Does Donald Trump have George W. Bush derangement syndrome?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Trump calls former President George W. Bush 'a disaster'

Steve Bannon: George W. Bush had the most 'destructive' presidency ever

Trump: It's A Fact He Did Not Keep Us Safe On 9/11

"You call it whatever you want. I will tell you. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction and there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction," Trump said Saturday.


I remember when I would write about how Bush lied us into Iraq and right wingers on the USMB claimed I had Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Now Trump, the current president said the same things. And he's president so he should know.

And so many of Trump's followers used to be for Bush.
Think these right wingers will admit I was right? And were they wrong for supporting Bush Jr.
Think these right wingers will admit I was right? And were they wrong for supporting Bush Jr.

I have been on record saying that the Bushpuppet and his neocons are no better than the Fabian socialist lefties and that at the top, both political parties are one and the same.
Sweeping the Bushes into the dustbin of history was a YUGE accomplishment by Donald Trump. And he did that before he had even served a day as POTUS.
Trump calls former President George W. Bush 'a disaster'

Steve Bannon: George W. Bush had the most 'destructive' presidency ever

Trump: It's A Fact He Did Not Keep Us Safe On 9/11

"You call it whatever you want. I will tell you. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction and there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction," Trump said Saturday.


I remember when I would write about how Bush lied us into Iraq and right wingers on the USMB claimed I had Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Now Trump, the current president said the same things. And he's president so he should know.

And so many of Trump's followers used to be for Bush.
Trump calls former President George W. Bush 'a disaster'

Steve Bannon: George W. Bush had the most 'destructive' presidency ever

Trump: It's A Fact He Did Not Keep Us Safe On 9/11

"You call it whatever you want. I will tell you. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction and there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction," Trump said Saturday.


I remember when I would write about how Bush lied us into Iraq and right wingers on the USMB claimed I had Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Now Trump, the current president said the same things. And he's president so he should know.

And so many of Trump's followers used to be for Bush.

Dear deanrd
You DO know the WMD argument is a distraction
and not necessary for either side to justify going to war or not going to war
1. by the UN procedures, after Saddam Hussein was accused of not allowing inspections (and even that is debated by some), there is nothing that says the next step is to declare war. Leaps were made there, so this is arbitrary and up for debate, if further investigation or censure is needed before taking military action

2. even without the WMD and without 9/11 blamed on SH for funding or supporting indirectly or directly, there were other grounds for declaring war (such as shooting down a US aircraft over Iraq, also debated).

3. the REAL argument is whether people believed it was justified to go to war against Iraq PERIOD, regardless if this was pushed because of 9/11, because of Iraq funding or support by Saddam Hussein, or because of WMD and failed UN inspections.

And if you ask both sides, they both BELIEVE either war was a necessary action after 9/11 to respond with a strong defense and offense; or they DON'T BELIEVE going to war with Iraq was justified.

deanrd I have found these beliefs exist INDEPENDENT of any WMD arguments. So that should be enough to argue if the war spending was Constitutional or not. If members of Congress did not agree it was Constitutional to go to war, then it isn't because it violates their beliefs.

I believe the solution to this conflict in beliefs is to separate tax funding. If liberal/progressive Democrats and other party members don't believe in funding war before funding social programs and outreach to prevent poverty from leading to oppression and war, then let THOSE objectors FUND those preventative social programs with t heir own tax dollars.

For others who believe in funding military and border security and forces for national defense, let those parties fund that first, the VA and other military facilities and programs, instead of arguing to defend health care and reproductive policies those people have publicly opposed as well.

For restitution to taxpayers owed for money wasted on bad, contested or illicit war contracts or unauthorized military spending (or reimbursement owed for contested tax money
wasted on corporate benefits through the ACA mandates
and health reforms, including funding struck down in court as unconstitutional), allow taxpayers to invest those credits and capital into building programs according to what they believe in.

That way, all programs can be funded by people who support them. and if any group or debt has excess funds, they can LEND to the other that needs more resources to develop their plans.

If we divide tax choice by party and principles, then taxpayers don't have to be forced to pay for programs they don't believe but which violate their beliefs.

Liberals who don't believe in funding executions and war
can go fund universal health care (which conservatives
do not believe in funding by forced federal govt mandates).

And likewise, conservatives who believe in funding veteran
benefits and not handouts to just anyone, can invest their money into revamping the VA system to serve Vets first, and then likely elderly and disabled second, and anyone else after that, on a sustainable basis (such as offering work-study programs through schools to serve the greater public).

Solutions that allow all parties to fund and run their own programs, according to what their membership believes and chooses to support, could include leaders of ALL parties to contribute equally. Whether Trump, Bush or Clinton are deranged or narcissistic, or just plain selfish bullies, what are the goals and beliefs of the party leaders and members,
and how can whole parties work together to solve
their own problems and implement their own solutions?
Trump calls former President George W. Bush 'a disaster'

Steve Bannon: George W. Bush had the most 'destructive' presidency ever

Trump: It's A Fact He Did Not Keep Us Safe On 9/11

"You call it whatever you want. I will tell you. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction and there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction," Trump said Saturday.


I remember when I would write about how Bush lied us into Iraq and right wingers on the USMB claimed I had Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Now Trump, the current president said the same things. And he's president so he should know.

And so many of Trump's followers used to be for Bush.

One must qualify "for Bush" with consideration of the alternatives to Bush that were offered.

In assessing John Kerry's performance as STATESEC, we are indeed fortunate that he did not become president.

The Democrats have completely unmasked since those elections, and are now busy destroying themselves.
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The Government, be it of either stripe, can't ignore the power of the military-industry lobby, and this is the sector that gets fat on the taxpayer's dollar when the dogs of war are running.
Trump calls former President George W. Bush 'a disaster'

Steve Bannon: George W. Bush had the most 'destructive' presidency ever

Trump: It's A Fact He Did Not Keep Us Safe On 9/11

"You call it whatever you want. I will tell you. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction and there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction," Trump said Saturday.


I remember when I would write about how Bush lied us into Iraq and right wingers on the USMB claimed I had Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Now Trump, the current president said the same things. And he's president so he should know.

And so many of Trump's followers used to be for Bush.
No, but you sure have a Trump Derangement Syndrome. Go back to your asylum and get the free refills on your meds...
Think these right wingers will admit I was right? And were they wrong for supporting Bush Jr.
Only fucking reason I voted for the RINO, establishment George was that Al Jazeera Gore, would of made George look like President Calvin Coolidge if Al got in. Shame fuckers like you cant get off welfare and see what the working class have to deal with...
Trump calls former President George W. Bush 'a disaster'

Steve Bannon: George W. Bush had the most 'destructive' presidency ever

Trump: It's A Fact He Did Not Keep Us Safe On 9/11

"You call it whatever you want. I will tell you. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction and there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction," Trump said Saturday.


I remember when I would write about how Bush lied us into Iraq and right wingers on the USMB claimed I had Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Now Trump, the current president said the same things. And he's president so he should know.

And so many of Trump's followers used to be for Bush.
Trump calls former President George W. Bush 'a disaster'

Steve Bannon: George W. Bush had the most 'destructive' presidency ever

Trump: It's A Fact He Did Not Keep Us Safe On 9/11

"You call it whatever you want. I will tell you. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction and there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction," Trump said Saturday.


I remember when I would write about how Bush lied us into Iraq and right wingers on the USMB claimed I had Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Now Trump, the current president said the same things. And he's president so he should know.

And so many of Trump's followers used to be for Bush.

Dear deanrd
You DO know the WMD argument is a distraction
and not necessary for either side to justify going to war or not going to war
1. by the UN procedures, after Saddam Hussein was accused of not allowing inspections (and even that is debated by some), there is nothing that says the next step is to declare war. Leaps were made there, so this is arbitrary and up for debate, if further investigation or censure is needed before taking military action

2. even without the WMD and without 9/11 blamed on SH for funding or supporting indirectly or directly, there were other grounds for declaring war (such as shooting down a US aircraft over Iraq, also debated).

3. the REAL argument is whether people believed it was justified to go to war against Iraq PERIOD, regardless if this was pushed because of 9/11, because of Iraq funding or support by Saddam Hussein, or because of WMD and failed UN inspections.

And if you ask both sides, they both BELIEVE either war was a necessary action after 9/11 to respond with a strong defense and offense; or they DON'T BELIEVE going to war with Iraq was justified.

deanrd I have found these beliefs exist INDEPENDENT of any WMD arguments. So that should be enough to argue if the war spending was Constitutional or not. If members of Congress did not agree it was Constitutional to go to war, then it isn't because it violates their beliefs.

I believe the solution to this conflict in beliefs is to separate tax funding. If liberal/progressive Democrats and other party members don't believe in funding war before funding social programs and outreach to prevent poverty from leading to oppression and war, then let THOSE objectors FUND those preventative social programs with t heir own tax dollars.

For others who believe in funding military and border security and forces for national defense, let those parties fund that first, the VA and other military facilities and programs, instead of arguing to defend health care and reproductive policies those people have publicly opposed as well.

For restitution to taxpayers owed for money wasted on bad, contested or illicit war contracts or unauthorized military spending (or reimbursement owed for contested tax money
wasted on corporate benefits through the ACA mandates
and health reforms, including funding struck down in court as unconstitutional), allow taxpayers to invest those credits and capital into building programs according to what they believe in.

That way, all programs can be funded by people who support them. and if any group or debt has excess funds, they can LEND to the other that needs more resources to develop their plans.

If we divide tax choice by party and principles, then taxpayers don't have to be forced to pay for programs they don't believe but which violate their beliefs.

Liberals who don't believe in funding executions and war
can go fund universal health care (which conservatives
do not believe in funding by forced federal govt mandates).

And likewise, conservatives who believe in funding veteran
benefits and not handouts to just anyone, can invest their money into revamping the VA system to serve Vets first, and then likely elderly and disabled second, and anyone else after that, on a sustainable basis (such as offering work-study programs through schools to serve the greater public).

Solutions that allow all parties to fund and run their own programs, according to what their membership believes and chooses to support, could include leaders of ALL parties to contribute equally. Whether Trump, Bush or Clinton are deranged or narcissistic, or just plain selfish bullies, what are the goals and beliefs of the party leaders and members,
and how can whole parties work together to solve
their own problems and implement their own solutions?
First, Bush had to wait until inspectors left Iraq before he could attack.
Sometimes the arguments of right wingers are so without merit they veer way into retarded.
Bush Sr. Destroyed Iraq's heavy equipment. The country was under heavy sanctions and on constant watch. They had neither the resources nor the will to be the threat Republicans lied us into believing. And of course Democrats agreed. When presented with the manufactured evidence made up by Bush and the GOP.

Worse, Republicans have this fantasy that they are protecting Americans by denying them healthcare. And just to prove how odious that is, they want to cut two trillion from Medicare and Medicaid to give tax cuts to billionaires. Republicans are some of the most evil, mean spirited and rotten people ever to walk the face of the earth. No wonder they admire Confederates who wanted to enslave millions and destroy this country. That is no surprise at all.

And that's the truth.
Think these right wingers will admit I was right? And were they wrong for supporting Bush Jr.
Only fucking reason I voted for the RINO, establishment George was that Al Jazeera Gore, would of made George look like President Calvin Coolidge if Al got in. Shame fuckers like you cant get off welfare and see what the working class have to deal with...
We know what the working class has to deal with. The GOP, George Bush and Donald Trump. They are thoroughly fuked.
Think these right wingers will admit I was right? And were they wrong for supporting Bush Jr.
Only fucking reason I voted for the RINO, establishment George was that Al Jazeera Gore, would of made George look like President Calvin Coolidge if Al got in. Shame fuckers like you cant get off welfare and see what the working class have to deal with...
We know what the working class has to deal with. The GOP, George Bush and Donald Trump. They are thoroughly fuked.
But you forgot to mention Barrack Hussein Obama,(hmm,hmm,hmmm) the messiah who made the RICH , richer, and the POOR, poorer. And fucked the middle class also to be poor. Pull your head out of your ass man, or one day, the liberals will take you to the cleaners.

Trump calls former President George W. Bush 'a disaster'

Steve Bannon: George W. Bush had the most 'destructive' presidency ever

Trump: It's A Fact He Did Not Keep Us Safe On 9/11

"You call it whatever you want. I will tell you. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction and there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction," Trump said Saturday.


I remember when I would write about how Bush lied us into Iraq and right wingers on the USMB claimed I had Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Now Trump, the current president said the same things. And he's president so he should know.

And so many of Trump's followers used to be for Bush.
Trump calls former President George W. Bush 'a disaster'

Steve Bannon: George W. Bush had the most 'destructive' presidency ever

Trump: It's A Fact He Did Not Keep Us Safe On 9/11

"You call it whatever you want. I will tell you. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction and there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction," Trump said Saturday.


I remember when I would write about how Bush lied us into Iraq and right wingers on the USMB claimed I had Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Now Trump, the current president said the same things. And he's president so he should know.

And so many of Trump's followers used to be for Bush.

Dear deanrd
You DO know the WMD argument is a distraction
and not necessary for either side to justify going to war or not going to war
1. by the UN procedures, after Saddam Hussein was accused of not allowing inspections (and even that is debated by some), there is nothing that says the next step is to declare war. Leaps were made there, so this is arbitrary and up for debate, if further investigation or censure is needed before taking military action

2. even without the WMD and without 9/11 blamed on SH for funding or supporting indirectly or directly, there were other grounds for declaring war (such as shooting down a US aircraft over Iraq, also debated).

3. the REAL argument is whether people believed it was justified to go to war against Iraq PERIOD, regardless if this was pushed because of 9/11, because of Iraq funding or support by Saddam Hussein, or because of WMD and failed UN inspections.

And if you ask both sides, they both BELIEVE either war was a necessary action after 9/11 to respond with a strong defense and offense; or they DON'T BELIEVE going to war with Iraq was justified.

deanrd I have found these beliefs exist INDEPENDENT of any WMD arguments. So that should be enough to argue if the war spending was Constitutional or not. If members of Congress did not agree it was Constitutional to go to war, then it isn't because it violates their beliefs.

I believe the solution to this conflict in beliefs is to separate tax funding. If liberal/progressive Democrats and other party members don't believe in funding war before funding social programs and outreach to prevent poverty from leading to oppression and war, then let THOSE objectors FUND those preventative social programs with t heir own tax dollars.

For others who believe in funding military and border security and forces for national defense, let those parties fund that first, the VA and other military facilities and programs, instead of arguing to defend health care and reproductive policies those people have publicly opposed as well.

For restitution to taxpayers owed for money wasted on bad, contested or illicit war contracts or unauthorized military spending (or reimbursement owed for contested tax money
wasted on corporate benefits through the ACA mandates
and health reforms, including funding struck down in court as unconstitutional), allow taxpayers to invest those credits and capital into building programs according to what they believe in.

That way, all programs can be funded by people who support them. and if any group or debt has excess funds, they can LEND to the other that needs more resources to develop their plans.

If we divide tax choice by party and principles, then taxpayers don't have to be forced to pay for programs they don't believe but which violate their beliefs.

Liberals who don't believe in funding executions and war
can go fund universal health care (which conservatives
do not believe in funding by forced federal govt mandates).

And likewise, conservatives who believe in funding veteran
benefits and not handouts to just anyone, can invest their money into revamping the VA system to serve Vets first, and then likely elderly and disabled second, and anyone else after that, on a sustainable basis (such as offering work-study programs through schools to serve the greater public).

Solutions that allow all parties to fund and run their own programs, according to what their membership believes and chooses to support, could include leaders of ALL parties to contribute equally. Whether Trump, Bush or Clinton are deranged or narcissistic, or just plain selfish bullies, what are the goals and beliefs of the party leaders and members,
and how can whole parties work together to solve
their own problems and implement their own solutions?
First, Bush had to wait until inspectors left Iraq before he could attack.
Sometimes the arguments of right wingers are so without merit they veer way into retarded.
Bush Sr. Destroyed Iraq's heavy equipment. The country was under heavy sanctions and on constant watch. They had neither the resources nor the will to be the threat Republicans lied us into believing. And of course Democrats agreed. When presented with the manufactured evidence made up by Bush and the GOP.

Worse, Republicans have this fantasy that they are protecting Americans by denying them healthcare. And just to prove how odious that is, they want to cut two trillion from Medicare and Medicaid to give tax cuts to billionaires. Republicans are some of the most evil, mean spirited and rotten people ever to walk the face of the earth. No wonder they admire Confederates who wanted to enslave millions and destroy this country. That is no surprise at all.

And that's the truth.
If a poor person walked into an emergency did they get medical care? The FREE clinics set up in each state that gets my tax dollars to proved FREE service, they get FREE medical care? Yes, they do, but what you dumbass liberals(I repeat myself) think is Health insurance is healthcare, so like the stupid Eichmanns that you are, you must TAKE my money and give it to someone else, so they still can walk into a emergency room or FREE clinic and still get FREE medical, but end up with more of my MONEY. I am glad this ins the CDZ, you can go fuck yourself you welfare queens and overdose on opium for all I care. Sick of you worthless fucks who want to take everything I own...
Hillary stood before the cameras and told America that her husband's DNA on Monica's dress was the result of a "vast right wing conspiracy". Any other woman would probably be searching the yellow pages for a divorce attorney. Isn't that a sign of abused spouse syndrome or some sort of derangement? The Clintons went on to be special friends with sexual abuser Harvey Weinstein which opens a whole new world of derangement.

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