Does Anyone Really Think Hillary Will Win?

So how much do Democrats value basic transparency, accountability, and honesty in their presidential candidates? Not bloody much, if you go by the handy polls over at RealClearPolitics. The six national polls taken this January and February, before the email scandal first broke, averaged out to a whopping 43 percentage-point lead for Hillary Clinton. How about the next six, in March and April? Plus 50. The 11 polls in May and June, when Berniementum first started sweeping the country, came in at +48, and the most recent five in July stand at +41.

No, we just don't get upset with the things YOU get upset about.

Here's the simple equation I go by now.

Who is more likely to make my life better than it is now. Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush?

Well- my life got a lot worse when Jeb's Dad and Brother were in office. I got out of the Army in 1992 and found myself smack dab in the middle of a recession Poppy caused.

Then Clinton got in, and things got a lot better. By 2000, I was making double what I was making in 1992. I sold my house for twice what I paid for it. But I used to be one of you dumb right wing guys who got all upset Clinton lied about a blow job.

Then Dubya got in there, and after two wars and two recessions, I found myself with a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage and a job that only paid 70% of what I had been making in 2006.
The best I can say about Obama is that he hasn't made things worse...

SO, really, guy, I don't care if Hillary strangles puppies on live TV. I care about who is going to make my life better. I dont' care about e-mails or Benghazi or Vince Foster or any of that shit. None of that has any effect on my life.
So how much do Democrats value basic transparency, accountability, and honesty in their presidential candidates? Not bloody much, if you go by the handy polls over at RealClearPolitics. The six national polls taken this January and February, before the email scandal first broke, averaged out to a whopping 43 percentage-point lead for Hillary Clinton. How about the next six, in March and April? Plus 50. The 11 polls in May and June, when Berniementum first started sweeping the country, came in at +48, and the most recent five in July stand at +41.

No, we just don't get upset with the things YOU get upset about.

Here's the simple equation I go by now.

Who is more likely to make my life better than it is now. Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush?

Well- my life got a lot worse when Jeb's Dad and Brother were in office. I got out of the Army in 1992 and found myself smack dab in the middle of a recession Poppy caused.

Then Clinton got in, and things got a lot better. By 2000, I was making double what I was making in 1992. I sold my house for twice what I paid for it. But I used to be one of you dumb right wing guys who got all upset Clinton lied about a blow job.

Then Dubya got in there, and after two wars and two recessions, I found myself with a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage and a job that only paid 70% of what I had been making in 2006.
The best I can say about Obama is that he hasn't made things worse...

SO, really, guy, I don't care if Hillary strangles puppies on live TV. I care about who is going to make my life better. I dont' care about e-mails or Benghazi or Vince Foster or any of that shit. None of that has any effect on my life.

Well Joe, I'm glad to see you have NO ETHICS, and care only about YOU right now, and not what is left over for others, or your children, thanks for letting the cat out of the bag about you liberals!

See this...


These are 2 pieces of shit, almost identical, just spinning words to make their rhetoric sound different. We won't MOVE AHEAD as a country with either one of them.

I could point out all the failures about BJ Clinton's regime, where Newt directed him, but you can't understand those details.

We need SOMEONE that will restore our le4adership in the world, but more than that we need someone to direct us economically out of the problems we are in. You don't add 30 million immigrants, illegal or not to a country that is NOT coming out of a recession, you don't leave foreign allies hanging in fear of their lives, you don't DISREGARD Constitutional laws because YOU don't like them, and you don't ignore what the person running for the highest office in the land has done with their lives over the last 50 years! A TRACK RECORD, over that period of time, that hasn't changed, means it will not change now!

Seems you are doing better, want a 40% CAPITAL GAINS TAX on what you make? Hillary wants that, simply to punish those that do make that kind of investment to GIVE AWAY and BUY VOTES from the lower class. Instead of incentivizing them to work harder and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Did the American dream just DROP DEAD, or are many NEW American's simply MOOOOCHERS off our established working citizens.

Of course Obama has made things worse, haven't you been reading this forum for years now? Come on Joe, use your brain for something other than a hat rack!
These are 2 pieces of shit, almost identical, just spinning words to make their rhetoric sound different. We won't MOVE AHEAD as a country with either one of them.

But WHEN (not if) Jeb is the nominee, you will be back here supporting him. That's the point.

Frankly, I'm willing to entertain a GOP alternative to Hillary. I kind of like Walker, I kind of like Rubio.

But if it comes down to a Bush vs. a Clinton, that's a no-brainer.

I could point out all the failures about BJ Clinton's regime, where Newt directed him, but you can't understand those details.

Uh, Newt was the one who resigned in Disgrace, not Clinton. Just saying.

We need SOMEONE that will restore our le4adership in the world, but more than that we need someone to direct us economically out of the problems we are in. You don't add 30 million immigrants, illegal or not to a country that is NOT coming out of a recession, you don't leave foreign allies hanging in fear of their lives, you don't DISREGARD Constitutional laws because YOU don't like them, and you don't ignore what the person running for the highest office in the land has done with their lives over the last 50 years! A TRACK RECORD, over that period of time, that hasn't changed, means it will not change now!

Okay, your silly rant being over, shouldn't taking care of our allies be our allies' job? YOu really don't get the reason we have "illegals" is because rich republicans don 't want to pay people like you a fair wage.

Seems you are doing better, want a 40% CAPITAL GAINS TAX on what you make? Hillary wants that, simply to punish those that do make that kind of investment to GIVE AWAY and BUY VOTES from the lower class. Instead of incentivizing them to work harder and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Did the American dream just DROP DEAD, or are many NEW American's simply MOOOOCHERS off our established working citizens.

Guy, this is the thing. The RICH ARE GOING TO BE OKAY, REALLY. They will still be rich if they pay a 40% Capital Gains Tax. They will be rich if they pay a 50% income tax.

No, the American Dream didn't drop dead. Rich Republicans killed it.

Of course Obama has made things worse, haven't you been reading this forum for years now? Come on Joe, use your brain for something other than a hat rack!

I have been reading this forum for years.

When I joined it in 2011, Unemployment was at 9%. today it is at 5.3%.

The Deficit in 2011 was a trillion dollars. It has been reduced to 412 Billion.

The DOW was at 6000 in 2009. today it is at 18,000.

sorry, man, your argumetn that "Obama made things worse' really, really doesn't hold up to any scrutiny involving actual numbers.
The latest Hillary polls are out from Quinnipiac and they are frankly terrible. Hillary is losing to all three primary Republican Candidates in Iowa, Virginia, and Colorado.

Not only is she losing to Walker, Bush, and Rubio.....but she is losing by big margins. For example: She is losing to Rubio by 8 points in Colorado and 9 points to Walker and Hillary is losing from between 6-8 points to all three candidates in Iowa.

The election is 15 months away so these polls don't mean a whole lot of anything
The latest Hillary polls are out from Quinnipiac and they are frankly terrible. Hillary is losing to all three primary Republican Candidates in Iowa, Virginia, and Colorado.

Not only is she losing to Walker, Bush, and Rubio.....but she is losing by big margins. For example: She is losing to Rubio by 8 points in Colorado and 9 points to Walker and Hillary is losing from between 6-8 points to all three candidates in Iowa.

The election is 15 months away so these polls don't mean a whole lot of anything

Sure they do. They show that Hillary is not as "inevitable" as the leftmedia would have you think.......
yeha the right will continue to damage its self for months to come with their idiot failed ideas
The latest Hillary polls are out from Quinnipiac and they are frankly terrible. Hillary is losing to all three primary Republican Candidates in Iowa, Virginia, and Colorado.

Not only is she losing to Walker, Bush, and Rubio.....but she is losing by big margins. For example: She is losing to Rubio by 8 points in Colorado and 9 points to Walker and Hillary is losing from between 6-8 points to all three candidates in Iowa.

The election is 15 months away so these polls don't mean a whole lot of anything

Sure they do. They show that Hillary is not as "inevitable" as the leftmedia would have you think.......

I have never thought she was
yeha the right will continue to damage its self for months to come with their idiot failed ideas

Because the left's ideas have been so successful that after 50 years and trillions of dollars spent on the War on Poverty we still have the same percentage of Americans living below the poverty line.
In the 7th year of our Lord Obama there are 13 milion MORE on food stamps then there were under bush.
whose failed ideas evince??
The latest Hillary polls are out from Quinnipiac and they are frankly terrible. Hillary is losing to all three primary Republican Candidates in Iowa, Virginia, and Colorado.

Not only is she losing to Walker, Bush, and Rubio.....but she is losing by big margins. For example: She is losing to Rubio by 8 points in Colorado and 9 points to Walker and Hillary is losing from between 6-8 points to all three candidates in Iowa.

The election is 15 months away so these polls don't mean a whole lot of anything

I agree in a general head to head match (i.e. Hillary vs Anybody) that the numbers don't mean much now.

But I do think the numbers regarding how little people like or trust Hillary are very meaningful because she is so incredibly well known. If roughly 2/3 of Americans do not like and trust you, if will be very difficult for Hillary to turn that around based on her name recognition and the fact she has been in the public eye for a quarter century.
In the 7th year of our Lord Obama there are 13 milion MORE on food stamps then there were under bush.
whose failed ideas evince??

yes, but you don't ask why that is...

COuld it be because after Bush's recession, a lot of employers figured out they didn't have to pay a living wage, and a lot of their employees get shoved onto food stamps.

New Report Shows How Walmart Forces Its Employees to Live on the Dole Mother Jones

Walmart's wages and benefits are so low that many of its employees are forced to turn to the government for aid, costing taxpayers between $900,000 and $1.75 million per store, according to a report released last week by congressional Democrats.

Using data from Wisconsin, which has the most complete and recent state-level Medicaid data available, the Democrats' report finds that 3,216 of Wisconsin’s 29,457 Walmart workers are enrolled in the state's Medicaid program. That figure that balloons to 9,207 when Walmart employees' children and adult dependents are taken into account. The study also looked at the costs of other taxpayer-funded programs that Walmart employees on state Medicaid could also use. Here's the tab:
ut I do think the numbers regarding how little people like or trust Hillary are very meaningful because she is so incredibly well known. If roughly 2/3 of Americans do not like and trust you, if will be very difficult for Hillary to turn that around based on her name recognition and the fact she has been in the public eye for a quarter century.

again, that works on the assumption that they will like or trust one of your guys better.

The fact your frontrunner is a Reality TV rodeo Clown doesn't say all that much for the state of your party.
ut I do think the numbers regarding how little people like or trust Hillary are very meaningful because she is so incredibly well known. If roughly 2/3 of Americans do not like and trust you, if will be very difficult for Hillary to turn that around based on her name recognition and the fact she has been in the public eye for a quarter century.

again, that works on the assumption that they will like or trust one of your guys better.

The fact your frontrunner is a Reality TV rodeo Clown doesn't say all that much for the state of your party.

Joe, you do realize a request by two non-partisan Inspector Generals of the Federal Government has asked DOJ to begin a criminal indictment of the Hildabeast?

If Obama's Justice Department passes on this (after they went after General Patreus for exactly the same thing) it will only hurt Obama and Hillary.

The issue will continue to dog her until the election and it will continue to erode what little trust remains. Hillary is toast. Period. As for Trump....only a idiot thinks he will be the GOP Nominee....that will be Walker, Rubio, or Bush. All three are beating the Hildabeast in swing state polling.

Things are not looking good for Hillary. Sad. :(
Joe, you do realize a request by two non-partisan Inspector Generals of the Federal Government has asked DOJ to begin a criminal indictment of the Hildabeast?

Hold on, checking my give a fuck meter.


If Obama's Justice Department passes on this (after they went after General Patreus for exactly the same thing) it will only hurt Obama and Hillary.

Or nobody will care outside the Hate Radio Fever Swamps. Nobody really cared that Petreaus did it, which is why he got such a sweetheart deal. (actually, what Petreaus did was actually worse, but no point arguing that to right wing crazies who still think Hillary offed Vince Foster.)

The issue will continue to dog her until the election and it will continue to erode what little trust remains. Hillary is toast. Period. As for Trump....only a idiot thinks he will be the GOP Nominee....that will be Walker, Rubio, or Bush. All three are beating the Hildabeast in swing state polling.

Okay, first, that's only ONE POLL.

Secondly, Rubio and Walker (either of whom I'm keeping an open mind on) still have to get the American people to know them. The problem is, right now, they are still "Generic Republican".

Third, those state polls still have 20% undecided, rendering them... pretty much meaningless.

National polls have Hillary still beating any one of those clowns.

Secondly, I wouldn't be too fast to dismiss Trump. He is kind of the candidate your side deserves at this point. He's got more than enough money to challenge the Koch and Adelson proxies for the stupids of your voting block.
In the 7th year of our Lord Obama there are 13 milion MORE on food stamps then there were under bush.
whose failed ideas evince??
Are you willing to raise wages on unskilled wages like Obama wants?

Why not?
I just love calling Trump a GOP. He has heavily donated to Hilary and Obama in the past. What he is doing is splitting the GOP and allowing any Dem to win in 2016. The sad part is, most GOP are just too stupid to see this and look for Trump to third party drawing about 20% of the GOP vote away from whatever GOP wins the Primary.
Any way you look at it, the division between Red States and Blue States leans heavily Blue

Unless Republicans come out with an outstanding candidate, Republicans can't win

Trump anyone?

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