Does being against paedophilia mean you have a phobia? No! Islam deems sex with 9 year olds as accep

David Jeffrey Spetch

Senior Member
Nov 17, 2014
Does being against paedophilia mean you have a phobia? No but they label you with the lie islamaphobe for being against islam. Islam deems sex with 9 year olds as acceptable and every muslim on the planet follows islam which proves that muslims support paedophilia. Islam and muslims quite obviously have no valid place in North America!

Does being against being beheaded or stoned to death mean you have a phobia? No, but they label you with the lie islamaphobe for being against muslims and their filthy offencive islam meanwhile every single muslim on the planet follows islam, not just some and islam deems beheading of non muslims or being stoned to death for not being muslim as acceptable.

I just shared with you two examples of fact that proves that there is no such thing as an islamaphobe and no such thing as a xenophobe when it comes to muslims. That muslims and their filthy religious garbage have no place in North America as long as they continue to degrade themselves by following such disgusting offencive garbage as islam.

Islam deems violent hate crimes against non muslims as acceptable including gang raping of women for not wearing muslim garbage bags as well as raping children. Again every single muslim on the planet follows islam with islams violent hate crimes against non muslims deemed as acceptable or they quite obviously would not be muslim if they did not support such disgusting filth of which these hate crimes against non muslims are currently being executed in many countries around the globe in MODERN DAY which have greater populations in percentage of countries that they invade posing as immigrants or refugees than Canada currently has but Justin Trudeau doesn't care about the well being of Canadian citizens as this traitor catering to lobbyist dictatorship (of which lobbyist dictatorship is quite obviously not democracy).

It is also deemed acceptable in islam that muslims lie & deceive non muslims for purposes of infiltration and global domination. All of the muslims in north America keeping quiet until their numbers grow while they are feeding us lies and deceptions such as islamaphobe. They are here doing what filthy islam instructs them to do to keep the door open long enough for more muslims to ifnect the country with such an offencive filthy disgusting presence until their are enough muslims to start doing damage as they already have taken over Afghanistan which only a couple of decades ago muslims were only 5 percent of the population. Take a look at the hate crimes muslims are committing Islam deems as acceptable in Germany, Sweden, France, Switzerland, United Kingdom etc.

The Syrian war is caused by Muslims vs muslims which proves that they are too stupid to get along with one another and when they call islam a religion of peace they mean "peace = death ~ quite obviously"

We need to remove traitors from office long before their term is up to undo the damage these low life's in office such as our pathetic excuse for pm. The longer we wait to remove the trash from office, the longer it will take to recover Canada to something respectable.

I don;t care what skin colour you have or what country you are from, if you follow islam then you are quite factually posing a threat to the lives of everyone not muslim in Canada and therefor need to be removed from this country unless you throw islam in the garbage where it belongs permanently! If you throw islam in the garbage and respect Canadian laws then welcome to Canada otherwise you quite obviously support paedophilia, killing all non muslims, raping Canadian women citizens for not wearing muslim garbage bags.

Religion is the scum of the Earth, the largest hate crime against humanity that ever existed and islam is a fine example of this fact. As for those of other religions, so nice to know that you value a factually proven foundation of religious lies more than you value our own children's live's otherwise you would have grown up and thrown your religion in the garbage long ago thus without freedom of religion, there would be no excuse to import an invasion of infiltration through religious garbage from within our own governments being turned into dictatorships while elected official continue to pretend we live in democracy. More lies and deceptions all spawned thanks to religious lies and deception which have already lead us to war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions of people over thousands of years of war and divide.

I value human life over filthy religious lies hence for over a decade and a half have been fighting for the destruction of religion and in recent years among tens of thousands of elected appointed and designated officials of almost 200 countries as well as public forums I keep getting banned off of (thanks to the obsessive compulsive lying deceiving discriminating liberals and their filthy liberal scum bag policies in place so they can not only lie to the public but prevent people from exposing their obvious lies to end the threat because they must want you and your families to suffer while they stuff their filthy pockets with lobbyist cash otherwise they quite obviously wouldn't be supporting such disgusting filth) in recent days for sharing the fact that there is no such thing as an islamapahobe because a valid concern for the well being and safety of yourself and fellow citizens based upon solid fact is quite obviously not an irrational fear and therefor not a phobia.

It's not just a couple of muslims following islam, it is every single one so don;t be so weak minded to succumb their their filthy garbage no matter the lies they feed you to continue to defecate on you, your country, your family and fellow citizens of your country.

All fingers point towards the globalists pushing for one religion to dominate because they know, as thousands of years reveal, religion leads to war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions over thousands of years of war and divide. So they take the one religion acclaimed to have the most followers and come up with a plan to have elected officials sell out their own countries, turn their backs on the well being of their own citizens to cater to lobbyist dictatorship and lobbyist dictatorship is quite obviously not a democracy, thus here they are subjecting us all and our children's lives with a factually proven and very real threat while our elected officials ignore what is factually going on in several countries that reveal muslim behaviour as their populations rise while they defecate on laws of the country and try and force their sharia garbage on everyone! Then they use lies to force their lies and deceptions on you aka islamaphobe!

Compared to this pathetic excuse for government and even parliament we have here in Canada, if we elected a bunch of brain dead patients in the last elected, less harm would have been done and we would have all quite obviously been allot better off than having the current garbage in officer we for now suffer.

We need to remove these traitors, this excrement from office long before their so called term is over because the longer we wait, the more complicated it is going to be to try and salvage Canada as a respectable country for the well being of current and future generations!

Trudeau's mentality isn't even worth the last thing I pinched and flushed down the toilet and as vulgar as that sounds, what he is doing to Canada is quite obviously far worse that which he quite obviously wishes on you and your children.

Canadians well being are at the bottom of this low life;s priorities quite obviously while he shells out our money to muslims countries while burying us in muslims expecting Canadian tax payers to be stupid enough to pay for muslims to destroy Canadians and their families! This scum needs to be removed immediately, lobbyist dictatorship is not a democracy grounds for dismissal across the board and lobbyists giving elected officials cash needs to be criminalized permanently!



Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
"Every muslim on the planet follows the quran which is where you will find violent hate crimes ..."
Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
What's wrong in that? Every Christian on the planet follows the bible which is where you will find violent hate crimes too. Like you, for example.
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"Every muslim on the planet follows the quran which is where you will find violent hate crimes ..."
Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
What's wrong in that? Every Christian on the planet follows the bible which is where you will find violent hate crimes too. Like you, for example.

I would never stoop to being religious but thanks for lying about me to try and drag me down to your pathetic level. I happen to value human life more than I value the filthy factually proven foundations of any /every religions lies which have lead to the death of millions if not billions of people over such pathetic offencive garbage.

But since you brought that up, show us all where christians practice these things you mention in modern day?!! Muslims are doing it in several countries around the world in modern day since your brain is way too small to acknowledge the obvious all by yourself while you desperately scramble to try and make anything else the issue.

Oh I get it, you didn't even read it and came here to spout of your garbage for the following was included within the opening post you are responding too yet here you are making up lies about me, so very liberal of you!

"Religion is the scum of the Earth, the largest hate crime against humanity that ever existed and islam is a fine example of this fact. As for those of other religions, so nice to know that you value a factually proven foundation of religious lies more than you value our own children's live's otherwise you would have grown up and thrown your religion in the garbage long ago thus without freedom of religion, there would be no excuse to import an invasion of infiltration through religious garbage from within our own governments being turned into dictatorships while elected official continue to pretend we live in democracy. More lies and deceptions all spawned thanks to religious lies and deception which have already lead us to war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions of people over thousands of years of war and divide.

I value human life over filthy religious lies hence for over a decade and a half have been fighting for the destruction of religion and in recent years among tens of thousands of elected appointed and designated officials of almost 200 countries as well as public forums I keep getting banned off of (thanks to the obsessive compulsive lying deceiving discriminating liberals and their filthy liberal scum bag policies in place so they can not only lie to the public but prevent people from exposing their obvious lies to end the threat because they must want you and your families to suffer while they stuff their filthy pockets with lobbyist cash otherwise they quite obviously wouldn't be supporting such disgusting filth) in recent days for sharing the fact that there is no such thing as an islamapahobe because a valid concern for the well being and safety of yourself and fellow citizens based upon solid fact is quite obviously not an irrational fear and therefor not a phobia."


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
"Every muslim on the planet follows the quran which is where you will find violent hate crimes ..."
Every Christian on the planet follows the bible which is where you will find violent hate crimes too. Like you, for example.
thanks for lying about me to try and drag me down to your pathetic level.
Pardn me?
... show us all where christians practice these things you mention in modern day?!!
I already did. As much as you have proven "Every muslim on the planet follows the quran".
Oh I get it
No. You don't.

you are making up lies about me
You see. I told you that you don't "get it".

I keep getting banned off of public forums ......
You don't say!

..... thanks to the obsessive compulsive lying deceiving discriminating liberals and their filthy liberal scum bag policies in place so they can not only lie to the public but prevent people from exposing their obvious lies to end the threat because they must want you and your families to suffer while they stuff their filthy pockets with lobbyist cash otherwise they quite obviously wouldn't be supporting such disgusting filth ...
My goodness! So much hate for one man to have!

... there is no such thing as an islamapahobe ...
What about raving lunatics? Do they exist? Unicorns? Leprechauns? Lizard people?

I value human life over filthy religious lies
I'm so glad.
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You are the one who lied by referring me as religious for starters so you can stuff that pardon me rhetoric right up yours and now you sit here desperately scrambling to try and make the issue about your deliberate ignorance like I should be a puppet in your little pathetic game.

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Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
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Oh no all muslims don't follow islam or the quran, (extreme sarcasm towards this deliberately ignorant individual)

Quote from the very composition beginning this very thread, how it starts

"Does being against paedophilia mean you have a phobia? No but they label you with the lie islamaphobe for being against islam. Islam deems sex with 9 year olds as acceptable and every muslim on the planet follows islam which proves that muslims support paedophilia. Islam and muslims quite obviously have no valid place in North America!

Does being against being beheaded or stoned to death mean you have a phobia? No, but they label you with the lie islamaphobe for being against muslims and their filthy offencive islam meanwhile every single muslim on the planet follows islam, not just some and islam deems beheading of non muslims or being stoned to death for not being muslim as acceptable.

I just shared with you two examples of fact that proves that there is no such thing as an islamaphobe and no such thing as a xenophobe when it comes to muslims. That muslims and their filthy religious garbage have no place in North America as long as they continue to degrade themselves by following such disgusting offencive garbage as islam."


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
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Are you the guy they call Wrongway Peachfuzz? I think he was from Thunder Bay. That's in Ontario in case you never heard of it.


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