Does anyone NOT think that the Democratic Party has CLEARLY moved Left?

I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


Yes...but so has the country.

Also, the Dems haven't nominated anyone yet. I'll bet dollars to donuts whoever it is will be more moderate than anyone that the Republicans put forth in 2016 with the possible exception of Kaisich.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


? In 2016 Hillary ran a tight race against Bernie, what is it you think is different this time?

I think a much bigger story is how the Right moved straight to the insane swamp.
The race between HIllary and Obama was much, much closer. Bernie lost by 4 million votes.
All of the Dim candidates last night would give free healthcare to illegals.
Beyond fucking belief !

You haven't been expecting that? The Democrat Party is the party of foreign nationals. Their power rests on taking and divvying up the earnings of Americans to buy foreign influence. This party started its lean towards treason in the 1980's when they sided with Sandinistas and the USSR against Reagan.

There are lots of issues on the table. And the Democrats are anti-American on every one. They spend their masters money and their own time on defeating Americans on abortion and homosexuality and so on but that is only a softening of the target. Pre bombardment. You should notice that where they draw the line is foreign citizens. They will never budge an inch and are willing to cut military pay even for the sake of foreign citizens.Bringing in the third world is their future and their only hope of outvoting Americans.
Third worlders are also much more inculcated with Marxist thought which makes them really excellent Democrats. Its why they have to flee their own shitholes.

Voting wont fix it though...just so you know.

I certainly knew there were those Dim candidates out there that want to give free healthcare to illegals, I just didn't realize that every fucking one of them want to !

Every one of them *has* to. It’s the heart of that party. They don’t stand a chance otherwise as was made obvious in their lockstep agreement on this issue...almost as if they had made some kind of pact beforehand. There is no room in that party for dissent.
And while they may speak harshly to Americans, call them deplorable and racists etc, they would never be so bold as to be caught insulting or not pandering to their foreign base. It’s an existential necessity for a party “waiting for whites to die off”.
I think this should boost the credibility of those of us calling them on their lie for years that illegals weren’t a taxpayer burden. This was part of the goal all along.
The base of this treasonous party...the people they represent...are foreign citizens and Americans are the enemy standing in the way.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


? In 2016 Hillary ran a tight race against Bernie, what is it you think is different this time?

I think a much bigger story is how the Right moved straight to the insane swamp.
The race between HIllary and Obama was much, much closer. Bernie lost by 4 million votes.

which brings us to the question

? In 2016 Hillary ran a tight race against Bernie, what is it you think is different this time? Biden is the front runner by a solid margin.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


? In 2016 Hillary ran a tight race against Bernie, what is it you think is different this time?

I think a much bigger story is how the Right moved straight to the insane swamp.
The race between HIllary and Obama was much, much closer. Bernie lost by 4 million votes.

which brings us to the question

? In 2016 Hillary ran a tight race against Bernie, what is it you think is different this time? Biden is the front runner by a solid margin.
Was he close at this time in 2015?
They are a center right party.

House Democrats give $4.6 billion for Trump’s concentration camps

House Democrats voted overwhelmingly to provide the American immigration Gestapo with $4.6 billion to round up and jail thousands of immigrant children in concentration camps yesterday.

The vote is a political endorsement of Trump’s fascistic policy. It exposes the Democrats as a thoroughly anti-immigrant party that is hostile to the democratic rights of the entire working class.


We should not be standing in the way of libturds aborting their genetic garbage.

Trump won the presidency by running a campaign that was to the left of the Democratic candidate on many issues. He represented the working class and was the anti war candidate.
Popular vote doesn’t count, and your figure is also wrong.

It doesn't count for selecting the president, but it clearly shows where the country is collectively.

Here's the thing... we've had discussions on issues, and the left has kind of prevailed on a lot of them.... as they always do, as society always progresses.

Blacks having equal rights was a crazy liberal idea at one point. Like within my lifetime, and while i am old, I'm not that old. Now no one really debates they shouldn't.
/——/ Republicans frees the slaves, not liberals.
They are a center right party.

House Democrats give $4.6 billion for Trump’s concentration camps

House Democrats voted overwhelmingly to provide the American immigration Gestapo with $4.6 billion to round up and jail thousands of immigrant children in concentration camps yesterday.

The vote is a political endorsement of Trump’s fascistic policy. It exposes the Democrats as a thoroughly anti-immigrant party that is hostile to the democratic rights of the entire working class.


We should not be standing in the way of libturds aborting their genetic garbage.

Trump won the presidency by running a campaign that was to the left of the Democratic candidate on many issues. He represented the working class and was the anti war candidate.
/——/ Republicans always support the working class. And democRATs have started most of the wars or at least got us involved.
Nope. What I saw in the debates was 10 corporatists tripping and talking over each other to make sure everyone knew how far right of Bernie they were. Literally the opposite of what you say played out on that stage last night.
So you're saying the Democratic party has NOT moved Left?
O.k., I don't disagree, but in an earlier time, say late 80s/early 90s, the Democrats were so far right they could be considered an extension of the Republican Party. Especially what I noticed in local elections back then, but it could still be the case in some places where Republicans are very popular.

It would be nice if the country was not run by corporations, but I only see that changing a very tiny bit in the near future.

Well in the late 80’s and early 90’s the entire nation was in thrall to Reaganism, and for Republicans, that continues to this day.

Reagan repudiated “trickle down economics” when unemployment reached 6%, the stock market crashed and his post tax cut deficit doubled. That’s when he started raising taxes. But W doubled down on trickle down, and look at the mess he left.

Trump thinks the third time’s the charm. It’s not working and he goosed that deficit so high it made Reagan, W and Obama all look like pikers in comparison. When economists warn Trump of the long term consequences he responded that he’d be long gone before that happened so what did he care?
I'll try not to sound TOO cynical here, but I doubt it goes even that deep.

Trump wanted to be President and he knew the route was through the base. He wants to elected again and knows it's all about pleasing the base again.

So to hell with the long run or the actual effects of the policies. . Ask Hannity and Limbaugh what the base wants, do that, and to hell with anything or anyone else says.

Are we at the point now where you have a complaint about a politician who actually responds to the wants of citizens?
This is exactly why we are so happy with him...of course we could have elected the one that called us names. But we didn’t.
Obama "actually responded to the wants of citizens" too, yet I'm guessing you weren't fond of how he did that.

At least he had more citizens vote for him than for his opponents.

Obamacare was a huge destructive program for EVERYONE. That's all he got done in EIGHT YEARS. So he responded to the wants of the citizens by almost single handedly ruining U.S. healthcare. Also, because a few million people voted for him a L.A. and NYC didn't give him a mandate. He was a huge failure, especially to the Black Community.

States elect President, not People. Trump won. GET OVER IT. He will probably win again seeing the Democrat Debate Clown Show the last two nights.
My point, obviously, is that the term "responds to the wants of citizens" means nothing if you can't see both sides.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.

The Democratic Party is a center right party. Look at how they legislate and don't get fooled by primary rhetoric, pandering for leftist votes. Once the candidate has been selected they usually move back to a center right position anyway.

Bernie Sanders is the Independent who has moved the conversation more to the left. But note how the Democratic Party conspired against him in the previous election and how the other candidates (actual Democrats) tried to distance themselves from him last night.
So no, the party has not moved Left?
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


? In 2016 Hillary ran a tight race against Bernie, what is it you think is different this time?

I think a much bigger story is how the Right moved straight to the insane swamp.
So you're saying the Democratic party has not moved Left?
Nope. You have a few people that have some stuff that is going nowhere. The older ones know it isn't going nowhere but they can look at the people and say.......well, I tried. You have some younger ones that imagine themselves to be superstars and that is going nowhere.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.

Primaries. Then they move middle

Unlike Donald who never moved away from the rabid right

But it is what happens when a bunch of trumpkin loons who represent a minority’s of the country refuse to allow senate votes on anything passed by the majority of the House
They weren't asking for reparations right after slavery ended - in fact they opposed ending slavery as that meant an end to the constant stream of free shit that these guys are all about.

Today, they have moved to the far left and are asking for reparations. Even communists laugh at these idiots. Except for Joe B, maybe it's because his user name comes so close to one of the candidates proposing the madness..
You better add the real taxes and tax rates and low growth we have had over the last half century. All of your agendas have massive costs and it is at a high tax rate we live with today already.

The only reason why taxes have gone up is because we aren't taxing the weatlhy and making them pay their fair share. We aren't investing in education and infrastructure, either.

Again, you guys would have an argument if we were getting our pants beaten off by a Libertarian, low-tax, free market country... But we aren't. We are losing out to high-tax, big government countries like Germany and Japan and now China.
They weren't asking for reparations right after slavery ended - in fact they opposed ending slavery as that meant an end to the constant stream of free shit that these guys are all about.

Did no one discuss the "40 Acres and Mule" that were promised to all freed slaves and no one delivered on?
If you want to give control of your healthcare, housing, wages, border security, freedom of speech and education system to your government, you're a Democrat who hates freedom. Add to that the loss of freedom of speech and excessive taxation and you have no freedom.

I'd rather have those things controlled by a government I can vote for rather than a big corporation I can't vote for.

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