Does anyone NOT think that the Democratic Party has CLEARLY moved Left?

TOTAL BULLSHIT. George HW Bush won the popular vote by a huge margin in 1988.

That was more than 31 years ago. I know math is one of those things you struggle with.

George W, Bush won the popular vote by a huge margin in 2004.

That would be the one time...

The other two times, you stole it using the Electoral Anarchonism, corrupt judges and the Russians.

Your choice of 31 years was carefully selected to cut out all the huge victories of Reagan, Nixon and many others by capitalizing on the one statistical anomaly these past 30 years largely dominated by democrats Obama and Clinton but you screwed up.

No, it was to reflect where the country has gone, which was my original point. When George Bush (the Smart one) ran, the electorate was 85% white. So Bush could show a scary picture of Willie Horton and tell stupid people he was going to rape all of you if Dukakis got elected.

In 2016, The electorate was only 70% white. The same old shit doesn't work anymore. More people of color are voting, and more young people are not buying into the racism.

So the GOP has only won one national election since 1988, and that was because they scared the hell out of us by telling us scary Arabs were going to kill us all.

Do you guys have anything else other than "Scaring white people" in your bag of tricks?
No, they literally said that the law that makes it illegal to cross the border should be taken out of the books, if I recall correctly.

And then, the illegals need free health care.

Mr. Veteran, is cheering all the way as they suggest the invasion of their own country. Joe B, besides being a communist, is probably a satanist as well.

Naw, man, I worship Dread C'Thulhu....

Look, man, I know you live in mortal fear that a Mexican might move in next door. But that's really not a basis for policy.
Especially when the ideology involves consists of nothing beyond hating what is perceived as the opposing ideology.

Today's leftists have no idea what they stand FOR, only what they stand against.

You might have a point there. We might not be in agreement about what to do about immigration, but we can all agree that CONCENTRATION CAMPS are bad.
No, they literally said that the law that makes it illegal to cross the border should be taken out of the books, if I recall correctly.

And then, the illegals need free health care.

Mr. Veteran, is cheering all the way as they suggest the invasion of their own country. Joe B, besides being a communist, is probably a satanist as well.

Naw, man, I worship Dread C'Thulhu....

Look, man, I know you live in mortal fear that a Mexican might move in next door. But that's really not a basis for policy.

C'Thulhu is for amateurs. You worship at minimum Dante's Satan from 9th level of hell.

Your open borders based on replacing the American electorate are the basis for policy? Not a strange statement from a Luciferian.
Always fascinating to toss a generic idea out there and just see what happens.

Especially when you never have to give any evidence to back up your point.

Still waiting for the issue that the Democrats have gone SOOOOO Crazy on.
Always fascinating to toss a generic idea out there and just see what happens.

Especially when you never have to give any evidence to back up your point.

Still waiting for the issue that the Democrats have gone SOOOOO Crazy on.
You, of all people, should know better than to expect anything more from him than a generalization fallacy.
C'Thulhu is for amateurs. You worship at minimum Dante's Satan from 9th level of hell.

The joke went right over your head, didn't it?

Your desires to replace heaven on earth by hell on earth is not a joke. Let's recall again, the big Antifa protest was called "Welcome to Hell", that's no accident. Of course by your standards we must go a lot deeper than that.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.

The right has moved us to the right.

Anti labor
Pushing religion on us
Complete denial of climate change
Anti abortion
White extremists
No common sense gun legislation
Pro gerrymandering
Zero taxes for corporations
Defending the gap between rich and poor widening
Legislating from the bench
Trump executive orders
War mongers for the military industrial complex

Trump has adopted some populist ideas like the unions and us liberals were anti illegals a decade ago but damn trumps putting their kids in concentration camps. He has forced us to go left of his extreme right policies.

And most of us don’t like sanctuary cities. But we hate illegal employers more.

You’re playing politics.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.

The right has moved us to the right.

Anti labor
Pushing religion on us
Complete denial of climate change
Anti abortion
White extremists
No common sense gun legislation
Pro gerrymandering
Zero taxes for corporations
Defending the gap between rich and poor widening
Legislating from the bench
Trump executive orders
War mongers for the military industrial complex

Trump has adopted some populist ideas like the unions and us liberals were anti illegals a decade ago but damn trumps putting their kids in concentration camps. He has forced us to go left of his extreme right policies.

And most of us don’t like sanctuary cities. But we hate illegal employers more.

You’re playing politics.
I've actually pointed out multiple times on this thread that Trump, his antics, his policies and the GOP base have opened the door for this.

Perhaps you should read my posts instead of making assumptions based on ignorance.
TOTAL BULLSHIT. George HW Bush won the popular vote by a huge margin in 1988.

That was more than 31 years ago. I know math is one of those things you struggle with.
George HW Bush. Elected 1988, president until January 1993, last I checked, that makes it from 26 years ago to 31 years ago. Ain't nothing funnier than a dimwad like you who can't even do arithmetic lecturing others on math. :21:
The other two times, you stole it using the Electoral Anarchonism, corrupt judges and the Russians.
Too funny! You are one sick, fucked up puppy. You didn't even bother to look at my link to see all the times republicans have won the popular vote! Your entire theory is based just on the last two GOP presidents not winning the popular vote, Trump, and GW Bush in only his FIRST term. You are a god-damned drooling moron, aren't you.
<snip>No, it was to reflect where the country has gone, When George Bush (the Smart one) ran, the electorate was 85% white, In 2016, The electorate was only 70% white.
It's no accident. The Left is the anti-white party, you pander to minorities, your every action is to grow their number because you know they will vote for you and your goal is to bring so many non-whites into the country by any and all means as to make it a one-party system. That isn't an indication of where the country is going, just an indication of where Democrats are taking it, but it is failing, more and more minorities are beginning to see that all the Left has done is lie to them and exploit them for political power.
but we can all agree that CONCENTRATION CAMPS are bad.
There are no "concentration camps" in the USA. Just more mentally deranged mindfuck by idiots like you. They are the same centers that have been used for many years by other presidents. No difference. You have vast numbers of unwanted, illegal people flooding the border. Common sense would tell any sane person that the solution is to build a wall that stops 99% of them. Then you hold those who still get in in a central location for care and processing. Hopefully prosecute them for border violations. My sixth grade nephew gets it. You don't.

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You are confused Moon Bat. You can always vote for a corporation. You vote every time you buy their products.

Not really. I didn't "choose" Cigna, who pretty much fucked me over when I got sick at every opportunity. The problem is, the whole, "I can take my business elsewhere" works just fine when you are dealing with Mom's Diner or Bob's Shoe Store... but it really doesn't work so well with a big corporation that can crush you like a bug.

I would trust a corporation producing a product for profit a million times more than I would trust a stupid bureaucrat whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups.

You see, this is where you get confused... Who do you think "Special interest groups' are? THEY ARE FUCKING CORPORATIONS WITH TOO MUCH MONEY AND POWER!

You are confused Moon Bat. You don't understand capitalism do you? You Moon Bats are as ignorant of Economics as you are are of History, Ethics, Climate Science, Biology and the Constitution.

Everything you buy from a corporation is a decision on your part. If a corporation pissed you off for any reason then don't buy their products. For instance, I don't buy a vehicle from any corporation that employs the filthy UAW. I don't buy Ben and Jerry's ice cream because they are Left Wing assholes that supported that shithead Obama.

However, you don't get a choice with the filthy government. They have the jackbooted thugs on their side that will kill you or imprison you if you don't do what they say.

A few years ago I had cancer. I could have got the cancer treated for free if I had gone to the VA. However, I chose to get it treated by private corporation making a profit even though it was going to cost me a few thousand dollars. The government would have taken years to go through their bureaucracy and deal with their priorities and deal with government workers that didn't give a shit if I got treated or not.

There were three facilities in my area that were all competing to get my business. They all wanted my money. The profit motive works and that is something you socialist assholes never seem to understand. The one I chose was great with fast service. Health care is too important to be put in the hands of some asshole bureaucrat.

It is really pathetic that you stupid Moon Bats think the government will take care of your needs. You can't fix that level of stupidity. You are morons.
Obama "actually responded to the wants of citizens" too, yet I'm guessing you weren't fond of how he did that.

At least he had more citizens vote for him than for his opponents.

Obamacare was a huge destructive program for EVERYONE. That's all he got done in EIGHT YEARS. So he responded to the wants of the citizens by almost single handedly ruining U.S. healthcare. Also, because a few million people voted for him a L.A. and NYC didn't give him a mandate. He was a huge failure, especially to the Black Community.

States elect President, not People. Trump won. GET OVER IT. He will probably win again seeing the Democrat Debate Clown Show the last two nights.
My point, obviously, is that the term "responds to the wants of citizens" means nothing if you can't see both sides.

Well not really. You complained that Trump was pandering to his base...America. I dont see that as a failing. If Hillary pandered to her Mexican and Muslim base perhaps that is good politics but it isnt good for America. You have to shuck your reliance on the Fallacy of the Middle Ground. It is erroneous.

Always and forever we will have politics. Good politics can often result in bad policies though.
Oh please. America is not Trump's base.

Please tell me you don't really believe that. Please tell me you recognize that not everyone shares your priorities.

"everyone"? Again? I wouldnt expect everyone. Thats an impossible standard. But he represents America.

He represents conservative christian deranged hate filled goober moron America.

Decent, rational and reasonable Americans are disgusted by him and YOU.....
You, of all people, should know better than to expect anything more from him than a generalization fallacy.

Oh, he has me on ignore, so he doesn't even see me mocking him at this point. He thinks that stops me from calling him out.
You've got it ass-backwards to reality.
Both Obama and Clinton ran as moderates.
Obama ran as a Christian Moderate, then became a Muslim Socialist while in office.

Actually, Obama never really talked about his religion... and given that he eats pork, drinks beer, etc., he's really not doing a very good job as Muslim.

He waited till he was re-elected to become more "flexible" (Radically Left)...and Clinton wasn't allowed to go far left because he had a GOP congress helping give him a surplus. But he did sell all kinds of missile technology to our enemies.

Wow, man, you go the whole Hate Radio Crazy, don't you. I used to do that... until I realized who my real enemies were.

When the Republicans cut your subsidies to pay for tax cuts for the rich, you might come around. But given you work on a military base, collect a pension and rent to Section 8 Renters, you are probably the biggest welfare queen out there.
Obama is a typical hypocrite. Muslims are the biggest whoremongers on the planet. Many are Homosexuals. And any chance they get they get drunk. When they don't live in a country that has Sharia Law they go nuts.
Everything you buy from a corporation is a decision on your part. If a corporation pissed you off for any reason then don't buy their products. For instance, I don't buy a vehicle from any corporation that employs the filthy UAW. I don't buy Ben and Jerry's ice cream because they are Left Wing assholes that supported that shithead Obama.

Okay... here's the thing. Employer provided health insurance wasn't my choice, it was my employers choice. They really didn't care all that much that Cigna was screwing me around when I made claims in 2007. That's where the whole capitalist model falls apart for health care.
George HW Bush. Elected 1988, president until January 1993, last I checked, that makes it from 26 years ago to 31 years ago. Ain't nothing funnier than a dimwad like you who can't even do arithmetic lecturing others on math

Okay, his election was 31 years ago... I'm sorry you are confused on math.


Too funny! You are one sick, fucked up puppy. You didn't even bother to look at my link to see all the times republicans have won the popular vote!

They only did once in the last 31 years, BARELY because Bush scared the hell out of us.

It's no accident. The Left is the anti-white party, you pander to minorities, your every action is to grow their number because you know they will vote for you and your goal is to bring so many non-whites into the country by any and all means as to make it a one-party system. That isn't an indication of where the country is going, just an indication of where Democrats are taking it, but it is failing, more and more minorities are beginning to see that all the Left has done is lie to them and exploit them for political power.

Actually, no. In fact, quite the contrary. When Bush won in 2004 (the only time you guys won), He got 11% of the black vote and 44% of the Hispanic vote, because he actually made an effort to reach out to them.

This infuriated the Angry White Male base, and as a result, Romney got 6% of the black vote and 27% of the Hispanic vote.

Trump did little better, getting 8 and 29%, respectively... but the numbers are still in the wrong direction for you guys.

The reason why we have more minorities is because white folks aren't reproducing at replacement rates, and we aren't getting new ones from Europe.
George HW Bush. Elected 1988, president until January 1993, last I checked, that makes it from 26 years ago to 31 years ago. Ain't nothing funnier than a dimwad like you who can't even do arithmetic lecturing others on math

Okay, his election was 31 years ago... I'm sorry you are confused on math.


Too funny! You are one sick, fucked up puppy. You didn't even bother to look at my link to see all the times republicans have won the popular vote!

They only did once in the last 31 years, BARELY because Bush scared the hell out of us.

It's no accident. The Left is the anti-white party, you pander to minorities, your every action is to grow their number because you know they will vote for you and your goal is to bring so many non-whites into the country by any and all means as to make it a one-party system. That isn't an indication of where the country is going, just an indication of where Democrats are taking it, but it is failing, more and more minorities are beginning to see that all the Left has done is lie to them and exploit them for political power.

Actually, no. In fact, quite the contrary. When Bush won in 2004 (the only time you guys won), He got 11% of the black vote and 44% of the Hispanic vote, because he actually made an effort to reach out to them.

This infuriated the Angry White Male base, and as a result, Romney got 6% of the black vote and 27% of the Hispanic vote.

Trump did little better, getting 8 and 29%, respectively... but the numbers are still in the wrong direction for you guys.

The reason why we have more minorities is because white folks aren't reproducing at replacement rates, and we aren't getting new ones from Europe.

Po lil Joey, how many times has the Popular Vote elected President?
the dimocrap scum debate sounded like 20 people running for the leadership of communist Russia or socialist Venezuela.

THINK about it.

No policy initiatives, no plans for growth, no foreign policy discussions.....

Just trying to out-do each other with free shit.

I was hesitant to say this before because I NEVER under-estimate the ability of dimocrap FILTH to cheat their way into winning elections --

But, it's over people.

After those last two debates, there is no way dimocrap SCUM can recover from that shit.

My only concern is Amy Klobuchar. She could give Trump trouble,

Notice how she's been quiet?

But....... And this is a big BUTT....... the dimocrap scum party isn't sold on her. Not sure they will be. When I say, the 'dimocrap SCUM party' I mean, of course, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media. THEY are the King Makers in the dimocrap scum party. And they haven't noticed her yet. Not sure they will, they're so far to the left. I hope they don't

But if she wins the nomination, Trump better be ready for a fight.

Any of these other Clowns? It's over before it even begins.

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