Does anyone NOT think that the Democratic Party has CLEARLY moved Left?

There must be snowballs in hell right now because that is the first intelligent thing you have posted. Of course Democrats have moved to the extreme left. The Democrat Party of Harry Truman and John F Kennedy is dead and buried.

Hey, Stupid, the Republican Party of Eisenhower, Nixon and even Reagan is dead and buried.

Check this out, this is the 1956 Republican Platform.


Even Ronald Reagan would be considered a RINO today. Shit, he gave amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens!
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


it appears to me that the democratic party has, in the last 2 years especially, moved TOO FAR to the a lot.

unfortunately on the OTHER side we have republican party that is TOO FAR to the right......

we need a rational middle ground party that isn't too far gone in one direction or the other.

I find myself NOT wanting to vote for any democrat (for president) while still completely UNABLE TO EVER vote for any republican.

I don't want SOCIALISM like venezuela and I don't want a christian theocracy like iran
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


it appears to me that the democratic party has, in the last 2 years especially, moved TOO FAR to the a lot.

unfortunately on the OTHER side we have republican party that is TOO FAR to the right......

we need a rational middle ground party that isn't too far gone in one direction or the other.

I find myself NOT wanting to vote for any democrat (for president) while still completely UNABLE TO EVER vote for any republican.

I don't want SOCIALISM like venezuela and I don't want a christian theocracy like iran

It's not a good sign that a viable third party hasn't risen in this disaster. It may be that it's too late.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


This is an easy one. The Democratic party hasn't moved left. The Republican party has moved so far right, that the only direction you can go is left. Which would have to move very far to even reach the middle.

This narrative has now been exposed. The younger generations are no longer buying it. They now know that the middle, or the right is no longer acceptable, and are now moving the country away from both. But I have a feeling the right isn;t going to be able to live in a world to the left as easy as the left had to live in a world to the right.

My condolences to them and their families.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


it appears to me that the democratic party has, in the last 2 years especially, moved TOO FAR to the a lot.

unfortunately on the OTHER side we have republican party that is TOO FAR to the right......

we need a rational middle ground party that isn't too far gone in one direction or the other.

I find myself NOT wanting to vote for any democrat (for president) while still completely UNABLE TO EVER vote for any republican.

I don't want SOCIALISM like venezuela and I don't want a christian theocracy like iran
Inspired a thread: CDZ - Could it be too late for a viable third party?
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


This is an easy one. The Democratic party hasn't moved left. The Republican party has moved so far right, that the only direction you can go is left. Which would have to move very far to even reach the middle.

This narrative has now been exposed. The younger generations are no longer buying it. They now know that the middle, or the right is no longer acceptable, and are now moving the country away from both. But I have a feeling the right isn;t going to be able to live in a world to the left as easy as the left had to live in a world to the right.

My condolences to them and their families.
Okay, I'll put you down for a "no, the Democratic party has not moved Left."

That's four or five so far.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


This is an easy one. The Democratic party hasn't moved left. The Republican party has moved so far right, that the only direction you can go is left. Which would have to move very far to even reach the middle.

This narrative has now been exposed. The younger generations are no longer buying it. They now know that the middle, or the right is no longer acceptable, and are now moving the country away from both. But I have a feeling the right isn;t going to be able to live in a world to the left as easy as the left had to live in a world to the right.

My condolences to them and their families.
Okay, I'll put you down for a "no, the Democratic party has not moved Left."

That's four or five so far.

where-as it seems to me that every day one of them tried to OUT-LEFT the others with some far left comment.....

I cringe every time.

It's not a good sign that a viable third party hasn't risen in this disaster. It may be that it's too late.

Naw... you keep acting like this is a new thing.

The reality is, for as long as I have been paying attention, BOTH parties pander to their base during elections, and both parties move to the center when actually governing. This was true of Obama, Bush, Clinton and even Reagan. Trump is the exception, because he's running the country like one of his stupid fake game shows.

My guess, the Democrats, after all the hue and cry, will probably still nominated Biden, and he'll either win or lose depending on how strongly he can make the case for normalcy.

Of course, if the economy goes into the shitter, they can nominate Harris or Warren or even Commie Bernie and still win.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


This is an easy one. The Democratic party hasn't moved left. The Republican party has moved so far right, that the only direction you can go is left. Which would have to move very far to even reach the middle.

This narrative has now been exposed. The younger generations are no longer buying it. They now know that the middle, or the right is no longer acceptable, and are now moving the country away from both. But I have a feeling the right isn;t going to be able to live in a world to the left as easy as the left had to live in a world to the right.

My condolences to them and their families.
Okay, I'll put you down for a "no, the Democratic party has not moved Left."

That's four or five so far.

where-as it seems to me that every day one of them tried to OUT-LEFT the others with some far left comment.....

I cringe every time.
They clearly are, and they clearly think they can win by doing it. 2020 sure will be interesting.

I'd rather have those things controlled by a government I can vote for rather than a big corporation I can't vote for.

You are confused Moon Bat. You can always vote for a corporation. You vote every time you buy their products.

I would trust a corporation producing a product for profit a million times more than I would trust a stupid bureaucrat whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


? In 2016 Hillary ran a tight race against Bernie, what is it you think is different this time?

I think a much bigger story is how the Right moved straight to the insane swamp.
So you're saying the Democratic party has not moved Left?

I’m saying it looks like it did in 2016 plus Trump.
The Far Left are the base of the Demcratic party.......and they have gone off the the politicians try to carefully appease them if they want the nomination.
The Far Left are the base of the Demcratic party.......and they have gone off the the politicians try to carefully appease them if they want the nomination.
Well, the party is simply doing what the GOP did with Trump, and that's marginalizing anyone who isn't with "the base".

As usual, the two parties can be very similar in their behaviors.

Democrats ran moderates who tried to sound like Republicans and won.
Course they immediately went back on every promise they made during the campaign.

I think you are confused. Are you saying that Obama ran as a moderate? Or Clinton?

Fact is, they ran as liberals, and governed as moderates. In fact, that's what most of them do, they run as idealogues and govern as moderates, and if they didn't fuck it up, they get a second term.
You've got it ass-backwards to reality.
Both Obama and Clinton ran as moderates.
Obama ran as a Christian Moderate, then became a Muslim Socialist while in office. He waited till he was re-elected to become more "flexible" (Radically Left)...and Clinton wasn't allowed to go far left because he had a GOP congress helping give him a surplus. But he did sell all kinds of missile technology to our enemies.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


This is an easy one. The Democratic party hasn't moved left. The Republican party has moved so far right, that the only direction you can go is left. Which would have to move very far to even reach the middle.

This narrative has now been exposed. The younger generations are no longer buying it. They now know that the middle, or the right is no longer acceptable, and are now moving the country away from both. But I have a feeling the right isn;t going to be able to live in a world to the left as easy as the left had to live in a world to the right.

My condolences to them and their families.
Okay, I'll put you down for a "no, the Democratic party has not moved Left."

That's four or five so far.

where-as it seems to me that every day one of them tried to OUT-LEFT the others with some far left comment.....

I cringe every time.
They clearly are, and they clearly think they can win by doing it. 2020 sure will be interesting.

interesting.....and a little scary.....
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.
we need a rational middle ground party that isn't too far gone in one direction or the other.

I wish you middle-ground peddlers would go beyond whining and put in the work and the effort not just to define "middle ground" but "rational middle ground", rationally. That would be a set of criteria, a set of policies, at least policy aims, along with an explanation as to why that qualifies as "middle", and why middle is actually preferable. No, that's not self-evident.

So, how about giving it a go?

I'd rather have those things controlled by a government I can vote for rather than a big corporation I can't vote for.

You are confused Moon Bat. You can always vote for a corporation. You vote every time you buy their products.

I would trust a corporation producing a product for profit a million times more than I would trust a stupid bureaucrat whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups.

You mean like the NRA? Or the Heritage Foundation?

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