Does anyone NOT think that the Democratic Party has CLEARLY moved Left?

I agree that they've gone WAY too far, with Sander's force march to Medicare For All. And I don't think that wiping out ALL student debt is doable or even desireable, especially for the Ivy League private schools with the big ticket tuition. OTOH, I do agree that something drastic needs to be done on both issues, but the devil is in the details.

A few years ago, I opined that high student debt loads coming out of university were going to hobble this generation of graduates in terms of disposable income to get married, start a family, buy cars, houses, and generally become the kind of consumers of durable goods that drives the economy forward. And the people most hobbled, are those who leave Ivy League Schools with enough debt to purchase a modest house in many small town communities.

At the time I was espousing these ideas, I was called a crazy leftist looking for free shit, but from the standpoint of a student of economics, on issues such as this, turn entire economic shifts. The demographic is large enough, and the impact is rippling throughout the economy. My oldest child is 18 years older than my youngest, so I've had the perspective of sending two generations out into the world, and the world for my 47 & 45 year old children and their friends has been far, far different, than entry into the work force for their sister's generation.

Statistically, the Baby Boom Echo kids stayed in school longer, and lived at home longer than their parents. When I left home at age 18 to go to the Big City to school, I never went home again. I don't think I ever spent another night under my mother's roof. My older children's generation left home, married and started their families, 3 or 4 years later than their parents, and the next generation is staying home even longer, in large part because of carrying enormous amounts of student debt. These are middle class, well educated adults, who's disposable income, which would either be going to savings, or building a home and a life for themselves, is now paying principle and interest on their student loans.

When it comes to health care, if it's not broke don't fix it. If people want insurance companies directing their treatment and paying 30% of their health care dollars to the insurance companies, plus co-pays that would bankrupt most families, because paying an $18,000 a year premium isn't enough "skin in the game" for insurance companies. Customers need co-pays to ensure they don't "abuse the system". I say let them continue to be ripped off.

But at the same time offer a public alternative, that has the same kind of administrative costs as Medicare, Medicaid, and the VA. At a premium 25% lower than the private market, with no-pays, no pre-approvals, and low administration costs, and watch the public leave the for-profits behind. In a heartbeat. Americans are the cheapest people in the world. That's why you had off-shoring in the first place. Better, cheaper, healthcare for all is possible.

You're currently paying nearly double the amount of money per capita that all other industrialized countries in the world pay, and 10% of your population has little to no access to quality health care at all. Your healthcare costs are driven by the willingness of private insurers to pay ridiculous amounts for some treatments. Healthcare decisions should not be decisions motivated purely by profit, and what is most profitable for the insurance industry. These are not "disinterested parties".
The answer is sitting right in front of us: Just expand the current, popular Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system to all. An effective mix of public foundational coverage and dynamic free market competition and innovation. Tweaks could easily be made to it to make it more affordable.

I can understand why the GOP hates it - it includes the evil government and they're trained to lose their shit there out of sheer ignorance - but I think the Democrats would be VERY smart to roll something like that out.

But the timing couldn't be worse. Our politics, our nation, is bitterly divided. Anything you add to government's plate will become more fuel for the fire. The last thing we need is another political football to fight over every single election.
That may be true, but the cries for real Single Payer are only getting louder. We could easily to a point at which it's Single Payer or the approach I mentioned.

If the GOP holds out on all-or-nothing grounds, they could lose the whole thing.

It doesn't matter what they pass. If it doesn't have broad support (ie if 90% of Republicans are against it), it will simply be pissing in the wind. As soon as the political winds blow the other way it will get the monkey-wrench treatment. ACA should have taught Democrats that lesson. But they don't seem to be "teachable".

I don't see that as the problem at all. I see it as a messenging problem. The ACA has broad public support, even from those people who hate "Obamacare", simply because Obama passed it. But they love the ACA, so deeply that they voted against it's repeal at mid-Terms, and every single time the ACA has been an election issue, the people have voted FOR it.

I see the problem as the poisoned airwaves that started happening the moment the "Fairness Doctrine" was repealled. Right wing talk radio has taken over the air-waves in the middle of the country. It's cheap programming, and it's effective advertising for right wing policies, even if guys like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and others have lied about and misrepresented Democrats and their policies. The demonization of the Democratic Party and of urban voters by right wing talk radio is complete.

Add to that the deal Reagan made with Jerry Fallwell and the Moral Majority to get fundamental Christian vote in return for supporting their positions against gays, abortion and women's rights, and you have a large voting block of people who will always support Republicans over Democrats, regardless of what harm Republicans do to the people or to the economy.7
You obviously don’t understand conservative Americans, conservatives Don’t want another fucking piece of shit socialist entitlement program can’t you fucking socialist get that through your fucking heads.

Conservatives don’t want any of these socialist programs that you speak of you clueless dolt....
It is not in their best interests

To the conservative any type of socialism is a living fucking hell… Deal with it
The Democrat Party is financed, run, and controlled by Globalists, many of which are foreign. They have gone full blown to the EXTREME Left in order to advance the Globalist agenda part of which is wealth and income redistribution using the HOAX of Man Made Climate Change. The other is OPEN BORDERS to effectively change the Demographics of the U.S. to Democrat, One Party RULE.

Yes, it is that simple.

And that's the BIGGEST of the big Republican Lies. The parties cannot accept money from foreigners. It's illegal. But you Russians idiots neither know or care about that.

The re-distribution of wealth began under the conservative agenda of the 1980's and continues unabated today. Climate change is not a hoax, but conservatives are constantly being told that it is because doing something about it changes the status quo. The Green New Deal will actually put MONEY INTO THE HANDS OF WORKING CLASS PEOPLE, which is why the right opposes it so vehemently.
You’re fucking retarded, The green new deal is a tax on the successful.
When will you whacked socialists learn, Socialism has been tried countless times and in countless forms and it still has a 100% failure rate long term...
It is all about control with socialism and never for the good of the individual… Fact
Here's another gem: Kamala Harris: "Hey, guys, you know what? America does not want to witness a food fight. They want to know how we're going to put food on their table," Harris said to raucous cheers and applause.

I've got the answer for you Kamala and America. You want food on your table ? GET A FUCKING JOB, and put food on your own table !!!!
You can grow it it doesn't take a job with wages.

Tell them that, Kamala and her fellow Dims believe it's the job of the government to put food on American's tables !
shit. they done chain-bolted the titanics anchor to their legs and dove off the cliffs of insanity into the ocean of fuck-tarded.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


The Democratic base is further left than it has been. That being said, it’s still closer to the center than the Republican base.
All of the Dim candidates last night would give free healthcare to illegals.
Beyond fucking belief !

You haven't been expecting that? The Democrat Party is the party of foreign nationals. Their power rests on taking and divvying up the earnings of Americans to buy foreign influence. This party started its lean towards treason in the 1980's when they sided with Sandinistas and the USSR against Reagan.

There are lots of issues on the table. And the Democrats are anti-American on every one. They spend their masters money and their own time on defeating Americans on abortion and homosexuality and so on but that is only a softening of the target. Pre bombardment. You should notice that where they draw the line is foreign citizens. They will never budge an inch and are willing to cut military pay even for the sake of foreign citizens.Bringing in the third world is their future and their only hope of outvoting Americans.
Third worlders are also much more inculcated with Marxist thought which makes them really excellent Democrats. Its why they have to flee their own shitholes.

Voting wont fix it though...just so you know.

I certainly knew there were those Dim candidates out there that want to give free healthcare to illegals, I just didn't realize that every fucking one of them want to !
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


The Democratic base is further left than it has been. That being said, it’s still closer to the center than the Republican base.

you keep using that word. i do not believe it means what you think it means.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


The Democratic base is further left than it has been. That being said, it’s still closer to the center than the Republican base.

you keep using that word. i do not believe it means what you think it means.

keep using?
This is my first post on the thread….I don’t believe that you know who you’re talking to.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


The Democratic base is further left than it has been. That being said, it’s still closer to the center than the Republican base.

you keep using that word. i do not believe it means what you think it means.

keep using?
This is my first post on the thread….I don’t believe that you know who you’re talking to.
yea, watch more comedies. til then, it just means you and i certainly don't agree on what CENTER is or used to be. hint - just because you move 10,000 miles to the left of center doesn't mean it moves with you.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


The Democratic base is further left than it has been. That being said, it’s still closer to the center than the Republican base.

you keep using that word. i do not believe it means what you think it means.

keep using?
This is my first post on the thread….I don’t believe that you know who you’re talking to.
yea, watch more comedies. til then, it just means you and i certainly don't agree on what CENTER is or used to be. hint - just because you move 10,000 miles to the left of center doesn't mean it moves with you.

I'm the idiot huffing paint........ that you agree with. Okay then.

The DNC is "center right"?

Of who? Lenin?
They are a center right party.

House Democrats give $4.6 billion for Trump’s concentration camps

House Democrats voted overwhelmingly to provide the American immigration Gestapo with $4.6 billion to round up and jail thousands of immigrant children in concentration camps yesterday.

The vote is a political endorsement of Trump’s fascistic policy. It exposes the Democrats as a thoroughly anti-immigrant party that is hostile to the democratic rights of the entire working class.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


The Democratic base is further left than it has been. That being said, it’s still closer to the center than the Republican base.

you keep using that word. i do not believe it means what you think it means.

keep using?
This is my first post on the thread….I don’t believe that you know who you’re talking to.
yea, watch more comedies. til then, it just means you and i certainly don't agree on what CENTER is or used to be. hint - just because you move 10,000 miles to the left of center doesn't mean it moves with you.

They are a center right party.

House Democrats give $4.6 billion for Trump’s concentration camps

House Democrats voted overwhelmingly to provide the American immigration Gestapo with $4.6 billion to round up and jail thousands of immigrant children in concentration camps yesterday.

The vote is a political endorsement of Trump’s fascistic policy. It exposes the Democrats as a thoroughly anti-immigrant party that is hostile to the democratic rights of the entire working class.


We should not be standing in the way of libturds aborting their genetic garbage.
They are a center right party.

House Democrats give $4.6 billion for Trump’s concentration camps

House Democrats voted overwhelmingly to provide the American immigration Gestapo with $4.6 billion to round up and jail thousands of immigrant children in concentration camps yesterday.

The vote is a political endorsement of Trump’s fascistic policy. It exposes the Democrats as a thoroughly anti-immigrant party that is hostile to the democratic rights of the entire working class.


We should not be standing in the way of libturds aborting their genetic garbage.
looks like murray after a bad impractical jokers gag.
The Democrat Party is financed, run, and controlled by Globalists, many of which are foreign. They have gone full blown to the EXTREME Left in order to advance the Globalist agenda part of which is wealth and income redistribution using the HOAX of Man Made Climate Change. The other is OPEN BORDERS to effectively change the Demographics of the U.S. to Democrat, One Party RULE.

Yes, it is that simple.

And that's the BIGGEST of the big Republican Lies. The parties cannot accept money from foreigners. It's illegal. But you Russians idiots neither know or care about that.

The re-distribution of wealth began under the conservative agenda of the 1980's and continues unabated today. Climate change is not a hoax, but conservatives are constantly being told that it is because doing something about it changes the status quo. The Green New Deal will actually put MONEY INTO THE HANDS OF WORKING CLASS PEOPLE, which is why the right opposes it so vehemently.
You’re fucking retarded, The green new deal is a tax on the successful.
When will you whacked socialists learn, Socialism has been tried countless times and in countless forms and it still has a 100% failure rate long term...
It is all about control with socialism and never for the good of the individual… Fact

If you didn't lie, you'd have nothing to post. Anyone who thinks that is a fool or has an agenda.

Social democracies are not about control. It's about giving their people every opportunity to achieve their potential. It's giving every child in the pubic school system the same tools to succeed, and not just children who live in rich neighbourhoods. It's about spending taxpayer dollars on programs which HELP taxpayers, and not on foreign wars to protect corporate interests abroad.

My tax dollars pay for my health care, for child tax benefits for my children to help with their child care expenses, for visiting nurses for my father-in-law, for the new roads and sidewalks outside my front door. Our social programs are NOT subsidies for sub-standard employer wages. Our employers are required to a minimum wage which is sufficient for low wage workers to live without social assistance.

We're not paying for wars of agression, or the world's largest, most expensive army. We're helping our people get the best education, health care, and opportunities available. Americans have become so stingy and selfish, while exploiting their allies and trading partners at every opportunity.

Trump keeps saying that everyone is taking advantage of the USA, which is total bullshit. America didn't become the richest, most powerful nation on earth because other nations were taking advantage of you. That doesn't even make sense, but it is Trump and he seldom shows any logic or common sense.
By the election, they will move to the center

They always do

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