Does anyone NOT think that the Democratic Party has CLEARLY moved Left?

The closet thing I can think of to compare what is happening now Salem witch trials, no one can do or say Anything no matter how crazy, no lie too big, no tale to tall no offence too rude. that its not gobbled up & passed on at the speed of light, no need to verify or process if it moves the intensity of the hate forward both party's have had a good day.
Well in the late 80’s and early 90’s the entire nation was in thrall to Reaganism, and for Republicans, that continues to this day.

Reagan repudiated “trickle down economics” when unemployment reached 6%, the stock market crashed and his post tax cut deficit doubled. That’s when he started raising taxes. But W doubled down on trickle down, and look at the mess he left.

Trump thinks the third time’s the charm. It’s not working and he goosed that deficit so high it made Reagan, W and Obama all look like pikers in comparison. When economists warn Trump of the long term consequences he responded that he’d be long gone before that happened so what did he care?
I'll try not to sound TOO cynical here, but I doubt it goes even that deep.

Trump wanted to be President and he knew the route was through the base. He wants to elected again and knows it's all about pleasing the base again.

So to hell with the long run or the actual effects of the policies. . Ask Hannity and Limbaugh what the base wants, do that, and to hell with anything or anyone else says.

Are we at the point now where you have a complaint about a politician who actually responds to the wants of citizens?
This is exactly why we are so happy with him...of course we could have elected the one that called us names. But we didn’t.
Obama "actually responded to the wants of citizens" too, yet I'm guessing you weren't fond of how he did that.

At least he had more citizens vote for him than for his opponents.

Obamacare was a huge destructive program for EVERYONE. That's all he got done in EIGHT YEARS. So he responded to the wants of the citizens by almost single handedly ruining U.S. healthcare. Also, because a few million people voted for him a L.A. and NYC didn't give him a mandate. He was a huge failure, especially to the Black Community.

States elect President, not People. Trump won. GET OVER IT. He will probably win again seeing the Democrat Debate Clown Show the last two nights.
My point, obviously, is that the term "responds to the wants of citizens" means nothing if you can't see both sides.

Well not really. You complained that Trump was pandering to his base...America. I dont see that as a failing. If Hillary pandered to her Mexican and Muslim base perhaps that is good politics but it isnt good for America. You have to shuck your reliance on the Fallacy of the Middle Ground. It is erroneous.

Always and forever we will have politics. Good politics can often result in bad policies though.
I'll try not to sound TOO cynical here, but I doubt it goes even that deep.

Trump wanted to be President and he knew the route was through the base. He wants to elected again and knows it's all about pleasing the base again.

So to hell with the long run or the actual effects of the policies. . Ask Hannity and Limbaugh what the base wants, do that, and to hell with anything or anyone else says.

Are we at the point now where you have a complaint about a politician who actually responds to the wants of citizens?
This is exactly why we are so happy with him...of course we could have elected the one that called us names. But we didn’t.
Obama "actually responded to the wants of citizens" too, yet I'm guessing you weren't fond of how he did that.

At least he had more citizens vote for him than for his opponents.

Obamacare was a huge destructive program for EVERYONE. That's all he got done in EIGHT YEARS. So he responded to the wants of the citizens by almost single handedly ruining U.S. healthcare. Also, because a few million people voted for him a L.A. and NYC didn't give him a mandate. He was a huge failure, especially to the Black Community.

States elect President, not People. Trump won. GET OVER IT. He will probably win again seeing the Democrat Debate Clown Show the last two nights.
My point, obviously, is that the term "responds to the wants of citizens" means nothing if you can't see both sides.

Well not really. You complained that Trump was pandering to his base...America. I dont see that as a failing. If Hillary pandered to her Mexican and Muslim base perhaps that is good politics but it isnt good for America. You have to shuck your reliance on the Fallacy of the Middle Ground. It is erroneous.

Always and forever we will have politics. Good politics can often result in bad policies though.
Oh please. America is not Trump's base.

Please tell me you don't really believe that. Please tell me you recognize that not everyone shares your priorities.
Are we at the point now where you have a complaint about a politician who actually responds to the wants of citizens?
This is exactly why we are so happy with him...of course we could have elected the one that called us names. But we didn’t.
Obama "actually responded to the wants of citizens" too, yet I'm guessing you weren't fond of how he did that.

At least he had more citizens vote for him than for his opponents.

Obamacare was a huge destructive program for EVERYONE. That's all he got done in EIGHT YEARS. So he responded to the wants of the citizens by almost single handedly ruining U.S. healthcare. Also, because a few million people voted for him a L.A. and NYC didn't give him a mandate. He was a huge failure, especially to the Black Community.

States elect President, not People. Trump won. GET OVER IT. He will probably win again seeing the Democrat Debate Clown Show the last two nights.
My point, obviously, is that the term "responds to the wants of citizens" means nothing if you can't see both sides.

Well not really. You complained that Trump was pandering to his base...America. I dont see that as a failing. If Hillary pandered to her Mexican and Muslim base perhaps that is good politics but it isnt good for America. You have to shuck your reliance on the Fallacy of the Middle Ground. It is erroneous.

Always and forever we will have politics. Good politics can often result in bad policies though.
Oh please. America is not Trump's base.

Please tell me you don't really believe that. Please tell me you recognize that not everyone shares your priorities.

"everyone"? Again? I wouldnt expect everyone. Thats an impossible standard. But he represents America.
Obama "actually responded to the wants of citizens" too, yet I'm guessing you weren't fond of how he did that.

At least he had more citizens vote for him than for his opponents.

Obamacare was a huge destructive program for EVERYONE. That's all he got done in EIGHT YEARS. So he responded to the wants of the citizens by almost single handedly ruining U.S. healthcare. Also, because a few million people voted for him a L.A. and NYC didn't give him a mandate. He was a huge failure, especially to the Black Community.

States elect President, not People. Trump won. GET OVER IT. He will probably win again seeing the Democrat Debate Clown Show the last two nights.
My point, obviously, is that the term "responds to the wants of citizens" means nothing if you can't see both sides.

Well not really. You complained that Trump was pandering to his base...America. I dont see that as a failing. If Hillary pandered to her Mexican and Muslim base perhaps that is good politics but it isnt good for America. You have to shuck your reliance on the Fallacy of the Middle Ground. It is erroneous.

Always and forever we will have politics. Good politics can often result in bad policies though.
Oh please. America is not Trump's base.

Please tell me you don't really believe that. Please tell me you recognize that not everyone shares your priorities.

"everyone"? Again? I wouldnt expect everyone. Thats an impossible standard. But he represents America.
Okay. I believe that you believe that.
Are we at the point now where you have a complaint about a politician who actually responds to the wants of citizens?
This is exactly why we are so happy with him...of course we could have elected the one that called us names. But we didn’t.
Obama "actually responded to the wants of citizens" too, yet I'm guessing you weren't fond of how he did that.

At least he had more citizens vote for him than for his opponents.

Obamacare was a huge destructive program for EVERYONE. That's all he got done in EIGHT YEARS. So he responded to the wants of the citizens by almost single handedly ruining U.S. healthcare. Also, because a few million people voted for him a L.A. and NYC didn't give him a mandate. He was a huge failure, especially to the Black Community.

States elect President, not People. Trump won. GET OVER IT. He will probably win again seeing the Democrat Debate Clown Show the last two nights.
My point, obviously, is that the term "responds to the wants of citizens" means nothing if you can't see both sides.

Well not really. You complained that Trump was pandering to his base...America. I dont see that as a failing. If Hillary pandered to her Mexican and Muslim base perhaps that is good politics but it isnt good for America. You have to shuck your reliance on the Fallacy of the Middle Ground. It is erroneous.

Always and forever we will have politics. Good politics can often result in bad policies though.
Oh please. America is not Trump's base.

Please tell me you don't really believe that. Please tell me you recognize that not everyone shares your priorities.

Not everyone - but Americans who are pro-America pretty much.
So you're saying the Democratic party has NOT moved Left?
Correct. Could you name a couple of issues? The public option has been on the table since 1988... Path to citizenship, policy? What is different there? Im not seeimg it. I am seeing an america with such an extreme right wing that even mentioning those ideas gets met with a cry of socialism that is even loider than 30 years ago. The right has moved backwards. The democrats have stagnated.
So you're saying the Democratic party has NOT moved Left?
Correct. Could you name a couple of issues? The public option has been on the table since 1988... Path to citizenship, policy? What is different there? Im not seeimg it. I am seeing an america with such an extreme right wing that even mentioning those ideas gets met with a cry of socialism that is even loider than 30 years ago. The right has moved backwards. The democrats have stagnated.
I doubt I could name any issue that you'd agree with.

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I'm just curious.
I doubt I could name any issue that you'd agree with.
Well, I didnt realize my agreement meant so much to you. And the issues are completely germane to your point. What point do you have, without them?. Words are cheap...we aren't talking public sentiment or growth of special interest groups. We are talking actual policy and legislation on the democrat platform. Right? No? Am I misunderstanding?

Opposing the ill conceived and worthless trump tax cuts wouldn't make your point. That same struggle has been going on for over 40 years.

Healthcare? Same shit,new day.

Abortion? Welcome to 1973, people.

So no, I'm not seeing it. I see and hear a lot of pundits saying they are in danger of moving too far left. And then no examples follow, save from the right wing pundits who blare nonsense right out of a 1988 Republican campaign ad. Feckless left wing pundits have their butts puckered so tightly that anything said by a democrat that doesnt poll at 60%+ makes them clutch their pearls.

So ,I admit, I must be missing it. I just watched a debate where 9 corporatists tripped over each other to show they are right of Bernie.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


? In 2016 Hillary ran a tight race against Bernie, what is it you think is different this time?

I think a much bigger story is how the Right moved straight to the insane swamp.
So you're saying the Democratic party has not moved Left?
maybe the Republicans moved right?
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


? In 2016 Hillary ran a tight race against Bernie, what is it you think is different this time?

I think a much bigger story is how the Right moved straight to the insane swamp.
So you're saying the Democratic party has not moved Left?
maybe the Republicans moved right?
It's not linear. The Republican base has moved into this weird, closed, alternate universe.

The Democratic party, however, has clearly moved Left, at least in my view.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


Yes, I agree. The Democratic Party has moved steadily to the left since about 1963, with relatively sudden leaps in that direction beginning around 1994 and steadily increasing in frequency ever since. Some of us fear the Republican Party, or rather certain purist elements within, will make a sudden jump to the right in order to compensate; a jump which could take us far beyond driven to recoup cultural and social and ideological grounds lost over time to the radical left. Such a sudden Republican shift to the right could result in unfortunate and accordingly violent outcomes. While no one desires such a manifestation of real world retribution, the ever radicalizing left seems unwilling to relent or slow down its leftward sojourn, intent on making that trend a permanent stay on moral frontiers unacceptable to many, perhaps a majority. Time will tell . . . and tell soon.
I'm the idiot huffing paint........ that you agree with. Okay then.

The DNC is "center right"?

Of who? Lenin?

I would say they are a little, very little, of out and out communists. Leave it to these assholes, and we'll all be slaves to the nanny state. We'll be doled out a little care here and there, and the fruits of our labor will go to mother government. Enjoy, comrade !
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


? In 2016 Hillary ran a tight race against Bernie, what is it you think is different this time?

I think a much bigger story is how the Right moved straight to the insane swamp.
So you're saying the Democratic party has not moved Left?
maybe the Republicans moved right?
It's not linear. The Republican base has moved into this weird, closed, alternate universe.

The Democratic party, however, has clearly moved Left, at least in my view.
we subscribe to capitalism and should be trying to merely use, Capitalism for all of its capital worth in modern times.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.

The Democratic Party is a center right party. Look at how they legislate and don't get fooled by primary rhetoric, pandering for leftist votes. Once the candidate has been selected they usually move back to a center right position anyway.

Bernie Sanders is the Independent who has moved the conversation more to the left. But note how the Democratic Party conspired against him in the previous election and how the other candidates (actual Democrats) tried to distance themselves from him last night.
So no, the party has not moved Left?
1960 "ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country!"

2019 "free stuff for everybody!" "Reparations for whiney assed babies"! "You are a victim of old white men!" "Down with free speech!" "Jews are evil!" "Abort those babies as they are being born!" "We will punish you if you do not admit there are 32 genders!"

Ya think??!!??
1960 "ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country!" 2019 "free stuff for everybody!" "Reparations for whiney assed babies"! "You are a victim of old white men!" "Down with free speech!" "Jews are evil!" "Abort those babies as they are being born!" "We will punish you if you do not admit there are 32 genders!" Ya think??!!??
And yet four or five posters here have said "no", that the party hasn't moved Left.

Politics really can be mind-blowing.

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