Does anyone NOT think that the Democratic Party has CLEARLY moved Left?

I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.

O.k., I don't disagree, but in an earlier time, say late 80s/early 90s, the Democrats were so far right they could be considered an extension of the Republican Party. Especially what I noticed in local elections back then, but it could still be the case in some places where Republicans are very popular.

It would be nice if the country was not run by corporations, but I only see that changing a very tiny bit in the near future.

Well in the late 80’s and early 90’s the entire nation was in thrall to Reaganism, and for Republicans, that continues to this day.

Reagan repudiated “trickle down economics” when unemployment reached 6%, the stock market crashed and his post tax cut deficit doubled. That’s when he started raising taxes. But W doubled down on trickle down, and look at the mess he left.

Trump thinks the third time’s the charm. It’s not working and he goosed that deficit so high it made Reagan, W and Obama all look like pikers in comparison. When economists warn Trump of the long term consequences he responded that he’d be long gone before that happened so what did he care?
I don't see that as the problem at all. I see it as a messenging problem. The ACA has broad public support, even from those people who hate "Obamacare", simply because Obama passed it. But they love the ACA, so deeply that they voted against it's repeal at mid-Terms, and every single time the ACA has been an election issue, the people have voted FOR it.

Sure. It's just bad messaging. Go with that. Doesn't really change anything. If you force change on society without solid support, it won't stick. And if you try to force it, it will make matters worse.

I see the problem as the poisoned airwaves that started happening the moment the "Fairness Doctrine" was repealled. Right wing talk radio has taken over the air-waves in the middle of the country. It's cheap programming, and it's effective advertising for right wing policies, even if guys like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and others have lied about and misrepresented Democrats and their policies. The demonization of the Democratic Party and of urban voters by right wing talk radio is complete.

Well, that's where the Trumpsters agree with you. Both Democrats and Republicans would love to have state controlled media. I hope you fail.

Republicans have achieved that with oligarch owned media. The SMS is more broadly owned and more publicly accountable as a result. That doesn’t happen with privately owned media.

As we saw with privately owned media, they can and will say what they’re told to say.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.

O.k., I don't disagree, but in an earlier time, say late 80s/early 90s, the Democrats were so far right they could be considered an extension of the Republican Party. Especially what I noticed in local elections back then, but it could still be the case in some places where Republicans are very popular.

It would be nice if the country was not run by corporations, but I only see that changing a very tiny bit in the near future.

Well in the late 80’s and early 90’s the entire nation was in thrall to Reaganism, and for Republicans, that continues to this day.

Reagan repudiated “trickle down economics” when unemployment reached 6%, the stock market crashed and his post tax cut deficit doubled. That’s when he started raising taxes. But W doubled down on trickle down, and look at the mess he left.

Trump thinks the third time’s the charm. It’s not working and he goosed that deficit so high it made Reagan, W and Obama all look like pikers in comparison. When economists warn Trump of the long term consequences he responded that he’d be long gone before that happened so what did he care?
I'll try not to sound TOO cynical here, but I doubt it goes even that deep.

Trump wanted to be President and he knew the route was through the base. He wants to elected again and knows it's all about pleasing the base again.

So to hell with the long run or the actual effects of the policies. . Ask Hannity and Limbaugh what the base wants, do that, and to hell with anything or anyone else says.

Democrats ran moderates who tried to sound like Republicans and won.
Course they immediately went back on every promise they made during the campaign.

I think you are confused. Are you saying that Obama ran as a moderate? Or Clinton?

Fact is, they ran as liberals, and governed as moderates. In fact, that's what most of them do, they run as idealogues and govern as moderates, and if they didn't fuck it up, they get a second term.
All of the Dim candidates last night would give free healthcare to illegals.
Beyond fucking belief !
On health care, whether you agree with them or not, at least they're providing clarity.

Part of the reason for this move to the Left is that they feel Trump and the GOP have given them an opening to do so.

Here’s the culmination of their race to outbid each other....FREE EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY!
The Democrat Party is financed, run, and controlled by Globalists, many of which are foreign. They have gone full blown to the EXTREME Left in order to advance the Globalist agenda part of which is wealth and income redistribution using the HOAX of Man Made Climate Change. The other is OPEN BORDERS to effectively change the Demographics of the U.S. to Democrat, One Party RULE.

Yes, it is that simple.

And that's the BIGGEST of the big Republican Lies. The parties cannot accept money from foreigners. It's illegal. But you Russians idiots neither know or care about that.

The re-distribution of wealth began under the conservative agenda of the 1980's and continues unabated today. Climate change is not a hoax, but conservatives are constantly being told that it is because doing something about it changes the status quo. The Green New Deal will actually put MONEY INTO THE HANDS OF WORKING CLASS PEOPLE, which is why the right opposes it so vehemently.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.

O.k., I don't disagree, but in an earlier time, say late 80s/early 90s, the Democrats were so far right they could be considered an extension of the Republican Party. Especially what I noticed in local elections back then, but it could still be the case in some places where Republicans are very popular.

It would be nice if the country was not run by corporations, but I only see that changing a very tiny bit in the near future.

Well in the late 80’s and early 90’s the entire nation was in thrall to Reaganism, and for Republicans, that continues to this day.

Reagan repudiated “trickle down economics” when unemployment reached 6%, the stock market crashed and his post tax cut deficit doubled. That’s when he started raising taxes. But W doubled down on trickle down, and look at the mess he left.

Trump thinks the third time’s the charm. It’s not working and he goosed that deficit so high it made Reagan, W and Obama all look like pikers in comparison. When economists warn Trump of the long term consequences he responded that he’d be long gone before that happened so what did he care?
I'll try not to sound TOO cynical here, but I doubt it goes even that deep.

Trump wanted to be President and he knew the route was through the base. He wants to elected again and knows it's all about pleasing the base again.

So to hell with the long run or the actual effects of the policies. . Ask Hannity and Limbaugh what the base wants, do that, and to hell with anything or anyone else says.

Are we at the point now where you have a complaint about a politician who actually responds to the wants of citizens?
This is exactly why we are so happy with him...of course we could have elected the one that called us names. But we didn’t.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.

O.k., I don't disagree, but in an earlier time, say late 80s/early 90s, the Democrats were so far right they could be considered an extension of the Republican Party. Especially what I noticed in local elections back then, but it could still be the case in some places where Republicans are very popular.

It would be nice if the country was not run by corporations, but I only see that changing a very tiny bit in the near future.

Well in the late 80’s and early 90’s the entire nation was in thrall to Reaganism, and for Republicans, that continues to this day.

Reagan repudiated “trickle down economics” when unemployment reached 6%, the stock market crashed and his post tax cut deficit doubled. That’s when he started raising taxes. But W doubled down on trickle down, and look at the mess he left.

Trump thinks the third time’s the charm. It’s not working and he goosed that deficit so high it made Reagan, W and Obama all look like pikers in comparison. When economists warn Trump of the long term consequences he responded that he’d be long gone before that happened so what did he care?
I'll try not to sound TOO cynical here, but I doubt it goes even that deep.

Trump wanted to be President and he knew the route was through the base. He wants to elected again and knows it's all about pleasing the base again.

So to hell with the long run or the actual effects of the policies. . Ask Hannity and Limbaugh what the base wants, do that, and to hell with anything or anyone else says.

Are we at the point now where you have a complaint about a politician who actually responds to the wants of citizens?
This is exactly why we are so happy with him...of course we could have elected the one that called us names. But we didn’t.
Obama "actually responded to the wants of citizens" too, yet I'm guessing you weren't fond of how he did that.

At least he had more citizens vote for him than for his opponents.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.

Nope. What I saw in the debates was 10 corporatists tripping and talking over each other to make sure everyone knew how far right of Bernie they were. Literally the opposite of what you say played out on that stage last night.
The Democrat Party is financed, run, and controlled by Globalists, many of which are foreign. They have gone full blown to the EXTREME Left in order to advance the Globalist agenda part of which is wealth and income redistribution using the HOAX of Man Made Climate Change. The other is OPEN BORDERS to effectively change the Demographics of the U.S. to Democrat, One Party RULE.

Yes, it is that simple.

And that's the BIGGEST of the big Republican Lies. The parties cannot accept money from foreigners. It's illegal. But you Russians idiots neither know or care about that.

The re-distribution of wealth began under the conservative agenda of the 1980's and continues unabated today. Climate change is not a hoax, but conservatives are constantly being told that it is because doing something about it changes the status quo. The Green New Deal will actually put MONEY INTO THE HANDS OF WORKING CLASS PEOPLE, which is why the right opposes it so vehemently.

I don't even know where to start. Wow. How naïve can one be? So making all energy, gasoline, and all products astronomically more expensive will help "working class people"?
Well in the late 80’s and early 90’s the entire nation was in thrall to Reaganism, and for Republicans, that continues to this day.

Greatest president ever. Greatest post-war economic boom .

Ronald Reagan was s a real MAN. God help us but they just don't make real men like him anymore. Oh, there may be a few scattered here and there I guess, but not many. Men have become sissified, little bitches. So sad.

Well in the late 80’s and early 90’s the entire nation was in thrall to Reaganism, and for Republicans, that continues to this day.

Greatest president ever. Greatest post-war economic boom .

Ronald Reagan was s a real MAN. God help us but they just don't make real men like him anymore. Oh, there may be a few scattered here and there I guess, but not many. Men have become sissified, little bitches. So sad.

He called his wife "mommy" and spent the war in Hollywood, making movies.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.

O.k., I don't disagree, but in an earlier time, say late 80s/early 90s, the Democrats were so far right they could be considered an extension of the Republican Party. Especially what I noticed in local elections back then, but it could still be the case in some places where Republicans are very popular.

It would be nice if the country was not run by corporations, but I only see that changing a very tiny bit in the near future.

Well in the late 80’s and early 90’s the entire nation was in thrall to Reaganism, and for Republicans, that continues to this day.

Reagan repudiated “trickle down economics” when unemployment reached 6%, the stock market crashed and his post tax cut deficit doubled. That’s when he started raising taxes. But W doubled down on trickle down, and look at the mess he left.

Trump thinks the third time’s the charm. It’s not working and he goosed that deficit so high it made Reagan, W and Obama all look like pikers in comparison. When economists warn Trump of the long term consequences he responded that he’d be long gone before that happened so what did he care?
I'll try not to sound TOO cynical here, but I doubt it goes even that deep.

Trump wanted to be President and he knew the route was through the base. He wants to elected again and knows it's all about pleasing the base again.

So to hell with the long run or the actual effects of the policies. . Ask Hannity and Limbaugh what the base wants, do that, and to hell with anything or anyone else says.

Are we at the point now where you have a complaint about a politician who actually responds to the wants of citizens?
This is exactly why we are so happy with him...of course we could have elected the one that called us names. But we didn’t.
Obama "actually responded to the wants of citizens" too, yet I'm guessing you weren't fond of how he did that.

At least he had more citizens vote for him than for his opponents.

Obamacare was a huge destructive program for EVERYONE. That's all he got done in EIGHT YEARS. So he responded to the wants of the citizens by almost single handedly ruining U.S. healthcare. Also, because a few million people voted for him a L.A. and NYC didn't give him a mandate. He was a huge failure, especially to the Black Community.

States elect President, not People. Trump won. GET OVER IT. He will probably win again seeing the Democrat Debate Clown Show the last two nights.
Well in the late 80’s and early 90’s the entire nation was in thrall to Reaganism, and for Republicans, that continues to this day.

Greatest president ever. Greatest post-war economic boom .

Ronald Reagan was s a real MAN. God help us but they just don't make real men like him anymore. Oh, there may be a few scattered here and there I guess, but not many. Men have become sissified, little bitches. So sad.

He called his wife "mommy" and spent the war in Hollywood, making movies.

Yet he was the BEST President in decades, until Trump came along.
Well in the late 80’s and early 90’s the entire nation was in thrall to Reaganism, and for Republicans, that continues to this day.

Greatest president ever. Greatest post-war economic boom .

Ronald Reagan was s a real MAN. God help us but they just don't make real men like him anymore. Oh, there may be a few scattered here and there I guess, but not many. Men have become sissified, little bitches. So sad.

Saint Reagan with his dyed hair wig, contacts since he was blind as a bat and great fake teeth the top destination for any Hollywood star..A real man, a little old but a real man never the less...Under the Nancy's thumb.
Well in the late 80’s and early 90’s the entire nation was in thrall to Reaganism, and for Republicans, that continues to this day.

Greatest president ever. Greatest post-war economic boom .

Ronald Reagan was s a real MAN. God help us but they just don't make real men like him anymore. Oh, there may be a few scattered here and there I guess, but not many. Men have become sissified, little bitches. So sad.

He called his wife "mommy" and spent the war in Hollywood, making movies.
His eyesight kept him from front line operations.

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