Does God Exist?

For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need
Would you prefer politically correct? Have you found that grace? Do you know that you are going to heaven?

Yep. His grace is sufficient. And yes, I do know that I am going to Heaven. If I am not, then God is a liar. And He is not. I am covered by the blood Christ shed on the cross.
Thank you for your honesty. I'm not a believer but I hope you are correct about your fate.

ding, you said you "don’t know your fate". How come? Want to change your answer now?
Why should I want to change my answer?

If the parable of the wedding party guests doesn’t drive home my point, I doubt anything else will.

I’m good. I’ll stand.
Do you believe God knows my fate? Would it be unreasonable to expect that if I follow the rules of my faith I'll get the reward that is promised me? If you took a poll and believers answered honestly, not 'humbly', I'd be a majority think they're a shoe in for the Good Place.
BTW, yes it would be unreasonable because you are conflating religion with God.
Everything I know about God comes to me from one religion or another. Where do you get your info?
Many places. Primarily the study of our surroundings which includes the study of ourselves. Using our experiences as creators who know and create as a proxy. Using reason and logic to see the forest instead of the trees. It’s pretty obvious to see how begets work in nature. It’s pretty easy to see how everything is connected and works together for good. It’s pretty easy to see our inclination to good. It’s pretty easy to see how subjectivity clouds the picture and objectivity leads to seeing reality.
If there were no people you'd be right.

With people we have air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, accelerated species extinctions, millions of tons of plastic in the oceans, etc etc

We really do fit the definition of a plague on the earth

You have to look at the full picture. If you want to criticize man for the bad shouldn’t he also be credited for the good?
Do you believe God knows my fate? Would it be unreasonable to expect that if I follow the rules of my faith I'll get the reward that is promised me? If you took a poll and believers answered honestly, not 'humbly', I'd be a majority think they're a shoe in for the Good Place.
BTW, yes it would be unreasonable because you are conflating religion with God.
Everything I know about God comes to me from one religion or another. Where do you get your info?
Many places. Primarily the study of our surroundings which includes the study of ourselves. Using our experiences as creators who know and create as a proxy. Using reason and logic to see the forest instead of the trees. It’s pretty obvious to see how begets work in nature. It’s pretty easy to see how everything is connected and works together for good. It’s pretty easy to see our inclination to good. It’s pretty easy to see how subjectivity clouds the picture and objectivity leads to seeing reality.
If there were no people you'd be right.

With people we have air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, accelerated species extinctions, millions of tons of plastic in the oceans, etc etc

We really do fit the definition of a plague on the earth

You have to look at the full picture. If you want to criticize man for the bad shouldn’t he also be credited for the good?

The bad outweighs the good
Do you believe God knows my fate? Would it be unreasonable to expect that if I follow the rules of my faith I'll get the reward that is promised me? If you took a poll and believers answered honestly, not 'humbly', I'd be a majority think they're a shoe in for the Good Place.
BTW, yes it would be unreasonable because you are conflating religion with God.
Everything I know about God comes to me from one religion or another. Where do you get your info?
What you know of GOD should come from an understanding of HIS Word and not from what others tell you (man made religion).
there is not a contradiction, from chaos emerged the periodic table...

Don't tell me.

"From chaos emerged the periodic table."

What was chaos made of?

I think you are using a lot of imagination with your theoretical explanation. I would like to know the details.

in fact the universe's boundaries might be simply stated as the extremes between chaos and a motionless singularity. with everything else inbetween. being an eternal cyclical event.

So chaos moves. I want to see that. What kind of special glasses I must buy on eBay to be capable of seeing such moving chaos?

I think that before you try talking physics, you must define the several phenomena mentioned by you. You know, Like when you define thunder, cloud, galaxy, atom, etc. I ask you to define chaos.

Of course, your definition must include the characteristics of chaos, whatever those are objective or subjective. Like when I define time as the comparison of motion of bodies having one of them a regular rate motion.

I can assure you that this definition of time can be probed as the most accurate and that is based in millions and millions of tests.

As you can see, time is subjective.

You say chaos is objective and became the elements known today. But, for to obtain such a conclusion, you must know what chaos was made before, or what chaos is now after changes.
So chaos moves. I want to see that. What kind of special glasses I must buy on eBay to be capable of seeing such moving chaos?
I can assure you that this definition of time can be probed as the most accurate and that is based in millions and millions of tests.

As you can see, time is subjective.
You say chaos is objective and became the elements known today. But, for to obtain such a conclusion, you must know what chaos was made before, or what chaos is now after changes.
not sure what if any of your response made any sense ...

time is subjective - so what is so special about your definition -

no, the elements of the periodic table do not represent chaos, the point of the post.

Chaos which formed the universe has no rules, but you say there are laws of physics ruling in the universe.

I think the essence of your argument is ruled by a chaotic contradiction.

this statement of yours is the reason for the response - chaos did not form the universe the opposite is true from a momentary chaos the universe through the metaphysical forces assembled a physical state of existence of which the relationship between the two continue to evolve, physiology and from the present there may be as yet an unknown form yet to be known - spiritual independant from its physical dependence. accomplished through the religion of antiquity.
Do you believe God knows my fate? Would it be unreasonable to expect that if I follow the rules of my faith I'll get the reward that is promised me? If you took a poll and believers answered honestly, not 'humbly', I'd be a majority think they're a shoe in for the Good Place.
BTW, yes it would be unreasonable because you are conflating religion with God.
Everything I know about God comes to me from one religion or another. Where do you get your info?
Many places. Primarily the study of our surroundings which includes the study of ourselves. Using our experiences as creators who know and create as a proxy. Using reason and logic to see the forest instead of the trees. It’s pretty obvious to see how begets work in nature. It’s pretty easy to see how everything is connected and works together for good. It’s pretty easy to see our inclination to good. It’s pretty easy to see how subjectivity clouds the picture and objectivity leads to seeing reality.
If there were no people you'd be right.

With people we have air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, accelerated species extinctions, millions of tons of plastic in the oceans, etc etc

We really do fit the definition of a plague on the earth

You have to look at the full picture. If you want to criticize man for the bad shouldn’t he also be credited for the good?

The bad outweighs the good
Just for you.
Do you believe God knows my fate? Would it be unreasonable to expect that if I follow the rules of my faith I'll get the reward that is promised me? If you took a poll and believers answered honestly, not 'humbly', I'd be a majority think they're a shoe in for the Good Place.
BTW, yes it would be unreasonable because you are conflating religion with God.
Everything I know about God comes to me from one religion or another. Where do you get your info?
Many places. Primarily the study of our surroundings which includes the study of ourselves. Using our experiences as creators who know and create as a proxy. Using reason and logic to see the forest instead of the trees. It’s pretty obvious to see how begets work in nature. It’s pretty easy to see how everything is connected and works together for good. It’s pretty easy to see our inclination to good. It’s pretty easy to see how subjectivity clouds the picture and objectivity leads to seeing reality.
If there were no people you'd be right.

With people we have air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, accelerated species extinctions, millions of tons of plastic in the oceans, etc etc

We really do fit the definition of a plague on the earth

You have to look at the full picture. If you want to criticize man for the bad shouldn’t he also be credited for the good?

The bad outweighs the good
Just for you.


Prove me wrong
If a god told you what to write would you sneak in your opinions or would you write exactly what he told you to write?
If it's some guy's opinion then it cannot be the word of a god.

And if the English translation is so poor why then don't Christian religions study it in the original language?

How much of the bible you use is actually an instruction manual from your god and how much is made up by some guy?

Maybe Genesis is made up or misunderstood

Maybe the 10 Commandments are a plagiarism of some other philosopher.
So? Why tear down the Bible?

My understanding of the Bible is not your understanding. The point I am trying to get across is that people understand the Bible and its purposes very differently. Why don't Christians study in the original language? Some do. And some study Biblical culture and history. This takes years, decades. So, what most get from Church (because they don't have decades to study) is a quick summary. Then, those who believe they can read and understand the Bible on their own, do not even get that. They get their own misconceptions served back to them in what they think must be the real truth. Mistaking misconceptions for real truth, can cause bitterness towards both the Bible and God (not to mention religion).
My understanding of the Bible is not your understanding. The point I am trying to get across is that people understand the Bible and its purposes very differently.
meriweather by denial is no different than those that crucified the religious itinerant -


and have yet to be brought to justice. that is the issue for christianity through its 4th century bible to explain, its uninterrupted recorded history of persecution and victimization of the innocent - that does not represent the Almighty of antiquity. but in fact the discourse of the crucifiers themselves.
f the messiah is God and you can't 'order' yourself to do something, he didn't "obey" any order, he made a choice to become a human sacrifice to himself. Is that true?
His choice was not about becoming a human sacrifice. His choice was to keep preaching, Repentance for the forgiveness of sins--and insisting that God gave him this mission. The lesson to us is not to let obstacles stand in our way when following the will of the Father. Even if that obstacle is death.
Justice and love.
Why do you believe God promised you that? Do you believe God owes you something?

I think what you are trying to say here is that people who do believe in God believe God promises justice and love.
people who do believe in God tell us repeatedly that God promises justice and love.

From what I can observe from how my life works here is what it seems I was “promised”: Nothing
That’s just because you can’t see it. You are too busy arguing against believers who do believe they were promised justice and mercy.

But if you weren’t so busy trying to confirm your bias you just might have been able to see that you were promised the rarest and most precious gift in existence. Life as a being that knows and creates.
I don't see I've been promised anything. I do appreciate what I have, maybe more than a believer since I don't expect to live for eternity and must enjoy the present knowing it is temporary. I have been given an incredible amount of good fortune but when I look around I see people, people no worse than me, suffering from disease, abuse, mental illnesses, etc. What promises did God make to them besides wait for the next life?

God promises justice and love. I see nothing being delivered. Tell me again why I should believe?
Again, you don’t believe this. You literally just contradicted yourself in the same post. Of course if you believe God promised you nothing that you won’t be able to find how the promise of justice and love has been delivered.

Why should you believe? Because clearly you want to believe. That’s why you are here. Maybe one day you will figure out how faith enriches the journey before your journey ends.
Is there a promise of justice and love in this life?

What I've learned from my experience and study is that we are but vessels for our genes. If we can pass those genes to another generation we are winners in the game of life. My genes care nothing about me, only their own survival, so I operate at a different level, culture. If I can pass on my values to another generation I am a winner in the game of life. BTW, I am a winner (knock wood).
But according to your worldview winning is meaningless. Which goes a long way in explaining your cynicism. It seems you have outsmarted yourself with your higher order intelligence that can’t see the forest for the trees.
You're right, I don't care too much about winning, I'm more concerned with just being happy.
What you know of GOD should come from an understanding of HIS Word and not from what others tell you (man made religion).
Where did your understanding of God come from if not the scriptures of a religion? Has God talked to you or does your understanding come from what other men have written?
How do you know what parts of the bible are actually the word of your god and the ones that are not?
Are you talking about which parts are literal and which parts are not? Let's start with the talking snake in the Garden of Eden. Or, the Bible's talking donkey. A person can compare that to one of Aesop's Fables--The Ant and the Grasshopper for example. Aesop presents a lesson with the words centering around actual behavior of these two insects. It is why the story is so powerful.

Aesop lived over six hundred years BC, so we can see this literary style was not limited to the Bible. Ancient man was more familiar with the way of animals, birds, and insects than most of us are today. And I a willing to bet that not one human believed animals, snakes, and insects could talk. They simply observed the behavior they were exhibiting and what it said or seemed to say.
How do you know what parts of the bible are actually the word of your god and the ones that are not?
Are you talking about which parts are literal and which parts are not? Let's start with the talking snake in the Garden of Eden. Or, the Bible's talking donkey. A person can compare that to one of Aesop's Fables--The Ant and the Grasshopper for example. Aesop presents a lesson with the words centering around actual behavior of these two insects. It is why the story is so powerful.

Aesop lived over six hundred years BC, so we can see this literary style was not limited to the Bible. Ancient man was more familiar with the way of animals, birds, and insects than most of us are today. And I a willing to bet that not one human believed animals, snakes, and insects could talk. They simply observed the behavior they were exhibiting and what it said or seemed to say.

How about the 10 Commandments or the seven deadly sins?
Don't forget to discount your own misconceptions

Never do, although what I do is gather in all the possibilities, and then simply remember that the possibility I deem most likely may not be what actually happened.
or what some mere mortal interpreted as your god's promises
Let's return about what I said about the Bible being mostly about how to guide and assist us through our present life on earth. Have applying the Commandments and the Beatitudes, has loving God and loving my fellowman, worked? Yes, it has.
Hitler wanted love and justice for the German people.
Perhaps. What he seemed to want more was power, wealth, and territory. He did not much care for his fellowman who resided in those territories, did he?

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