Does Anyone (Left or Right) Still Like Obama?

I personally don't care for him, given that he has continued Bush police state policies. Given the opposition, I would still vote for him.

Why vote for someone you don't like?

Because the opposition is worse.

as it turned out, the opposition would have been much better. Romney would have been a very good president and he would have used his experience to fix some of our fiscal problems.
If Dr. Krauthammer is right, and he generally is, we owe President Obama a great deal---for he has dealt a mortal blow to the Liberalism that was about to destroy this country the same way it destroyed Detroit.

I think he is right, but how does one hammer kraut?
Why vote for someone you don't like?

Because the opposition is worse.

as it turned out, the opposition would have been much better. Romney would have been a very good president and he would have used his experience to fix some of our fiscal problems.

Not according to recent history.

After Eisenhower, every Republican President has blown up the debt, deficit and had multiple financial calamities requiring Government bailouts.
Because the opposition is worse.

as it turned out, the opposition would have been much better. Romney would have been a very good president and he would have used his experience to fix some of our fiscal problems.

Not according to recent history.

After Eisenhower, every Republican President has blown up the debt, deficit and had multiple financial calamities requiring Government bailouts.

we will never know what Romney would have done. But we do know that obama will have added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED.

we do know that obama has put more on welfare and food stamps than ever before, more into poverty than ever before. and has made the wall street fat cats more wealthy while destroying the middle class.

not a record of success, sallow, not even close.
This is not a joke thread; I really just want to get some views here of folks who maybe voted for Obama in 2008 or 2012, as I think it's pretty obvious he's no hero.

Does anyone still support the guy in light of all the creepy NSA stuff, the dishonest pledge of "you can keep your insurance", the backdoor Monsanto deals, the bullying of the "FREE PRESS", the passing of the propaganda bill allowing a partnership between gov't/media, the signing of NDAA and appealing a judge's decision that sections of it was unconstitutional, the selling of US weapons to Al-qaeda rebels in Syria, the war mongering, the drone strikes, the failure to jail Wall Street fraudsters, the failure to end the bailout, the prosecuting of more whistleblowers than any admin in history, the failure to unite Congress and get us on a path to success, etc.

Are there people who still think he's doing a good job? If so, what are some of those reasons?

I feel like I'm extremely cynical when it comes to Obama, and want to see if perhaps someone can change my mind.

I'm ashamed to say I voted for him in 2008. I was never a big Bush fan and was fatigued with the wars and all things political following 9/11. I thought Obama represented a new direction. Change. Plus I wanted to be part of getting this nation to move beyond race and elect the first black man as president. I've kicked myself in the ass ever since because the man is clueless and absolutely sucks at the job and has done more damage to the nation than any other individual in the nation's entire history. I would tell you to embrace your cynicism regarding Obama. It's all the liar-in-chief deserves.
I personally don't care for him, given that he has continued Bush police state policies. Given the opposition, I would still vote for him.

You're kind of ignorance is what got him elected the last two times.

He can't run again you moron!
I like the legislation he got passed before 2010 and the direction the economy is taking.

What specifically – the ACA?

Jobs are slowly coming back to US shores and we are moving, albeit slowly, to some pretty robust growth.

But how much do you think of this is directly related to President Obama vs just normal business returning after a giant economic collapse? Is gov’t specifically the reason the economy is growing (ie without it we’d still be losing 700k jobs a month)? I think that's a hard case to make.

I don’t think I ever really was too hard on Obama for the poor economy (because I believe there are way too many factors out of his control), and likewise don’t tend to give him much credit when things begin to turn around.

I like ACA, yeah. That and the Lilly Ledbetter law, Dodd Frank legislation and a variety of other things. I do not like the fact that Obama expanded gun rights.

And we would have even had normal business restoration had Obama not acted to save the auto industry and pump stimulus into the economy. The financial industry, the housing sector and the auto industry were in free fall.
I don't like or dislike Obama. I don't know him personally.

But I, as an American, take strong exception to a President who can look me in the eye through the camera lens and lie so glibly and effortlessly and apparently without conscience.

I take strong exception to a President who considers me as unworthy of any consideration because I share neither his party or his fuzzy vision of what should be and accuses me of bad motives because I hold a different vision.

I take strong exception to a President who uses his powers in inappropriate ways to accomplish his purposes and then denies any responsibility for that and/or blames everybody or anybody else.

I take strong exception to a President who seems unconcerned and oblivious and uncaring about the damage his policies are doing and also the ineffectiveness of his policies to correct unsustainable and unacceptable conditions when he could make a difference.

I did not vote for him in 2008, but was not terribly disappointed when he was elected as I hoped he would be as good as his campaign rhetoric. After five years experience, we now know that almost ALL was a lie and he had no intention of following through on much of anything. And the country has suffered mightily because of his incompetence and/or flawed policies.

By 2012 I was ready to vote for pretty much anybody else no matter who they were.

You forgot to mention it's because he's black! ;)
I personally don't care for him, given that he has continued Bush police state policies. Given the opposition, I would still vote for him.

You're kind of ignorance is what got him elected the last two times.

He can't run again you moron!

I know he can't run again, you idiot. I am saying that IMHO he was a better choice for president than the stiffs the Repugs trotted out. If I could go back in time and vote again, I would still have voted for him over McInsane or Robmoney. After the Bush disaster, I never want to see another Republican become president again.
Because the opposition is worse.

as it turned out, the opposition would have been much better. Romney would have been a very good president and he would have used his experience to fix some of our fiscal problems.

Not according to recent history.

After Eisenhower, every Republican President has blown up the debt, deficit and had multiple financial calamities requiring Government bailouts.

Yet O has outdone all of the R's combined now.
Policy wise eh hasnt been the best honestly. Romrom would have been no different honestly, but thats not the point.

Personally i dont mind the guy on a non-political level.
as it turned out, the opposition would have been much better. Romney would have been a very good president and he would have used his experience to fix some of our fiscal problems.

Not according to recent history.

After Eisenhower, every Republican President has blown up the debt, deficit and had multiple financial calamities requiring Government bailouts.

Yet O has outdone all of the R's combined now.

no he hasnt....Last chart i saw had Obama around 7 trillion and all the other Republican Presidents averaging 4+ trillion. So no he hasnt, but thats if you take it at face value and not context of what Obama walked into.

And let me remind you, who ever wins in 2012 walks into what Obama left them.
Obama is just a genius and is an expert in everything so we should feel blessed

ok, sorry for the joke

I lived under Carter and he wasn't as arrogant, cold, hateful, a divider wanting to transform our country like Obama...I feel Obama hates our country for the freedoms we had and we were free to choose... and us people in it for not living what he thinks we should...but he does love the perks...
I don't like or dislike Obama. I don't know him personally.

But I, as an American, take strong exception to a President who can look me in the eye through the camera lens and lie so glibly and effortlessly and apparently without conscience.

I take strong exception to a President who considers me as unworthy of any consideration because I share neither his party or his fuzzy vision of what should be and accuses me of bad motives because I hold a different vision.

I take strong exception to a President who uses his powers in inappropriate ways to accomplish his purposes and then denies any responsibility for that and/or blames everybody or anybody else.

I take strong exception to a President who seems unconcerned and oblivious and uncaring about the damage his policies are doing and also the ineffectiveness of his policies to correct unsustainable and unacceptable conditions when he could make a difference.

I did not vote for him in 2008, but was not terribly disappointed when he was elected as I hoped he would be as good as his campaign rhetoric. After five years experience, we now know that almost ALL was a lie and he had no intention of following through on much of anything. And the country has suffered mightily because of his incompetence and/or flawed policies.

By 2012 I was ready to vote for pretty much anybody else no matter who they were.

You forgot to mention it's because he's black! ;)

LOL. I would have voted--and still would vote--for an Alan Keyes, Shelby Steele, J C Watts, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Herman Cain, Starr Parker, Ben Carson, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Bill Cosby, and several others if you give me time to think about it before I would have voted for Barack Obama in 2012. Not because I think all of them would make a great President, but every single one of those named would have done their damndest to do no harm and would have done far less damage than Barack Obama has done.
Obama is just a genius and is an expert in everything so we should feel blessed

ok, sorry for the joke

I lived under Carter and he wasn't as arrogant, cold, hateful, a divider wanting to transform our country like Obama...I feel Obama hates our country for the freedoms we had and we were free to choose... and us people in it for not living what he thinks we should...but he does love the perks...

or we could go with this worthless post that i wouldnt even wipe my ass with.

There is nothing in this post that hasnt been told to you by someone, and thus really isnt a very well formed opinion.
no he hasnt....Last chart i saw had Obama around 7 trillion and all the other Republican Presidents averaging 4+ trillion. So no he hasnt, but thats if you take it at face value and not context of what Obama walked into.

And let me remind you, who ever wins in 2012 walks into what Obama left them.

Let’s face it and say that politicians on both sides do their fair share of reckless spending.

Personally, what I'd like to focus on instead is things like Obama's approach to the NSA, or how he's been pretty notorious for spying and bullying reporters who print bad stories about him, or the deals with Monsanto that clearly were not in American’s best interests, or the 350 drone strikes that resulted in about 1,000 dead innocent civilians, or some of the misleading statements regarding the ACA....

That sort of stuff.

I mean, how come those things don't seem to bother some supporters? Don't want to turn this into another Dem/Republican debate; lets focus on Obama the man.
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