Does Biden and the Democrats know what harm they are doing?


Stop prattling.

The economy is growing, more Americans are working and we hit record energy production.

Our justice system is running smoothly....and here's evidence

That brings the total number of criminal charges this year against the runaway front-runner in the GOP presidential primary to 91.

91....that's gotta be some kind of record.
Pssst, if it were just 1 indictment against a former President, it would be a record breaker! :)
LEts break down your statement
Which begs the question: 81 million people supposedly voted for Biden. I don't believe it.
So the first thing you do is undermine without any evidence US Democracy.
And here we are, Economic and societal collapse brought on by liberal democrat policies.
Could describe how having record low unemployment and reducing the deficit is Economic This while having a steady 2.5% increase in GDP is Economic Collapse...
When Trump doubled the deficit and increased unemployment two fold, where was your economic collapse then?

Could you also explain your societal collapse? Crime Rates are down

And now, persecution of political rivals. (Trump). Democrats are doing this. How do we address this? This has to end.
You last claim is political persecution... I presume you mean the list of prosecutions that Trump is facing.
The prosecutor in the Federal Case is Jack Smith, a man who through his career has prosecuted both Democrats and Republicans.
He is considered highly professional and has even worked in the Hague.

Jack Smith presented evidence to a Grand Jury, they recommended prosecution. There is two cases:
1. Documents Case
Trump is not getting charged for receiving the documents but is getting charged for not giving them back and then lying about that... Trump practically pleaded guilty in public when he said he owned them first and then tried to claim that he secretly declassified them with no documented proof (this is not how it is done).
Either way the evidence shows Trump retained documents from the government, lied about returning them to the FBI and then ordered his staff to cover up his actions.
That is against the law, do you think Trump should be let off breaking the law? If Yes, which laws?

2. Jan 6th

This seems less obvious but it is coming clear that there is evidence that Trump with a number of conspirators attempted to have fake electors try and submit ballots to congress in attempt to stall the election of Biden.

This is very much against the law... They were trying to interfere in the US government civic duty...

You can claim, he thought he won the election. Trump's legal team lost 60 court cases... Trump was told he lost by nearly everyone in his staff..

But even if want to say he belied he won. You can't rob a bank cause you think they owe you money... It doesn't matter what you think, you are getting done for bank robbery...

So I think I answered all your concerns..
Which begs the question: 81 million people supposedly voted for Biden. I don't believe it. And here we are, Economic and societal collapse brought on by liberal democrat policies. And now, persecution of political rivals. (Trump). Democrats are doing this. How do we address this? This has to end.

Well you can pick up 32 million of those votes by forgiving student loans I suppose. That is why your red wave wasn't. Sometimes being the party of no has blowback.
Better tell Forbes….

”The Trump Organization, which had been linked with the development since 2015…”

”In August 2015, within months of launching his presidential campaign, Trump inked licensing deals with Tanoesoedibjo for two massive luxury resort properties in Indonesia: a “six-star” Trump tower and golf course on the island of Bali and a second massive resort and golf course in West Java that is part of Lido City.”

Your problem has always been that you listen to, and source from piss poor lying outlets…
List your 3 primary sources..
I have no answer how to address this. Democrats went from our friends to our enemies, and they made it that way. they get funded by George Soros and China and democrats lost all claim to Americana. Yep, they are like Faust. Democrats sold themselves to the highest bidder.
Get back on your meds... It is not fun for your family when you act this deranged...

This thread should be about the lack of mental health funding in the US..
Get back on your meds... It is not fun for your family when you act this deranged...

This thread should be about the lack of mental health funding in the US..
Nothing but bitching and crying from that dreck. You think they be grateful that a 13 year old rape victim gets to be a mother, but nooooooo, gotta bitch
I'd say that since they are out there telling everyone how great things are (even with high disapproval numbers and 70% of Americans saying the country is headed in the wrong direction), they don't have a fucking clue what they are doing.
Watch this..

During the Yugest Economy the World has Ever Seen, Ever!, how many non farm jobs were added each month on average....if you stop counting in Feb2020?

Doctors Can Prescribe Ivermectin for COVID-19: FDA Lawyer​

August 12, 2023
Doctors are free to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID-19, a lawyer representing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said in August 2023.

“FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID,” Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA, said during oral arguments on Aug. 8, 2023 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.
I'd say that since they are out there telling everyone how great things are (even with high disapproval numbers and 70% of Americans saying the country is headed in the wrong direction), they don't have a fucking clue what they are doing.
Things ARE doing GREAT on paper....definitely going in the right direction with slowing inflation, employment, the economy itself, and the stock market....

The problem is we, the everyday citizen, is not feeling it yet.... we are not feeling the effects of the numbers on paper.... The hope for Biden is that we will all feel the effect of the good paper numbers, by next spring...going in to the election, from what I've read on it....?

Doctors Can Prescribe Ivermectin for COVID-19: FDA Lawyer​

August 12, 2023
Doctors are free to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID-19, a lawyer representing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said in August 2023.

“FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID,” Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA, said during oral arguments on Aug. 8, 2023 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.
And it doesn't change ANY of the results of the studies showing it doesn't work

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