Does Anyone (Left or Right) Still Like Obama?

Seems to work in other countries, why not the US.

Universal healthcare? Perhaps, perhaps but the ACA is hardly that.

We currently have a broken system where insurance is driving up the cost of healthcare (because consumers don't price shop).

The ACA basically just says "you must all now participate in this broken model", and if you don't we'll fine you, lol. On top of it, the law also forces insurance to take on pre-existing conditions. Now that's fine and dandy, but obviously is gonna be expensive.

I don't understand how this is supposed to drive costs down, lol. We're seeing premiums go through the roof as a result (including mine)!
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If Obama weren't such a dishonest *uck and if the left hadn't called me a racist for such things as disapproving of comprehensive health insurance reform, I would be rooting for Obama.

Too bad so sad on both fronts.

Now I am just rooting for history not to bury the lessons we need to learn from elevating a narcissistic, inexperienced community agitator to the highest office in the land and especially from a media which abdicated its responsibility to investigate and report on what citizens needed to know to make informed choices.

[MENTION=28109]Amelia[/MENTION] - He's not "dishonest" and personally? I never called you a racist. :smiliehug:

Is lying dishonest?

"if you like your plan you can keep it, period" He said it dozens of times, knowing it was not true. That, is dishonest.
If Obama weren't such a dishonest *uck and if the left hadn't called me a racist for such things as disapproving of comprehensive health insurance reform, I would be rooting for Obama.

Too bad so sad on both fronts.

Now I am just rooting for history not to bury the lessons we need to learn from elevating a narcissistic, inexperienced community agitator to the highest office in the land and especially from a media which abdicated its responsibility to investigate and report on what citizens needed to know to make informed choices.

[MENTION=28109]Amelia[/MENTION] - He's not "dishonest" and personally? I never called you a racist. :smiliehug:

Is lying dishonest?

"if you like your plan you can keep it, period" He said it dozens of times, knowing it was not true. That, is dishonest.

Also think it was dishonest to publicly say that you wouldn't sign the NDAA 2012 because it makes it legal to detain citizens indefinitely without trial, then sign it, then defend the specific clause six months later when a judge ruled it unconstitutional by appealing the decision.

Didn't like that one, lol.
[MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION] The ACA is going to destroy your Party :)

[MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION] I guess that's what the folks in your circle thought with the GI Bill, Social Security, Medicare, the Equal Rights Act, Minimum Wage, and a host of other programs designed to make the lives of Americans, livable.

And the Democrats are still going strong.

It's the Republicans that are in trouble.

The ACA doesn't make lives livable. It's increasing the premiums and deductibles, millions of people are losing their insurance, more people are now uninsured.
LOL. I would have voted--and still would vote--for an Alan Keyes, Shelby Steele, J C Watts, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Herman Cain, Starr Parker, Ben Carson, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Bill Cosby, and several others if you give me time to think about it before I would have voted for Barack Obama in 2012. Not because I think all of them would make a great President, but every single one of those named would have done their damndest to do no harm and would have done far less damage than Barack Obama has done.

Ben Carson or Thomas Sowell, either would make a wonderful president.

of a prison, maybe.

Carson is a sicko. Not to mention that he lies. Or maybe he's just wrong a lot.

Complaining about lying Puddly Pillowbite? Really? And you support the liar-in-chief? :eusa_think:
[MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION] The ACA is going to destroy your Party :)

[MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION] I guess that's what the folks in your circle thought with the GI Bill, Social Security, Medicare, the Equal Rights Act, Minimum Wage, and a host of other programs designed to make the lives of Americans, livable.

And the Democrats are still going strong.

It's the Republicans that are in trouble.

Sallow, though - what the ACA does is makes it mandatory for people to buy private insurance; it makes no changes to any of the fundamentals that have been driving costs up for decades! It's not universal healthcare, it's insurance based healthcare (like we've always had). On top of that, it also forces insurers to cover preexisting conditions, and plans to cover kids up to 26.

So we have two cost increasing measures and no changes to the fundamentals of the insurance model.....

How is that going to drive costs down??
zzzzzzzzzzzz- hater dupes....Everyone ELSE likes him lol...For one thing, half the dupes are racists...Fact.

What does this comment even mean? "everyone else likes him" - who is everyone else, lol?

Last time I checked Obama's approval ratings were not very strong, and will only continue to drop (in my opinion) following this botched healthcare rollout.

Obama's given the general public many reasons to dislike the guy.
[MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION] The ACA is going to destroy your Party :)

[MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION] I guess that's what the folks in your circle thought with the GI Bill, Social Security, Medicare, the Equal Rights Act, Minimum Wage, and a host of other programs designed to make the lives of Americans, livable.

And the Democrats are still going strong.

It's the Republicans that are in trouble.

The ACA doesn't make lives livable. It's increasing the premiums and deductibles, millions of people are losing their insurance, more people are now uninsured.

That was the plan all along.
I personally don't care for him, given that he has continued Bush police state policies. Given the opposition, I would still vote for him.

You're kind of ignorance is what got him elected the last two times.

He can't run again you moron!

I know he can't run again, you idiot. I am saying that IMHO he was a better choice for president than the stiffs the Repugs trotted out. If I could go back in time and vote again, I would still have voted for him over McInsane or Robmoney. After the Bush disaster, I never want to see another Republican become president again.

Yes, taking control of 1/6th of the economy and fucking it all up based on lies was a brilliant show of leadership and business savvy. Economics aside, how about all those insured people that are now uninsured? Yes, let's tell them we will pay the difference, in some instances 2500.00 a month more, so they can keep what they were already happily paying themselves...Only a fucking idiot could create such a program! Oh, did I mention he did all of this with the help of his fellow idiot voters?

Or how about twiddling your thumbs and sticking your political finger in the air when making decisions about foreign policy?

Yes, the Obama legacies will rival even Carter's... Good show dems!
Seems to work in other countries, why not the US.

Universal healthcare? Perhaps, perhaps but the ACA is hardly that.

We currently have a broken system where insurance is driving up the cost of healthcare (because consumers don't price shop).

The ACA basically just says "you must all now participate in this broken model", and if you don't we'll fine you, lol. On top of it, the law also forces insurance to take on pre-existing conditions. Now that's fine and dandy, but obviously is gonna be expensive.

I don't understand how this is supposed to drive costs down, lol. We're seeing premiums go through the roof as a result (including mine)!

Some have some haven't.

This is the model they use in countries like Switzerland and was used by Massachusetts.

Proof of concept is there.

Rolling it out is the tough part.
[MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION] The ACA is going to destroy your Party :)

[MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION] I guess that's what the folks in your circle thought with the GI Bill, Social Security, Medicare, the Equal Rights Act, Minimum Wage, and a host of other programs designed to make the lives of Americans, livable.

And the Democrats are still going strong.

It's the Republicans that are in trouble.

Sallow, though - what the ACA does is makes it mandatory for people to buy private insurance; it makes no changes to any of the fundamentals that have been driving costs up for decades! It's not universal healthcare, it's insurance based healthcare (like we've always had). On top of that, it also forces insurers to cover preexisting conditions, and plans to cover kids up to 26.

So we have two cost increasing measures and no changes to the fundamentals of the insurance model.....

How is that going to drive costs down??

Are you kidding?

The ACA mandates insurance companies spend a majority of their profits on customer wellness, taxes Medical equipment, reduces fraud, reduces redundancies and mandates electronic file keeping.

Those things alone will drive down costs.

And overall? Reducing the amount of "emergency room health" this country engages in, which is wildly more expensive than check ups and managed care will reduce the burden to the tax payers.
[MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION] I guess that's what the folks in your circle thought with the GI Bill, Social Security, Medicare, the Equal Rights Act, Minimum Wage, and a host of other programs designed to make the lives of Americans, livable.

And the Democrats are still going strong.

It's the Republicans that are in trouble.

Sallow, though - what the ACA does is makes it mandatory for people to buy private insurance; it makes no changes to any of the fundamentals that have been driving costs up for decades! It's not universal healthcare, it's insurance based healthcare (like we've always had). On top of that, it also forces insurers to cover preexisting conditions, and plans to cover kids up to 26.

So we have two cost increasing measures and no changes to the fundamentals of the insurance model.....

How is that going to drive costs down??

Are you kidding?

The ACA mandates insurance companies spend a majority of their profits on customer wellness, taxes Medical equipment, reduces fraud, reduces redundancies and mandates electronic file keeping.

Those things alone will drive down costs.

And overall? Reducing the amount of "emergency room health" this country engages in, which is wildly more expensive than check ups and managed care will reduce the burden to the tax payers.

But yet the premiums are going up....not down like O promised.
The ACA mandates insurance companies spend a majority of their profits on customer wellness,
"Wellness" is a very vague term. Can you elaborate a bit on this point; I can't find info.

taxes Medical equipment, reduces fraud, reduces redundancies and mandates electronic file keeping.
How is taxing medical equipment going to reduce costs? Also, the other ones are sort of one time efficiencies and do not serve as a "major" driver to overhaul the system and keep costs down for the next 50 years. I don't think medical costs are rising because we "aren't keeping files electronically".

And overall? Reducing the amount of "emergency room health" this country engages in, which is wildly more expensive than check ups and managed care will reduce the burden to the tax payers.
How exactly? First of all, most unpaid emergency care visits are not paid for "by the gov't" but rather are eaten by the hospitals themselves.

Secondly, 5 million people have had their plans cancelled and to get back in they're going to have to pay some pretty expensive rates through the ACA website. With only $100k signing up, it's looking like we're going to have less people in the pool than before. How does that reduce the amount of "emergency room healthcare"? I'm not following, but perhaps I'm missing something.

And no, I'm not kidding at all here my premium shot up drastically and the letter said it was directly because of the ACA.....
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Sallow, though - what the ACA does is makes it mandatory for people to buy private insurance; it makes no changes to any of the fundamentals that have been driving costs up for decades! It's not universal healthcare, it's insurance based healthcare (like we've always had). On top of that, it also forces insurers to cover preexisting conditions, and plans to cover kids up to 26.

So we have two cost increasing measures and no changes to the fundamentals of the insurance model.....

How is that going to drive costs down??

Are you kidding?

The ACA mandates insurance companies spend a majority of their profits on customer wellness, taxes Medical equipment, reduces fraud, reduces redundancies and mandates electronic file keeping.

Those things alone will drive down costs.

And overall? Reducing the amount of "emergency room health" this country engages in, which is wildly more expensive than check ups and managed care will reduce the burden to the tax payers.

But yet the premiums are going up....not down like O promised.

Some have gone up. Some will go down.

They were going up anyway.

Only now? Not as much. :eusa_shhh:
The ACA mandates insurance companies spend a majority of their profits on customer wellness,
"Wellness" is a very vague term. Can you elaborate a bit on this point; I can't find info.

taxes Medical equipment, reduces fraud, reduces redundancies and mandates electronic file keeping.
How is taxing medical equipment going to reduce costs? Also, the other ones are sort of one time efficiencies and do not serve as a "major" driver to overhaul the system and keep costs down for the next 50 years. I don't think medical costs are rising because we "aren't keeping files electronically".

And overall? Reducing the amount of "emergency room health" this country engages in, which is wildly more expensive than check ups and managed care will reduce the burden to the tax payers.
How exactly? First of all, most unpaid emergency care visits are not paid for "by the gov't" but rather are eaten by the hospitals themselves.

Secondly, 5 million people have had their plans cancelled and to get back in they're going to have to pay some pretty expensive rates through the ACA website. With only $100k signing up, it's looking like we're going to have less people in the pool than before. How does that reduce the amount of "emergency room healthcare"? I'm not following, but perhaps I'm missing something.

And no, I'm not kidding at all here my premium shot up drastically and the letter said it was directly because of the ACA.....

1. 80% of the profits can't be taken by the CEO and given to share holders. They must be used on customers.

Medical Loss Ratio - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

2. Which is all the more reason to get everyone coverage.

The Uninsured: Access To Medical Care

3. We live in a country of close the 300 million people. There were something like 45 million uninsured. Thinking that rolling out such a big program without some displacement is magical thinking. And I'm interested where all the GOP folks were when Medicare Part D was "failing" for 4 months? Oh yeah, they were begging Democrats to be patient. And? Democrats actually helped make it work.
Sallow, though - what the ACA does is makes it mandatory for people to buy private insurance; it makes no changes to any of the fundamentals that have been driving costs up for decades! It's not universal healthcare, it's insurance based healthcare (like we've always had). On top of that, it also forces insurers to cover preexisting conditions, and plans to cover kids up to 26.

So we have two cost increasing measures and no changes to the fundamentals of the insurance model.....

How is that going to drive costs down??

Are you kidding?

The ACA mandates insurance companies spend a majority of their profits on customer wellness, taxes Medical equipment, reduces fraud, reduces redundancies and mandates electronic file keeping.

Those things alone will drive down costs.

And overall? Reducing the amount of "emergency room health" this country engages in, which is wildly more expensive than check ups and managed care will reduce the burden to the tax payers.

But yet the premiums are going up....not down like O promised.

He promised so many things. He just can't keep track of all...
Are you kidding?

The ACA mandates insurance companies spend a majority of their profits on customer wellness, taxes Medical equipment, reduces fraud, reduces redundancies and mandates electronic file keeping.

Those things alone will drive down costs.

And overall? Reducing the amount of "emergency room health" this country engages in, which is wildly more expensive than check ups and managed care will reduce the burden to the tax payers.

But yet the premiums are going up....not down like O promised.

Some have gone up. Some will go down.

They were going up anyway.

Only now? Not as much. :eusa_shhh:

That's not how economics works. The reason they are going up is because more items are forced by government into coverage. Prices have to rise up significantly for this to happen. Prices do not go down when you add more goodies. Yes, prices were increasing before this travesty took place but it was due to market activity and inflation.
Are you kidding?

The ACA mandates insurance companies spend a majority of their profits on customer wellness, taxes Medical equipment, reduces fraud, reduces redundancies and mandates electronic file keeping.

Those things alone will drive down costs.

And overall? Reducing the amount of "emergency room health" this country engages in, which is wildly more expensive than check ups and managed care will reduce the burden to the tax payers.

But yet the premiums are going up....not down like O promised.

Some have gone up. Some will go down.

They were going up anyway.

Only now? Not as much. :eusa_shhh:

It's bad enough you are a jizz swallower of Omamacare, but please spare us the jizz spewing:

San Francisco architect Lee Hammack says he and his wife, JoEllen Brothers, are “cradle Democrats.” They have donated to the liberal group Organizing for America and worked the phone banks a year ago for President Obama’s re-election.

Since 1995, Hammack and Brothers have received their health coverage from Kaiser Permanente, where Brothers worked until 2009 as a dietitian and diabetes educator. “We’ve both been in very good health all of our lives – exercise, don’t smoke, drink lightly, healthy weight, no health issues, and so on,” Hammack told me.

The couple — Lee, 60, and JoEllen, 59 — have been paying $550 a month for their health coverage — a plan that offers solid coverage, not one of the skimpy plans Obama has criticized. But recently, Kaiser informed them the plan would be canceled at the end of the year because it did not meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act. The couple would need to find another one. The cost would be around double what they pay now, but the benefits would be worse.

Loyal Obama Supporters, Canceled by Obamacare - ProPublica
Since early 2009 conservatives and libertarians have protested this healthcare law. They have opposed it on numerous fronts- only to be labeled racists; extremists; or fear mongers.

The very things happening were predicted as likely scenarios. The lie that we could keep our doctors and healthcare plans was exposed and explained- only to be mocked by the koolaid drinking left.

This is a very serious situation we have been led into by Obama and his idiot dwellers from the left.

Repeal Obamacare Now!
Since early 2009 conservatives and libertarians have protested this healthcare law. They have opposed it on numerous fronts- only to be labeled racists; extremists; or fear mongers.

The very things happening were predicted as likely scenarios. The lie that we could keep our doctors and healthcare plans was exposed and explained- only to be mocked by the koolaid drinking left.

This is a very serious situation we have been led into by Obama and his idiot dwellers from the left.

Repeal Obamacare Now!

yep and I'm with you
Repeal this junk piece of legislation that is the now hurting the people in this country

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