Does Anyone Really Think Hillary Will Win?

The funny thing is all Hillary can hang her hat on is the electoral college. That will be taken away because Kasich is going to be the VP choice of any GOP primary winner so that will give Ohio to the Republicans. If Hillary looses Ohio she can not win. PERIOD! Kasich is going to be our next Vice President. Now we just need to work out whom will be at the top of the ticket.

What probability do you estimate around that Kasich will be the next elected VP of the US?
The latest Hillary polls are out from Quinnipiac and they are frankly terrible. Hillary is losing to all three primary Republican Candidates in Iowa, Virginia, and Colorado.

Not only is she losing to Walker, Bush, and Rubio.....but she is losing by big margins. For example: She is losing to Rubio by 8 points in Colorado and 9 points to Walker and Hillary is losing from between 6-8 points to all three candidates in Iowa.

Perhaps more troubling is as few as 34% of voters find Hillary to be honest and trustworthy. Her favorability rating are also terrible, and range from as low as 33% to 41%.

It is tough to see anyone winning with those numbers. Her is the story from Quinnipiac and the Washington Post.

2016 Presidential Swing State Polls Poll - July 22 2015 - Clinton In Trouble In Colorado Quinnipiac University Connecticut

Sorry Democrats If Hillary Clinton tanks Joe Biden can t save you - The Washington Post
Are you asking if the country is ready to commit suicide? I think not.
Are you asking if the country is ready to commit suicide? I think not.

So let's see.

Bush-41 brought us a war and a recession.

Bush-43 brought us two wars, two recessions, turned surpluses into trillion dollar deficits, and watched ineptly when a major city was flooded.

Seems like "Bush-45" would be national suicide to me.
Whatever you claim Bush brought us, Obabble wallowed in it and made it worse. We need a new direction.
These Gruberidiot Moon Bats will vote for the Bitch no matter her record of corruption, incompetence, stolen valor and lies. That is just the kind of dumbasses they are.
I'm positive that Hillary will win, the stupid in this country outnumber the smart, and you can't fix stupid.

That shithead Obama put together a coalition of all the idiotic despicable greedy special interest groups in this country. It remains to be seen if The Hildabeast can maintain that coalition of Blacks that vote their welfare check, union assholes, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts, Feminazis, confused college kids and their Marxists professors, illegal aliens, welfare queens and socialists.
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I'm positive that Hillary will win, the stupid in this country outnumber the smart, and you can't fix stupid.

That shithead Obama put together a coalition of all the idiotic despicable greedy special groups in this country. It remains to be seen if The Hildabeast can maintain that coalition of Blacks that vote their welfare check, union assholes, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts, Feminazis, confused college kids and their Marxists professors, illegal aliens, welfare queens and socialists.

I agree, but here's how it will happen:
We will get a douchebag RINO like Bush as our candidate, and even though we will be running against the despised by everyone Hillary, she will win in one of the lowest voter participating elections in history. Fewer demicrats hate Hillary than conservatives hate RINOs.

I agree, but here's how it will happen:
We will get a douchebag RINO like Bush as our candidate, and even though we will be running against the despised by everyone Hillary, she will win in one of the lowest voter participating elections in history. Fewer demicrats hate Hillary than conservatives hate RINOs.

You are probably right. There are a lot of idiots in this country that will ignore The Hildabeast's record of incompetency, corruption, stolen valor and lies and vote for her because she has a filthy ass "D" by her name.

Then she will continue to screw up the country to appease her welfare queens just like Obama and the Moon Bats will blame her failures on Bush or somebody.
Sadly, i do. I believe the fix is in. The NWO Globalist Elites may have promised her the Presidency this time around. They put the Muslim foreigner in there last time at her expense. He was their perfect Trojan Horse. They likely told her to step aside and then guaranteed she would get the Presidency later. The deal is likely done.
Whatever you claim Bush brought us, Obabble wallowed in it and made it worse. We need a new direction.

um. No. Obama got us out of Bush's wars and he fixed Bush's recession.

So, um. No.

If you lack any objectivity, there's no point in talking to you really. You can argue that the economy isn't where it should be. I personally agree with that. But all the answers coming from your side is the same answer you guys have been giving us for the last 30 years. YOu working class schlubs need to work harder for less money and the kind rich will trickle down on you.

No one buys that anymore.
The funny thing is all Hillary can hang her hat on is the electoral college. That will be taken away because Kasich is going to be the VP choice of any GOP primary winner so that will give Ohio to the Republicans. If Hillary looses Ohio she can not win. PERIOD! Kasich is going to be our next Vice President. Now we just need to work out whom will be at the top of the ticket.

What probability do you estimate around that Kasich will be the next elected VP of the US?
I give it a 60 / 40 at this point if the GOP thinks they will need to win Ohio he's in.
Hillary is a talentless carpetbagger who's been riding her husband's coattails for 25 years. It's time for the cow to go to pasture.
Admit it, Dems: Hillary Could Strangle a Puppy on Live TV, and You’d Still Back Her!!!!! ^ | 7/24/2015
So how much do Democrats value basic transparency, accountability, and honesty in their presidential candidates? Not bloody much, if you go by the handy polls over at RealClearPolitics. The six national polls taken this January and February, before the email scandal first broke, averaged out to a whopping 43 percentage-point lead for Hillary Clinton. How about the next six, in March and April? Plus 50. The 11 polls in May and June, when Berniementum first started sweeping the country, came in at +48, and the most recent five in July stand at +41.
The funny thing is all Hillary can hang her hat on is the electoral college. That will be taken away because Kasich is going to be the VP choice of any GOP primary winner so that will give Ohio to the Republicans. If Hillary looses Ohio she can not win. PERIOD! Kasich is going to be our next Vice President. Now we just need to work out whom will be at the top of the ticket.

What probability do you estimate around that Kasich will be the next elected VP of the US?
I give it a 60 / 40 at this point if the GOP thinks they will need to win Ohio he's in.

Do you want to bet on it then? Say you get $25 if he is the next elected US VP you pay $15 if he isn't?
Of course Hillary will win

She gets to run against the party of Trump

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