Does God answer prayer?

You got a 50/50 shot with prayer.

If you get what you're praying for, it was Gods will.

If not, it was Gods will.
You got a 50/50 shot with prayer.

If you get what you're praying for, it was Gods will.

If not, it was Gods will.

God is not a Genii who grants wishes. God is Spirit and assists with things spiritual. Humans are Holistic, consisting of body, mind, and spirit. Our spiritual health interacts with our physical and mental health--just as our physical and mental health interacts with our spiritual health.
You got a 50/50 shot with prayer.

If you get what you're praying for, it was Gods will.

If not, it was Gods will.

God is not a Genii who grants wishes. God is Spirit and assists with things spiritual. Humans are Holistic, consisting of body, mind, and spirit. Our spiritual health interacts with our physical and mental health--just as our physical and mental health interacts with our spiritual health.

I was going to agree, but I think many times fundamental religious beliefs bring on guilt, and condemnation which can affect the body and mind. Also Hyperreligiosity can cause many bad issues in life, socially, mentally and physically.
I was going to agree, but I think many times fundamental religious beliefs bring on guilt, and condemnation which can affect the body and mind. Also Hyperreligiosity can cause many bad issues in life, socially, mentally and physically.

Hyper anything can cause many bad issues. If someone is doing something the wrong way, then correct it without throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
I don't have to prove anything. God exists or He doesn't. I'm hedging my bets. How about you? If you're wrong, there will be hell to pay. Literally. You've been warned.

How much difference is there between people who are willing to jump through hoops to hedge one's bets and those who are so mindful of the truth/reality that in actuality,they do not believe, that they forego jumping through hoops?

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