!!!
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[MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION] The ACA is going to destroy your Party :)

[MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION] I guess that's what the folks in your circle thought with the GI Bill, Social Security, Medicare, the Equal Rights Act, Minimum Wage, and a host of other programs designed to make the lives of Americans, livable.

And the Democrats are still going strong.

It's the Republicans that are in trouble.
If Obama weren't such a dishonest *uck and if the left hadn't called me a racist for such things as disapproving of comprehensive health insurance reform, I would be rooting for Obama.

Too bad so sad on both fronts.

Now I am just rooting for history not to bury the lessons we need to learn from elevating a narcissistic, inexperienced community agitator to the highest office in the land and especially from a media which abdicated its responsibility to investigate and report on what citizens needed to know to make informed choices.

[MENTION=28109]Amelia[/MENTION] - He's not "dishonest" and personally? I never called you a racist. :smiliehug:
I have no idea if I "like it" or not - that will come after it is fully implemented - not before.

I have no insurance as of right now as I am continuing to surf the "luck plain."

When I do have it, the good thing is that it won't get cancelled if I become seriously ill. Also, there is no cap, some I'm off the hook if I run up a huge bill, my insurance will pay for it.

Seems to work in other countries, why not the US.

But do I like it? How would I know unless I actually got insurance?

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