Does anyone NOT think that the Democratic Party has CLEARLY moved Left?

Po lil Joey, how many times has the Popular Vote elected President?

You mean how many times did the Popular vote pick the winner, and the EC just went along?

All but five times.

Only five times did the EC say, "naw, we know our guy lost, but you are stuck with him anyway."

And it was a complete disaster each time it happened.
Po lil Joey, how many times has the Popular Vote elected President?

You mean how many times did the Popular vote pick the winner, and the EC just went along?

All but five times.

Only five times did the EC say, "naw, we know our guy lost, but you are stuck with him anyway."

And it was a complete disaster each time it happened.

Like ALL losers when you can't win by the rules you want to change them. Po lil Joe Joe.
Obamacare was a huge destructive program for EVERYONE. That's all he got done in EIGHT YEARS. So he responded to the wants of the citizens by almost single handedly ruining U.S. healthcare. Also, because a few million people voted for him a L.A. and NYC didn't give him a mandate. He was a huge failure, especially to the Black Community.

States elect President, not People. Trump won. GET OVER IT. He will probably win again seeing the Democrat Debate Clown Show the last two nights.
My point, obviously, is that the term "responds to the wants of citizens" means nothing if you can't see both sides.

Well not really. You complained that Trump was pandering to his base...America. I dont see that as a failing. If Hillary pandered to her Mexican and Muslim base perhaps that is good politics but it isnt good for America. You have to shuck your reliance on the Fallacy of the Middle Ground. It is erroneous.

Always and forever we will have politics. Good politics can often result in bad policies though.
Oh please. America is not Trump's base.

Please tell me you don't really believe that. Please tell me you recognize that not everyone shares your priorities.

"everyone"? Again? I wouldnt expect everyone. Thats an impossible standard. But he represents America.

He represents conservative christian deranged hate filled goober moron America.

Decent, rational and reasonable Americans are disgusted by him and YOU.....

All three of you can hit the road then. Instead of bringing Mexico here why don’t you do what your celebrity leaders suggested and move? Not to Mexico of liberal want to live on a shithole. But to Canada where all the elites claimed they would go if they lost control of government b
My point, obviously, is that the term "responds to the wants of citizens" means nothing if you can't see both sides.

Well not really. You complained that Trump was pandering to his base...America. I dont see that as a failing. If Hillary pandered to her Mexican and Muslim base perhaps that is good politics but it isnt good for America. You have to shuck your reliance on the Fallacy of the Middle Ground. It is erroneous.

Always and forever we will have politics. Good politics can often result in bad policies though.
Oh please. America is not Trump's base.

Please tell me you don't really believe that. Please tell me you recognize that not everyone shares your priorities.

"everyone"? Again? I wouldnt expect everyone. Thats an impossible standard. But he represents America.

He represents conservative christian deranged hate filled goober moron America.

Decent, rational and reasonable Americans are disgusted by him and YOU.....

All three of you can hit the road then. Instead of bringing Mexico here why don’t you do what your celebrity leaders suggested and move? Not to Mexico of liberal want to live on a shithole. But to Canada where all the elites claimed they would go if they lost control of government b

^^^^^^This. Why do the Democrats and their Leftist followers want to bring the worst of Mexico, Central American and even South America here to take our stuff, often for "free"? Plus, they want to allow them in ILLEGALLY with no ability to tell they are criminals, terrorists, carry disease, or just want to live off the system.

It must be that the ends justify the means to them. In return for votes that would give One Party Democrat rule they are giving our country away.
Po lil Joey, how many times has the Popular Vote elected President?

You mean how many times did the Popular vote pick the winner, and the EC just went along?

All but five times.

Only five times did the EC say, "naw, we know our guy lost, but you are stuck with him anyway."

And it was a complete disaster each time it happened.

Then stop bitching like a pre-menstrual teenager and get a Constitutional Amendment passed.

Or please, GOD.... Just shut the fuck up!!
Well not really. You complained that Trump was pandering to his base...America. I dont see that as a failing. If Hillary pandered to her Mexican and Muslim base perhaps that is good politics but it isnt good for America. You have to shuck your reliance on the Fallacy of the Middle Ground. It is erroneous.

Always and forever we will have politics. Good politics can often result in bad policies though.
Oh please. America is not Trump's base.

Please tell me you don't really believe that. Please tell me you recognize that not everyone shares your priorities.

"everyone"? Again? I wouldnt expect everyone. Thats an impossible standard. But he represents America.

He represents conservative christian deranged hate filled goober moron America.

Decent, rational and reasonable Americans are disgusted by him and YOU.....

All three of you can hit the road then. Instead of bringing Mexico here why don’t you do what your celebrity leaders suggested and move? Not to Mexico of liberal want to live on a shithole. But to Canada where all the elites claimed they would go if they lost control of government b

^^^^^^This. Why do the Democrats and their Leftist followers want to bring the worst of Mexico, Central American and even South America here to take our stuff, often for "free"? Plus, they want to allow them in ILLEGALLY with no ability to tell they are criminals, terrorists, carry disease, or just want to live off the system.

It must be that the ends justify the means to them. In return for votes that would give One Party Democrat rule they are giving our country away.

Yes. You have to get out of the politics mindset. These people are not loyal to their fellow citizens or this nation. They are about power. If it takes bringing in foreigners to outvote citizens then thats what <<<they>>> will do. In fact its the preferred model all over the western world. Europe is so swamped they are lost to the invaders.
And you are correct to say they want to give "our" stuff away. These are elites...wealthy and powerful. They trade your paycheck for votes from the underclass they are building and importing. A coalition against the working class. Their fortunes are secure because they seize earnings..not wealth. Earnings are what the middle class relies on.
They are so confident in their control of cultural institutions that they dont even hide it any more. They openly campaign in Mexico and, when in the US, in Spanish. Their slum base is secure and blacks vote Democrat 97%. Homosexuals and abortionists as well. So they can now concentrate on the foreign vote without fear of losing the coalition they have built against the white working and middle class.
Oh please. America is not Trump's base.

Please tell me you don't really believe that. Please tell me you recognize that not everyone shares your priorities.

"everyone"? Again? I wouldnt expect everyone. Thats an impossible standard. But he represents America.

He represents conservative christian deranged hate filled goober moron America.

Decent, rational and reasonable Americans are disgusted by him and YOU.....

All three of you can hit the road then. Instead of bringing Mexico here why don’t you do what your celebrity leaders suggested and move? Not to Mexico of liberal want to live on a shithole. But to Canada where all the elites claimed they would go if they lost control of government b

^^^^^^This. Why do the Democrats and their Leftist followers want to bring the worst of Mexico, Central American and even South America here to take our stuff, often for "free"? Plus, they want to allow them in ILLEGALLY with no ability to tell they are criminals, terrorists, carry disease, or just want to live off the system.

It must be that the ends justify the means to them. In return for votes that would give One Party Democrat rule they are giving our country away.

Yes. You have to get out of the politics mindset. These people are not loyal to their fellow citizens or this nation. They are about power. If it takes bringing in foreigners to outvote citizens then thats what <<<they>>> will do. In fact its the preferred model all over the western world. Europe is so swamped they are lost to the invaders.
And you are correct to say they want to give "our" stuff away. These are elites...wealthy and powerful. They trade your paycheck for votes from the underclass they are building and importing. A coalition against the working class. Their fortunes are secure because they seize earnings..not wealth. Earnings are what the middle class relies on.
They are so confident in their control of cultural institutions that they dont even hide it any more. They openly campaign in Mexico and, when in the US, in Spanish. Their slum base is secure and blacks vote Democrat 97%. Homosexuals and abortionists as well. So they can now concentrate on the foreign vote without fear of losing the coalition they have built against the white working and middle class.

That is the most accurate, and concise explanation of the current situation that I have read yet. All brought to us by the Democrats, and their elite, Globalist masters. Count the Tech Giants among them, and they are a huge factor.
Well not really. You complained that Trump was pandering to his base...America. I dont see that as a failing. If Hillary pandered to her Mexican and Muslim base perhaps that is good politics but it isnt good for America. You have to shuck your reliance on the Fallacy of the Middle Ground. It is erroneous.

Always and forever we will have politics. Good politics can often result in bad policies though.
Oh please. America is not Trump's base.

Please tell me you don't really believe that. Please tell me you recognize that not everyone shares your priorities.

"everyone"? Again? I wouldnt expect everyone. Thats an impossible standard. But he represents America.

He represents conservative christian deranged hate filled goober moron America.

Decent, rational and reasonable Americans are disgusted by him and YOU.....

All three of you can hit the road then. Instead of bringing Mexico here why don’t you do what your celebrity leaders suggested and move? Not to Mexico of liberal want to live on a shithole. But to Canada where all the elites claimed they would go if they lost control of government b

^^^^^^This. Why do the Democrats and their Leftist followers want to bring the worst of Mexico, Central American and even South America here to take our stuff, often for "free"? Plus, they want to allow them in ILLEGALLY with no ability to tell they are criminals, terrorists, carry disease, or just want to live off the system.

It must be that the ends justify the means to them. In return for votes that would give One Party Democrat rule they are giving our country away.

Because they vote democrat, the more criminal the better.

Further, they are leftists, this kind of behavior is inherently leftist behavior.
Until such time as we see it, we are dealing with nothing but composition fallacies. None of these individuals you have pointed out represent the whole of the Democratic Party. And BTW, Democratic candidates have a long history of running against the Hyde Amendment.

Composition fallacies, eh?

As I said, Democrats are in fact moving, and even Biden dropped his support for the Hyde Amendment.
Yes, a composition fallacy. Biden does not represent the Democratic party in its whole.

The Hyde Amendment is not even a good example of a move to the left, as Democratic Party candidates have run against it going back years. Meaning that it is not even a shift to the left, but status quo. Clinton wanted to get rid of it. Al Gore famously changed his position on the Hyde Amendment and abortion in general.

You know, dummy, it's your reading comprehension disorder kicking you in the teeth again. I am talking about Democrats, Biden, for instance, or Inslee, or Warren. That's a far cry from alleging that the Democratic party is moving left - which would be the way in which you deliberately misread my text, and do it again even though I gave you a fair hint the first time you did it. Composition fallacies, my arse. Some Democrats are reversing themselves and come out in opposition to the Hyde Amendment. I've seen no one reversing him- or herself in the opposite direction. That is, Democrats moving to the left. Whether or not the Democratic party is moving to the left we will know once we see the party platform for the 2020 election. Which is the reason why, at this time, I am not talking about the party.

Now, you can lie again about what I am saying.
"everyone"? Again? I wouldnt expect everyone. Thats an impossible standard. But he represents America.

He represents conservative christian deranged hate filled goober moron America.

Decent, rational and reasonable Americans are disgusted by him and YOU.....

All three of you can hit the road then. Instead of bringing Mexico here why don’t you do what your celebrity leaders suggested and move? Not to Mexico of liberal want to live on a shithole. But to Canada where all the elites claimed they would go if they lost control of government b

^^^^^^This. Why do the Democrats and their Leftist followers want to bring the worst of Mexico, Central American and even South America here to take our stuff, often for "free"? Plus, they want to allow them in ILLEGALLY with no ability to tell they are criminals, terrorists, carry disease, or just want to live off the system.

It must be that the ends justify the means to them. In return for votes that would give One Party Democrat rule they are giving our country away.

Yes. You have to get out of the politics mindset. These people are not loyal to their fellow citizens or this nation. They are about power. If it takes bringing in foreigners to outvote citizens then thats what <<<they>>> will do. In fact its the preferred model all over the western world. Europe is so swamped they are lost to the invaders.
And you are correct to say they want to give "our" stuff away. These are elites...wealthy and powerful. They trade your paycheck for votes from the underclass they are building and importing. A coalition against the working class. Their fortunes are secure because they seize earnings..not wealth. Earnings are what the middle class relies on.
They are so confident in their control of cultural institutions that they dont even hide it any more. They openly campaign in Mexico and, when in the US, in Spanish. Their slum base is secure and blacks vote Democrat 97%. Homosexuals and abortionists as well. So they can now concentrate on the foreign vote without fear of losing the coalition they have built against the white working and middle class.

That is the most accurate, and concise explanation of the current situation that I have read yet. All brought to us by the Democrats, and their elite, Globalist masters. Count the Tech Giants among them, and they are a huge factor.

The tech giants are the engine. Silicon Valley gave 750 billion dollars to Hillary Clinton and that doesnt count their manipulation and censorship on the internet. Lets just accept that the Marxists have the money and the power. When you oppose the Democrats you face off with the richest and most powerful corporations the world has ever seen.
We have to accept that and work from there...take the binders off.
Until such time as we see it, we are dealing with nothing but composition fallacies. None of these individuals you have pointed out represent the whole of the Democratic Party. And BTW, Democratic candidates have a long history of running against the Hyde Amendment.

Composition fallacies, eh?

As I said, Democrats are in fact moving, and even Biden dropped his support for the Hyde Amendment.
Yes, a composition fallacy. Biden does not represent the Democratic party in its whole.

The Hyde Amendment is not even a good example of a move to the left, as Democratic Party candidates have run against it going back years. Meaning that it is not even a shift to the left, but status quo. Clinton wanted to get rid of it. Al Gore famously changed his position on the Hyde Amendment and abortion in general.

You know, dummy, it's your reading comprehension disorder kicking you in the teeth again. I am talking about Democrats, Biden, for instance, or Inslee, or Warren. That's a far cry from alleging that the Democratic party is moving left - which would be the way in which you deliberately misread my text, and do it again even though I gave you a fair hint the first time you did it. Composition fallacies, my arse. Some Democrats are reversing themselves and come out in opposition to the Hyde Amendment. I've seen no one reversing him- or herself in the opposite direction. That is, Democrats moving to the left. Whether or not the Democratic party is moving to the left we will know once we see the party platform for the 2020 election. Which is the reason why, at this time, I am not talking about the party.

Now, you can lie again about what I am saying.
The premise of this thread is that the Democratic Party has moved to the left.

Stay on topic.
He represents conservative christian deranged hate filled goober moron America.

Decent, rational and reasonable Americans are disgusted by him and YOU.....

All three of you can hit the road then. Instead of bringing Mexico here why don’t you do what your celebrity leaders suggested and move? Not to Mexico of liberal want to live on a shithole. But to Canada where all the elites claimed they would go if they lost control of government b

^^^^^^This. Why do the Democrats and their Leftist followers want to bring the worst of Mexico, Central American and even South America here to take our stuff, often for "free"? Plus, they want to allow them in ILLEGALLY with no ability to tell they are criminals, terrorists, carry disease, or just want to live off the system.

It must be that the ends justify the means to them. In return for votes that would give One Party Democrat rule they are giving our country away.

Yes. You have to get out of the politics mindset. These people are not loyal to their fellow citizens or this nation. They are about power. If it takes bringing in foreigners to outvote citizens then thats what <<<they>>> will do. In fact its the preferred model all over the western world. Europe is so swamped they are lost to the invaders.
And you are correct to say they want to give "our" stuff away. These are elites...wealthy and powerful. They trade your paycheck for votes from the underclass they are building and importing. A coalition against the working class. Their fortunes are secure because they seize earnings..not wealth. Earnings are what the middle class relies on.
They are so confident in their control of cultural institutions that they dont even hide it any more. They openly campaign in Mexico and, when in the US, in Spanish. Their slum base is secure and blacks vote Democrat 97%. Homosexuals and abortionists as well. So they can now concentrate on the foreign vote without fear of losing the coalition they have built against the white working and middle class.

That is the most accurate, and concise explanation of the current situation that I have read yet. All brought to us by the Democrats, and their elite, Globalist masters. Count the Tech Giants among them, and they are a huge factor.

The tech giants are the engine. Silicon Valley gave 750 billion dollars to Hillary Clinton and that doesnt count their manipulation and censorship on the internet. Lets just accept that the Marxists have the money and the power. When you oppose the Democrats you face off with the richest and most powerful corporations the world has ever seen.
We have to accept that and work from there...take the binders off.

The elitist Left has controlled the Media, Education, most of Government, Social Media, Tech, and now many other Big Corporations worldwide. Private Sector Corporate America is no longer the venue for conservatives, or even moderates. Just look at the leadership of practically every large corp.
Oh please. America is not Trump's base.

Please tell me you don't really believe that. Please tell me you recognize that not everyone shares your priorities.

"everyone"? Again? I wouldnt expect everyone. Thats an impossible standard. But he represents America.

He represents conservative christian deranged hate filled goober moron America.

Decent, rational and reasonable Americans are disgusted by him and YOU.....

All three of you can hit the road then. Instead of bringing Mexico here why don’t you do what your celebrity leaders suggested and move? Not to Mexico of liberal want to live on a shithole. But to Canada where all the elites claimed they would go if they lost control of government b

^^^^^^This. Why do the Democrats and their Leftist followers want to bring the worst of Mexico, Central American and even South America here to take our stuff, often for "free"? Plus, they want to allow them in ILLEGALLY with no ability to tell they are criminals, terrorists, carry disease, or just want to live off the system.

It must be that the ends justify the means to them. In return for votes that would give One Party Democrat rule they are giving our country away.

Because they vote democrat, the more criminal the better.

Further, they are leftists, this kind of behavior is inherently leftist behavior.

vote mexican stuff.JPG
My point, obviously, is that the term "responds to the wants of citizens" means nothing if you can't see both sides.

Well not really. You complained that Trump was pandering to his base...America. I dont see that as a failing. If Hillary pandered to her Mexican and Muslim base perhaps that is good politics but it isnt good for America. You have to shuck your reliance on the Fallacy of the Middle Ground. It is erroneous.

Always and forever we will have politics. Good politics can often result in bad policies though.
Oh please. America is not Trump's base.

Please tell me you don't really believe that. Please tell me you recognize that not everyone shares your priorities.

"everyone"? Again? I wouldnt expect everyone. Thats an impossible standard. But he represents America.

He represents conservative christian deranged hate filled goober moron America.

Decent, rational and reasonable Americans are disgusted by him and YOU.....

All three of you can hit the road then. Instead of bringing Mexico here why don’t you do what your celebrity leaders suggested and move? Not to Mexico of liberal want to live on a shithole. But to Canada where all the elites claimed they would go if they lost control of government b
Well, that's not going to happen.

NOW what are you going to do?
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


Seems that you don't mind how far right republicans are.
Like ALL losers when you can't win by the rules you want to change them. Po lil Joe Joe.

Actually, we want to rules to reflect fairness and basic principles.

The purpose of having a single national election for an office, rather than, let's say a parliamentary system where the leader is elected by representatives, is to reflect THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. Well,the will of the people was pretty clear, they didn't like Mrs. Clinton, but they found her preferable to Trump.

Then stop bitching like a pre-menstrual teenager and get a Constitutional Amendment passed.

Or we can just impeach Trump, order a complete investigation of all his business dealings. Lay all that shit bear. The Constitution allows for that as well.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


Seems that you don't mind how far right republicans are.
Then you haven't read the thread.

I'm not going to hold your hand, sorry.

And you avoided the question.
Like ALL losers when you can't win by the rules you want to change them. Po lil Joe Joe.

Actually, we want to rules to reflect fairness and basic principles.

The purpose of having a single national election for an office, rather than, let's say a parliamentary system where the leader is elected by representatives, is to reflect THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. Well,the will of the people was pretty clear, they didn't like Mrs. Clinton, but they found her preferable to Trump.

Then stop bitching like a pre-menstrual teenager and get a Constitutional Amendment passed.

Or we can just impeach Trump, order a complete investigation of all his business dealings. Lay all that shit bear. The Constitution allows for that as well.

You let your asshole do all your talking, don't you?


Actually, just shut the fuck up regardless.

You let your asshole do all your talking, don't you?


Actually, just shut the fuck up regardless.


Oh, don't worry your boy is going down. Probably be the first president to end up behind bars.

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