Does Anyone Really Think Hillary Will Win?

Well she has to win the Dem nomination first.

Don't know who the Dems will pick if it ain't Hilbat.
I mentioned this in another thread - while there's a lot of passionate support for Sanders, I have a tough time believing they'd nominate him, kind of like Ron Paul a few years ago.

That leaves Biden, O'Malley, Webb. Webb pisses off the PC Police with his honesty, so he's out. My guess is Biden, and that could be interesting.


Yes, he'd be ungagged, wow, the stupidity we would hear

Yup. Open mouth and insert foot Joe Biden.

The debates would be a riot.
What happened to Statistheilhitler? He kept promising us Hillary would win because she was beating all the GOP candidates?
The truth is with Sanders gaining respectibility more people are willing to jump off the Hillary wagon.

He is an expert on polling....He has gone to ground.
Hillary is in a bind. She stays away from the media and her numbers go down and if she engages the media her numbers go down faster. Her negatives among even democrats are shocking but the media doesn't make a big deal out of it. The reason there are so many republicans in the race is that Hillary is a pushover.
Unless something changes, I'd say Clinton is going to take the election. Right now the republicans are making it easy for her. She doesn't even have to campaign.

Sooner or later she is going to have to answer some real questions, either in a debate or a real interview. She will probably blow or say something really stupid. She actually is not very smart.

Wishful thinking does not win elections. She is an experienced speaker and she has an entire team behind her. Basing our strategy on the assumption that she will blow it is a surefire way to lose.

the strategy is that she is a terrible candidate. 60-70% of americans consider her dishonest and untrustworthy. The DNC is desperately looking for a way to dump her. Even they know that she is a loser thats why they dumped her in 08 for the incompetent black guy who was a good speech reader and nothing more.

So the strategy is to lose.

of course not, let the bitch speak, let the public hear her as much as possible. She will self destruct, but the GOP also needs to pick a strong ticket. Thats why I favor Kasich/Rubio.

Can't say I'm impressed with Rubio, but I could certainly get behind Kasich. The problem is he is being drowned out and the primaries are crucial for republicans. The more I watch this the more I am convinced we need to drop the primary process and return to the convention process. Let the party pick the candidate rather than this high school popularity contest.
Well she has to win the Dem nomination first.

Don't know who the Dems will pick if it ain't Hilbat.
I mentioned this in another thread - while there's a lot of passionate support for Sanders, I have a tough time believing they'd nominate him, kind of like Ron Paul a few years ago.

That leaves Biden, O'Malley, Webb. Webb pisses off the PC Police with his honesty, so he's out. My guess is Biden, and that could be interesting.


Yes, he'd be ungagged, wow, the stupidity we would hear

Yup. Open mouth and insert foot Joe Biden.

The debates would be a riot.

He's maybe the one worse candidate the Democrats have than Hillary
If one poll is wildly different from all the other polls, it's highly likely the one poll is wrong.

People of at least normal intelligence understand that, but such a simple fact eludes many righties. That was a big reason for their hilarious humiliation in regards to Romney, and it will be a big reason for the humiliation coming their way in 2016. They'll cherrypick one poll that tells them what they want to hear, and ignore all the other evidence.
If one poll is wildly different from all the other polls, it's highly likely the one poll is wrong.

People of at least normal intelligence understand that, but such a simple fact eludes many righties. That was a big reason for their hilarious humiliation in regards to Romney, and it will be a big reason for the humiliation coming their way in 2016. They'll cherrypick one poll that tells them what they want to hear, and ignore all the other evidence.

Sweetie......none of the polls looks good for Hillary is terms of trustworthiness, honesty, or likability. None. Period.

Here ya might want to read this and look at polling data on Real Clear

Dear truly....there is no need to live in ignorance forever. :)

Dem fears over Clinton s strength grow after new poll TheHill
Key quote from the widely respected Hill. Things in Hillaryland are not looking good.

"Democrats are seeing warning signs after a new poll showed Hillary Clinton losing three swing states and deep in negative territory on questions of character.

One Democratic strategist who spoke on condition of anonymity described the poll results as “the canary in the coal mine.”

The poll, from Quinnipiac University, surveyed voters in Colorado, Iowa and Virginia. President Obama won all three states in both of his presidential election victories, but they went for former President George W. Bush almost as uniformly in 2004 and 2000.
When the pollsters tested Clinton against leading Republican contenders Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.), former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, she lost every state to every opponent.

Among the most alarming findings, from a Democratic perspective, was the indication that Clinton, widely considered the party’s front-runner, would lose Colorado by 9 points to Walker and would lose by at least 6 points to any of the three candidates in Iowa.

Hank Sheinkopf, a New York-based Democratic consultant who has worked with Clinton in the past but is not involved with her current campaign, described the findings as “absolutely dangerous” for the party."
and why is it that every time hillary is tanking in the swing states, liberal reporters just deny it, but when she is ahead in swing states, its champagne time!
This thread has been interesting because of what has not been said. For example: Of the many Democrat folks that have opined no one has offered anything positive about Hillary. I mean...nothing.

No...."I think she'd make a great President".....or...."I really like and trust her." There seems to be zero enthusiasm.

I just don;t see how she can be elected President. Things can certainly change....but two or three more months of similar polls I see the Democrat Party kicking Hillary to the curb just like they did in 2008.
This thread has been interesting because of what has not been said. For example: Of the many Democrat folks that have opined no one has offered anything positive about Hillary. I mean...nothing.

No...."I think she'd make a great President".....or...."I really like and trust her." There seems to be zero enthusiasm.

I just don;t see how she can be elected President. Things can certainly change....but two or three more months of similar polls I see the Democrat Party kicking Hillary to the curb just like they did in 2008.
She offers nothing. She is the unRepublican and that's about it. Oh yeah, plus she has a vagina. It is no wonder a septagenarian self proclaimed socialist is drawing record crowds. It is literally "anybody but Hillary."
The latest Hillary polls are out from Quinnipiac and they are frankly terrible. Hillary is losing to all three primary Republican Candidates in Iowa, Virginia, and Colorado.

Not only is she losing to Walker, Bush, and Rubio.....but she is losing by big margins. For example: She is losing to Rubio by 8 points in Colorado and 9 points to Walker and Hillary is losing from between 6-8 points to all three candidates in Iowa.

Perhaps more troubling is as few as 34% of voters find Hillary to be honest and trustworthy. Her favorability rating are also terrible, and range from as low as 33% to 41%.

It is tough to see anyone winning with those numbers. Her is the story from Quinnipiac and the Washington Post.

2016 Presidential Swing State Polls Poll - July 22 2015 - Clinton In Trouble In Colorado Quinnipiac University Connecticut

Sorry Democrats If Hillary Clinton tanks Joe Biden can t save you - The Washington Post

She's a loser.
Hillary is still the only name that matters so far...
You may be right, but don't bet on it remaining that way. Especially as the media and government hammer her re: the latest email revelations.

Teflon Donna can't keep dodging metaphorical bullets forever.

At present, the Dems are a One-Trick Pony - Hillary - and if she's swept away, neither Bernie nor Joe will be able to hold the fort.
The funny thing is all Hillary can hang her hat on is the electoral college. That will be taken away because Kasich is going to be the VP choice of any GOP primary winner so that will give Ohio to the Republicans. If Hillary looses Ohio she can not win. PERIOD! Kasich is going to be our next Vice President. Now we just need to work out whom will be at the top of the ticket.

There's the ticket; Two old white guys against a woman and a young Hispanic. I'm sure the two old white guys will get her done.
You may be right, but don't bet on it remaining that way. Especially as the media and government hammer her re: the latest email revelations.

Teflon Donna can't keep dodging metaphorical bullets forever.

At present, the Dems are a One-Trick Pony - Hillary - and if she's swept away, neither Bernie nor Joe will be able to hold the fort.

Guy, you all have been saying "We've got Hillary this time" for 25 years now.

Here's the real problem you have. There aren't enough angry old white guys to keep the GOP afloat anymore.
You may be right, but don't bet on it remaining that way. Especially as the media and government hammer her re: the latest email revelations.

Teflon Donna can't keep dodging metaphorical bullets forever.

At present, the Dems are a One-Trick Pony - Hillary - and if she's swept away, neither Bernie nor Joe will be able to hold the fort.

Guy, you all have been saying "We've got Hillary this time" for 25 years now.

Here's the real problem you have. There aren't enough angry old white guys to keep the GOP afloat anymore.
There comes a time when even the slickest Teflon type can't dodge the metaphorical political bullet.

When the Federal government's own Inspectors General tell us that she lied about mishandling Confidential data, well...

In any event, we'll know soon enough, whether this latest dust-up is sufficiently lethal, politically, to put her away...
There comes a time when even the slickest Teflon type can't dodge the metaphorical political bullet.

When the Federal government's own Inspectors General tell us that she lied about mishandling Confidential data, well...

In any event, we'll know soon enough, whether this latest dust-up is sufficiently lethal, politically, to put her away...

again, you guys are delusional.

How's that Benghazi investigation going?

Have you guys figured out how she killed Vince Foster yet?
"Does Anyone Really Think Hillary Will Win?"

This illustrates just how clueless most on the right are, and how most conservatives are devoid of political acumen.

This is the wrong question – the correct question is what current GOP candidate will be able to get enough democrats to abandon the democratic nominee and vote republican, particularly if that nominee is HRC.

The answer, of course, is none.
And this is the main problem these guys have.

You have to convince people who voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012 to vote for your guy in 2016.

Who are these people?

The fact is, your frontrunner is currently a Reality TV Rodeo Clown. What that says is that you guys don't have a frontrunner.

Eventually, as the fall unfolds, you are going to see a bunch of the other clowns take their place as the 'Not Bush" candidate until you guys finally get stuck with... Bush.

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