Does Anyone Really Care About "Generic Polls" This Early,Like Generic Polls Having Jeb Bush Winning?

Here's what happens in the midterms when the President has a low approval rating:

:laugh2: When was it? 12 to 16 months before the 2016 election, most polls had it down to Bush VS Clinton? Sometimes Bush was ahead, sometimes Hillary was ahead.
And the early polls just kept on coming, many believed that TRUMP did not Have A Chance!, if anything, leftists were laughing at the thought that Trump would be president, never mind even making it thru the primaries.
But for the next 9 or 10 months, we will hear the fake polls coming from CNN/NBC/ABC.All having Dems with a great chance to take the senate/maybe the house.
Well? what happened on November 8th/9th 2016?
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Do people really know what is important this far out?

Let me tell you----------->

How Americans view the country's economic position, job prospects, etc. If you are in charge as these things happen, and you can tie your policies to it, then you are in! Why do you think the Dems are stirring so hard to muddy the waters!

Lets be political for a second---------->

You have a very LARGE sample size of what the lefts policies do over the last 8 years. You have growth numbers, (not projections, but actual facts) personal wealth increases/losses, confidence numbers, etc.

A blind person could make this case, with one arm tied behind their back! This is why the collusion/delusion is sooooo important to the left. That is 100% of what they have. It is also why certain factions of the Republican party started digging to play the same game. The only difference is..............they haven't been able to connect the dots, while we have been able to connect our foot, to their asses-)

Expect it to go down hill precipitously for the left in the coming weeks and months. The digging has uncovered more juicy scandals against them, then even the most optimistic conservative could have imagined. And it all happened because the left was soooooo confident that Hillary was going to win, covering their tracks was just an afterthought.

Now you know why the polls mean little, and also why they despise Trump so much. He actually has them busted, playing their own game. In decades past, I believe it was called Kismet. Unless there is any truth at all to their collusion/delusion, Trump is going to tear them down, one leftist at a time.

Lets see what happens to Chucky.......Shmucky......Shumer-) I am told he is already caught and just being held back, till the time between Christmas, and New Year!

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