Does anyone NOT think that the Democratic Party has CLEARLY moved Left?

The Democrat Party is financed, run, and controlled by Globalists, many of which are foreign. They have gone full blown to the EXTREME Left in order to advance the Globalist agenda part of which is wealth and income redistribution using the HOAX of Man Made Climate Change. The other is OPEN BORDERS to effectively change the Demographics of the U.S. to Democrat, One Party RULE.

Yes, it is that simple.

And that's the BIGGEST of the big Republican Lies. The parties cannot accept money from foreigners. It's illegal. But you Russians idiots neither know or care about that.

The re-distribution of wealth began under the conservative agenda of the 1980's and continues unabated today. Climate change is not a hoax, but conservatives are constantly being told that it is because doing something about it changes the status quo. The Green New Deal will actually put MONEY INTO THE HANDS OF WORKING CLASS PEOPLE, which is why the right opposes it so vehemently.
You’re fucking retarded, The green new deal is a tax on the successful.
When will you whacked socialists learn, Socialism has been tried countless times and in countless forms and it still has a 100% failure rate long term...
It is all about control with socialism and never for the good of the individual… Fact

If you didn't lie, you'd have nothing to post. Anyone who thinks that is a fool or has an agenda.

Social democracies are not about control. It's about giving their people every opportunity to achieve their potential. It's giving every child in the pubic school system the same tools to succeed, and not just children who live in rich neighbourhoods. It's about spending taxpayer dollars on programs which HELP taxpayers, and not on foreign wars to protect corporate interests abroad.

My tax dollars pay for my health care, for child tax benefits for my children to help with their child care expenses, for visiting nurses for my father-in-law, for the new roads and sidewalks outside my front door. Our social programs are NOT subsidies for sub-standard employer wages. Our employers are required to a minimum wage which is sufficient for low wage workers to live without social assistance.

We're not paying for wars of agression, or the world's largest, most expensive army. We're helping our people get the best education, health care, and opportunities available. Americans have become so stingy and selfish, while exploiting their allies and trading partners at every opportunity.

Trump keeps saying that everyone is taking advantage of the USA, which is total bullshit. America didn't become the richest, most powerful nation on earth because other nations were taking advantage of you. That doesn't even make sense, but it is Trump and he seldom shows any logic or common sense.
It doesn’t take a village, because it’s not about the village.

The success of the collective always comes at the expense of the individual
The green new deal is a tax on the successful.
Kind of like we did during the biggest economic boom in our nation's history...
Redistribution is for pussies
And you have taken advantage of it your entire life. We all have. Because your stance is retarded and we have known better for a long time.
Getting along is way overrated, it’s about time we stop getting along
The success of the collective always comes at the expense of the individual
Such complete horseshit.....
No it isn't. Ask all the dead Russians and Chinese and other victims of the collective.
Yes it is. And a stronger standard of living and an economy with more participamts is why we have so many succesful people in the first place. You guys are both fucked in the head. Too much alex jones for both of you.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.

i think we need to solve our existing problems with existing infrastructure.
The success of the collective always comes at the expense of the individual
Such complete horseshit.....
No it isn't. Ask all the dead Russians and Chinese and other victims of the collective.
Yes it is. And a stronger standard of living and an economy with more participamts is why we have so many succesful people in the first place. You guys are both fucked in the head. Too much alex jones for both of you.
It has not worked yet and it won't work here. You will find out in 2020. By that time Trump will have the vast majority of people behind him because Democratic policies will destroy this country. He will convince people of all colors of that and since it is the truth it will take.

In fact a Republican will win in 2025.
It has not worked yet and it won't work here.
It already has worked here. Public esucation is a pillar of our society. Social security and welfare and unemployment insurance precent a societal crisis and raise the standard of loving of this country. The public healthcate programs we do have are effective and prevent a worse crisis. You are in la la land....too much glenn beck for you...
It has not worked yet and it won't work here.
It already has worked here. Public esucation is a pillar of our society. Social security and welfare and unemployment insurance precent a societal crisis and raise the standard of loving of this country. The public healthcate programs we do have are effective and prevent a worse crisis. You are in la la land....too much glenn beck for you...
Those programs are all paid into. Socialism spends someone elses money. Try again. And big government is not the answer to anything, they get nothing done now.

Why you people have decided to kill America for future generations doom the whole world to lives without choice, freedom of conscience, and individuality. Free people scare the shit out of people like you. You and others are selfish enough to vicariously save the world and destroy this country do not belong here. Please leave.
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Those programs are all paid into.
Yes, mostly by the richer people, and people who pay less or nothing benefit from them, while rich people benefit less, compated to what they pay.

Thank you, captain obvious. Gee, i wonder if there is a word for what you just described?

When i need yesterday's forecast, i will look you up!
Those programs are all paid into.
Yes, mostly by the richer people, and people who pay less or nothing benefit from them, while rich people benefot less, compated to what they pay.

Thank you, captain obvious. Gee, i wonder if there is a word for what you just described?

When i need yesterday's forecast, i will look you up!
The rich again? Those bastards. Go away.

This applies to socialists/socialism...
They don’t impress me much at all
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


? In 2016 Hillary ran a tight race against Bernie, what is it you think is different this time?

I think a much bigger story is how the Right moved straight to the insane swamp.

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