Does Bloomie have the obligation?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
By now it seems that mayor Bloomberg does not have the authority to dictate the quantity of soft drinks fast food places serve. The question is whether a mayor, even the mayor of the Big Apple, is responsible for the healthy food choices of the citizens. Even though Bloomie is a RINO republican the issue seems to be left vs right. It seems that the same people who were screaming about the right to burn the Flag and how we should never trust government have grown up and now think that a mayor has the right and the authority as well as the duty to dictate how much food they can consume.
Bloomie is insane. Large size drinks no not cause obesity. It is entirely possible to have only water and two snickers bars.

One of the main causes of eating too much is eating too fast. Can Bloomie regulate the number of chews or have observers make sure everyone puts their fork down between bites?
What's next, Safe Sex?

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He ain't no Mayor. Nanny is more likely!:mad:

Doesn't the mayor of the biggest city in the world have other things to do? Of course people don't become obese or diabetic on big gulp soft drinks. The issue is symbolic and frankly more serious than most media pundits realize. Bloomie is just a mayor. What if a governor decides to issue an edict that Americans only eat fish on Friday? It's not as far fetched as it seems.
By now it seems that mayor Bloomberg does not have the authority to dictate the quantity of soft drinks fast food places serve. The question is whether a mayor, even the mayor of the Big Apple, is responsible for the healthy food choices of the citizens. Even though Bloomie is a RINO republican the issue seems to be left vs right. It seems that the same people who were screaming about the right to burn the Flag and how we should never trust government have grown up and now think that a mayor has the right and the authority as well as the duty to dictate how much food they can consume.

Seems like a typical right wing authoritarian to me, wanting to impose his views on the private lives of others. He has no authority or obligation to tell anybody what to eat or drink unless he has minor children in his care. Otherwise, tell him to have a Coke and a smile, and shut the fuck up.
Bloomberg is a liberal, they're the ones that want to control everything!

Here in Michigan they've taken soda's out of the machines in schools. This always made me wonder, how is that going to help students be healthy when they still serve crap at the cafeteria??? Lol!
Bloomberg is a liberal, they're the ones that want to control everything!

Here in Michigan they've taken soda's out of the machines in schools. This always made me wonder, how is that going to help students be healthy when they still serve crap at the cafeteria??? Lol!
There are plenty of people on both sides of the aisle who want to "control everything.

What "liberal" policies has Bloomberg championed?
Bloomberg is a liberal, they're the ones that want to control everything!

Here in Michigan they've taken soda's out of the machines in schools. This always made me wonder, how is that going to help students be healthy when they still serve crap at the cafeteria??? Lol!

He's a Republican. They only have room for conservatives and ultra-conservatives. They are the authoritarian asshole busybodies who want to control all aspects of a person's personal life from religious beliefs, who they can marry, what they can eat, drink, or otherwise partake of.
By now it seems that mayor Bloomberg does not have the authority to dictate the quantity of soft drinks fast food places serve. The question is whether a mayor, even the mayor of the Big Apple, is responsible for the healthy food choices of the citizens. Even though Bloomie is a RINO republican the issue seems to be left vs right. It seems that the same people who were screaming about the right to burn the Flag and how we should never trust government have grown up and now think that a mayor has the right and the authority as well as the duty to dictate how much food they can consume.

Seems like a typical right wing authoritarian to me, wanting to impose his views on the private lives of others. He has no authority or obligation to tell anybody what to eat or drink unless he has minor children in his care. Otherwise, tell him to have a Coke and a smile, and shut the fuck up.

The political issue seems to come down to left wing support. Nanny state is a left wing agenda.
Bloomberg was a democrat before he became an independent. He was an independent before he became a republican. If he thought it would get him a vote,Bloomie would be a martian. The only thing he really is , is a hard core leftist.
Bloomberg was a democrat before he became an independent. He was an independent before he became a republican. If he thought it would get him a vote,Bloomie would be a martian. The only thing he really is , is a hard core leftist.

You've got the order wrong.

He was a registered Democrat before he ran for office.

When he ran for Mayor, it was as a Republican. He also got the endorsement, and ballot line, of the Independence Party of New York.

The second (and third) time he ran for Mayor, he switched his registration to the Independence Party of New York - but remained the Republican Party candidate as well, keeping their ballot line and getting their endorsement.

All three times, the Democratic Party opposed him, and all 3 of his major challengers have come from the left.

Calling Bloomberg a "liberal" or a "leftist" doesn't make sense when the "liberals" and the "leftists" were the only ones running against him.

He's moderate on social issues, but fiscally, he's decidedly right of center.
By now it seems that mayor Bloomberg does not have the authority to dictate the quantity of soft drinks fast food places serve. The question is whether a mayor, even the mayor of the Big Apple, is responsible for the healthy food choices of the citizens. Even though Bloomie is a RINO republican the issue seems to be left vs right. It seems that the same people who were screaming about the right to burn the Flag and how we should never trust government have grown up and now think that a mayor has the right and the authority as well as the duty to dictate how much food they can consume.

Seems like a typical right wing authoritarian to me, wanting to impose his views on the private lives of others. He has no authority or obligation to tell anybody what to eat or drink unless he has minor children in his care. Otherwise, tell him to have a Coke and a smile, and shut the fuck up.

The political issue seems to come down to left wing support. Nanny state is a left wing agenda.

All politics is local.

Bloomberg is decidedly right wing for New York City. The "lefties" in New York voted for the other guy.
Seems like a typical right wing authoritarian to me, wanting to impose his views on the private lives of others. He has no authority or obligation to tell anybody what to eat or drink unless he has minor children in his care. Otherwise, tell him to have a Coke and a smile, and shut the fuck up.

The political issue seems to come down to left wing support. Nanny state is a left wing agenda.

All politics is local.

Bloomberg is decidedly right wing for New York City. The "lefties" in New York voted for the other guy.

Bloomie is what? Right wing? The issue is left wing.
The political issue seems to come down to left wing support. Nanny state is a left wing agenda.

All politics is local.

Bloomberg is decidedly right wing for New York City. The "lefties" in New York voted for the other guy.

Bloomie is what? Right wing? The issue is left wing.

The "issue" (soda cups) is neither left-wing nor right-wing.

Words have meanings. "Left-wing" doesn't mean "everything I don't like".
All politics is local.

Bloomberg is decidedly right wing for New York City. The "lefties" in New York voted for the other guy.

Bloomie is what? Right wing? The issue is left wing.

The "issue" (soda cups) is neither left-wing nor right-wing.

Words have meanings. "Left-wing" doesn't mean "everything I don't like".

Let me explain the meaning of these particular words. It seems that in a national sense liberal democrats are defending Bloomie's agenda and conservative republicans are against it. That makes it ...duh...a left -right issue.

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