Does Anyone (Left or Right) Still Like Obama?

1. 80% of the profits can't be taken by the CEO and given to share holders. They must be used on customers.

Medical Loss Ratio - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Sallow, are you aware that profit margins for insurance companies are traditionally not that high to begin with (somewhere in the neighborhood of 4-5%)? This margin is actually much lower than many other industries like telecommunications and retail. If the margin was like 20%, then fine we'd have something to work with... but 4%??

How is that going to drive down costs?

2. Which is all the more reason to get everyone coverage.

The Uninsured: Access To Medical Care

3. We live in a country of close the 300 million people. There were something like 45 million uninsured. Thinking that rolling out such a big program without some displacement is magical thinking. And I'm interested where all the GOP folks were when Medicare Part D was "failing" for 4 months? Oh yeah, they were begging Democrats to be patient. And? Democrats actually helped make it work.

Look, all I've noticed so far is that premiums have skyrocketed. If I paid $200 month before ACA and $400 month after ACA, how am I better off? Where is the savings or affordability associated with the name of the bill? And it's not an unfair thing to say that premiums are rising across the board...
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[MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION] I guess that's what the folks in your circle thought with the GI Bill, Social Security, Medicare, the Equal Rights Act, Minimum Wage, and a host of other programs designed to make the lives of Americans, livable.

And the Democrats are still going strong.

It's the Republicans that are in trouble.

Sallow, though - what the ACA does is makes it mandatory for people to buy private insurance; it makes no changes to any of the fundamentals that have been driving costs up for decades! It's not universal healthcare, it's insurance based healthcare (like we've always had). On top of that, it also forces insurers to cover preexisting conditions, and plans to cover kids up to 26.

So we have two cost increasing measures and no changes to the fundamentals of the insurance model.....

How is that going to drive costs down??

Are you kidding?

The ACA mandates insurance companies spend a majority of their profits on customer wellness, taxes Medical equipment, reduces fraud, reduces redundancies and mandates electronic file keeping.

Those things alone will drive down costs.

And overall? Reducing the amount of "emergency room health" this country engages in, which is wildly more expensive than check ups and managed care will reduce the burden to the tax payers.

Emergency room usage went up in Massachusetts after Romneycare was passed. Romneycare should have been used as a source of lessons -- not as something forced on the whole nation before those lessons were learned.
I'd like to get to a specific I haven't seen a left leaner address yet here (sorry if I missed):

What do you think about Obama's abusive policies towards journalists in the US? You can't deny that a scandal with the Associated Press took place, and that a lot of journalists were upset at the administration for spying and intimidating them from printing information that made Obama look bad. What about being so hard on whistleblowers calling out gov't wrongdoing?
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zzzzzzzzzzzz- hater dupes....Everyone ELSE likes him lol...For one thing, half the dupes are racists...Fact.

What does this comment even mean? "everyone else likes him" - who is everyone else, lol?

Last time I checked Obama's approval ratings were not very strong, and will only continue to drop (in my opinion) following this botched healthcare rollout.

Obama's given the general public many reasons to dislike the guy.

Kevin, your first mistake is in paying attention to Frank and Beans. When he isn't at the library using the free internet to post on USMB, he's the guy on the corner waving his arms, barking like a dog and yelling at imaginary things around him. Don't make eye contact and keep moving.
I am beginning to think that we are entering the 14th consecutive year of horrible presidents. We have a terrible system of government when it allows presidents like Bush/Obama and the current Congress to make decisions for Americans.
I am beginning to think that we are entering the 14th consecutive year of horrible presidents. We have a terrible system of government when it allows presidents like Bush/Obama and the current Congress to make decisions for Americans.

Couldn't disagree more. I will take this form of government over anything else. It's not government's fault that the electorate is a bunch of mindless idiots. Politicians have counted on this forever. A disinterested electorate is an apple waiting to be plucked.

And we get plucked every day by these thieves in Washington. Still, I'll take what our founders gave us any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Tens of millions of people who have lived with "other" forms of government have fought and died to get here for a chance at what we have.
I am beginning to think that we are entering the 14th consecutive year of horrible presidents. We have a terrible system of government when it allows presidents like Bush/Obama and the current Congress to make decisions for Americans.

Couldn't disagree more. I will take this form of government over anything else. It's not government's fault that the electorate is a bunch of mindless idiots. Politicians have counted on this forever. A disinterested electorate is an apple waiting to be plucked.

And we get plucked every day by these thieves in Washington. Still, I'll take what our founders gave us any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Tens of millions of people who have lived with "other" forms of government have fought and died to get here for a chance at what we have.

Nope. The "founders" set this whole damned thing up. Rule by aristocrats, for aristocrats. Little to no protection for the wage slaves, and "freedom of speech" is for sale. Military controls the government, and the military rewards supporters with juicy contracts. Recognition of "property rights" results in farmer subsidies and substandard wages for everyone else.

This is a dumbass system that is destined to fail. Nobody supports it.
I am beginning to think that we are entering the 14th consecutive year of horrible presidents. We have a terrible system of government when it allows presidents like Bush/Obama and the current Congress to make decisions for Americans.

Couldn't disagree more. I will take this form of government over anything else. It's not government's fault that the electorate is a bunch of mindless idiots. Politicians have counted on this forever. A disinterested electorate is an apple waiting to be plucked.

And we get plucked every day by these thieves in Washington. Still, I'll take what our founders gave us any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Tens of millions of people who have lived with "other" forms of government have fought and died to get here for a chance at what we have.

Nope. The "founders" set this whole damned thing up. Rule by aristocrats, for aristocrats. Little to no protection for the wage slaves, and "freedom of speech" is for sale. Military controls the government, and the military rewards supporters with juicy contracts. Recognition of "property rights" results in farmer subsidies and substandard wages for everyone else.

This is a dumbass system that is destined to fail. Nobody supports it.

Of course you would hate the founders.
I am beginning to think that we are entering the 14th consecutive year of horrible presidents. We have a terrible system of government when it allows presidents like Bush/Obama and the current Congress to make decisions for Americans.

Couldn't disagree more. I will take this form of government over anything else. It's not government's fault that the electorate is a bunch of mindless idiots. Politicians have counted on this forever. A disinterested electorate is an apple waiting to be plucked.

And we get plucked every day by these thieves in Washington. Still, I'll take what our founders gave us any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Tens of millions of people who have lived with "other" forms of government have fought and died to get here for a chance at what we have.

Nope. The "founders" set this whole damned thing up. Rule by aristocrats, for aristocrats. Little to no protection for the wage slaves, and "freedom of speech" is for sale. Military controls the government, and the military rewards supporters with juicy contracts. Recognition of "property rights" results in farmer subsidies and substandard wages for everyone else.

This is a dumbass system that is destined to fail. Nobody supports it.

So, I take it that you are, in all actuality, another agent provocateur….gotcha!!

One last question - when EXACTLY do you predict that this 237 year old failure will fall? Just want to be prepared, don't you know….got to get my rations and bullets in order….
Couldn't disagree more. I will take this form of government over anything else. It's not government's fault that the electorate is a bunch of mindless idiots. Politicians have counted on this forever. A disinterested electorate is an apple waiting to be plucked.

And we get plucked every day by these thieves in Washington. Still, I'll take what our founders gave us any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Tens of millions of people who have lived with "other" forms of government have fought and died to get here for a chance at what we have.

Nope. The "founders" set this whole damned thing up. Rule by aristocrats, for aristocrats. Little to no protection for the wage slaves, and "freedom of speech" is for sale. Military controls the government, and the military rewards supporters with juicy contracts. Recognition of "property rights" results in farmer subsidies and substandard wages for everyone else.

This is a dumbass system that is destined to fail. Nobody supports it.

Of course you would hate the founders.

They were born as subjects of the Crown, nearly three centuries ago. That would be silly.
Couldn't disagree more. I will take this form of government over anything else. It's not government's fault that the electorate is a bunch of mindless idiots. Politicians have counted on this forever. A disinterested electorate is an apple waiting to be plucked.

And we get plucked every day by these thieves in Washington. Still, I'll take what our founders gave us any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Tens of millions of people who have lived with "other" forms of government have fought and died to get here for a chance at what we have.

Nope. The "founders" set this whole damned thing up. Rule by aristocrats, for aristocrats. Little to no protection for the wage slaves, and "freedom of speech" is for sale. Military controls the government, and the military rewards supporters with juicy contracts. Recognition of "property rights" results in farmer subsidies and substandard wages for everyone else.

This is a dumbass system that is destined to fail. Nobody supports it.

So, I take it that you are, in all actuality, another agent provocateur….gotcha!!

One last question - when EXACTLY do you predict that this 237 year old failure will fall? Just want to be prepared, don't you know….got to get my rations and bullets in order….

It's already failed.
Nope. The "founders" set this whole damned thing up. Rule by aristocrats, for aristocrats. Little to no protection for the wage slaves, and "freedom of speech" is for sale. Military controls the government, and the military rewards supporters with juicy contracts. Recognition of "property rights" results in farmer subsidies and substandard wages for everyone else.

This is a dumbass system that is destined to fail. Nobody supports it.

Of course you would hate the founders.

They were born as subjects of the Crown, nearly three centuries ago. That would be silly.

Didn't you just say that they set up a system for the aristocrats? However, I do believe they would keep sailing if they saw us today.
I am beginning to think that we are entering the 14th consecutive year of horrible presidents. We have a terrible system of government when it allows presidents like Bush/Obama and the current Congress to make decisions for Americans.

Couldn't disagree more. I will take this form of government over anything else. It's not government's fault that the electorate is a bunch of mindless idiots. Politicians have counted on this forever. A disinterested electorate is an apple waiting to be plucked.

And we get plucked every day by these thieves in Washington. Still, I'll take what our founders gave us any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Tens of millions of people who have lived with "other" forms of government have fought and died to get here for a chance at what we have.

Nope. The "founders" set this whole damned thing up. Rule by aristocrats, for aristocrats. Little to no protection for the wage slaves, and "freedom of speech" is for sale. Military controls the government, and the military rewards supporters with juicy contracts. Recognition of "property rights" results in farmer subsidies and substandard wages for everyone else.

This is a dumbass system that is destined to fail. Nobody supports it.

Shouldn't you be over in the Conspiracy Theory forum?
nope. The "founders" set this whole damned thing up. Rule by aristocrats, for aristocrats. Little to no protection for the wage slaves, and "freedom of speech" is for sale. Military controls the government, and the military rewards supporters with juicy contracts. Recognition of "property rights" results in farmer subsidies and substandard wages for everyone else.

This is a dumbass system that is destined to fail. Nobody supports it.

so, i take it that you are, in all actuality, another agent provocateur….gotcha!!

One last question - when exactly do you predict that this 237 year old failure will fall? Just want to be prepared, don't you know….got to get my rations and bullets in order….

it's already failed.

View attachment $untitled.bmp
so, i take it that you are, in all actuality, another agent provocateur….gotcha!!

One last question - when exactly do you predict that this 237 year old failure will fall? Just want to be prepared, don't you know….got to get my rations and bullets in order….

it's already failed.

View attachment 28353


I remember as a kid (way back in the dark ages) going through those nuclear attack drills in school…you know, hide under your desk and put your "ass to the blast".

I asked my teacher one day what EXACTLY was the point of that nonsense? I told her that I would much rather go outside and watch the blast…hell, if you're gonna die, why be looking at the damned floor!


I remember as a kid (way back in the dark ages) going through those nuclear attack drills in school…you know, hide under your desk and put your "ass to the blast".

I asked my teacher one day what EXACTLY was the point of that nonsense? I told her that I would much rather go outside and watch the blast…hell, if you're gonna die, why be looking at the damned floor!

I see this as an economic and social failure. The powers of police, military, and state will surely stand.
How sad some people live their lives by what a politician promises and what they can follow through and GIVE THEM

Ofailnocare is hurting ACTUAL people in this country by the MILLIONS.... but they least he kept his promise

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