Does anyone really believe Hamas still has 250 hostage to bargain with?

So what are the odds that there are still 250 hostages being held by what's left of Hamas?
Put it this way - after the IDF having indiscriminately bombed the shit out of Gaza for 5 weeks and claims to have destroyed around 400 tunnel systems - I rather wonder as to where these 50 hostages are even supposed to come from - if Hamas has held them in the Southern Part - then what has the IDF factually been attacking and bombing in the past 5 weeks?

You state 15-50,000 Hamas dudes - okay let's agree on e.g. 30,000.

So far according to WHO, the UN and the Hamas controlled health ministry around 12,000 Palestinians have been killed - of which around 8000 are women and children - even if all the remaining 4000 dead would be Hamas dudes (which they are not) - then how many Palestinian civilians need to die till the IDF has "exterminated", (Netanyahu's words not mine) all of those Hamas dudes?

The real question would be - how many hostages were factually taken? If it would be factually 250 - then why did the IDF not negotiate before murdering approx. 10,000 civilians incl. probably the own hostages? AFAIK the IDF has managed to free 1 hostage so far, 3 or 4 have been found dead - and 3-4 were released by Hamas without setting conditions.

According to the IDF - most tunnels were not cleared by Infantry - but simply "sealed" (special foams) and blown to bits (as such they wouldn't even know as to who and what was in those tunnels - is that the way to free hostages? the US public would already be on a nationwide rampage if this had happened in the USA.

Maybe YOU indeed care about those hostages, just as I do, - Netanyahu and the IDF certainly and obviously not. It is already known that approximately 200 settlers were killed by the IDF via, artillery, missile and airstrikes IN ISRAEL.

The initial claimed Israeli figure of 1400 civilians having been killed, has in the meantime been reduced to 1000 - of which around 300+ were IDF personal. You have reasons to believe the figure of 280 hostages? - just asking.
Hamas wants Palestinians to die
So does Netanhayu and the IDF - so should they team up? oh wait... - it is known that Israel was amongst the financial supporters and creators of Hamas.
They already teamed up.
Some of Oct 7, 2023 atrocities:

The thousands of "Palestinian" Arab Muslim barbarian (Hamas/PIJ, PFLP & ordinary Gazans) onslaught on southern Israel - under the Allah u Akbar cries:

massacring youth at a festival,

torching families alive at their homes, suffocating shelters with people in them,

mass torture,

mass rape - some even post mortem - all while laughing,

slaughtering children in front of their parents - parents in front of their children,

beheading babies,

dismembering bodies,

kidnapping kids, men women into Gaza while parading them to cheers of other racist Arab masses.

It led to operation Swords of Iron.
Some of Oct 7, 2023 atrocities:

The thousands of "Palestinian" Arab Muslim barbarian (Hamas/PIJ, PFLP & ordinary Gazans) onslaught on southern Israel - under the Allah u Akbar cries:

massacring youth at a festival,

torching families alive at their homes, suffocating shelters with people in them,

mass torture,

mass rape - some even post mortem - all while laughing,

slaughtering children in front of their parents - parents in front of their children,

beheading babies,

dismembering bodies,

kidnapping kids, men women into Gaza while parading them to cheers of other racist Arab masses.

It led to operation Swords of Iron.
1200 Israelis hellova day for hamas

so where were the IDF while all of this was going on?

See All The Evil Committed By Hamas Terrorists In One Place -
Someone created a website called

Obviously Hamas are daft they can't create such a website themselves, if they could the domain name would have been in use since 2005 just like when you search Israel. com or IDF. com or even TelAviv. com

So that by the way it was a parody, meaning someone else created it with the name of Hamas.

But the bottom line was to show the world and the doubters the atrocities of the Islamic jihadist terrorists all in one collection ....
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Before telling us about your latest dreams while napping , have a look at some likely facts as in Post 9 from the Lovely One and then let us know what happened to your bedtime yarn about a bleak Hamas .
Two sides to most things and a smart person knows that .

There are always two sides. Hitler and Stalin both have fan clubs to this day. But there are no two sides to the resolve of Israel to avenge the atrocities of that day.... Oh I'm sure no one will talk about it but I guarantee you a new Simon Weisenthal is in the making.
Consider an alternative scenario , OP ,
That the Israelis are in huge economic disarray and are desperate for hostilities to stop.
Mainly a FT report which normally I give little credence , but , whatever allegiance they may have with Deep State , they are 0% likely to write a pro Hamas propaganda piece

He goes on to say nearly 1/5th of Israel’s workforce is jobless due to various evacuations and presumably the call up of 360,000 reservists.

Last time I reported economic losses of about $90M per day, but apparently Bloomberg sees it as $260M per day.( Million ! )

If this much economic damage is being incurred just from Hamas, then Hezbollah entering the conflict could likely sink the Israeli economy long term, just by sheer ability to lock down the state with a constant barrage of long range attack

Yes yes sounds very familiar.
United States was in a similar situation at the opening of world War II. The ugly Truth is businesses can only function under a protective umbrella and if the Israelis don't show their enemies their willingness to defend themselves the protective umbrella will disappear and so will the businesses. They would have been in more danger had there been no response.
There are always two sides.
There are two sides.
  • One is Hamas health ministry.
  • The other side is the unarmed Arabs including in hospitals

The -

2nd side are TOOLS








It's 'Dehumanizing' To Say Palestinians Support Hamas, the Media Said. Then This Poll Dropped.

Drew Holden, November 22, 2023
After Hamas's Oct. 7 massacre of Israelis, leading U.S. news outlets pointed to a single poll from just before the attack as proof that most Gazans did not support the terrorist group. But none of those outlets mentioned a poll published last week that shows Gazans overwhelmingly approve of both Hamas and its slaughter and abduction of Israelis, including dozens of babies and children.
Exactly .
It was sensibly posed on Day 1 but among this bunch of savages I could see on the spot brain aneurysms if it was advanced .

How could the famous paragliders float into Israel , capture all those people and then drive back over the border without even beeing flagged down for a chat ?

The whole idea is preposterous and we are a million miles from the real and full story .

it would make sense that Israel is actually giving millions of dollars to Hamas leaders …. Netanyahu has a potential prison sentence waiting and all of a sudden October 7 happens.

The oct 7 attacks themselves were
absurd. How that could happen as you and others have pointed out is beyond the scope. Furthermore, Israeli people themselves have reported that the IDF we’re shooting indiscriminately at the kibbutz areas where friendly fire may have killed a lot of Israelis

Lol at the hasbara itt
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All the bombing makes me think or maybe hope, that the Israeli know where the hostages are....and it is not where they are bombing....

If they don't know where they are being held and bombed like they have anyway, considering the hostages as a kind of collateral damage that can't be avoided....willing to accept killing their own people in order to destroy Hamas.....then.... I don't know what to say, other than I do Not believe Americans would tolerate that position if it were our country vs another terrorist group and all American hostages....
whether any of the hostages were killed from Israeli action or not----Hamas will claim
they were and the rest of the UMMAH will agree
I don't know if the hostages are dead or alive.....I do pray for their safety!

All I know is that this 3 year old hostage............ singled out by Biden............... will be released.



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