Does Anyone Remember How The Left Tried To Get Rush Fired For Calling A Woman A Hooker?

You totally miss the point. This isn't an issue about freedom of speech. It most definitely is about blatant hypocrisy and a total lack of equal application of punishment. Roseanne Barr tweets some "racist" remark, spur of the moment. This Bee person presents a scripted and approved misogynist rant. Rosanne, and many other people, lose their jobs, their livelihoods. Bee is defended and even applauded for her horrific remarks. What's the difference between the two?
Why was Roseanne Barr's freedom of speech used to cancel her program, while Bee's FOS is given a pass? Seriously, the word c**t is banned on most forums, including this one.

On what world is racism "equivalent" to a vulgar word? No I don't think the post you quoted is the one missing the point here.
The only racism in this is the racism that's in you leftist's imaginations.
Anyone who sees Valerie Jarrett is reminded of the makeup used in Planet Of The Apes.
Those who can't are in denial,......which seems to be a constant among Liberals.

Sorry to burst yet another blanket strawman bullshit fantasy, Fuckwit, but I'm not even familiar with either "Valerie Jarrett" OR fucking "Planet of the Apes" --- I simply clarified what the comparison here is.

So cram your hyperfabricated bullshit right back up your ass where you got it, K?

And once you've done that, link us to this survey where you canvassed "every Liberal" so that you could wax prolific on what we "all" believe, shit-for-brains. :fu:

Dude claims to be worldly and then claims not to know who VJ is or the Planet of the Apes?

Then why the fuck even post about them?

You get more and more pathetic with each post.

I HAVEN'T posted about them, Stupid. As I said it would be a good idea for you to learn to read. What I did there was refuted an ass hole who put words in my mouth and shoved them back in his face. Nor have I ever even used the word "worldly" so fuck you too.

What is it with you ass hats that want to dribble all over a message board yet all you can do is make shit up?
Making shit up is another word for lying....or in the Democrat's case, FRAUD, which seems to be a Democrat Specialty.
I counter that with the fact that life can be vulgar....but we don't have to allow it on regular Television
It wasn't on regular TV, it was on paid for cable.
Keep them lies a comin'
You pathetic POS.
Everything on Television is paid for with your subscription.
It socialist programs like Full Frontal that act as leaches on the rest of the channels people watch.
No one of forcing mindless DittoTards like you to watch!! :asshole:
I think the point is escaping you.
Taking your obvious attempts to derail the thread with your sick impressions of Trump and Ivanka, it's clear you don't understand what's really going on here.
You support taking someone off of the air for saying something your handlers have labeled despicable in a public forum, thus squashing freedom of speech.
However, you don't feel that obscenity on the air is bad enough to remove someone simply because we're talking about a liberal this time. Fuck the Trump supporter, but save the nasty potty-mouth liberal.
It's obvious that the Thought Police are out in force and this is your way of forcing your despicable values down everyone's throats.
It's just amazing that the left comes here and instead of apologizing, they of course double down. Now apparently Trump's daughter is a hooker for having a picture with a baby in it. Trump is a pedo who performs incest because he has a loving family.

You totally miss the point. This isn't an issue about freedom of speech. It most definitely is about blatant hypocrisy and a total lack of equal application of punishment. Roseanne Barr tweets some "racist" remark, spur of the moment. This Bee person presents a scripted and approved misogynist rant. Rosanne, and many other people, lose their jobs, their livelihoods. Bee is defended and even applauded for her horrific remarks. What's the difference between the two?
Why was Roseanne Barr's freedom of speech used to cancel her program, while Bee's FOS is given a pass? Seriously, the word c**t is banned on most forums, including this one.

On what world is racism "equivalent" to a vulgar word? No I don't think the post you quoted is the one missing the point here.
The only racism in this is the racism that's in you leftist's imaginations.
Anyone who sees Valerie Jarrett is reminded of the makeup used in Planet Of The Apes.
Those who can't are in denial,......which seems to be a constant among Liberals.

Sorry to burst yet another blanket strawman bullshit fantasy, Fuckwit, but I'm not even familiar with either "Valerie Jarrett" OR fucking "Planet of the Apes" --- I simply clarified what the comparison here is.

So cram your hyperfabricated bullshit right back up your ass where you got it, K?

And once you've done that, link us to this survey where you canvassed "every Liberal" so that you could wax prolific on what we "all" believe, shit-for-brains. :fu:
That's rich.
You Libbys use a strawman which is the race-card like nobody's business.
You and your herd mentality and plantation values.
Jesus, you fuckers backed slavery and Jim Crow and now you feel you have the right to call everything imaginable racist.
If you all were to just walk off the ledge of a very tall building you would solve 90% of this country's problems.

Who is "you fuckers"? Southerners? Sorry, my family comes from South Dakota, Long Island and California.

He was quoting my post so apparently he means me plus whoever else that he can't define. He's a complete imbecile incapable of stating any rational point at all. So he just makes shit up about people he doesn't even know and clearly, doesn't deserve to.
And worse was her implications of Trump being a pedo, and Ivanka somehow being accepting of that, as if she would try and tempt her daddy into backing off by offering him some.

Yyyyyeeeah ummmm..... that's Rump's own idea. He's been pushing it for literally twenty years there, Rip van Winkle. Wake up and smell the Orange.

This is suddenly a bad thing you've been ignoring for two decades? How convenient.
You're such a sleazy lying jackass.

You should know by now Fingerboi --- I don't make references I can't back up.


That's from a magazine photo shoot, meaning that's what was posed and approved by Rump. We can only imagine what was not approved. She's fifteen there. How old is she now? Do the math.

Fuck with me some more and you'll get more.

Who da "lying jackass" now beeeyatch?

You didn’t prove a damn thing you moron, except that you are pathetic as hell.

I ain't the one who posed softcore pictures with my fifteen-year-old daughter in front of parrots fucking, now am I.

You lose. And Fingerboy ran away. That's him making sobbing noises over in the corner, so you'll need to find your own corner.
Now we discover that Samantha Bee called Ivanka a **** simply because she was holding her son in a photo.

No, she called her a **** because her father is seizing children from their parents and losing track of 1500 of them. That's why she called her a ****.
Every liberal is saying calling Ivanka a **** is mean but acceptable....but saying Valerie Jarrett looks a bit like a Simian is worth ruining lives over.

Um, yes, using racist language is wrong, but calling an awful corrupt figure a bad word is not quite so bad.

Of course, we all know that Ivanka lacks the depth and warmth to be a ****.
On what world is racism "equivalent" to a vulgar word? No I don't think the post you quoted is the one missing the point here.
The only racism in this is the racism that's in you leftist's imaginations.
Anyone who sees Valerie Jarrett is reminded of the makeup used in Planet Of The Apes.
Those who can't are in denial,......which seems to be a constant among Liberals.

Sorry to burst yet another blanket strawman bullshit fantasy, Fuckwit, but I'm not even familiar with either "Valerie Jarrett" OR fucking "Planet of the Apes" --- I simply clarified what the comparison here is.

So cram your hyperfabricated bullshit right back up your ass where you got it, K?

And once you've done that, link us to this survey where you canvassed "every Liberal" so that you could wax prolific on what we "all" believe, shit-for-brains. :fu:
That's rich.
You Libbys use a strawman which is the race-card like nobody's business.
You and your herd mentality and plantation values.
Jesus, you fuckers backed slavery and Jim Crow and now you feel you have the right to call everything imaginable racist.
If you all were to just walk off the ledge of a very tall building you would solve 90% of this country's problems.

Afraid not, Fuckbreath. "Strawman" is what the fuck you just shat here. But go ahead --- prove me wrong, link me to ANY of your vomitorium fantasy that has my name on it.

Exactly. You can't do it because you're a lying sack of shit incapable of making a salient point.

Go ye forthe now and fuck yourself, ass hole. :fu: :fu:
I think you need to look up the meaning of strawman.

I think you need to be working on rehabilitating your credibility with some fucking EVIDENCE.

Which doesn't exist but don't let that get in your way.

How to keep a moron busy ^^

On what world is racism "equivalent" to a vulgar word? No I don't think the post you quoted is the one missing the point here.
The only racism in this is the racism that's in you leftist's imaginations.
Anyone who sees Valerie Jarrett is reminded of the makeup used in Planet Of The Apes.
Those who can't are in denial,......which seems to be a constant among Liberals.

Sorry to burst yet another blanket strawman bullshit fantasy, Fuckwit, but I'm not even familiar with either "Valerie Jarrett" OR fucking "Planet of the Apes" --- I simply clarified what the comparison here is.

So cram your hyperfabricated bullshit right back up your ass where you got it, K?

And once you've done that, link us to this survey where you canvassed "every Liberal" so that you could wax prolific on what we "all" believe, shit-for-brains. :fu:

Dude claims to be worldly and then claims not to know who VJ is or the Planet of the Apes?

Then why the fuck even post about them?

You get more and more pathetic with each post.

I HAVEN'T posted about them, Stupid. As I said it would be a good idea for you to learn to read. What I did there was refuted an ass hole who put words in my mouth and shoved them back in his face. Nor have I ever even used the word "worldly" so fuck you too.

What is it with you ass hats that want to dribble all over a message board yet all you can do is make shit up?
Making shit up is another word for lying....or in the Democrat's case, FRAUD, which seems to be a Democrat Specialty.

And now you try to change the whole subject.

Wassamatta? Don't have the balls to admit you're a liar? :gay:

Quelle surprise.
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On what world is racism "equivalent" to a vulgar word? No I don't think the post you quoted is the one missing the point here.
The only racism in this is the racism that's in you leftist's imaginations.
Anyone who sees Valerie Jarrett is reminded of the makeup used in Planet Of The Apes.
Those who can't are in denial,......which seems to be a constant among Liberals.

Sorry to burst yet another blanket strawman bullshit fantasy, Fuckwit, but I'm not even familiar with either "Valerie Jarrett" OR fucking "Planet of the Apes" --- I simply clarified what the comparison here is.

So cram your hyperfabricated bullshit right back up your ass where you got it, K?

And once you've done that, link us to this survey where you canvassed "every Liberal" so that you could wax prolific on what we "all" believe, shit-for-brains. :fu:
That's rich.
You Libbys use a strawman which is the race-card like nobody's business.
You and your herd mentality and plantation values.
Jesus, you fuckers backed slavery and Jim Crow and now you feel you have the right to call everything imaginable racist.
If you all were to just walk off the ledge of a very tall building you would solve 90% of this country's problems.

Who is "you fuckers"? Southerners? Sorry, my family comes from South Dakota, Long Island and California.

He was quoting my post so apparently he means me plus whoever else that he can't define. He's a complete imbecile incapable of stating any rational point at all. So he just makes shit up about people he doesn't even know and clearly, doesn't deserve to.
Taking into consideration your incoherent rants, I can see how that would happen.
The only racism in this is the racism that's in you leftist's imaginations.
Anyone who sees Valerie Jarrett is reminded of the makeup used in Planet Of The Apes.
Those who can't are in denial,......which seems to be a constant among Liberals.

Sorry to burst yet another blanket strawman bullshit fantasy, Fuckwit, but I'm not even familiar with either "Valerie Jarrett" OR fucking "Planet of the Apes" --- I simply clarified what the comparison here is.

So cram your hyperfabricated bullshit right back up your ass where you got it, K?

And once you've done that, link us to this survey where you canvassed "every Liberal" so that you could wax prolific on what we "all" believe, shit-for-brains. :fu:
That's rich.
You Libbys use a strawman which is the race-card like nobody's business.
You and your herd mentality and plantation values.
Jesus, you fuckers backed slavery and Jim Crow and now you feel you have the right to call everything imaginable racist.
If you all were to just walk off the ledge of a very tall building you would solve 90% of this country's problems.

Afraid not, Fuckbreath. "Strawman" is what the fuck you just shat here. But go ahead --- prove me wrong, link me to ANY of your vomitorium fantasy that has my name on it.

Exactly. You can't do it because you're a lying sack of shit incapable of making a salient point.

Go ye forthe now and fuck yourself, ass hole. :fu: :fu:
I think you need to look up the meaning of strawman.

I think you need to be working on rehabilitating your credibility with some fucking EVIDENCE.

Which doesn't exist but don't let that get in your way.

How to keep a moron busy ^^
The evidence keeps hitting us in the face every day.
You must be so used to the shitfest that our media is pouring all over us that you barely notice it anymore.
Maybe you figure they're just saying this, and you're saying to yourself "This is exactly what I was thinking" of course you accept it without a second thought.
Does Anyone Remember How The Left Tried To Get Rush Fired For Calling A Woman A Hooker?

Uh no, I don't remember that. Who exactly would this be, this "The Left"? What do they do, meet in a Starbucks and issue a unanimous position paper?

That seems like a weird planet.

How about we refresh your memory. You attacked Rush during that whole Sandra Fluke outrage:
Who said his ratings are down? The voices in your fucked up head don't count.

Go drink some poison to do the world a favor.

Yeah....he only has a $100M radio contract and is constantly talked about by you scum in politics and on talk TV shows.....but you think he is irrelevant, because you are irrelvant.

limbaugh's ratings are below shitty. he got a big contract because he's been around forever and mouth-breathers like you keep him on the air. but if you look at the actual demographics and his ratings, no one gives a fuck about him. he gins-up the same small percentage of the country who actually thought the polls were skewed and romney was going to run away with it. i just hope when that bloviating piece of dog shit dies his sycophants either go into a cave somewhere or commit some kind of mass tribute suicide.

what? you think i can't be a liberal and wish for a whole bunch of stupid cockfaced morons to die so that our country will be free of the slack-jawed born again parasite that's leaching our country dry? too.fucking.bad.

Oh, that's true. Limblob's ratings have been tanking for a couple of years at least. That's why he launched the whole Sandra Fluke week-long attack-- to pad his ratings.

Again, ratings mean attention, not assent, which means the population is just getting less interested in what he does. Or perhaps more accurately, they're dying off. It's an audience of basically bitter old white men. Not much future in that.

I've got links when I get time to look 'em up.
Does Anyone Remember How The Left Tried To Get Rush Fired For Calling A Woman A Hooker?

Uh no, I don't remember that. Who exactly would this be, this "The Left"? What do they do, meet in a Starbucks and issue a unanimous position paper?

That seems like a weird planet.

How about we refresh your memory. You attacked Rush during that whole Sandra Fluke outrage:
Who said his ratings are down? The voices in your fucked up head don't count.

Go drink some poison to do the world a favor.

Yeah....he only has a $100M radio contract and is constantly talked about by you scum in politics and on talk TV shows.....but you think he is irrelevant, because you are irrelvant.

limbaugh's ratings are below shitty. he got a big contract because he's been around forever and mouth-breathers like you keep him on the air. but if you look at the actual demographics and his ratings, no one gives a fuck about him. he gins-up the same small percentage of the country who actually thought the polls were skewed and romney was going to run away with it. i just hope when that bloviating piece of dog shit dies his sycophants either go into a cave somewhere or commit some kind of mass tribute suicide.

what? you think i can't be a liberal and wish for a whole bunch of stupid cockfaced morons to die so that our country will be free of the slack-jawed born again parasite that's leaching our country dry? too.fucking.bad.

Oh, that's true. Limblob's ratings have been tanking for a couple of years at least. That's why he launched the whole Sandra Fluke week-long attack-- to pad his ratings.

Again, ratings mean attention, not assent, which means the population is just getting less interested in what he does. Or perhaps more accurately, they're dying off. It's an audience of basically bitter old white men. Not much future in that.

I've got links when I get time to look 'em up.

How 'bout you break open the piggy bank and break down and buy a dictionary so that you know what the word "attack" means. What it doesn't mean is crying in your diaper just because I posted some facts.

NONE of which was the question anyway. What I asked moron OP was who "the Left" is. Not me, the collective. He of course ran away from that question, doesn't have the stones to face it, and then doubled down with yet another collectivization fallacy, a victim of his own ignorance, digging himself deeper ---- ZERO of which has anything to do with the post above.

That it? Anything else?
And worse was her implications of Trump being a pedo, and Ivanka somehow being accepting of that, as if she would try and tempt her daddy into backing off by offering him some.

Yyyyyeeeah ummmm..... that's Rump's own idea. He's been pushing it for literally twenty years there, Rip van Winkle. Wake up and smell the Orange.

This is suddenly a bad thing you've been ignoring for two decades? How convenient.
You're such a sleazy lying jackass.

You should know by now Fingerboi --- I don't make references I can't back up.


That's from a magazine photo shoot, meaning that's what was posed and approved by Rump. We can only imagine what was not approved. She's fifteen there. How old is she now? Do the math.

Fuck with me some more and you'll get more.

Who da "lying jackass" now beeeyatch?

You didn’t prove a damn thing you moron, except that you are pathetic as hell.

I ain't the one who posed softcore pictures with my fifteen-year-old daughter in front of parrots fucking, now am I.

You lose. And Fingerboy ran away. That's him making sobbing noises over in the corner, so you'll need to find your own corner.

Care to share your family albums with the board?

Bet we could make up some sick shit about those photos as well.


Can’t stant the heat, get the hell out of the kitchen.
I remember how for months the left tried to get Rush Limbaugh fired because he implied that Sandra Fluke was a prostitute when she demanded to be paid to have sex.

Everyone on the left was up in arms. Calls for his firing were everywhere. Advertisers threatened.

Of course that was rubbish, the Maha Rushdie was just implying that Fluke was lying.

Fluke testified that the average broad at Georgetown was paying $3000 a year for contraception.

El Rushbo pointed out the absurdity of it by dividing $3000 by the cost of a prophylactic, and just wondered out loud what kind of broad would need that many rubbers.
And there is the scam. Prophylactics are only one form of birth control. He used this warmed and distorted logic to label Fluke as a slut.
Yyyyyeeeah ummmm..... that's Rump's own idea. He's been pushing it for literally twenty years there, Rip van Winkle. Wake up and smell the Orange.

This is suddenly a bad thing you've been ignoring for two decades? How convenient.
You're such a sleazy lying jackass.

You should know by now Fingerboi --- I don't make references I can't back up.


That's from a magazine photo shoot, meaning that's what was posed and approved by Rump. We can only imagine what was not approved. She's fifteen there. How old is she now? Do the math.

Fuck with me some more and you'll get more.

Who da "lying jackass" now beeeyatch?

You didn’t prove a damn thing you moron, except that you are pathetic as hell.

I ain't the one who posed softcore pictures with my fifteen-year-old daughter in front of parrots fucking, now am I.

You lose. And Fingerboy ran away. That's him making sobbing noises over in the corner, so you'll need to find your own corner.

Care to share your family albums with the board?

Bet we could make up some sick shit about those photos as well.


Can’t stant the heat, get the hell out of the kitchen.

Actually I already have Years ago.

Still got 'em too. Wanna see my grandneice?


Cute as a button, ain't she?

See the difference? I'm gonna guess you're shaking your head "no" even as you're mouthing the words as you read this so I'll spell it out.

I'm not posing her into some softcore porn shot here. Not just because I respect her but because I have zero reason to use her as a tool to troll people just to wank attention for myself. .

This is the whole question about Rump --- do we know Rump and his daughter (the one whose name he still knows) have or ever had an incestuous relationship? Of course we don't. That would have required us, or somebody, to be with them literally every moment they were ever in the same space, which would not only be none of our business as well as impossible, but would surely have qualified as torture under the Geneva Convention after approximately 17 seconds. :puke:

What we do know, and have ample evidence for, is that Rump wants us all to think that. He's been going out of his way for two decades crowing to anyone who will listen (and shame on them for listening) about how he'd like to date her, that she's a "hot piece of ass" (which is itself a disgusting term) and of course all these sleazy deliberately-posed pics in bed, in front of fucking parrots, and in all kinds of poses intimating just that.

The sleaziness of boinking one's own mid-teens daughter is one thing psychologically but to me the more interesting psyho question is why any father would want people to THINK that, even if there were no substance to it?

Whelp -- my guess is he's pushing the envelope to see just how much the self-delusional denialists, who have already chimed in on this thread, will be willing to overlook, excuse and rationalize away. Why? Because that tells him how far he can push you with complete fucking bullshit. And y'all play right the fuck into it, obediently bleating "yes master may we have more". Even Rump must be surprised at the bottomless depth of gullibility. As he noted in a moment of candor, he loves the "poorly educated". He's gotta be thinking "I can't believe I'm actually getting away with this". And I agree, I can't believe it either.

So why is all this here? It's here because this well-known sleaze trolling using his own daughter as a tool is exactly what Sam Bee was referring to when she advised Ivanka to 'wear something low cut' so she could get in his ear. This is something the whole world knows about, and it knows it because Rump himself made sure the whole world would know it. And it's been brought up on this board scores of times, no pun intended, at which point these same self-delusional denialist rationlaizers DID respond with the same self-delusional rationalizing, so you all DAMN WELL KNOW it's already out there ----- and yet we have wags who are so abjectly dishonest that they want to pretend Sam Bee just pulled it out of thin air this week, despite two decades of Rump putting it out there.. Selective memory on top of self-delusion. Y'all have all seen these pictures and comments before for years --- and now suddenly you wanna take the amnesia pill.

This board really needs a resident psychiatrist to explain summa y'all's posts.
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I remember how for months the left tried to get Rush Limbaugh fired because he implied that Sandra Fluke was a prostitute when she demanded to be paid to have sex.

Everyone on the left was up in arms. Calls for his firing were everywhere. Advertisers threatened.

Of course that was rubbish, the Maha Rushdie was just implying that Fluke was lying.

Fluke testified that the average broad at Georgetown was paying $3000 a year for contraception.

El Rushbo pointed out the absurdity of it by dividing $3000 by the cost of a prophylactic, and just wondered out loud what kind of broad would need that many rubbers.
And there is the scam. Prophylactics are only one form of birth control. He used this warmed and distorted logic to label Fluke as a slut.
Well, if she's in need of constant BC, chances are she is one.
But expecting us to pay for her loose lifestyle choices makes her a whore to the government or the insurance companies.
And worse was her implications of Trump being a pedo, and Ivanka somehow being accepting of that, as if she would try and tempt her daddy into backing off by offering him some.

Yyyyyeeeah ummmm..... that's Rump's own idea. He's been pushing it for literally twenty years there, Rip van Winkle. Wake up and smell the Orange.

This is suddenly a bad thing you've been ignoring for two decades? How convenient.
You're such a sleazy lying jackass.

You should know by now Fingerboi --- I don't make references I can't back up.


That's from a magazine photo shoot, meaning that's what was posed and approved by Rump. We can only imagine what was not approved. She's fifteen there. How old is she now? Do the math.

Fuck with me some more and you'll get more.

Who da "lying jackass" now beeeyatch?

You didn’t prove a damn thing you moron, except that you are pathetic as hell.

I ain't the one who posed softcore pictures with my fifteen-year-old daughter in front of parrots fucking, now am I.

You lose. And Fingerboy ran away. That's him making sobbing noises over in the corner, so you'll need to find your own corner.
Trump is a public figure, you POS.
Do you expect him to attack everyone who tried to snap his photo?
You're such a sleazy lying jackass.

You should know by now Fingerboi --- I don't make references I can't back up.


That's from a magazine photo shoot, meaning that's what was posed and approved by Rump. We can only imagine what was not approved. She's fifteen there. How old is she now? Do the math.

Fuck with me some more and you'll get more.

Who da "lying jackass" now beeeyatch?

You didn’t prove a damn thing you moron, except that you are pathetic as hell.

I ain't the one who posed softcore pictures with my fifteen-year-old daughter in front of parrots fucking, now am I.

You lose. And Fingerboy ran away. That's him making sobbing noises over in the corner, so you'll need to find your own corner.

Care to share your family albums with the board?

Bet we could make up some sick shit about those photos as well.


Can’t stant the heat, get the hell out of the kitchen.

Actually I already have Years ago.

Still got 'em too. Wanna see my grandneice?


Cute as a button, ain't she?

See the difference? I'm gonna guess you're shaking your head "no" even as you're mouthing the words as you read this so I'll spell it out.

I'm not posing her into some softcore porn shot here. Not just because I respect her but because I have zero reason to use her as a tool to troll people just to wank attention for myself. .

This is the whole question about ump --- do we know Rump and his daughter (the one whose name he still knows) have or ever had an incestuous relationship? Of course we don't. That would have required us, or somebody, to be with them literally every moment they were ever in the same space, which would not only be none of our business as well as impossible, but would surely have qualified as torture under the Geneva Convention after approximately 17 seconds. :puke:

What we do know, and have evidence for, is that ump wants us all to think that. He's been going out of his way for two decades crowing to anyone who will listen (and shame on them for listening) about how he'd like to date her, that she's a "hot piece of ass" (which is itself a disgusting term) and of course all these sleazy deliberately-posed pics in bed, in front of fucking parrots, and in all kinds of poses intimating just that.

The sleaziness of boinking one's own mid-teens daughter is one thing psychologically but to me the more interesting psyho question is why any father would want people to THINK that, even if there were no substance to it?

Whelp -- my guess is he's pushing the envelope to see just how much the self-delusional denialists, who have already chimed in on this thread, will be willing to overlook, excuse and rationalize away. Why? Because that tells him how far he can push you. And y'all play right the fuck into it.
Posting a picture of your family is a big mistake here, because I'm sure some sick fuck, like yourself, will make a nasty comment about it.
I’ve been kicked off of 3 liberal owned and run supposed discussion websites
Let’s look at the tape

In 2008 a self identified Iranian, who goes by the name Jihad, stated USA was cause of all the worlds ills. I told him to take his raghead self back to Iran.

In 2013 three dead monkeys were shown on the ground. I asked which one would Barry identify as a possible son

In 2016 I told a guy who said “I am sending black men to take your wife and daughter”
that his comments are how people like him get their ass beat

These all provided great false outrage from the one way street crowd . Now they endorse and espouse far worse on a daily basis

They are in fact doing what they accuse others of only worse

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