Does Anyone (Left or Right) Still Like Obama?

President Obama is no more divisive, dishonest, competent/incompetent, than his predecessors were or his successors will be.

If a politician can divide you from someone you once identified with; I would submit that you were not that close to start with.
This is not a joke thread; I really just want to get some views here of folks who maybe voted for Obama in 2008 or 2012, as I think it's pretty obvious he's no hero.

Does anyone still support the guy in light of all the creepy NSA stuff, the dishonest pledge of "you can keep your insurance", the backdoor Monsanto deals, the bullying of the "FREE PRESS", the passing of the propaganda bill allowing a partnership between gov't/media, the signing of NDAA and appealing a judge's decision that sections of it was unconstitutional, the selling of US weapons to Al-qaeda rebels in Syria, the war mongering, the drone strikes, the failure to jail Wall Street fraudsters, the failure to end the bailout, the prosecuting of more whistleblowers than any admin in history, the failure to unite Congress and get us on a path to success, etc.

Are there people who still think he's doing a good job? If so, what are some of those reasons?

I feel like I'm extremely cynical when it comes to Obama, and want to see if perhaps someone can change my mind.

Good post.

I'd like to counter with this.....

If all of Obama's plans would have been accepted by Congress, how would America be today?

The majority of the people today hate Obama because he can't get anything done in Congress. Anyone who has researched Filibusters knows why.

I'm not saying I would like him if his perspective was actually accomplished. I'm saying that the Right never allowed his perspective to be accomplished so I don't know how to judge his perspective.....

The Right kind of DICTATED his movement and blamed him for it.

No one can judge Obama on anything but the thing's that were passed and decisions that were made under him...

As it turns out, Obama didn't drive up the debt..Most of his spending was in place before he was into office. He should have stopped some of it.
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