Does being a liberal automatically get you banned here?

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Bullypulpit said:
Lenni Riefenstahl couldn't have done ant better. That's not patriotism...that's pure propaganda. It's one thing to support the troops, but another entirely to propagandize the sacrifices they make on foreign shores.

each side is full of shit...your point?
catatonic said:
Just tell me this -

does a statement of material fact that puts no one in danger count as disruptive?

I seriously doubt it, but if you are in doubt and want to stick PM a Mod and ask them...

Shoot, look up a few of the Bullypulpit posts...

Also check out ACLUDem...



Archangel (not liberal, but definitely strong opinions...)


There are also some new ones... I don't have time to list every liberal on the board... Just check the posts and disabuse yourself of your prejudice.
Bullypulpit said:
Lenni Riefenstahl couldn't have done ant better. That's not patriotism...that's pure propaganda. It's one thing to support the troops, but another entirely to propagandize the sacrifices they make on foreign shores.

HOw did this get in a "will I get banned" thread?
dilloduck said:
oh sure-----you're just trying to use age as an excuse to avoid pos rep abuse !!!
Ya know...its always outta reach ain't it? Get this age you can do this, this age age that...etc
Now that I am at it, it turns into an excuse? Damn...

manu1959 said:
maybe bully is on a death wish?

LOL. Bully is a mainstay.. I don't think he'll ever be banned. Plus, he occassionally comes up with a surprisingly Libertarian view that I fully agree with.
Mr. P said:
Ya know...its always outta reach ain't it? Get this age you can do this, this age age that...etc
Now that I am at it, it turns into an excuse? Damn...


I hear ya---I get crap from my son AND my mother about my age. There is no justice!:dunno:
dilloduck said:
I hear ya---I get crap from my son AND my mother about my age. There is no justice!:dunno:

just rember are right
no1tovote4 said:
I seriously doubt it, but if you are in doubt and want to stick PM a Mod and ask them...

Shoot, look up a few of the Bullypulpit posts...

Also check out ACLUDem...



Archangel (not liberal, but definitely strong opinions...)


There are also some new ones... I don't have time to list every liberal on the board... Just check the posts and disabuse yourself of your prejudice.

Damn straight biatch :D

Hey catatonic, there are a few of us liberals here. It is actually a fun gig, just be sure to put your arguing shoes on before you step into the ring.
Some advice my liberal friend:

1) Just assume that you're going to be temporarily banned if you serve some conservative admins their hat while debating an issue. It's not a true banning but more of a "I'm being soundly thumped here and need a way out so maybe everyone will forget if he 'goes away' for 24 hours" ban. Short of that, they may just "remove" you from a particular thread when they're wrong and you've proven them wrong for the umpteenth time. It's all good. You'll survive. Move on to the next thread and carry on with the liberal viewpoint. So far I have absolutely no indication they'll unfairly permanently ban you simply for having a liberal view point.

2) They prefer the Alan Colmes type liberals here... you know, almost-Republican apologists. They'll bash you to no end and then whine like babies and then you might get banned for a short while and then you'll come back in a day or two and start over. Meanwhile, they'll have trashed the thread you're in with stuff like, "where'd you go chicken?"

3) Prepare yourself for conservative hypocrisy out the yingyang. They'll cry and whine about black leaders calling Justice Thomas an 'Uncle Tom' and then call you a 'wigger' in the same thread. They'll watch someone post half a dozen conservative articles in rapid succession (with sources like and say nothing, but as soon as you post three liberal viewpoint threads they'll accuse you of "running to DU." They'll say nothing when someone falsely accuses you of allying with the Westboro Baptist Church but then, in the very same thread, will scream like little children when you do the same to them. Just be ready for it. Sometimes I think I'm in mock-indignation++land

4) Be ready for a constant barrage of links to hooked-on-phonics, reading is fundamental and so forth because many conservatives seem to be unable to remember what they previously posted or are incapable of saying what they actually mean and have to revise and change their position five times. This is their defense mechanism... they can't articulate what they want to say, so YOU'RE stupid. Don't let your feelings be hurt. They don't mean to be so mean... their parents just didn't hug them enough. Try to be as understanding as possible.

5) They're really touchy about the rep points thing. It's kind of like a self-congratulatory circle jerk in that they run around patting each other on the back for sounding like Westboro Coulter. Sometimes you can give some love for an Alan "I'm Sorry" Colmes-type post. But, that's about it. My suggestion, just stay away from the repping thing. To some it's like their life to them. One guy even told me he was going to "hurt" me with the rep point thing... as if I cared.

But, as to your question... no, I don't think you're going to be permanently banned for having a liberal viewpoint. The conservatives don't like it when you stand up to them; but, I think we're done with watching liberals let conservatives trample all over us with their screachy, mealy-mouthed arguments.
BTW, I think it's really funny how the conservatives can fill up 5 pages with "circling to attack".... they're just DYING for you to post. Keep them waiting I say. :cof:
jasendorf said:
BTW, I think it's really funny how the conservatives can fill up 5 pages with "circling to attack".... they're just DYING for you to post. Keep them waiting I say. :cof:

Being a liberal means you have to find bad news in any good news (when a Republican is President)

Lauer Frets Over October Withdrawal Surprise, Mik Lets Gitmo Fact Slip
Posted by Mark Finkelstein on June 12, 2006 - 07:40.

Talk about you're damned-if-you do moment . . .

What have the Dems and their MSM echo-chamber been clamoring for, nay, demanding, when it comes to Iraq? Why, a troop withdrawal, of course. Yet there was Matt Lauer on this morning's Today, fretting that President Bush might . . . withdraw troops.

Lauer's lament came in the course of his interview of former General Barry McCaffrey, looking ahead to the Iraq summit that Pres. Bush is holding at Camp David beginning today with his top national security advisers.

Said Lauer:

" Do you worry about a political side of this, that the administration may pull a substantial number troops out of Iraq just prior to November's mid-term elections simply to sway public opinion?"
red states rule said:
Being a liberal means you have to find bad news in any good news (when a Republican is President)

Lauer Frets Over October Withdrawal Surprise, Mik Lets Gitmo Fact Slip
Posted by Mark Finkelstein on June 12, 2006 - 07:40.

Talk about you're damned-if-you do moment . . .

What have the Dems and their MSM echo-chamber been clamoring for, nay, demanding, when it comes to Iraq? Why, a troop withdrawal, of course. Yet there was Matt Lauer on this morning's Today, fretting that President Bush might . . . withdraw troops.

Lauer's lament came in the course of his interview of former General Barry McCaffrey, looking ahead to the Iraq summit that Pres. Bush is holding at Camp David beginning today with his top national security advisers.

Said Lauer:

" Do you worry about a political side of this, that the administration may pull a substantial number troops out of Iraq just prior to November's mid-term elections simply to sway public opinion?"

Truer words were never accidently blurted out.
jasendorf said:
Some advice my liberal friend:

1) Just assume that you're going to be temporarily banned if you serve some conservative admins their hat while debating an issue. It's not a true banning but more of a "I'm being soundly thumped here and need a way out so maybe everyone will forget if he 'goes away' for 24 hours" ban. Short of that, they may just "remove" you from a particular thread when they're wrong and you've proven them wrong for the umpteenth time. It's all good. You'll survive. Move on to the next thread and carry on with the liberal viewpoint. So far I have absolutely no indication they'll unfairly permanently ban you simply for having a liberal view point.

2) They prefer the Alan Colmes type liberals here... you know, almost-Republican apologists. They'll bash you to no end and then whine like babies and then you might get banned for a short while and then you'll come back in a day or two and start over. Meanwhile, they'll have trashed the thread you're in with stuff like, "where'd you go chicken?"

3) Prepare yourself for conservative hypocrisy out the yingyang. They'll cry and whine about black leaders calling Justice Thomas an 'Uncle Tom' and then call you a 'wigger' in the same thread. They'll watch someone post half a dozen conservative articles in rapid succession (with sources like and say nothing, but as soon as you post three liberal viewpoint threads they'll accuse you of "running to DU." They'll say nothing when someone falsely accuses you of allying with the Westboro Baptist Church but then, in the very same thread, will scream like little children when you do the same to them. Just be ready for it. Sometimes I think I'm in mock-indignation++land

4) Be ready for a constant barrage of links to hooked-on-phonics, reading is fundamental and so forth because many conservatives seem to be unable to remember what they previously posted or are incapable of saying what they actually mean and have to revise and change their position five times. This is their defense mechanism... they can't articulate what they want to say, so YOU'RE stupid. Don't let your feelings be hurt. They don't mean to be so mean... their parents just didn't hug them enough. Try to be as understanding as possible.

5) They're really touchy about the rep points thing. It's kind of like a self-congratulatory circle jerk in that they run around patting each other on the back for sounding like Westboro Coulter. Sometimes you can give some love for an Alan "I'm Sorry" Colmes-type post. But, that's about it. My suggestion, just stay away from the repping thing. To some it's like their life to them. One guy even told me he was going to "hurt" me with the rep point thing... as if I cared.

But, as to your question... no, I don't think you're going to be permanently banned for having a liberal viewpoint. The conservatives don't like it when you stand up to them; but, I think we're done with watching liberals let conservatives trample all over us with their screachy, mealy-mouthed arguments.

Also keep in mind the above member is incapable of truth, rational thought, or reason. He lies too - see #1, 2 and 3, part of 4, and all of 5 in his post above.

People here get banned when they cross the line - which is broad, of being 'more trouble than they are worth.' When smart people, liberal - moderate - or conservative get tired of trying for the 200th time to tell people like asendorf '2+2=4' we ban them.

catatonic said:

I just found this site on google that said it was America's premier message boards.

I noticed that over 99% of you are of the same politcal persuasion and was wondering if a liberal wouldn't be able to post here, so I just thought I'd test it out. There doesn't seem to be a single post here supporting any liberal person.

This is not a normal political message board. A normal political message board would be a debate between diverse groups, not a very narrow class of Americans. The Republicans in Congress don't even seem to be this one-sided. Call me crazy but you all seem to be stereotypes. What gives and will I be immediately banned?
You must have us confused with Democratic Undergound. I got banned for just visiting the site! (j/k actually it took a whole 4 posts).

The best way to get banned here is to be a troll, flaming moderators (definitely a no no) and being a jerk. I hope that you decide not to do any of those things and welcome the chance to debate.

There are liberals on this board, that have been here quite a while. Having a different opinion isn't what's going to get you, it's the conspiracy theories, automatic thinking, making statements without anything to back it up and so forth. Those won't get you banned, but they won't make you very well regarded here.
Well my head hasn't exploded yet :D

I had a hell of a shitfight on DU a few months ago (don't bother searching for this nick on there) which taught me that closed-mindedness isn't the preserve of every right winger.

Folks here get into it but are pretty tolerant, when you beat some sense into them :D

At least I don't feel I should check under my car before driving off to work.

But if you don't want to test your opinions and ideas then don't stick around.
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