Does anyone remember what full employment looked like?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
I'm curious if anyone still remembers an America where there were jobs....
I honestly don't remember which is kind of sad.
Oh, yes. I can still remember 1959 as if it were yesterday.

I was fully employed building tree forts, skipping rocks in ponds and collecting all manner of bugs.
Without an adult, right? Of which, today, you would not be allowed to do, unless on your own acreage.
Oh, yes. I can still remember 1959 as if it were yesterday.

I was fully employed building tree forts, skipping rocks in ponds and collecting all manner of bugs.
94,103,000 Americans Not in Labor Force...

Labor Force Participation Improves Slightly; 94,103,000 Americans Not in Labor Force
January 8, 2016 | The number of Americans not in the labor force last month totaled 94,103,000 -- a slight improvement from the 94,446,000 not in the labor force in November--and the labor force participation rate increased a tenth of a point, with 62.6 percent of the civilian noninstitutional population either holding a job or actively seeking one.
For all of 2015, the highest labor participation rate was 62.9 percent in January: the lowest was 62.4 percent in September, and that 62.4 percent was the lowest in 38 years. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says the economy added 292,000 jobs in December, and the unemployment rate was unchanged at 5.0 percent -- for the third month in a row. In December, according to the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics, the nation’s civilian noninstitutional population, consisting of all people 16 or older who were not in the military or an institution, reached 251,936,000. Of those, 157,833,000 participated in the labor force by either holding a job or actively seeking one.


The 157,833,000 who participated in the labor force equaled 62.6 percent of the 251,936,000 civilian noninstitutional population. Ahead of this month's unemployment numbers, the Labor Department released an article examining why people who are not in the labor force are not working. It found that in 2014, 87.4 million people 16 years and older neither worked nor looked for work at any time during that year.

Of this group, 38.5 million people reported retirement as the main reason for not working. About 16.3 million people were ill or had a disability, and 16.0 million were attending school. Another 13.5 million people cited home responsibilities as the main reason for not working in 2014, and 3.1 million individuals gave “other reasons.” The self-reported reasons that people gave for not being in the labor force varied by age and gender, and the analysis includes charts comparing the reasons given by various worker groups in both 2004 and 2014.

Other notes from the December jobs report:

See also:

Growing Percentage of Men 25-to-54 Say 'Home Responsibilities' Keep Them Out of Labor Force
January 8, 2016 | Among the data it tracks, the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics counts how many people are not participating in the labor force; and in a new report, it also examined the reasons people give for their non-participation: retirement, illness or disability, home responsibilities, school, or "other reasons."
The report looked at peoples' non-participation in the labor force by age and gender for the years 2014 (the most recent year for which data is available) and 2004. In the year 2014, 763,000 men between the ages of 25 and 54 cited "home responsibilities" as their reason for not working or looking for work. Those 763,000 men were 1.2 percent of the total male civilian noninstitutional population in that age group. Back in 2004, 577,000 men in this age group (or 0.9 percent) cited "home responsiblities" as their reason for not working/not looking for a job. Men 25-54 were the only group to record an increase in "home responsibilities" as a reason for not working between 2004 and 2014.


Less educated men -- those with less than a college degree -- were more likely to claim "home responsibilities" as a reason for not participating in the labor force. Although far more women than men cited home responsiblities as their reason for not working, the percentage of women claiming this reason did not change from 2004 to 2014: In both of those years, 14.3 percent of women ages 25-54 said they did not work because of home responsibilities. Among 16- to 19-year-olds of both genders, the percentage citing home responsiblities dropped from 2.6 percent in 2004 to 2.0 percent in 2014; and in the 20-24 age bracket (both genders) the percentage dropped from 5.7 in 2004 to 4.3 in 2014.

Among these younger people, the percentage not in the labor force rose sharply and the most-often-cited reason for not working was school attendance. The proportion of men 25-54 who were not in the labor force rose from 9.2 percent in 2004 to 11.5 percent in 2014. In both years, the largest share of men in that age bracket who were not in the labor force reported illness or disability as their reason for not working. From 2004 to 2014, the percentage of men 25 to 54 who did not work or even seek a job because of illness or disability increased from 5.3 percent to 6.0 percent.

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if we create the proper tax climate & cut the endless red tape restricting American business large & small, then we'll have a real job resurgence, which will help to create full employment.

Full employment means we don't have 20% of the population either out of work or underemployed.

Full employment means that every new worker can feel good about going home to his family with the pride of having done a hard day's work.

Full employment benefits unions & employers, together they can rebuild our country's infrastructure.

Full employment means that people who are now mortgaged beyond their means can get out from under the oppressive burden of worrying if their homes are secure. As credit loosens up from banks, the new & renovated housing industries will boom as well.

Full employment! Full employment! Full employment!

We can rise again!

Our time is here! The potential is amazing!

Because of our people, American's best days are still to come! Together we can MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
I'm curious if anyone still remembers an America where there were jobs....
I honestly don't remember which is kind of sad.

Yes, I remember. Most of Reagan and Clinton. Good times, prosperity, tons of money to be made. Businesses would negotiate your salary on the spot to get you to come on board for fear you might go down the street to their competitor.

Believe it or not...........many corporations LIKED unions because they could sign longer term contracts keeping their wage costs under control. The longer the contract they could get the union to sign, the more they liked it!

Ah, the good ole prosperous days!

Just a question though............are illegal aliens counted in the participation rate? And regardless of if they are, or are not; would them not being here FORCE wages to rise since far less workers would be available to fill the labor needed to do Americas business? Certainly a very viable question I believe.
if we create the proper tax climate & cut the endless red tape restricting American business large & small, then we'll have a real job resurgence, which will help to create full employment.

Full employment means we don't have 20% of the population either out of work or underemployed.

Full employment means that every new worker can feel good about going home to his family with the pride of having done a hard day's work.

Full employment benefits unions & employers, together they can rebuild our country's infrastructure.

Full employment means that people who are now mortgaged beyond their means can get out from under the oppressive burden of worrying if their homes are secure. As credit loosens up from banks, the new & renovated housing industries will boom as well.

Full employment! Full employment! Full employment!

We can rise again!

Our time is here! The potential is amazing!

Because of our people, American's best days are still to come! Together we can MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
When did America stop being great?

And there are about 5 million jobs going begging out there. Seems we don't have enough people with technical skills to fill them. And there are all too many that seem to think that paying to import skilled people from other nations is a better solution than educating Americans to fill those jobs. You know, the assholes, otherwise known as GOP, that are constantly trying to cut all educational funding in this nation.
Without an adult, right? Of which, today, you would not be allowed to do, unless on your own acreage.
Oh, yes. I can still remember 1959 as if it were yesterday.

I was fully employed building tree forts, skipping rocks in ponds and collecting all manner of bugs.

yes, let's long for those days when there was segregation, women were the property of their husbands and men were charged with domestic abuse only when their assaults resulted in three or more stitches to their victim
if we create the proper tax climate & cut the endless red tape restricting American business large & small, then we'll have a real job resurgence, which will help to create full employment.

Full employment means we don't have 20% of the population either out of work or underemployed.

Full employment means that every new worker can feel good about going home to his family with the pride of having done a hard day's work.

Full employment benefits unions & employers, together they can rebuild our country's infrastructure.

Full employment means that people who are now mortgaged beyond their means can get out from under the oppressive burden of worrying if their homes are secure. As credit loosens up from banks, the new & renovated housing industries will boom as well.

Full employment! Full employment! Full employment!

We can rise again!

Our time is here! The potential is amazing!

Because of our people, American's best days are still to come! Together we can MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
When did America stop being great?

And there are about 5 million jobs going begging out there. Seems we don't have enough people with technical skills to fill them. And there are all too many that seem to think that paying to import skilled people from other nations is a better solution than educating Americans to fill those jobs. You know, the assholes, otherwise known as GOP, that are constantly trying to cut all educational funding in this nation.

it never did. but the wingers think it stopped being great, not when a sub literate president started two wars of choice for no reason, thereby destabilizing the entire middle east, and crashing our economy, but when the black guy became president.
And, of course, we have the little matter of the boomers retiring.


* Only 60 percent of baby boomers report having any retirement savings
* 36 percent said they plan to retire at 70 or later
* 27 percent are confident they will have enough for retirement
The US economy added almost 300,000 jobs in December and the unemployment rate is at 5%.

What bizarre world do conservatives live in that they only see misery at every turn?
The US economy added almost 300,000 jobs in December and the unemployment rate is at 5%.

What bizarre world do conservatives live in that they only see misery at every turn?

You booblet, Christmas always brings more jobs. Let us see how January is doing, see what is going on with the stock market, etc. Many are predicting another downturn this year, but unlike others, I won't say, "see I told you so' until statistics prove it is happening.
The US economy added almost 300,000 jobs in December and the unemployment rate is at 5%.

What bizarre world do conservatives live in that they only see misery at every turn?

You booblet, Christmas always brings more jobs. Let us see how January is doing, see what is going on with the stock market, etc. Many are predicting another downturn this year, but unlike others, I won't say, "see I told you so' until statistics prove it is happening.

You look out your keyhole and think the world shaped like a key.

Just research number of jobs added per month since Obama took office.

And, of course, we have the little matter of the boomers retiring.


* Only 60 percent of baby boomers report having any retirement savings
* 36 percent said they plan to retire at 70 or later
* 27 percent are confident they will have enough for retirement

that's what happens when right-wingers crash the economy, oppose any effort to fix that economy, cost that economy billions by shutting down the government, and then offshore jobs and break unions the protect workers.

it's so funny that the very working class people who should be opposing the right vote right because...well,
G-d, guns and gays....
These lefties are PATHETIC! How many of you have heard their refrain, labor participation rate=babyboomers retiring, that is the problem?

LOLOLOL, wake up, and look at the governments OWN statistics; and if we can't believe Obama's own government stats, who can we believe, correct, lol.

Civilian labor force participation rate by age, gender, race, and ethnicity

Now notice WHERE the participation rate has fallen-) Is it older people as of 14? If it was all about older people retiring, would OBYSMALS own graph show what it does?

Now look at younger people. Damn lefties, what is going on there?!?!?! Explain that to us, or your credibility has just been thrown out the proverbial window-)
Come on lefties, spit it out! Explain your beloved governments OWN statistics which totally throws your logic under the bus!

Come on lefties, I am tired of putting up with your propaganda!
That is what I thought, as they run to their phones to call Debbie, Wasserman, Shultz to find out how to spin their phony answer!

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