Does anyone regret not getting the mRNA vaccine?

More Fear Mongering and misinformation from the anti-vax crowd

Havent you killed enough?

There you go again with the projection. For the record, I have never:

1. Forced anyone to endure medical treatment against their will.
2. Forced people to wear masks
3. Put people under house arrest
4. Kept kids from getting an education
5. Shuttered small businesses to benefit big corporationss
6. Censored people who hold opinions with which I disagree
7. Kept sick old people isolated from their loved ones so they died alone
8. Gotten people fired form their jobs for wanting to maintain their own bodily autonomy

You and your brown-shirted comrades have done all of these and more. Your typical manuever is to accuse those who call you on your atrocities of doing the same.

You don't fool us.
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There you go again with the projection. For the record, I have never:

1. Forced anyone to endure medical treatment against their will.
2. Forced people to wear masks
3. Put people under house arrest
4. Kept kids from getting an education
5. Shuttered small businesses to benefit big corporationss
6. Censored people who hold opinions with which I disagree
7. Kept sick old people isolated from their loved ones so they died alone
8. Gotten people fired form their jobs for wanting to maintain their own bodily autonomy

You and your brown-shirted comrades have done all of these and more. Your typical manuever is to accuse those who call you on your atrocities of doing the same.

You don't fool us.
A deadly disease that is killing millions calls for drastic measures

You can comply if you feel like it is not a solution
Nope, that can not be proven. We're not listening to the cdc, fda, govt lies. No more.
The stat's prove that it is true and, thus, that you are false and probably know it.

For many people, the virus may not be dangerous at all. But the figures demonstrate Boedicca is wrong (as usual, on this issue) and that many, many, many were at terrible risk without it.
That is you, the CTers, at the Gullibility Test game. The rise of the internet has allowed you gullible goofs to meet and interact and pass misinformation. I feel sorry for all of you.

You and your grey pals can say it all you want, but it still isn't true.

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Your link

Experts stress that despite this finding, an individual’s chances of dying from COVID-19 is much greater if they’re unvaccinated

The fact that more vaccinated people die from COVID than unvaccinated is partly because 80.7% of the population in the U.S. has had at least one dose of vaccine, according to the CDC. Actuarially, that would drive higher numbers of COVID fatalities among the vaccinated.
Does not change what I think of the vaccine. It destroys the immune system.
Of course, it’s called natural immunity. It was never a danger to anyone except old obese people. Of course Africa doesn’t have many obese people to begin with.

Over half of their population is 17 and under. A tiny portion of the country is 60 and over, just over 3% actually. In America it's 17%. Is it shocking that covid did most of it's damage with what little they had to work with? Yet it still killed off 250,000 people. Small for their population but this far from nothing. This is what happens when you can't vaccinate and you fall into one of the worse age groups.
No regrets. I'm in a really high category. Near 80, mild asthma, cancer survivor x 2.

I'm all for anyone who wants it and the various boosters to go on ahead.

What I find criminal is destroying people's careers, their lives destroyed because they refused.

Beyond criminal, I just can't think of a strong enough word or phrase.

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