Does anyone remember what full employment looked like?

if we create the proper tax climate & cut the endless red tape restricting American business large & small, then we'll have a real job resurgence, which will help to create full employment.

Full employment means we don't have 20% of the population either out of work or underemployed.

Full employment means that every new worker can feel good about going home to his family with the pride of having done a hard day's work.

Full employment benefits unions & employers, together they can rebuild our country's infrastructure.

Full employment means that people who are now mortgaged beyond their means can get out from under the oppressive burden of worrying if their homes are secure. As credit loosens up from banks, the new & renovated housing industries will boom as well.

Full employment! Full employment! Full employment!

We can rise again!

Our time is here! The potential is amazing!

Because of our people, American's best days are still to come! Together we can MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
When did America stop being great?

And there are about 5 million jobs going begging out there. Seems we don't have enough people with technical skills to fill them. And there are all too many that seem to think that paying to import skilled people from other nations is a better solution than educating Americans to fill those jobs. You know, the assholes, otherwise known as GOP, that are constantly trying to cut all educational funding in this nation.
No, liberals would rather indoctrinate our kids instead of teaching them skills they can actually use. But your indoctrination might cost Hillary the election. So thanks! Lol
if we create the proper tax climate & cut the endless red tape restricting American business large & small, then we'll have a real job resurgence, which will help to create full employment.

Full employment means we don't have 20% of the population either out of work or underemployed.

Full employment means that every new worker can feel good about going home to his family with the pride of having done a hard day's work.

Full employment benefits unions & employers, together they can rebuild our country's infrastructure.

Full employment means that people who are now mortgaged beyond their means can get out from under the oppressive burden of worrying if their homes are secure. As credit loosens up from banks, the new & renovated housing industries will boom as well.

Full employment! Full employment! Full employment!

We can rise again!

Our time is here! The potential is amazing!

Because of our people, American's best days are still to come! Together we can MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
When did America stop being great?

And there are about 5 million jobs going begging out there. Seems we don't have enough people with technical skills to fill them. And there are all too many that seem to think that paying to import skilled people from other nations is a better solution than educating Americans to fill those jobs. You know, the assholes, otherwise known as GOP, that are constantly trying to cut all educational funding in this nation.

it never did. but the wingers think it stopped being great, not when a sub literate president started two wars of choice for no reason, thereby destabilizing the entire middle east, and crashing our economy, but when the black guy became president.
It was liberal policies that caused the crash. Obama's foreign policy is a disaster compared to Bush's.
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I'm curious if anyone still remembers an America where there were jobs....
I honestly don't remember which is kind of sad.

Actually it's not rocket science:

Look at what Bush left:


Why isn't Hillary running on the great job creation?

Second time you have posed this exceptional question, and you get crickets. Are the lefties telling us that those on here are in disagreement with their purported "shoe in" nominee?

Or rather, are they telling us that these incompetent boobs haven't got the memo yet from the DNC to keep their mouths shut on job creation because the governments own statistics don't support the propaganda they are spewing, lololol!
These lefties are PATHETIC! How many of you have heard their refrain, labor participation rate=babyboomers retiring, that is the problem?

LOLOLOL, wake up, and look at the governments OWN statistics; and if we can't believe Obama's own government stats, who can we believe, correct, lol.

Civilian labor force participation rate by age, gender, race, and ethnicity

Now notice WHERE the participation rate has fallen-) Is it older people as of 14? If it was all about older people retiring, would OBYSMALS own graph show what it does?

Now look at younger people. Damn lefties, what is going on there?!?!?! Explain that to us, or your credibility has just been thrown out the proverbial window-)
Let's not forget when Obama blamed ATM's for the slow job creation.
These lefties are PATHETIC! How many of you have heard their refrain, labor participation rate=babyboomers retiring, that is the problem?

LOLOLOL, wake up, and look at the governments OWN statistics; and if we can't believe Obama's own government stats, who can we believe, correct, lol.

Civilian labor force participation rate by age, gender, race, and ethnicity

Now notice WHERE the participation rate has fallen-) Is it older people as of 14? If it was all about older people retiring, would OBYSMALS own graph show what it does?

Now look at younger people. Damn lefties, what is going on there?!?!?! Explain that to us, or your credibility has just been thrown out the proverbial window-)
Let's not forget when Obama blamed ATM's for the slow job creation.

I am wondering if the lefties are going to try and let this thread die ASAP because they won't touch my graph, or your question, with a 10 foot telephone pole, lol!
So let us re-examine the points here-)

My graph, from the lefties beloved government, proves they are full of shit as a Christmas turkey......./.AND......JKNOWGOOD has asked the pertinent question, if things are as wonderful as the lefties say they are, why is Hillary not running on Obysmals legacy, proclaiming she will give us more of the same economically!

OK Lefties, your turn, explain this to all of us supposed wingnuts who are just dumb hicks-)
64 straight months of positive private sector job growth and unemployment holding steady at 5% (Romney said he'd have it at 6% by this time in his term :lol:)

Tune in to Hannity to find out why that's bad!
64 straight months of positive private sector job growth and unemployment holding steady at 5% (Romney said he'd have it at 6% by this time in his term :lol:)

Tune in to Hannity to find out why that's bad!

92 + million out of the workforce makes that 5% figure pure propaganda
64 straight months of positive private sector job growth and unemployment holding steady at 5% (Romney said he'd have it at 6% by this time in his term :lol:)

Tune in to Hannity to find out why that's bad!

92 + million out of the workforce makes that 5% figure pure propaganda
And what is the average hourly work week?

What's the average wage per hour? How many Americans are getting these jobs? Liberals....dumber than a sack of hammers
64 straight months of positive private sector job growth and unemployment holding steady at 5% (Romney said he'd have it at 6% by this time in his term :lol:)

Tune in to Hannity to find out why that's bad!

92 + million out of the workforce makes that 5% figure pure propaganda

Oh Gunslinger, you forgot you were ignoring me. 64 months of positive job growth LGS. I'm sure you have Bushnesia, but we were losing 700,000 jobs a month when President Obama took office. Romney, the guy you voted for, said he'd have it to 6%. Maybe math isn't your forte (what is?), but 5% unemployment is better than 6% and a damn sight better than it was under the previous president.

See, we didn't even need the tic tac brain of Hannity, Sassygunsligner can tell us why it's bad. :lol:
64 straight months of positive private sector job growth and unemployment holding steady at 5% (Romney said he'd have it at 6% by this time in his term :lol:)

Tune in to Hannity to find out why that's bad!

92 + million out of the workforce makes that 5% figure pure propaganda
And what is the average hourly work week?

Wait...are you saying wages are stagnant? Are you sure that's your talking point? The Heritage Foundation (you know, the conservative "think" tank) says they aren't.

If you're sure you're going with "wages are stagnant", do you know why they are and what can be done?
64 straight months of positive private sector job growth and unemployment holding steady at 5% (Romney said he'd have it at 6% by this time in his term :lol:)

Tune in to Hannity to find out why that's bad!

92 + million out of the workforce makes that 5% figure pure propaganda
And what is the average hourly work week?

Wait...are you saying wages are stagnant? Are you sure that's your talking point? The Heritage Foundation (you know, the conservative "think" tank) says they aren't.

If you're sure you're going with "wages are stagnant", do you know why they are and what can be done?
Increase welfare and EBT payments. That will skyrocket the economy according to Nancy.
64 straight months of positive private sector job growth and unemployment holding steady at 5% (Romney said he'd have it at 6% by this time in his term :lol:)

Tune in to Hannity to find out why that's bad!

92 + million out of the workforce makes that 5% figure pure propaganda

Oh Gunslinger, you forgot you were ignoring me. 64 months of positive job growth LGS. I'm sure you have Bushnesia, but we were losing 700,000 jobs a month when President Obama took office. Romney, the guy you voted for, said he'd have it to 6%. Maybe math isn't your forte (what is?), but 5% unemployment is better than 6% and a damn sight better than it was under the previous president.

See, we didn't even need the tic tac brain of Hannity, Sassygunsligner can tell us why it's bad. :lol:

92 + million out of the workforce. Wake up you deluded tool
64 straight months of positive private sector job growth and unemployment holding steady at 5% (Romney said he'd have it at 6% by this time in his term :lol:)

Tune in to Hannity to find out why that's bad!

92 + million out of the workforce makes that 5% figure pure propaganda
And what is the average hourly work week?

Wait...are you saying wages are stagnant? Are you sure that's your talking point? The Heritage Foundation (you know, the conservative "think" tank) says they aren't.

If you're sure you're going with "wages are stagnant", do you know why they are and what can be done?
Increase welfare and EBT payments. That will skyrocket the economy according to Nancy.

Uh huh, as I suspected, you've got nothing. You have no answer as to why wages are stagnant or what can be done about it.

And you're sure you're going with your stance on wages, despite what the conservative Heritage Foundation says? Care to comment on what the Heritage is saying? They say wages are growing fine and the income inequality isn't real or a big deal. Do you agree? What do you believe should be done about the wage gap and income inequality if you do in fact believe these things exist?
64 straight months of positive private sector job growth and unemployment holding steady at 5% (Romney said he'd have it at 6% by this time in his term :lol:)

Tune in to Hannity to find out why that's bad!

64 straight months of positive private sector job growth and unemployment holding steady at 5% (Romney said he'd have it at 6% by this time in his term :lol:)

Tune in to Hannity to find out why that's bad!

92 + million out of the workforce makes that 5% figure pure propaganda

Oh Gunslinger, you forgot you were ignoring me. 64 months of positive job growth LGS. I'm sure you have Bushnesia, but we were losing 700,000 jobs a month when President Obama took office. Romney, the guy you voted for, said he'd have it to 6%. Maybe math isn't your forte (what is?), but 5% unemployment is better than 6% and a damn sight better than it was under the previous president.

See, we didn't even need the tic tac brain of Hannity, Sassygunsligner can tell us why it's bad. :lol:

92 + million out of the workforce. Wake up you deluded tool

And so, this lefty says that Obama's OWN government statistics don't mean a thing, lolol. Is Obama's government lying to him? Did he look at what the GOVERNMENT GRAPH said? Why can't he explain what it said? Why isn't Hillary running on more of the same? He didn't explain that either, lol.

Notice, we are ALWAYS accused of going to RW sites for our graphs, so I went to their BELOVED government, and their BELOVED government said basically that, "the lefties are lying through their teeth!"

Again there lefties...........are you saying that Obama's own government statistics are false? If so, they are misleading and lying to you. Is that what you like? Does it make you feel good to be treated like children and lied to?

I bet you lefties do like it, don't ya-)
64 straight months of positive private sector job growth and unemployment holding steady at 5% (Romney said he'd have it at 6% by this time in his term :lol:)

Tune in to Hannity to find out why that's bad!

92 + million out of the workforce makes that 5% figure pure propaganda
And what is the average hourly work week?

Wait...are you saying wages are stagnant? Are you sure that's your talking point? The Heritage Foundation (you know, the conservative "think" tank) says they aren't.

If you're sure you're going with "wages are stagnant", do you know why they are and what can be done?
Increase welfare and EBT payments. That will skyrocket the economy according to Nancy.

Uh huh, as I suspected, you've got nothing. You have no answer as to why wages are stagnant or what can be done about it.

And you're sure you're going with your stance on wages, despite what the conservative Heritage Foundation says? Care to comment on what the Heritage is saying? They say wages are growing fine and the income inequality isn't real or a big deal. Do you agree? What do you believe should be done about the wage gap and income inequality if you do in fact believe these things exist?
More jobs....better jobs...better family structure...better education...fewer useless immigrants..reduced regulation...reduce taxes.
64 straight months of positive private sector job growth and unemployment holding steady at 5% (Romney said he'd have it at 6% by this time in his term :lol:)

Tune in to Hannity to find out why that's bad!

92 + million out of the workforce makes that 5% figure pure propaganda
And what is the average hourly work week?

Wait...are you saying wages are stagnant? Are you sure that's your talking point? The Heritage Foundation (you know, the conservative "think" tank) says they aren't.

If you're sure you're going with "wages are stagnant", do you know why they are and what can be done?
Increase welfare and EBT payments. That will skyrocket the economy according to Nancy.

Uh huh, as I suspected, you've got nothing. You have no answer as to why wages are stagnant or what can be done about it.

And you're sure you're going with your stance on wages, despite what the conservative Heritage Foundation says? Care to comment on what the Heritage is saying? They say wages are growing fine and the income inequality isn't real or a big deal. Do you agree? What do you believe should be done about the wage gap and income inequality if you do in fact believe these things exist?

Deltex has forgotten more about economics than you will ever learn
64 straight months of positive private sector job growth and unemployment holding steady at 5% (Romney said he'd have it at 6% by this time in his term :lol:)

Tune in to Hannity to find out why that's bad!

92 + million out of the workforce makes that 5% figure pure propaganda

Oh Gunslinger, you forgot you were ignoring me. 64 months of positive job growth LGS. I'm sure you have Bushnesia, but we were losing 700,000 jobs a month when President Obama took office. Romney, the guy you voted for, said he'd have it to 6%. Maybe math isn't your forte (what is?), but 5% unemployment is better than 6% and a damn sight better than it was under the previous president.

See, we didn't even need the tic tac brain of Hannity, Sassygunsligner can tell us why it's bad. :lol:

92 + million out of the workforce. Wake up you deluded tool

So you've decided not to lie about ignoring me anymore? Totes adorbs!

Yes, you keep repeating that talking point, it still doesn't change 64 months of positive job growth or unemployment below what your guy Romney said he do, does it?
There will never be an increase in the job market. Companies send those jobs overseas because they can actually have the labor done for no pay. Why would they bring them over here. The only way is for them to offer minimum wage and nobody here wants minimum wage jobs. Those jobs are for kids only. We cannot expect any adult to fill them.

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