Does Anyone (Left or Right) Still Like Obama?

Nope. The "founders" set this whole damned thing up. Rule by aristocrats, for aristocrats. Little to no protection for the wage slaves, and "freedom of speech" is for sale. Military controls the government, and the military rewards supporters with juicy contracts. Recognition of "property rights" results in farmer subsidies and substandard wages for everyone else.

This is a dumbass system that is destined to fail. Nobody supports it.

So, I take it that you are, in all actuality, another agent provocateur….gotcha!!

One last question - when EXACTLY do you predict that this 237 year old failure will fall? Just want to be prepared, don't you know….got to get my rations and bullets in order….

It's already failed.

No it hasn't.

The fact that we have a Black American President in the White House proves not only how resilient this country is, but it also proves how progressive it is.
So, I take it that you are, in all actuality, another agent provocateur….gotcha!!

One last question - when EXACTLY do you predict that this 237 year old failure will fall? Just want to be prepared, don't you know….got to get my rations and bullets in order….

It's already failed.

No it hasn't.

The fact that we have a Black American President in the White House proves not only how resilient this country is, but it also proves how progressive it is.

oh yes it has. :eusa_shifty:
But yet the premiums are going up....not down like O promised.

Some have gone up. Some will go down.

They were going up anyway.

Only now? Not as much. :eusa_shhh:

That's not how economics works. The reason they are going up is because more items are forced by government into coverage. Prices have to rise up significantly for this to happen. Prices do not go down when you add more goodies. Yes, prices were increasing before this travesty took place but it was due to market activity and inflation.

Health care never really should have been part of the economy.

It is..but it shouldn't have been.

The system that Obama put into place was the one Conservatives use to find palatable.

But he failed to realize, Conservatives were never serious about it, and they learned with Clinton that they cannot appear to show any "compromise" whatsoever.

Conservatives think this government created by Liberals, for everyone, belongs solely to them.

And that's how they want to govern.
"The fact that we have a Black American President in the White House proves not only how resilient this country is, but it also proves how progressive it is."

And stupid...clueless...lacking information...and having disdain for our once great nation taught in our state run schools... lmao
"The fact that we have a Black American President in the White House proves not only how resilient this country is, but it also proves how progressive it is."

And stupid...clueless...lacking information...and having disdain for our once great nation taught in our state run schools... lmao

The fact that this sticks in your craw pleases me to no end.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
"The fact that we have a Black American President in the White House proves not only how resilient this country is, but it also proves how progressive it is."

And stupid...clueless...lacking information...and having disdain for our once great nation taught in our state run schools... lmao

The fact that this sticks in your craw pleases me to no end.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Get your kicks where you can. I won't begrudge you that. I'm not happy for your pain at the Obama presidency crumbling into ash. We'll all get through this. I promise.
"The fact that we have a Black American President in the White House proves not only how resilient this country is, but it also proves how progressive it is."

And stupid...clueless...lacking information...and having disdain for our once great nation taught in our state run schools... lmao

The fact that this sticks in your craw pleases me to no end.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Get your kicks where you can. I won't begrudge you that. I'm not happy for your pain at the Obama presidency crumbling into ash. We'll all get through this. I promise.

Indeed. I see panic among the left here...they try to defend the indefensible. There's no way out unless they employ dishonesty as usual.
"The fact that we have a Black American President in the White House proves not only how resilient this country is, but it also proves how progressive it is."

And stupid...clueless...lacking information...and having disdain for our once great nation taught in our state run schools... lmao

The fact that this sticks in your craw pleases me to no end.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sallow, I've asked you this a few times, but how do you feel about Obama being so hostile to the press by spying and intimidating folks who print bad things about him? There was a giant AP scandal over this.

Also, given he has the most transparent admin in history, why has he been so busy prosecuting whistleblowers calling out wrong doing?
If Obama and his gang in the white house as well as the rank and file leftist wingnuts in this world spent as much time doing the right thing as they do thinking up new ways to lie to the American people this country would be fine.
Spot still likes Obama.. He finds no other joy for his efforts


So, I take it that you are, in all actuality, another agent provocateur….gotcha!!

One last question - when EXACTLY do you predict that this 237 year old failure will fall? Just want to be prepared, don't you know….got to get my rations and bullets in order….

It's already failed.

No it hasn't.

The fact that we have a Black American President in the White House proves not only how resilient this country is, but it also proves how progressive it is.


Another word for socialist.

Read my sig at the bottom of the page young man. THAT'S about as far as you "progressives" can get.
In answer to the OP's question....NO.
And it ain't cuz he is black. It's because he is a fucking liar.
When I was a lad, Blacks were not allowed in professional baseball or football, I thought it was because of their failure to play those games as well as whites; now we have a Black president. Like Obama or not, that is progress in anyone's book and America should be proud.
So, I take it that you are, in all actuality, another agent provocateur….gotcha!!

One last question - when EXACTLY do you predict that this 237 year old failure will fall? Just want to be prepared, don't you know….got to get my rations and bullets in order….

It's already failed.

No it hasn't.

The fact that we have a Black American President in the White House proves not only how resilient this country is, but it also proves how progressive it is.

half black. Obama is NOT an african american.

the disapproval of him has nothing to do with race.

grow up shallow, its his failures and incompetence and lying, not his skin color.
As most of you know, college sports fans often carry trash talk signs to taunt the fans of the opposing team across the field or court or whatever.

I had to giggle when I saw USC students carrying signs to taunt Stanford fans today:



I think we can expect this to become the new talking point insult: "(fill in the blank) supports Obamacare."

And because our would-be-king and fearless leader absolutely refuses to admit that Obamacare is a disaster and is genuinely hurting people, my professional instincts tell me that it is inevitable that this simply has to begin translating into people's opinion of him as a President and as a person. His disapproval numbers continue to rise and his approval rating is sinking into unhealthy levels.

It is obvious many here still love the guy and are dutifully serving as his advocates and apologists whether that is from heartfelt conviction or they are being paid to do so.

But you really do have to ask why.
I never liked him, I always knew he was going to be more of the same, look at his Wall Street donors. He represents their interests not those of the "American people".
I think Obama is a curse word right about now. Nobody but hard line Democrats are interested in talking to him.
I am sad to say that I voted for Obama in 2008. Felt he was the lesser of the two evils . . . and I may have been right. Not very impressed with what McCain has been doing.

I have been very disappointed with Obama. I find him to be divisive. For example, he consistently raises personal issues to the forefront of politics. He seems unable to find common ground anywhere...and always blames the GOP. Don't get me wrong, I feel frustrated there, too, but he's the president. I feel he should take leadership where he hasn't.

I am also incredibly sick of him blaming, blaming, blaming . . . pointing fingers everywhere when something goes wrong. Somehow he manages to paint himself as a helpless outsider at the mercy of all kinds of unreasonable people when nobody is as in the middle of the fray as him! Victim mentality really annoys me.

He has holes in his pockets . . . spend, spend, spend. His words and actions don't align. Like almost all politicians he seems to believe that if he says something enough times people will believe it whether it is true or not. And that does seem to work.

Okay. That is more than enough. Not sure if I could be happy with any politician at this point. From what I can see, they are all corrupt, promoting the interests of whoever bought their presidency.

Enough ranting.
This is not a joke thread; I really just want to get some views here of folks who maybe voted for Obama in 2008 or 2012, as I think it's pretty obvious he's no hero.

Does anyone still support the guy in light of all the creepy NSA stuff, the dishonest pledge of "you can keep your insurance", the backdoor Monsanto deals, the bullying of the "FREE PRESS", the passing of the propaganda bill allowing a partnership between gov't/media, the signing of NDAA and appealing a judge's decision that sections of it was unconstitutional, the selling of US weapons to Al-qaeda rebels in Syria, the war mongering, the drone strikes, the failure to jail Wall Street fraudsters, the failure to end the bailout, the prosecuting of more whistleblowers than any admin in history, the failure to unite Congress and get us on a path to success, etc.

Are there people who still think he's doing a good job? If so, what are some of those reasons?

I feel like I'm extremely cynical when it comes to Obama, and want to see if perhaps someone can change my mind.

There are people on here who will NEVER see this imposter for what he is. NEVER.
This is not a joke thread; I really just want to get some views here of folks who maybe voted for Obama in 2008 or 2012, as I think it's pretty obvious he's no hero.

Does anyone still support the guy in light of all the creepy NSA stuff, the dishonest pledge of "you can keep your insurance", the backdoor Monsanto deals, the bullying of the "FREE PRESS", the passing of the propaganda bill allowing a partnership between gov't/media, the signing of NDAA and appealing a judge's decision that sections of it was unconstitutional, the selling of US weapons to Al-qaeda rebels in Syria, the war mongering, the drone strikes, the failure to jail Wall Street fraudsters, the failure to end the bailout, the prosecuting of more whistleblowers than any admin in history, the failure to unite Congress and get us on a path to success, etc.

Are there people who still think he's doing a good job? If so, what are some of those reasons?

I feel like I'm extremely cynical when it comes to Obama, and want to see if perhaps someone can change my mind.

Do they yes why only they and God know the answer to that.

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