Does anyone NOT think that the Democratic Party has CLEARLY moved Left?

I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


? In 2016 Hillary ran a tight race against Bernie, what is it you think is different this time?

I think a much bigger story is how the Right moved straight to the insane swamp.
So you're saying the Democratic party has not moved Left?
maybe the Republicans moved right?
It's not linear. The Republican base has moved into this weird, closed, alternate universe.

The Democratic party, however, has clearly moved Left, at least in my view.

After the conservatives failed conserving anything, the right has moved towards nationalism and Americanism.
1960 "ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country!" 2019 "free stuff for everybody!" "Reparations for whiney assed babies"! "You are a victim of old white men!" "Down with free speech!" "Jews are evil!" "Abort those babies as they are being born!" "We will punish you if you do not admit there are 32 genders!" Ya think??!!??
And yet four or five posters here have said "no", that the party hasn't moved Left.

Politics really can be mind-blowing.
And yet you still think Republicans are the ignorant ones....

Again, you are far too stupid to understand irony.
1960 "ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country!" 2019 "free stuff for everybody!" "Reparations for whiney assed babies"! "You are a victim of old white men!" "Down with free speech!" "Jews are evil!" "Abort those babies as they are being born!" "We will punish you if you do not admit there are 32 genders!" Ya think??!!??
And yet four or five posters here have said "no", that the party hasn't moved Left.

Politics really can be mind-blowing.
And yet you still think Republicans are the ignorant ones....

Again, you are far too stupid to understand irony.

Those that don't agree possibly don't do so because omitting the "far" from far left doesn't seem to characterize the situation appropriately.

1960 "ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country!" 2019 "free stuff for everybody!" "Reparations for whiney assed babies"! "You are a victim of old white men!" "Down with free speech!" "Jews are evil!" "Abort those babies as they are being born!" "We will punish you if you do not admit there are 32 genders!" Ya think??!!??
And yet four or five posters here have said "no", that the party hasn't moved Left.

Politics really can be mind-blowing.
Sorry, but could you point to where any of those cherry picked, whiny complaints appear on the democratic platform?

Nope, you sure can't.
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1960 "ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country!" 2019 "free stuff for everybody!" "Reparations for whiney assed babies"! "You are a victim of old white men!" "Down with free speech!" "Jews are evil!" "Abort those babies as they are being born!" "We will punish you if you do not admit there are 32 genders!" Ya think??!!??
And yet four or five posters here have said "no", that the party hasn't moved Left.

Politics really can be mind-blowing.
And yet you still think Republicans are the ignorant ones....

Again, you are far too stupid to understand irony.
You clearly don't understand my politics.

I realize you're doing the best you can.
1960 "ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country!" 2019 "free stuff for everybody!" "Reparations for whiney assed babies"! "You are a victim of old white men!" "Down with free speech!" "Jews are evil!" "Abort those babies as they are being born!" "We will punish you if you do not admit there are 32 genders!" Ya think??!!??
And yet four or five posters here have said "no", that the party hasn't moved Left.

Politics really can be mind-blowing.
Sorry, but could you point to qhere any of those cherry picked, whiny complaints appear on the democratic platform?

Nope, you sure can't.
Not sure what the platform has to do with anything.

He's talking about real world behaviors and tactics.

I assumed that was obvious.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


? In 2016 Hillary ran a tight race against Bernie, what is it you think is different this time?

I think a much bigger story is how the Right moved straight to the insane swamp.
So you're saying the Democratic party has not moved Left?
maybe the Republicans moved right?
It's not linear. The Republican base has moved into this weird, closed, alternate universe.

The Democratic party, however, has clearly moved Left, at least in my view.

After the conservatives failed conserving anything, the right has moved towards nationalism and Americanism.
That's a good thing.
The country has moved to the left in proportion to the degree the population has been replaced.
No one has denied that the Democrats moved to the left.
TOTAL BULLSHIT. The Left deny it all the time and claim that conservatives have simply moved farther to the extreme right: ie.: Neocons. Trump's Gestapo. Rightwing Supremacists, etc. The Democratic Party of today would be UNRECOGNIZABLE to real democrats like JFK.
Because the country has.
TOTAL BULLSHIT. People today more than ever see the dangers that the radicalization of a few have wrought upon us and are pulling back hard.
Republicans have only won the popular vote once in the last 31 years.
TOTAL BULLSHIT. George HW Bush won the popular vote by a huge margin in 1988. George W, Bush won the popular vote by a huge margin in 2004. His first term and Trump's were the only ones that came in negative numbers not that it matters. This doesn't even factor in how many of the democrats popular vote were ILLEGAL votes because the Dems not only ENCOURAGE illegals to vote and enable and facilitate them, but they block Voter ID to conceal their efforts. This in no way is any indication of the "mood" of the country anyway since a large fraction of citizens DON'T VOTE, but is more an indication of the success of democrats to corrupt and interfere in the electoral process.
List of United States presidential elections by popular vote margin - Wikipedia
Your choice of 31 years was carefully selected to cut out all the huge victories of Reagan, Nixon and many others by capitalizing on the one statistical anomaly these past 30 years largely dominated by democrats Obama and Clinton but you screwed up. Or to put it more simply, the GOP have only lost the popular vote twice, GW's first term and Trump's; that not only doesn't show any "trend" in the country, it only points out how democrats are trying to sway elections through demographic change (minorities and illegals) and voter fraud. If everyone is moving left, then why were the Democrats and Obama expressly REPUDIATED in the 2010, 2014 and 2016 elections by MASSIVE losses? Indeed, Trump was elected in RESPONSE to Obama with many former Obama's supporters switching sides. If the country is moving left, let's take a candid view of how the nation really voted this LAST ELECTION:

EC Trump Votes.png

No one votes for moderation. The party that runs a moderate, loses. Every time.
TOTAL BULLSHIT. Radicalization is increasingly recognized today. Democrats touted McCain for his moderation. When Trump ran, everyone said he wasn't a republican. Many of his policies were liberal. Only now that he's elected has he become "Adolf Hitler." Watching the Democratic debates they are calling for moderation and a return to centrist views. The core of Trump's policies have been to return to American core values for what made America great.

The Left has swung so far off the edge, they are almost off the planet and getting worse every day. The only way they justify it is by claiming the GOP have become jack-booted thugs and aren't the "legitimate" party through their lies. Their latest smear is the claim that the GOP are brutalizing children now. Kids brought into this country sick by force by many people not even their parents. Before that we were pushing old people off cliffs and pulling the plug on the sick.

Joe and the Radical Left do nothing but push an agenda of total lies and distortions against their opposition because if they told you the truth about themselves and why they think you should vote for them and what they truly want to do, nobody would.
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No one has denied that the Democrats moved to the left.
TOTAL BULLSHIT. The Left deny it all the time and claim that conservatives have simply moved farther to the extreme right: ie.: Neocons. Trump's Gestapo. Rightwing Supremacists, etc. The Democratic Party of today would be UNRECOGNIZABLE to real democrats like JFK.
Because the country has.
TOTAL BULLSHIT. People today more than ever see the dangers that the radicalization of a few have wrought upon us and are pulling back hard.
Republicans have only won the popular vote once in the last 31 years.
TOTAL BULLSHIT. George HW Bush won the popular vote by a huge margin in 1988. George W, Bush won the popular vote by a huge margin in 2004. His first term and Trump's were the only ones that came in negative numbers not that it matters. This doesn't even factor in how many of the democrats popular vote were ILLEGAL votes because the Dems not only ENCOURAGE illegals to vote and enable and facilitate them, but they block Voter ID to conceal their efforts. This in no way is any indication of the "mood" of the country anyway since a large fraction of citizens DON'T VOTE, but is more an indication of the success of democrats to corrupt and interfere in the electoral process.
List of United States presidential elections by popular vote margin - Wikipedia
Your choice of 31 years was carefully selected to cut out all the huge victories of Reagan, Nixon and many others by capitalizing on the one statistical anomaly these past 30 years largely dominated by democrats Obama and Clinton but you screwed up.
No one votes for moderation. The party that runs a moderate, loses. Every time.
TOTAL BULLSHIT. Radicalization is increasingly recognized today. Democrats touted McCain for his moderation. When Trump ran, everyone said he wasn't a republican. Many of his policies were liberal. Only now that he's elected has he become "Adolf Hitler." Watching the Democratic debates they are calling for moderation and a return to centrist views. The core of Trump's policies have been to return to American core values for what made America great.

The Left has swung so far off the edge, they are almost off the planet and getting worse every day. The only way they justify it is by claiming the GOP have become jack-booted thugs. Their latest smear is the claim that the GOP are brutalizing children. Before that we were pushing old people off cliffs and pulling the plug on the sick.

And of course, even if it wasn't total bullshit, it is still irrelevant. We don't live in a democracy.
1960 "ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country!" 2019 "free stuff for everybody!" "Reparations for whiney assed babies"! "You are a victim of old white men!" "Down with free speech!" "Jews are evil!" "Abort those babies as they are being born!" "We will punish you if you do not admit there are 32 genders!" Ya think??!!??
And yet four or five posters here have said "no", that the party hasn't moved Left.

Politics really can be mind-blowing.
People don't all share the same opinions.
Earth shattering. :rolleyes-41:
1960 "ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country!" 2019 "free stuff for everybody!" "Reparations for whiney assed babies"! "You are a victim of old white men!" "Down with free speech!" "Jews are evil!" "Abort those babies as they are being born!" "We will punish you if you do not admit there are 32 genders!" Ya think??!!??
And yet four or five posters here have said "no", that the party hasn't moved Left.

Politics really can be mind-blowing.
People don't all share the same opinions.
Earth shattering. :rolleyes-41:
Um, yes.

Of course it's not so much that the parties have moved in the abstract. The simple fact is that the country is under invasion. Republicans represent the Americans and democrats stand for the invaders.
It doesn't count for selecting the president, but it clearly shows where the country is collectively.
TOTAL BULLSHIT. The popular vote is meaningless. It represents a head count only on THOSE WHO VOTED. It tells you nothing for all those who didn't vote how they feel, nor does it discriminate between legal and fraudulent voter. Until the voting system is fixed so that we know that all votes are legitimate, the popular vote shall remain nothing more than a statistical topic of debate. No one is moving to the left in this country, just that those of the hard left are becoming increasingly radical anarchists.
Here's the thing... we've had discussions on issues, and the left has kind of prevailed on a lot of them.... as they always do, as society always progresses.
TOTAL BULLSHIT. Not only does the Left not prevail on any issue other than in their own clouded delusional minds, but "Progressivism" has nothing to do with progress. It is just a name. They might have more aptly named themselves "Changists," because their core issue is that America sucks and everything needs changed in it from the ground up---- to be more like the Europe we broke away from to be free of.
Blacks having equal rights was a crazy liberal idea at one point.
TOTAL BULLSHIT. Lincoln was not a liberal. The North were not liberals. Those that wanted to protect and keep slavery were your KKK types, and they were at that time your liberals and democrats.
1960 "ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country!" 2019 "free stuff for everybody!" "Reparations for whiney assed babies"! "You are a victim of old white men!" "Down with free speech!" "Jews are evil!" "Abort those babies as they are being born!" "We will punish you if you do not admit there are 32 genders!" Ya think??!!??
And yet four or five posters here have said "no", that the party hasn't moved Left.

Politics really can be mind-blowing.
They must be children, still, so have no yardstick by which to measure.
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It doesn't count for selecting the president, but it clearly shows where the country is collectively.
TOTAL BULLSHIT. The popular vote is meaningless. It represents a head count only on THOSE WHO VOTED. It tells you nothing for all those who didn't vote how they feel, nor does it discriminate between legal and fraudulent voter. Until the voting system is fixed so that we know that all votes are legitimate, the popular vote shall remain nothing more than a statistical topic of debate. No one is moving to the left in this country, just that those of the hard left are becoming increasingly radical anarchists.
Here's the thing... we've had discussions on issues, and the left has kind of prevailed on a lot of them.... as they always do, as society always progresses.
TOTAL BULLSHIT. Not only does the Left not prevail on any issue other than in their own clouded delusional minds, but "Progressivism" has nothing to do with progress. It is just a name. They might have more aptly named themselves "Changists," because their core issue is that America sucks and everything needs changed in it from the ground up---- to be more like the Europe we broke away from to be free of.
Blacks having equal rights was a crazy liberal idea at one point.
TOTAL BULLSHIT. Lincoln was not a liberal. The North were not liberals. Those that wanted to protect and keep slavery were your KKK types, and they were at that time your liberals and democrats.
Your fake concern about voter fraud is what is "total bullshit". I doubt you even fool yourself.
1960 "ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country!" 2019 "free stuff for everybody!" "Reparations for whiney assed babies"! "You are a victim of old white men!" "Down with free speech!" "Jews are evil!" "Abort those babies as they are being born!" "We will punish you if you do not admit there are 32 genders!" Ya think??!!??
And yet four or five posters here have said "no", that the party hasn't moved Left.

Politics really can be mind-blowing.
They must be childten, still, so have no yardstick by which to measure.
Ideology can be one helluva powerful thing.
1960 "ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country!" 2019 "free stuff for everybody!" "Reparations for whiney assed babies"! "You are a victim of old white men!" "Down with free speech!" "Jews are evil!" "Abort those babies as they are being born!" "We will punish you if you do not admit there are 32 genders!" Ya think??!!??
And yet four or five posters here have said "no", that the party hasn't moved Left.

Politics really can be mind-blowing.
Sorry, but could you point to qhere any of those cherry picked, whiny complaints appear on the democratic platform?

Nope, you sure can't.
Not sure what the platform has to do with anything.

He's talking about real world behaviors and tactics.

I assumed that was obvious.
I'm looking for policy.

Tactics and slogans? Sure. But, here is the thing that is a pretty broad definition where essentially no one can be held accountable.
1960 "ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country!" 2019 "free stuff for everybody!" "Reparations for whiney assed babies"! "You are a victim of old white men!" "Down with free speech!" "Jews are evil!" "Abort those babies as they are being born!" "We will punish you if you do not admit there are 32 genders!" Ya think??!!??
And yet four or five posters here have said "no", that the party hasn't moved Left.

Politics really can be mind-blowing.
They must be childten, still, so have no yardstick by which to measure.
Ideology can be one helluva powerful thing.
Especially when the ideology involves consists of nothing beyond hating what is perceived as the opposing ideology.

Today's leftists have no idea what they stand FOR, only what they stand against.
Opposing the ill conceived and worthless trump tax cuts wouldn't make your point. That same struggle has been going on for over 40 years.

Healthcare? Same shit,new day.

Abortion? Welcome to 1973, people.

Well... let's say, Bernie is driving the debate about ending the largely regressive tax structure. Warren goes about reigning in the financial plutocracy. Pelosi's government ethics package goes some way establishing some semblance of fairness.

President Obama was facing the situation that a public option would never get through a solidly Democratic Congress. These days, the public option is the baseline of what they envision.

Inslee is getting serious about climate change, and so does AOC's Green New Deal.

As to abortion, they are proposing the Hyde Amendment be scrapped - even Biden dropped his support for it.

So, there are in fact tiny, tentative steps to the left. Whether there are going to be legislative majorities for any of these issues remains to be seen, but I find the Democrats are in fact moving, even while they are drawing a boundary between themselves and what they apparently think are Bernie's revolutionary pipe dreams.

"Too far to the left" is, of course, a very, very long way to go.

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